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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I feel really down! I was planning for the con in 2007, not Thanksgiving weekend. This is going to be tough, family time you know. Plus, I'm not going to England alone. Husband doesn't know if he can get time off that weekend. Crap!


      Now, Trupi, England solo wouldn't be so bad. At least they mostly speak the language (ducks flying produce).


        Originally posted by trupi
        I feel really down! I was planning for the con in 2007, not Thanksgiving weekend. This is going to be tough, family time you know. Plus, I'm not going to England alone. Husband doesn't know if he can get time off that weekend. Crap!
        I'm sure you'll figure something out and if you come you won't be alone
        I was planning for early 2007 too and now I'm wondering if I can go. It's a bad period for school and everything. It'll be my last year so...
        But missing 1 day is not so bad, is it?


          Originally posted by trupi
          I feel really down! I was planning for the con in 2007, not Thanksgiving weekend. This is going to be tough, family time you know. Plus, I'm not going to England alone. Husband doesn't know if he can get time off that weekend. Crap!

          I'm in the same boat! It is Thanksgiving weekend? Darn!!! I just started my new job and I'm sure since I'm the lowest on the totum pole as far as seniority, I won't be able to get those dates off but I'll ask anyway. My super already said yes to early 2007. I wonder why it was first posted as early 2007?


            Originally posted by SG1Poz
            I'm in the same boat! It is Thanksgiving weekend? Darn!!! I just started my new job and I'm sure since I'm the lowest on the totum pole as far as seniority, I won't be able to get those dates off but I'll ask anyway. My super already said yes to early 2007. I wonder why it was first posted as early 2007?
            They changed the dates because AT & RDA had other occupations or weren't available in early 2007. If you read the FAQ you'll see everything is explained.


              well I'd absolutely love to go to Avalon, but i really don't see it happening. that and if i were to meet either RDA or AT there is the possibility that i might vomit from pure excitement. and that's really weird because generally speaking celebrities don't impress me. there are maybe 5 or 6 famous people that i would be really impressed by and excited to meet.

              they are 2 people that i highly respect. what if they thought i were stupid!?!

              i do hope that it does mean good things for the ship in the show, and that we get some nice spoilers from this event. or it could mean that they're not going to have any ship and go the complete opposite direction and this will involve some form of fan damage control or something.

              but still its an amazing thing for the 2 of them to do considering they aren't making anything from it and it could turn out to be a big pain in the mikta if they get some over exuberant fan(atic)s attending this thing. so fair play to RDA and AT.


                the FAQ page for the avalon event does say that the Q&A session will be moderated, as in questions will be screened and selected before the session, so it is possible that they may not actually select ship questions to be asked at the request of either the actors or the people who sign their paychecks.

                possibly. just a suggestion so that if ship questions are not asked that people don't feel too disappointed. sorry to be such a glass is half empty about it.


                  I really feel like crap! I'm really disappointed, especially RDA is making it quite clear there is not going to be any other conventions for him in the near future. Oh well, life goes on!


                    Originally posted by trupi
                    I feel really down! I was planning for the con in 2007, not Thanksgiving weekend. This is going to be tough, family time you know. Plus, I'm not going to England alone. Husband doesn't know if he can get time off that weekend. Crap!

                    (((Trupi))) I share your pain Ten days later I'm going to New York with a friend and really I can't justify another "me " time and expense Drat, if only I won the lotery I could take the whole family to Avalon and avoid the guilt as my two older minijafacakes are big fans as well.

                    Wonder what made them choose the venue they have and not a bigger town like London or Manchester ? As someone mentioned on another thread why call it after an episode neither AT or RDA were in ?


                      Originally posted by trupi
                      I really feel like crap! I'm really disappointed, especially RDA is making it quite clear there is not going to be any other conventions for him in the near future. Oh well, life goes on!
                      i think that because he has never done a convention before and he probably has a stereotype cliche idea of what they're like that he's just testing the waters by doing a really small intimate event for charity with a friend whose done this type of thing before.

                      if it goes well and nobody crazy buys a ticket he might do more. just to give you hope, i'll promise not to buy a ticket.


                        Originally posted by jafacakes
                        (((Trupi))) I share your pain Ten days later I'm going to New York with a friend and really I can't justify another "me " time and expense Drat, if only I won the lotery I could take the whole family to Avalon and avoid the guilt as my two older minijafacakes are big fans as well.

                        Wonder what made them choose the venue they have and not a bigger town like London or Manchester ? As someone mentioned on another thread why call it after an episode neither AT or RDA were in ?
                        well they aren't calling after a stargate episode so much as calling it after a place. its close to bath apparently which i seem to recall amanda tapping mentioning that she had been there before and would love to go back and seee more of. that might be part of it.
                        and they did have cameo's in avalon pt 1. i think.

                        i'm actually becoming quite concerned here. how come none of my little shiplets are going to this thing? whats that all about? who's gonna represent the shipper faction of fandom now huh?

                        i'm poor and i've never been on vacation on my own (minus family) and i wouldn't have anyone to go with anyway, although i have been thinking of going on holiday by myself (i know, its sad and pathetic, but if i ever want a vacation it looks like i may have no choice!).

                        its about €334 just for the event ticket excluding accomidation, and i have a car to pay for and only a part time job. but if i thought i could do it then i'd totally go for it. i'll have to think about how brave i am and how poor i am over the next week.


                          Originally posted by stargate barbie
                          i think that because he has never done a convention before and he probably has a stereotype cliche idea of what they're like that he's just testing the waters by doing a really small intimate event for charity with a friend whose done this type of thing before.

                          if it goes well and nobody crazy buys a ticket he might do more. just to give you hope, i'll promise not to buy a ticket.
                          LOL! Thanks for making me laugh!


                            Originally posted by stargate barbie
                            i think that because he has never done a convention before and he probably has a stereotype cliche idea of what they're like that he's just testing the waters by doing a really small intimate event for charity with a friend whose done this type of thing before.

                            if it goes well and nobody crazy buys a ticket he might do more. just to give you hope, i'll promise not to buy a ticket.
                            I thought he didn't do cons because he doesn't feel at ease with getting so much attention from his fans?
                            Oh well, I think we have a better chance for a future con with him if it's a charity event.
                            Hey, I have a 75% chance of going


                              To quote my hubby "That's sexier than socks on a rooster!". He talks funny, but he's cute!
                              Thaaaaaaanx so much for the heartstopping pics!

                              The last one is how I picture their "Happy Ending"(purely in my mind):
                              [The Air Force song plays in the background at the close of Jack's retirement ceremony.
                              Major Gen Jack O'Neill USAF ret. reaches inside the left chest of his jacket and removes the engraved silver plate. He holds it in his palm as he offers it to Carter.]
                              Jack: "Will ya?"
                              [Carter glances down at his hand and slowly runs her finger across the shiny silver.]
                              Carter:"I will."
                              And with that Jack pins his "O'Neill" nametag on her service uniform!
                              ....sigh...throw some tears in here and there and a crowd cheering.
                              A girl can dream, can't she?
                              Last edited by Rocketgal; 10 June 2006, 05:55 PM.


                                Originally posted by Rocketgal
                                To quote my hubby "That's sexier than socks on a rooster!". He talks funny, but he's cute!
                                Thaaaaaaanx so much for the heartstopping pics!

                                The last one is how I picture their "Happy Ending"(purely in my mind):
                                [The Air Force song plays in the background at the close of Jack's retirement ceremony.
                                Major Gen Jack O'Neill USAF ret. reaches inside the left chest of his jacket and removes the engraved silver plate. He holds it in his palm as he offers it to Carter.]
                                Jack: "Will ya?"
                                [Carter glances down at his hand and slowly runs her finger across the shiny silver.]
                                Carter:"I will."
                                And with that Jack pins his "O'Neill" nametag on her service uniform!
                                ....sigh...throw some tears in here and there and a crowd cheering.
                                A girl can dream, can't she?
                                What a nice ending. Don't worry, I'm dreaming too!

