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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Myrth
    Well you know
    every movie needs a gratuitous sex scene right!!
    After I read this and picked myself back up off the floor, (ROFLMAO), I have to just say that I agree with you entirely - every movie needs a gratuitous sex scene. Oh dear me....I knew there was a reason why I liked this thread so much. Thanks!!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Musings on Episode 200 based on the Multichannel article: "Ducks head."

      This came to me and I'm probably not the first--
      the article said "forbidden romances finally bloom," well, we're just about sure that refers to Sam and Jack, but "romances" is plural, so who else? also says "an homage to fans of every stripe." What if one of those stripes means the "/" fans, and then one of the "forbidden romances" is slash? This is not so far out if the romance takes place in Martin's movie, no regs then. There wouldn't be an all out romance, just an idea given. There were hints of this in Moebius, not of romance, but of having a little fun with the fans who like to pair Jack and Daniel, by having Jack act somewhat anti in the cell scene.

      And now something else: I didn't exactly like the reference to Teal'c covered all in silver (no, not about the codpiece), because it could be that SG-1 has acting parts in the movie.. Again, this is not new, plenty have thought of that. But why else would T be dressed (or undressed) like that.? But on another thought, maybe the two hanky ceremony is Jack's retirement? (but two hanky could mean retirement/wedding--one for each)


        Originally posted by Gatetrixer
        Musings on Episode 200 based on the Multichannel article: "Ducks head."

        This came to me and I'm probably not the first--
        the article said "forbidden romances finally bloom," well, we're just about sure that refers to Sam and Jack, but "romances" is plural, so who else? also says "an homage to fans of every stripe." What if one of those stripes means the "/" fans, and then one of the "forbidden romances" is slash? This is not so far out if the romance takes place in Martin's movie, no regs then. There wouldn't be an all out romance, just an idea given. There were hints of this in Moebius, not of romance, but of having a little fun with the fans who like to pair Jack and Daniel, by having Jack act somewhat anti in the cell scene.

        And now something else: I didn't exactly like the reference to Teal'c covered all in silver (no, not about the codpiece), because it could be that SG-1 has acting parts in the movie.. Again, this is not new, plenty have thought of that. But why else would T be dressed (or undressed) like that.? But on another thought, maybe the two hanky ceremony is Jack's retirement? (but two hanky could mean retirement/wedding--one for each)
        I think that the whole episode will be them having fun at everyone's expence. The episode is supposed to be brainstorming for the Wormhole X-Treme movie soo... Ideas are going to be tossed around and I totally think while some will be S/J, others will be D/J or D/T or whatever. Or W/V...

        I am however disturbed/frightened by Teal'c in grey and zombies..

        Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


          Originally posted by shelsfc
          They should probably learn from Star Trek's recent mistakes, and at least wait for a while after SG1 is well over before they go anywhere near another series. It may be a mistake to have two running at the same time, maybe it would be a good idea to wait until Atlantis has run it's course aswell.

          How about SG1 - the family years Ry'ac babysitting for Sam & Jack... Shifu turning up occasionally to say hello... maybe not!
          Okay, time to ask the dumb question...

          Who's Shifu? I don't remember him... her... Came across the name in a fan fic, and thought it was just from that.


            Originally posted by blueiris
            I didn't find Orlin creepy. Just, well, I guess he always seemed in Ascension like the child he was in season 9. I don't think I could take him seriously as an adult threat so he didn't bother me.

            Narim and the voice thingy: creepy

            Martouf I liked well enough. I was sad when he died, anyway.
            I liked Martouf as well. He loved Jolinar, and yet he sees that Sam is not her. His attraction to Sam is not just because she was host to Jolinar (from what I can remember), and he does try to keep it to himself out of respect for her feelings. In "Jolinar's Memories' he was genuinely sick at having to put her through that to get the memories (though I like the fact that Jack put a stop to it!)

            Don't know the episode with Narim and the voice thingy, and haven't really watched Ascension (yet).


              Originally posted by MirthMistress
              So, this past Saturday I was at Disney with Honeypie and his granddaughter. (there is a big difference in our ages) Anyway, she's my Space Mountain buddy ever since she got tall enough. Anyhoo, we were on Space Mountain screaming our little heads off when I got a shippy possibility stuck in my head.

              SG-1 takes Cassie to Disney because she's been Americanized enough to want to go. Being the adrenaline junkies that they are, Sam and Jack both want to go on the ride. The cars have room for four riders one behind the other. Cassie is in the very front with Sam behind her. Next is a single rider, an early 20's fairly good looking guy, and finally Jack. All through the ride, Sam and Cassie are waving their arms and screaming with delight. After the ride is over, the single guy turns to Jack and says, "man she sure can scream". As Sam and Cassie walk toward the exit, Jack leans toward the guy with a smirk and says : (not sure if this is PG13 appropriate so I'll put it in a spoiler)
              "Yeah, she does that - a lot.

              Then he just saunters away leaving the guy dumbfounded.
              *Chokes on a lifesaver. laughs, tries to remember she's in a library* I can just see that!

              And, given their line of work, there coukld be a PG reason for the screaming...


                Originally posted by Oma-1
                You just know it's talking about
                Siler and his wrench
                *Sputter* That put a bad mental image in my mind!

                I'm beginning to think that GW's too dangerous to read while in a library! Or is it just this thread?


                  Originally posted by hopalong
                  Okay, time to ask the dumb question...

                  Who's Shifu? I don't remember him... her... Came across the name in a fan fic, and thought it was just from that.
                  Shifu is the Harciesis, Amon'et and Apophis's child. He appeared in Absolute Power (season 4).


                    Originally posted by sueKay
                    OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

                    READ THIS
                    - The 200th, a collaborative effort penned by the team of all seven writers, is an homage to fans of every stripe. If they've ever wished upon a Stargate, it's likely covered in this script — a two-hanky ceremony brings Walter, the Gate Guy (the minor but beloved character who operates the stargate), to tears, and forbidden romances finally bloom.

                    The spontaneous antics are led by Stargate's venerable pied piper, star and former executive producer Richard Dean Anderson (Captain Jack O'Neill).

                    from here

                    OH MY GOD..... HYPERVENTILLATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    And the 200th ep was the one we were all sure was gonna be the ep we wouldn't get ship in.
                    oh god i hope to all that is good and holy that its true!

                    Damn i can't BELIEVE we have to wait till september for the new series and maybe even november/december for the 200th ep! I'm gonna cry!

                    Oh please, if there have even been any spoilers that are true let it be this one!
                    Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                    Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                    Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                      Short musing on the 'mulitchannel' article'...

                      What 'ceremony' could bring Walter to tears?... Sam & Jack's Wedding ceremony! We always knew Walter was a shipper! he he.

                      That would tie in with the forbidden romance aspect too!

                      He He! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!
                      Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                      Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                      Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                        Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                        Short musing on the 'mulitchannel' article'...

                        What 'ceremony' could bring Walter to tears?... Sam & Jack's Wedding ceremony! We always knew Walter was a shipper! he he.

                        That would tie in with the forbidden romance aspect too!

                        He He! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!
                        oh please please please please please please let it be that!
                        after years of hoping, praying, daydreaming and whatever, please give us that!
                        Thank you Jenova Synthesis

                        Thank you to homever I borrowed this from


                          Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I sooooooooooooooo hope this is true !!! S/J getting hitched eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk i'm soooo excited !!!!

                          Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                          Short musing on the 'mulitchannel' article'...

                          What 'ceremony' could bring Walter to tears?... Sam & Jack's Wedding ceremony! We always knew Walter was a shipper! he he.

                          That would tie in with the forbidden romance aspect too!

                          He He! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!

                          You gotta love walter


                            Honeymoon coverage, final report.

                            As the ferry pulls away from the dock, Sam and Jack wave goodbye to their island paradise. They will cherish the memory of this beautiful place and the love that blossomed here for the rest of their lives.

                            s u g a r s h a k e r


                              Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                              Musings on Episode 200 based on the Multichannel article: "Ducks head."

                              This came to me and I'm probably not the first--
                              the article said "forbidden romances finally bloom," well, we're just about sure that refers to Sam and Jack, but "romances" is plural, so who else? also says "an homage to fans of every stripe." What if one of those stripes means the "/" fans, and then one of the "forbidden romances" is slash? This is not so far out if the romance takes place in Martin's movie, no regs then. There wouldn't be an all out romance, just an idea given. There were hints of this in Moebius, not of romance, but of having a little fun with the fans who like to pair Jack and Daniel, by having Jack act somewhat anti in the cell scene.

                              And now something else: I didn't exactly like the reference to Teal'c covered all in silver (no, not about the codpiece), because it could be that SG-1 has acting parts in the movie.. Again, this is not new, plenty have thought of that. But why else would T be dressed (or undressed) like that.? But on another thought, maybe the two hanky ceremony is Jack's retirement? (but two hanky could mean retirement/wedding--one for each)
                              Season 10

                              Yeah, the first thing that came to my mind was Jacks retirement ceremony. I am hoping the budding romance is Jack and Sam, but I was hoping their relationship would already be past that point. After all its been more than a year since Threads. As far as the slash, I could do without it.
                              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                                Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                                Short musing on the 'mulitchannel' article'...

                                What 'ceremony' could bring Walter to tears?... Sam & Jack's Wedding ceremony! We always knew Walter was a shipper! he he.

                                That would tie in with the forbidden romance aspect too!

                                He He! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!
                                That would be fantastic! Let's hope it'll be true!

