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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by LadyJeep
    Spoiler for Ep 200

    Maybe it will be
    the wedding idea comes from Jack or Sam and it's their suggestion to show their wedding the way they would have liked it to be. With all their friends there, the works, instead of the small ceremony they ACTUALLY HAD just before Sam came back to the SGC last year!

    Could be! Think positive!!!!!!!!
    LadyJeep, I like your thinking!

    Thanks, sueKay!

    Thanks, Mala!


      Originally posted by LadyJeep
      Spoiler for Ep 200

      Maybe it will be
      the wedding idea comes from Jack or Sam and it's their suggestion to show their wedding the way they would have liked it to be. With all their friends there, the works, instead of the small ceremony they ACTUALLY HAD just before Sam came back to the SGC last year!

      Could be! Think positive!!!!!!!!

      yesterday, while taking a bath and fantasizing...

      i had this scenario for '200'

      the whole wedding thing is fake. but at the very end of the ep, sam is in the elevator going to the surface. just before the doors close, jack jumps in. they say their greetings and chit chat. then the doors open and both go through security and go to their cars. they say bye to one another and part.

      then, while sam has already started her car and is ready to leave, suddenly jack is at the window. sam rolls down the window and...

      jack leans in to say something
      jack: "let's forget going out to that restaurant, okay? let's just do take out pizza at home."

      sam: "why?"

      jack pauses and grins, then leans in more
      jack: "because i don't get enough 'quality' time with my wife, that's why."

      sam smiles seductively in return

      jack: "sound okay?"

      sam: "more than okay. and let's hurry home."

      jack starts to pull back, but suddenly leans in and kisses her. it lasts but a moment, but is suggestive

      sam: "let's 'really' hurry home."

      jack laughs and straigtens up and moves off towards his car


      i would LOVE to see something like this happening! but i'll take whatever i can get.

      and i STILL BELIEVE we'll get the REAL deal before the show ends!!




        Originally posted by zuz

        And HAPPY 4th JULY to all of you who celebrate it.



          Originally posted by zuz
          I'm just glad Jack/RDA is back even if for only 2 episodes and the ship is just the icing on the cake.

          I'm off to bed. Sweet shippy dreams!

          And HAPPY 4th JULY to all of you who celebrate it.

          PG PG PG
          but great gif


            Originally posted by stargate-princess
            oh i have a said in the update that there was going to be a behind the scenes of '200' on scifi channel august...something, but here in oz we dont get that, so is there a way we could somehow watch it? through youtube maybe or is there a site one of you kind folks knows about?? i'd really really love to see it, and i'll be damned if i'm going to wait for the dvds to come out here! that will be years... could be over reacting a tad, but if someone could help me out, i would forever be in your debt!
            I thought I'd just remind you all that it's against forum rules to discuss downloading episodes. If you want to discuss it, then please take it to pm or email, before the Mods step in and slap us on the wrist. This is just a friendly warning as I don't want to see any shippers get into trouble.


              Originally posted by majorsal
              BUT, BUT...

              but we're getting ship! and this comes after the blackhole that season 9 was!

              here's some more things to consider...

              just 'who' brings up this scenario? sam? jack? one of the others?

              and how will sam and jack react to this? we *know* we're going to *see* the wedding played out. i know, i'm wanting REAL s/j now (have been for YEARS), but i'm looking at this as a gift.

              season 9 had literal anti s/j ship tendencies, so i'm squeeing that not only is jack/rda back, but we're getting s/j ship too.

              this is squeeable, honey!

              but i do understand your feelings.

              we're just going to have to be -wait for it- patient some more.


              you know me to be the most up shipper going. I'm the one who tries to cheer everyone up but after 9 seasons, more AU Sam and Jack romance. Yek!
              I want the BHK to be real. I don't want AU ship just to have ship, I want it to be real. Now if, you know what, makes Sam and Jack finally make a decision great but if they are doing the scene just to shut us up Sorry, if I'm bring the thread down but IMO "enough"!


                Originally posted by LadyJeep
                Spoiler for Ep 200

                Maybe it will be
                the wedding idea comes from Jack or Sam and it's their suggestion to show their wedding the way they would have liked it to be. With all their friends there, the works, instead of the small ceremony they ACTUALLY HAD just before Sam came back to the SGC last year!

                Could be! Think positive!!!!!!!!
                That's a brilliant idea. It's a pity you aren't one of the writers of 200.


                  right then. new spoilers. 200 and uninvited (?) there now follows a long drawn out babble containing my current thoughts;


                  well the wedding thing is obviously a movie scene suggestion, hence imagined sequence, which we already knew. it is leading us to believe that its a suggestion for an s/j wedding. i'm actually really happy that its not a real wedding. i don't want to see a cheesy gate room wedding on the show. the one they had for ry'ac was ok, because they had nowhere else to get married.

                  anyway, now that thats out of the way, my only concern here is that from the spoiler i got the impression that this would be RDA's only appearance in the ep. i really hope i'm wrong here, because first of all it would be a shame to throw away his appearance on just one fantasy sequence, and also TPTB did say that his appearances wouldn't just be cameos.

                  now, who suggests this particular fantasy? i hope its not sam, i hope its teal'c or daniel (or even walter), this way sam doesn't take any critisism for "pining" or being all girly and stuff, and also we'd get to see her reaction to it. (cute little embarrassed look or something).

                  also, if RDA's only appearance in the ep is for the wedding sequence, then who suggests the wizard of oz thing? again i'd hope for either sam or teal'c if it can't be jack, although my first choice is for it to be jack. basically i want it to be anyone but cam or vala, because its really a jack thing, and they're the only ones who don't know him.

                  uuummmm, yeah, thats all i can think of for 200 other than cautiously optimistic SQUEE!


                  they're going to jacks cabin? hhmmm. interesting. wonder if we'll get any shippy hints in that ep. would be a good opportunity for one that doesn't seem forced. i.e, maybe sam has a set of keys to the cabin. it would seem a little odd if they had to go all the way to washington to get the keys, so one would like to presume that jacks girlfriend already has a set. but knowing jack he probably just leaves the place unlocked.

                  right thats all i can think of for now.


                    I've re-read each spoiler for the 200th and the Uninvited. I have to agree with Trupi, Sess, Rogue and Barbie. I don't see anything suggesting that we'll see real life, in our face ship with either of these eps ;(
                    As far as the cabin,
                    I have the feeling we won't see Jack in this eppy, that he's lending the cabin to the only people mentioned, who are Mitchell and General Landry. Where is everyone seeing Jack and Sam at the cabin?
                    As far as the 200th, It's the fracken AU again in all it's glory only three-fold. It's all of them imagining (pitching) what they'd like to have seen happen and as Barbie said, if they waste RDA's one of only two appearances on another AU script, I'll be fuming. It will be the proverbial straw.
                    I'll say again, I am super, hugely, cautiously optimistic with the 200th!
                    Last edited by SG1Poz; 04 July 2006, 04:54 PM.


                      Originally posted by chelle db
                      Yeah...I think Sam got the raw end of the stick in that one. Jack gave up and moved on far too quickly and the only thing I didn't like about Laira was when she delayed telling Jack about hearing Sam on the radio. I think that ep finished far to quickly too...they should have shown how Sam dealt with the situation back on Earth...there should have been closure but we were left hanging..even the following ep Shades of Grey was rushed and poor Sam was kicked in the face by Jack again...he owes her big time!!
                      Oh, please!! To those who are saying he "moved on too quickly" have you ever been alone in a new place with no way home for THREE MONTHS?!! Or have you been anywhere new for three months? It feels like forever. How long were S&J missing in Solitudes before they were officially missing? That was only a matter of days.

                      I do think Laira was manipulative and a b*tch, but he had every right to move on. And don't forget, this is BEFORE D&C - before he even really KNEW Sam had feelings for him. Your hind sight may be 20-20, but it wouldn't have looked that way back then to him. Sam "moved on" after KNOWING that Jack was in love with her. If D&C had happened before 100 Days, I would have more of a problem with what he did, but for cryin' out loud, he would have even been reasonable if it had happened on earth!

                      The "sucking the fun out of this" comment does sound rude on paper, I'll grant you, but wasn't nearly as harsh when he said it. In the same way that he reprimands her for speaking over his head, it's all done with a tongue-in-cheek-ness that's typically Jack. Much in the same way he tells her to "get a life." He's not serious, and Sam knows it.

                      Sam Carter is NOT a saint, nor a god, and she's far from perfect. And turning Jack into Satan incarnate doesn't make her such. I don't like what happens in that episode either, but it's not Jack's fault - it's the writers for giving him somebody else. I think the same about Brief Candle, although that is more bearable because Kynthia was obviously an innocent, truly captivated by Jack, and didn't do anything to keep him from his people like Laira did.
                      Last edited by Buc252; 04 July 2006, 06:15 PM.
                      - Mary
                      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                        Originally posted by stargate-princess
                        no, i think people could look at urgo as REALLY shippy. remember how close they sit on the bed! and little touches and remarks. i love that episode, its so funny!. i like urgo's little song, it gets in my me me me me..... although in that episode, it seems more friend based than anything else, nothing substantial between sam and jack regarding their true feelings had come up yet, so it may just have been a friend, comfy thing?? who knows?
                        I agree for the most part - that Urgo, while great, is more friendshippy. The one comment that I'd exculde there, though is the "bikini" line. It's blatantly pointed at Jack, and Sam clearly looks at him, and he tries to weasel out of it. It's hilarious because it's like an old married guy getting caught by his wife lookin' at the young chicks. LOL
                        - Mary
                        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                          Originally posted by Buc252
                          I do think Laira was manipulative and a b*tch, but he had every right to move on. And don't forget, this is BEFORE D&C - before he even really KNEW Sam had feelings for him.
                          This is a good perspective. It's good to take all factors into account, not just our gut reaction. Thanks for the post.


                            Originally posted by SG1Poz
                            I've re-read each spoiler for the 200th and the Uninvited. I have to agree with Trupi, Sess, Rogue and Barbie. I don't see anything suggesting that we'll see real life, in our face ship with either of these eps ;(
                            As far as the cabin,
                            I have the feeling we won't see Jack in this eppy, that he's lending the cabin to the only people mentioned, who are Mitchell and General Landry. Where is everyone seeing Jack and Sam at the cabin?
                            As far as the 200th, It's the fracken AU again in all it's glory only three-fold. It's all of them imagining (pitching) what they'd like to have seen happen and as Barbie said, if they waste RDA's one of only two appearances on another AU script, I'll be fuming. It will be the proverbial straw.
                            I'll say again, I am super, hugely, cautiously optimistic with the 200th!

                            What cabin are we talking about?? Link anyone??


                              Meanwhile, Mitchell and Landry are the object of surveillance while staying at General O'Neill's cabin.



                                Originally posted by Buc252
                                Oh, please!! Join the real world!! To those who are saying he "moved on too quickly" have you ever been alone in a new place with no way home for THREE MONTHS?!! Or have you been anywhere for three months? How long were S&J missing in Solitudes before they were officially missing? That was only a matter of days.

                                I do think Laira was manipulative and a b*tch, but he had every right to move on. And don't forget, this is BEFORE D&C - before he even really KNEW Sam had feelings for him. Your hind sight may be 20-20, but it wouldn't have looked that way back then to him. Sam "moved on" after KNOWING that Jack was in love with her. If D&C had happened before 100 Days, I would have more of a problem with what he did, but for cryin' out loud, he would have even been reasonable if it had happened on earth!

                                The "sucking the fun out of this" comment does sound rude on paper, I'll grant you, but wasn't nearly as harsh when he said it. In the same way that he reprimands her for speaking over his head, it's all done with a tongue-in-cheek-ness that's typically Jack. Much in the same way he tells her to "get a life." He's not serious, and Sam knows it.

                                Sam Carter is NOT a saint, nor a god, and she's far from perfect. And turning Jack into Satan incarnate doesn't make her such. I don't like what happens in that episode either, but it's not Jack's fault - it's the writers for giving him somebody else. I think the same about Brief Candle, although that is more bearable because Kynthia was obviously an innocent, truly captivated by Jack, and didn't do anything to keep him from his people like Laira did.
                                It's not just the fact that he was with Laira that ruins this episode for me, but it is that I feel that Jack is written out of character. He should know that the team will do everything to get him back...never leave a man behind. Even if they couldn't use the stargate, he should know they would try contacting the Asgard, Knox, Tokra, Tollan, anyone with a ship. I just feel that he gave up far too quickly on ever being rescued. I agree that it's the writing that's bad.

                                I don't think anyone here is calling Sam a saint nor thinks she is perfect. We have discussed her bad episodes over and over as well, so I don't think this should become a 'she is better/worse than he is' session.

                                Thankfully, this is all in the past, and we can only hope that our shippy dreams come true in season 10. *fingers crossed*

