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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by gater_girl
    Hey guys! i'm now to the forum but i've been following this thread for a while now.

    sig by starlover1990


      Sam Carter

      I'd love to go to this convention...but the more I think about it...the more unlikely it is...

      Even though SG-11's on my parents have refused to pay any o it because they don't want me to it's going to be very hard to save for

      GABIT's gonna be even it looks unlikely
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Originally posted by sueKay
        Sam Carter

        I'd love to go to this convention...but the more I think about it...the more unlikely it is...

        Even though SG-11's on my parents have refused to pay any o it because they don't want me to it's going to be very hard to save for

        GABIT's gonna be even it looks unlikely
        im going to give saving a good go but im graduating this summer and that's costing me money and even though im going back next year, i want to move out and share a house with my mates so more money. so im going to put in more hours over the summer at work and hope for the best

        sig by starlover1990


          Originally posted by sueKay
          Sam Carter

          I'd love to go to this convention...but the more I think about it...the more unlikely it is...

          Even though SG-11's on my parents have refused to pay any o it because they don't want me to it's going to be very hard to save for

          GABIT's gonna be even it looks unlikely

          i'm trying not to think about the negatives. if i had a credit card (i'm 18 and i still dont own one (in some respects thats probably a good idea!) i would book it myself and save up the money...

          having parents buy it for you would mean they know the price and knowing my parents they'd start to get doubts saying i could spend my money on other things that i need and i'd have to waste time begging them to buy the tickets before they run out and promising i'd pay them back!

          i NEED a credit card!
          Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
          Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
          Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


            Thank you Shippers for your congrats and green jello on my 1000! Some very colorful Congrats too You helped me obtain my next jello block! WooHoo!

            *be back later, I have to go mow the grass *
            Last edited by SG1Poz; 14 May 2006, 04:34 AM.


              Sam Carter

              I don't have a credit card and neither do my parents...

              but then again...I couldn't live without my student overdaft!
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Originally posted by gatebee
                does any one know when Gabit con is and how much or is that not yet out. do you have to stay at the hotel. I could save a bunch by staying at my daughter's flat and just commuting every day by bus to where ever the con is. Hope it is at the same place as last year, just one bus ride and took only 45 min.

                The Gabit organizers said they would give more information soon. In the fandom section of Gateworld there's a special thread about it here. You can also visit the official Gabit site here. I hope that helps.


                  I'm glad that everyone is so excited about the Gabit Event with AT and RDA, but I think you guys should take a deep breath and try not to get yourselves too worked up over something that we still don't have any information about yet. (We don't want you all getting high blood pressure! )

                  The G4 are a very professional organization, and I'm sure they realised that there would be a great deal of interest in this event and have worked out a fair way to allocate the tickets.
                  Remember that the announcement said it was a special event, but we don't know for sure whether it's a con or something else entirely.

                  Once I've found out more details I intend trying for a ticket, but I'll first have to find out when/where/how much/etc before I start to plan for anything.

                  I hope that many shippers from our family manage to get tickets, and will have pictures and reports to share with the rest of the family who are unable to go.


                    Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                    well, since no one's done it yet (come on, guys! get your head in the game!) here's your official Shipper Town Map and Ship Family Membership Card. Welcome to the Family!

                    the con's in the UK in early 2007, dunno where.
                    There's a membership card?

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by ReganX
                      There's a membership card?
                      ...there is now....

                      don't worry, i don't have one either.
                      "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                      Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                        ParadoxRealities- Nice!

                        Question:- With Sam and Jack, everything they have been through......what(in your opinion) was one of the greatest hardships they faced and could it now be thought as one of the reasons why they will make their relationship work.....stronger, wiser and happier?

                        Talk among yourselves.............

                        Happy Posting

                        BTW, congrats to those who made and passed 1000 posts!
                        Last edited by FaithStars; 13 May 2006, 05:37 PM.
                        It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                          Thanks for the congrats on reaching 1015 posts and congrats to those others who reached 1000 about the same time. I never realized before that ALL your posts going back change to the current number, so there doesn't seem to be any way I can search to see when I changed over to 1000. Not that it really matters in the great scheme of things.

                          Re:about getting to see RDA, some fans seem to be going to the Sea Shepherd deal in San Diego in June, which prompted that ass'n to issue a caveat about not turning it into a fannish fest .

                          I wonder at the format of this special GABIT, i.e. will RDA answer questions. BTW ,wasn't it after the last GABIT that AT had that TV or radio interview about "fishing?"


                            Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                            < snip >
                            BTW ,wasn't it after the last GABIT that AT had that TV or radio interview about "fishing?"
                            Amanda filmed the tv interview whilst she was in the UK for Gabit, but it was aired a week or so later.


                              Originally posted by FaithStars
                              Question:- With Sam and Jack, everything they have been through......what(in your opinion) was the greatest hardship they faced and could it now be thought as one of the reasons why they will make their relationship work.....stronger, wiser and happier?
                              Pete Shanahan.

                              Okay, so Pete was the consequence of them not being able to be together and Sam deciding to move on and try other options instead of waiting for her and Jack, which was due to the regulations forbidding romantic relationships within a single chain of command.

                              So Pete happened because of the regs, and Kerry probably happened because of Pete.

                              I actually think that their relationship will work the better for Sam and Jack's respective previous relationships with Pete and Kerry, because it means they've chosen to be with each other after attempting other relationships and they know it's what they want as well as what the other wants.



                                Great ideas Sally.I wish I could go.I would love to meet AT and RDA.RDA really seems to be back into SG-1.I wonder what the chances are of RDA and AT going to a convention in NewYork or New Jersey?

