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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I assume jack's coming back for more than one episode.
    Oh please give us that.


      Originally posted by trupi
      I'm so sick of AU crap! SICK OF IT! It better progress further then a dream or there is no stopping the "PENGUINS OF WAR!"
      LOL!! Good one trupi!! Sad thing is...the reality of it all says
      It's more likely to be a dream or AU/AR thing rather than the real thing...I just can't imagine TPTB actually doing something super fantastic like having Sam and Jack get married...but I really hope they do get would so make my day!!

      What's with the penguins??
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by hopalong
        Okay, here's next installment of my 'Always' series wallpapers:

        Yes, I know there's an image of Pete and the infamous engangement ring. Not the best thing for a Sam/Jack wallpaper, but given the lyrics I was up to, it made sense to me. You know...

        When he holds you close, when he pulls you near,
        When he says the words you've been needing to hear,
        I wish I was him, 'cos those words are mine,
        To say to you til the end of time that

        I will love you, baby. Always.
        And I'll be there, forever and a day. Always.

        See, in that context, the pictures fit...

        Ready to duck the rotten fruit...
        Actually, I was quite surprised I looked at the wallpaper and smiled!

        Er, sorry, that didn't come out right I meant I was surprised because seeing and the ring didn't bother me, and that's a first! I did think that I might even be able to watch Chimera without hurling abuse at the screen, but I may need a little more time for that

        You're also inspiring me to make some new pics - and I haven't felt like that in a looooong time. Just need the right song / quote to come along now


          Originally posted by Token
          Hey, Oma!!! Thanks for the hug!! As far as the "gone fishin" pic, I dunno. Season 9 is over, and I hope they are doing more than fishing. I need Mala to make a fantabulous one for Season 10. Maybe one like "Hope alive in Season 10" or "We will wash TPTB shoes with our Shipper tears if you give us one scrap of Ship." The last one might be a little to long, but you get the idea.

          LOL! Are you making predictions again?? I hope so


            Originally posted by LadyJeep
            Spoiler for Ep 200

            Maybe it will be
            the wedding idea comes from Jack or Sam and it's their suggestion to show their wedding the way they would have liked it to be. With all their friends there, the works, instead of the small ceremony they ACTUALLY HAD just before Sam came back to the SGC last year!

            Could be! Think positive!!!!!!!!
            Or maybe..
            It's them remembering their actual real wedding they had before she returned to the SGC!!

            I am squeeing with delight...please please please
            let their be a real Jack/Sam wedding!! I don't like AR/AU stories...they just tease!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by Oma-1
              This is probably the only scene with that woman in it that I can stand, cos I find that moment a cute Sam/Jack one. Sam's reaction to Jack's comment is to smile to herself. I think it's just a continuation of the "I don't have a problem with women, just with scientists" joke. Sam see's it as a quirk of his personality and finds it amusing.

              But it does bring up a question. Does everyone feel that Jack is rude to Sam (and Daniel for that matter) every time he stops her technobabble?
              I find this particular comment from Jack rude because any other time he stops Sam technobabbling, he just says something like, "Carter!", or "Urgh!", or puts his hands up to stop her. In this situation in 100 Days, he's getting cosy with Laira and happily chatting away to her when Sam starts talking. Jack not only stops her, but qualifies why he wants her to stop, ie. "Please. Don't suck the fun out of this." As far as I can remember, he normally never actually states why he wants her to stop, even if, perhaps, he's thought that she's ruining his fun. It just comes over to me as being a little rude, rather than the usual fun way he teases her to stop.


                Originally posted by Oma-1
                The penguins are ready!
                Yes they are! (if a little wobbly at the moment! )

                Originally posted by Oma-1

                Sometimes the old ones are the best
                LOL! Yasureyabetcha!


                  Originally posted by Buc252
                  Oh, please!! To those who are saying he "moved on too quickly" have you ever been alone in a new place with no way home for THREE MONTHS?!! Or have you been anywhere new for three months? It feels like forever. How long were S&J missing in Solitudes before they were officially missing? That was only a matter of days.

                  I do think Laira was manipulative and a b*tch, but he had every right to move on. And don't forget, this is BEFORE D&C - before he even really KNEW Sam had feelings for him. Your hind sight may be 20-20, but it wouldn't have looked that way back then to him. Sam "moved on" after KNOWING that Jack was in love with her. If D&C had happened before 100 Days, I would have more of a problem with what he did, but for cryin' out loud, he would have even been reasonable if it had happened on earth!

                  The "sucking the fun out of this" comment does sound rude on paper, I'll grant you, but wasn't nearly as harsh when he said it. In the same way that he reprimands her for speaking over his head, it's all done with a tongue-in-cheek-ness that's typically Jack. Much in the same way he tells her to "get a life." He's not serious, and Sam knows it.

                  Sam Carter is NOT a saint, nor a god, and she's far from perfect. And turning Jack into Satan incarnate doesn't make her such. I don't like what happens in that episode either, but it's not Jack's fault - it's the writers for giving him somebody else. I think the same about Brief Candle, although that is more bearable because Kynthia was obviously an innocent, truly captivated by Jack, and didn't do anything to keep him from his people like Laira did.
                  Speaking for myself...3 months is what..12 school term...I would NEVER be able to just give up and move on after that short time so..yes..I believe he moved on too quickly!!!
                  I don't think Laira was a b*tch..maybe a bit manipulative..I didn't hate Jack and I wasn't out to attack him either..sorry if seemed that way...and I would never claim that Sam was perfect or a goddess or a saint.
                  You're right about one thing...this is a show and it's what was written. I'm not taking it too heart or too seriously but in my experience in the real world...12 weeks or 3 months is really a short time...and I culdn't move on that quickly!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by Token
                    Hey, Oma!!! Thanks for the hug!! As far as the "gone fishin" pic, I dunno. Season 9 is over, and I hope they are doing more than fishing. I need Mala to make a fantabulous one for Season 10. Maybe one like "Hope alive in Season 10" or "We will wash TPTB shoes with our Shipper tears if you give us one scrap of Ship." The last one might be a little to long, but you get the idea.
                    Hi Token. LOL at the last suggestion. Let's hope they've done a lot of 'fishing' since we last saw them together.


                      Originally posted by Nolamom
                      Meanwhile, Mitchell and Landry are the object of surveillance while staying at General O'Neill's cabin.

                      DoH!! Well there goes my dreams of
                      a happy ever after. My interpretation of that is the wedding is definitley not real!! It's imaginary! Not fair...why do they do this to us??? Dang those PTB!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by Buc252
                        It's been a long time since I watched this episode. Do they say they've contacted the Knox? The Tok'ra? The Asgard? or the Tollan? I don't recall their doing so, but, like I said, it's been forever.

                        I'll just say that I get a little frustrated on this thread with Jack being second-rate and bashed, while Sam is a saint and the most important person in the world. If this is the ship thread, they should be equals.
                        Yes...they did! It was going to take the Tok'ra...or was it the Tollan...anyway, it was going to take them a very very long time to get there and Sam didn't want to wait...bless her little heart!!!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by chelle db
                          Speaking for myself...3 months is what..12 school term...I would NEVER be able to just give up and move on after that short time so..yes..I believe he moved on too quickly!!!
                          I don't think Laira was a b*tch..maybe a bit manipulative..I didn't hate Jack and I wasn't out to attack him either..sorry if seemed that way...and I would never claim that Sam was perfect or a goddess or a saint.
                          You're right about one thing...this is a show and it's what was written. I'm not taking it too heart or too seriously but in my experience in the real world...12 weeks or 3 months is really a short time...and I culdn't move on that quickly!!
                          Hey guys, how ya all going? Just thought I'd put my two cents in on the topic of 100 days.

                          I think in Jack's heart he knew that Sam would be the everlasting love of his life but at the time he truely thought that he could never go home and had resigned himself to making a life where he was. As a healthy, not to say EXTREMELY handsome man, he decided to make a go of a relationship with Laira. At lot has been said about Laira but lets be fair to the woman, who wouldn't fall in love with Jack. Yes she tried to keep him to herself as I'm sure any red-blooded woman would but ultimately she knew that his whole heart was not with her but back on Earth and she realised that she could not keep him there.

                          I think that this episode left us in no doubt that Jack had Sam's heart well and truely captured. The love she felt for him made her persist in every way to get back to him and have him return to Earth. Even knowing that they couldn't be toether she needed him to be back.

                          OK, that's my opion anyway.

                          TOGETHER FOREVER,
                          NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                            Originally posted by chelle db
                            DoH!! Well there goes my dreams of
                            a happy ever after. My interpretation of that is the wedding is definitley not real!! It's imaginary! Not fair...why do they do this to us??? Dang those PTB!
                            The 200th ep is written as
                            a joke. We will probably get ship, just not what we were wanting with RDA limited time on the show. I still hold out faith for the other ep he is in.

                            Has anyone heard or seen any spoilers about RDA second ep?
                            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                              Originally posted by Rogue
                              The 200th ep is written as
                              a joke. We will probably get ship, just not what we were wanting with RDA limited time on the show. I still hold out faith for the other ep he is in.

                              Has anyone heard or seen any spoilers about RDA second ep?
                              They seem to be keeping any information about his other episode well under wraps at the moment, as there's not been any hint so far about it.


                                Woah! Just finished reading the posts...very cool!! I've got a huge smile on my face now...a bit disappointed with what the spoilers have revealed but hey...I can live with that.
                                Anyhow...I'm ogg to explore GW then I gotta go to bed.
                                Good night shipper family...see you all tomorrow!! Have fun!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

