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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
    That I can do! (seems I'm the Sally of the S/J thread )
    Don't Stress, Have a Cookie
    Take It Off, Sir
    Off World Influence
    Slow (Rated R)
    i thought sally was the sally of the s/j thread?


      Originally posted by stargate barbie
      i thought sally was the sally of the s/j thread?
      LOL! That's not what I meant...

      SallyLizzie is the one who provides most of the fic recs in the John/Liz thread. Anyone looking for a fic asks her and she finds i. I was just saying that because I seem to always provide the lists of fic recs the most.

      Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


        Originally posted by AmberLM
        So, let me get this straight. If you had a whole team that were a family in one way or another e.g. by marriage/blood/dating/whatever and all of them were treated as equals by everyone else and the relationships were actually beneficial to the Air Force (i.e. they got the job done more efficiently with no inappropriate conduct whilst on duty) then that wouldn't be a problem. It's just if it has a negative effect on chain of command, right?

        BTW does ne1 know what the Government's position is on that in, say, the FBI for instance? Or are Mulder and Scully a whole different kettle of fish?
        A lot of civilian companies have rules against people related by blood or marriage working together. It can harm the business. I've seen it happen where several members of the same family worked together. One got fired, her brother and her husband walked out.

        The military wouldn't put family together on a team. In WWII there were several brothers who served on the same Navy ship. The ship went down with all hands lost. A whole family was lost. They stopped assigning family to the same duty.

        Even friendship is covered by UCMJ. Being friends with someone can lead to percieved favortism. Perception is in the eye of the beholder. Just because you and your friend know there's not favortism, at least not deliberate, it's bad on morale if the other team members think there's something going on.

        Usually, the regs are strictly enforced between enlisted and officers or anyone in direct chain of command. You can't help but be friends with your team to some degree. Adding sex to the mix, can make bad go to worse.

        However, the UCMJ, like all legal documents, leaves 'outs'.

        Ex: Sec 3 - The rules regarding personal relationships must be somewhat elastic to accommodate differing conditions and operational necessities; however, the underlying standard is that Air Force members are expected to avoid those relationships that negatively affect morale, discipline, respect for authority and unit cohesion.

        So an exception can be made when necessary to the operation.

        The biggest part of what has bothered me about Jack and Sam's relationship vs the regs, is the SGC itself. They are in a top secret unit which requires them to spend eight or nine years together. One of the reasons the military moves people around every few years is to avoid close personal relationships from becoming an issue. In the case of the SGC, they can't move people in and out per standard operating procedures.

        If Jack admitted to caring too much about Sam (D&C), they should have been separated immediately. But it wasn't in the best interest of the SGC to do so. But Jack and Sam both have close relationships with Daniel and Teal'c. They were family because of being forced to stay together as a team for too many years. And they didn't allow it to become a problem.

        Jack shot Sam in Entity, he shot Daniel in which ever ep that was. Teal'c shot Daniel with a zat. They did what had to be done in spite of their close relationships. If Jack and Sam took it one step further, that wouldn't have changed.

        And it appears I went off on a rant... *blushes* I researched all of this when I was writing The Things for Love series and included a lot of it in the story. Plus being ex-military, I've witnessed my share of frat issues, even had a couple of my own. But that's not a story for the shipper thread! Sorry to get so long winded...


          thankies for the recs gwen!!!
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by ReganX
            I wonder if TPTB would have used the
            magic Ori baby storyline
            for Sam, or if she would have just disappeared for most of the year.

            They'd never have been so cruel as to make Pete the father, right?
            oh. yes. they. would.

            amanda said as much in an interview.

            *scrubs brain to erase horrible thoughts*

            *thinks sam/jack making mad, passionate love*

            *returns to happy place*




              Originally posted by majorsal
              oh. yes. they. would.

              amanda said as much in an interview.

              *scrubs brain to erase horrible thoughts*

              *thinks sam/jack making mad, passionate love*

              *returns to happy place*

              I know that Jack would never have any trouble accepting Sam's child, even if Ba'al was the father, let alone Pete, but if Pete had been the father they'd never have gotten rid of him.

              Unless they killed him off, obviously.

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                can someone give me a direct link to 'the band' fic? i can't find it.




                  Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                  ok, i know i haven't been around in a while, but Why did i go into the sam/cam ship thread?!?! WHY?! Why why why why WHY!?!?! that's not going to happen, right?!! RIGHT?? because knowing TPTB right now, i would be surprised if they decided to pimp cam by making sam fall for him, and ruin sam more in the process; two birds with one stone!!
                  Since I'm not fully confident that TPTB won't do something like that, should a disaster of a Sam/Cam pairing - the name alone makes it a no-no - happen, I plan to assume that Sam is

                  (a) an imposter
                  (b) after going insane
                  (c) playing a trick on Cam
                  (d) all of the above.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by stargate barbie
                    i thought sally was the sally of the s/j thread?

                    am i?

                    if i'm not, just call me mrs. anderson.





                      Originally posted by ReganX
                      Since I'm not fully confident that TPTB won't do something like that, should a disaster of a Sam/Cam pairing - the name alone makes it a no-no - happen, I plan to assume that Sam is

                      (a) an imposter
                      (b) after going insane
                      (c) playing a trick on Cam
                      (d) all of the above.
                      There is a spoiler about S10 in which
                      Cam is tied or chained to a bed and Vala finds him. You can imagine what she will say! This is relevant only to the discussion because it's not Sam
                      that finds him and that's good news.


                        Originally posted by meimei
                        And it appears I went off on a rant... *blushes* I researched all of this when I was writing The Things for Love series and included a lot of it in the story. Plus being ex-military, I've witnessed my share of frat issues, even had a couple of my own. But that's not a story for the shipper thread! Sorry to get so long winded...
                        You were in the military also,is there anything you haven't done?


                          hey Mei Mei...just realised you're a rep points system lord!

                          belated congrats
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                            There is a spoiler about S10 in which
                            Cam is tied or chained to a bed and Vala finds him. You can imagine what she will say! This is relevant only to the discussion because it's not Sam
                            that finds him and that's good news.
                            My opinion of Vala will go up a notch or two if she leaves him there.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              hey Mei Mei...just realised you're a rep points system lord!

                              belated congrats
                              *cackle* It's been a while since that happened. I don't post in here much anymore. Lurk to keep track of ya'll, though!


                                Originally posted by ReganX
                                My opinion of Vala will go up a notch or two if she leaves him there.
                                i had a similar thought. god i really hope they write him better next year. and stay away from the disaster of the rhyming ship. if they were to go that way and either ignore s/j or go back on it or something, i would just have to stop watching. there's a lot that i can tolerate on a tv show. inconsistency in a canon relationship combined with rhyming ship would just be a step too far.

                                i'm looking forward to whatever s/j ship they're willing to give us in season 10, but i'd really appreciate it if they'd write all of the characters well too, and that includes improving the writing on the new guy (and girl).

