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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Atlantis S3 / S10 (?)

    According to Melyanna's report from the sides of "The Return II", Jack is "recently retired".

    Perhaps something about which to be cautiously optimistic.


      Originally posted by parsifal
      Atlantis S3 / S10 (?)

      According to Melyanna's report from the sides of "The Return II", Jack is "recently retired".

      Perhaps something about which to be cautiously optimistic.

      yeh i just read the spoiler as well by Melyanna and i have been thinking alot about it
      the best formular
      proud member of ship ship hooray special Ops team


        Where are these spoilers?

        edit: nevermind...found them!
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Originally posted by parsifal
          Atlantis S3 / S10 (?)

          According to Melyanna's report from the sides of "The Return II", Jack is "recently retired".

          Perhaps something about which to be cautiously optimistic.

          Now, this helps to make me a wee bit more optimistic.


            Originally posted by parsifal
            Atlantis S3 / S10 (?)

            According to Melyanna's report from the sides of "The Return II", Jack is "recently retired".

            Perhaps something about which to be cautiously optimistic.

            Where are these spoilers???

            heeellllppppp...I can't find them!!!!!

            no, I'm not a spoiler whore...I'm just dedicated...yeah..that's it,dedicated..



              go to the active users list...find to see her profile and then look at her recent posts

              And I'm feeling pretty happy about this latest tid bit
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Originally posted by waterfall
                Where are these spoilers???

                heeellllppppp...I can't find them!!!!!

                no, I'm not a spoiler whore...I'm just dedicated...yeah..that's it,dedicated..

                You can find the post here. Click on the link in her post and you'll find the spoilers.


                  Ok, I've re-watched some scene of Grace and I can't get over the fact that what Sam said to herself was so close to the reality. Tha dialogue in Grace are close to the ones in Threads.

                  Spoilers for Grace and Threads.

                  First with Jacob:
                  Jacob: Are you happy Sam?
                  Sam: What?
                  Jacob: Just answer the question.
                  sam: Well at the moment things are a little rough, but in general, sure I'm happy.
                  Jacob: No you're not. You're content, you're satisfied, you're in control and that's the problem.

                  Jacob: I just wanna know you’re gonna be happy.
                  Sam: I am.

                  Then with Jack:

                  Jack: I will always be there for you, no matter what.

                  Jack: Always

                  And of course the last scene in the infirmary in Grace, just sound familiar:
                  Sam: Thank you Sir.
                  Jack: For what?

                  Of course these similarities between the eps are deliberate.


                    Originally posted by Vicky
                    Ok, I've re-watched some scene of Grace and I can't get over the fact that what Sam said to herself was so close to the reality. Tha dialogue in Grace are close to the ones in Threads.

                    Spoilers for Grace and Threads.

                    First with Jacob:
                    Jacob: Are you happy Sam?
                    Sam: What?
                    Jacob: Just answer the question.
                    sam: Well at the moment things are a little rough, but in general, sure I'm happy.
                    Jacob: No you're not. You're content, you're satisfied, you're in control and that's the problem.

                    Jacob: I just wanna know you’re gonna be happy.
                    Sam: I am.

                    Then with Jack:

                    Jack: I will always be there for you, no matter what.

                    Jack: Always

                    And of course the last scene in the infirmary in Grace, just sound familiar:
                    Sam: Thank you Sir.
                    Jack: For what?

                    Of course these similarities between the eps are deliberate.
                    but it goes to show that Sam really does have great insight. She knows Jack well enough to know what he'd think and say. Her problem in Grace was misinterpreting herself.

                    RETIRED GENERAL JACK O'NEILL!!


                      Shippy hugs from St. John. 'k, last night Nell appointed me Sam and Jack's unofficial wedding coordinator, so I've been on the lookout for ideas. A lot of people come to this beautiful place to get married, so it didn't take long to come up with a couple.

                      While this resort has many beautiful spots for a wedding, one in particular stands out. There's a small penninsula jutting out into the water, and when you stand at the curve you can see water about 65 degrees back on each side of you. In the distance are several beautiful mountain peaks rising up out of the ocean. A wrought iron tent with flowing white corner panels is errected on the spot. Sam and Jack take their vows here with Daniel, Teal'c, General Hammond, and a few close friends looking on. It is a beautiful sunset wedding and the sky is streaked with deep pinks and turquoise.

                      Afterwards, their friends have arranged a romantic private dinner just for Sam and Jack in the resort's most elegant restaurant. Floor to ceiling glass French doors on three sides give spectacular views of beautifully landscaped grounds and the ocean in the distance. Palm trees sway in a gentle breeze, and the grounds are full of tropical flowers - deep pinks, soft melons and white.

                      Sam is wearing an ice blue silk halter dress and has a beautiful silk chiffon scarf draped across her shoulders. Jack is, well, handsome doesn't begin to descibe him. A special bouquet designates their table and their friends have arranged for a fine bottle of champagne. For dessert, a small two-tied white wedding cake just for two is a surprise treat. Afterwards, Sam and Jack stroll toward their cottage along a tropical path lit by torches and the stars. They can't wait to get started on their honeymoon.

                      I think I've died and gone to shipper heaven!

                      s u g a r s h a k e r


                        OK, I've figured out why no one is on here. I've kind of lost track of time the last couple of days and I forgot that it's Friday night. There's no TV here (or phone) and while it's a fantastic getaway, I do miss Friday night SG! Enjoy. everyone!

                        s u g a r s h a k e r


                          Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                          Rachel Luttrell said this in a TV interview

                          "Actually, you know what? Well, probably the writers don't want them to know this, but they do listen to what the fans have to say online. If there's enough of a push towards one thing that they just absolutely have to see, then somehow it gets written into the script."

                          its talking about story ideas, but it concerns other stuff too, like Shippyness for instance. The fans make the show what it is so maybe there is hope for us!

                          that's why i haven't stopped my postcard writing to the ptb! i want them to know there's still someone(s) out there that loves it.




                            Originally posted by keshya
                            I recently saw threads and moebius again and I couldn't helpt but think that in the end they kind of already have something going on. I mean think about it:

                            - although sam didn't exactly say what she wanted to say when they were interupted by kerry, everyone knew what she wanted to say, including jack
                            - kerry dumps him because she knows he's in love with sam
                            - he's there for her when her father dies, pete isn't although he's supposed to be her fiancé
                            - after he consoles her, she brakes up with pete (because maybe jack and sam have talked about why she came to his house?)
                            - she finally agrees to go fishing (something she refused for years)
                            - while fishing they certainly don't act like commanding officer and subordinate (she never calls him 'sir', something she always does)
                            - at the end of moebius, when they're watching the tape I couldn't help but notice that she stands really close (and comfortable) to him (as in invasion of one's personal space?)
                            - and in citizen joe when they're talking on the phone? if that's not realtionship talk, I don't know what is (despite the fact that both of them are already seeing someone)

                            I haven't seen S9 yet but at the end of season 8:
                            THEY'RE HAVING A RELATIONSHIP!!

                            let's hope that shows in season 10

                            your post made me happy.




                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                              This smiley was made by Rune and Mala, and I think it's very appropriate for us now...


                              we need to save this smiley... we might be needing it in the future.




                                Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                                I know what cap you're talking about. I looked all over yesterday and couldn't find it.
                                gwenhwyfar, can i share your sigpic with the sam fans on the sam's a great character thread?

                                i think they'd get a kick out of it.



