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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by trupi
    Why is everyone assuming that Sam and Jack won't both be together on Atlantis? Did I miss something on GW saying that they're not? I don't understand all the negativity on the thread? We asked for RDA back and he's coming back and now you still want what? Please guys give me a clue why everyone is so down because I don't get it. If TPTB lanks our chains in Season 10 then I'll go to war until then I'm just going to sit back and place my trust in RDA and AT to get the job done.
    Excellent post Trupi - I agree. I think we shouldn't be disheartened yet. There's a long way to go until July, and there's only so much info can be gained from spoilers. Mostly they are to tease us and provoke discussion. We've all said this at various times over the last year - and probably more, and here we are, still discussing it! We might not like the way the tptb operate, but it's still working! Maybe not all of us will watch S10, but you can guarantee that even those of us who don't will be avidly awaiting any hints of ship that get posted here.

    Keep your chins up people! It ain't over by a long shot. We got ship in S9! We weren't forgotten about even though it seemed that Jack was! I don't believe we'll be forgotten about or ignored in S10 either!

    *Yep, those glasses are still working *
    Last edited by Oma-1; 03 May 2006, 06:45 PM.


      Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
      I loved that pic! The moral implications of that message were great! Could you repost it? Pretty please?
      Sure I'll repost it

      But it's staying as 8 years cos I really think we'll get something in S10 that builds on
      EDM. However brief it may be.
      And I truely believe that the tptb will use every reg and excuse in the book to make it as vague as possible, just like they have done since S5. They ain't gonna change their habits. Like Mirthmistress, I think it'll happen for definite in an SG-1 movie.

      Which is good, cos that would mean RDA would be in it Anything with RDA in "significant amounts" has to be good.

      Clickety click on the thumbnail

      Happy thunking Nell, Gwen. Have some nice soft pillows handy


        Originally posted by Oma-1
        excellent post Trupi - I agree. I think we shouldn't be disheartened yet. There's a long way to go until July, and there's only so much info can be gained from spoilers. Mostly they are to tease us and provoke discussion. We've all said this at various times over the last year - and probably more, and here we are, still discussing it! We might not like the way the tptb operate, but it's still working! Maybe not all of us will watch S10, but you can guarantee that we'll even those of us who don't will be avidly awaiting any hints of ship that get posted here.

        Keep your chins up people! It ain't over by a long shot. We got ship in S9! We weren't forgotten about even though it seemed that Jack was! I don't believe we'll be forgotten about or ignored in S10 either!

        *Yep, those glasses are still working *
        Here, here!! It ain't over yet!! RDA is back!! Seasons 8 and 9
        practically smacked us upside our heads with Sam and Jack moving forward into a relationship. And Threads. Even the spoilers did not prepare us for that episode!!! Sure, all we got in Season 9 is "Not exactly." But, what exactly do we think that means? Sam and Jack are together!!! Now I do not know how TPTB will present us the Ship in Season 10 but it will happen. Remember the Shippy Monday several weeks ago? How much clearer can AT make it when she says that Sam and Jack are no longer in the same chain of command maybe they can have some fun now!!!
        **panting after shippy rant**


          Originally posted by Oma-1
          I'm going for the Jack O'Neill school of preparation when it comes to S10. It goes something like this ...

          Place index fingers in ears and shout loudly. LALALALALALALALALALALALALALA!

          I shall follow Oma and put my fingers into my ears and not look at very silly spoilers. Will wait for S10 and watch Jack and Sam do their BHK

          avatar and sig by flidget


            Sam, I prefer the strawberry bath salts over the lavender!


              Oh Jack, I think you ate too many beans for supper!


                Originally posted by trupi

                Sam, I prefer the strawberry bath salts over the lavender!

                Sam: Sorry Jack. The lavender was supposed to be for later.
                Jack: There's a time and a place Carter and unfortunately it aint now.

                *pg forum pg forum pg forum*


                *didn't work. pg forum pg forum pg forum*



                  Originally posted by trupi

                  Oh Jack, I think you ate too many beans for supper!
                  Jack: Sam, and you would know because.....?
                  Sam blushes but quickly recovers.
                  Sam: Hydrogen sulfide. Protein must be broken into its individual amino acids, fats must be broken into fatty acids, and carbohydrates (both simple and complex) must be broken into individual glucose (or equivalent) molecules. When these are not completely broken flatulate!!
                  Jack: Oy, technobabble!!
                  Sam giggles.
                  Jack: Hey, who are you calling a hot air bag???


                    Originally posted by nell
                    Here, here!! It ain't over yet!! RDA is back!! Seasons 8 and 9
                    practically smacked us upside our heads with Sam and Jack moving forward into a relationship. And Threads. Even the spoilers did not prepare us for that episode!!! Sure, all we got in Season 9 is "Not exactly." But, what exactly do we think that means? Sam and Jack are together!!! Now I do not know how TPTB will present us the Ship in Season 10 but it will happen. Remember the Shippy Monday several weeks ago? How much clearer can AT make it when she says that Sam and Jack are no longer in the same chain of command maybe they can have some fun now!!!
                    **panting after shippy rant**

                    so i'm going to repost the post i made in another ship thread to here.

                    (makes you wait while i track it down)

                    so... let's see about the possibilities....

                    spoilers for s10 of sg1 and s3 of atlantis

                    BIG spoilers

                    for sg1, we know that jack's going to be in 2 eps.

                    first ep; 200th. sam AND jack will both be present. there's LOADS of opps for great ship! whether it's real (as in it not being about the movie they're helping to make and it shows through the movie characters), we'll still get rda and at to be on screen together. i also thinks there's a great chance we'll get ship!!

                    second ep; still not revealed.

                    atlantis eps: 3.

                    first one is where weir's mind is being messed with and she thinks she's living on earth or something. (don't follow that show or it's spoilers). we know that jack'll be in that one. is there a chance for s/j ship? SURE. we don't know yet, so we can hope and dream.

                    second and third ep (which i'm guessing is how the writers are numbering his appearances - but it could be the two-parter is considered just one ep. then that means one more to go); 'the return'. the ship potential is a- the different-type replicators are going to enter jack's mind and there's the opp to see sam in there., and b- maybe sam/amanda 'will' make an appearance?

                    until i read/hear otherwise, i'm going to still look at jack/rda's appearances as ship opportunities.




                      Going to bed all! Keep the faith! Night! Dream shippy thoughts!


                        Originally posted by majorsal

                        so i'm going to repost the post i made in another ship thread to here.

                        (makes you wait while i track it down)

                        so... let's see about the possibilities....

                        spoilers for s10 of sg1 and s3 of atlantis

                        BIG spoilers

                        for sg1, we know that jack's going to be in 2 eps.

                        first ep; 200th. sam AND jack will both be present. there's LOADS of opps for great ship! whether it's real (as in it not being about the movie they're helping to make and it shows through the movie characters), we'll still get rda and at to be on screen together. i also thinks there's a great chance we'll get ship!!

                        second ep; still not revealed.

                        atlantis eps: 3.

                        first one is where weir's mind is being messed with and she thinks she's living on earth or something. (don't follow that show or it's spoilers). we know that jack'll be in that one. is there a chance for s/j ship? SURE. we don't know yet, so we can hope and dream.

                        second and third ep (which i'm guessing is how the writers are numbering his appearances - but it could be the two-parter is considered just one ep. then that means one more to go); 'the return'. the ship potential is a- the different-type replicators are going to enter jack's mind and there's the opp to see sam in there., and b- maybe sam/amanda 'will' make an appearance?

                        until i read/hear otherwise, i'm going to still look at jack/rda's appearances as ship opportunities.

                        It is all I can do to not peek into your BIG SPOILERS box for Season 10. Thanks for using the tags!! I already zapped myself with a spoiler this a.m. My fault for clicking on Season 10 and 3 episodes at GW Home page. What was I thinking? Not apparently.


                          Originally posted by nell
                          It is all I can do to not peek into your BIG SPOILERS box for Season 10. Thanks for using the tags!! I already zapped myself with a spoiler this a.m. My fault for clicking on Season 10 and 3 episodes at GW Home page. What was I thinking? Not apparently.
                          honey, you didn't miss much, spoiler wise. i really don't know much, all i did was show that there were opportunities for ship. OPPORTUNITIES!




                            Originally posted by majorsal

                            so i'm going to repost the post i made in another ship thread to here.

                            (makes you wait while i track it down)

                            so... let's see about the possibilities....

                            spoilers for s10 of sg1 and s3 of atlantis

                            BIG spoilers

                            for sg1, we know that jack's going to be in 2 eps.

                            first ep; 200th. sam AND jack will both be present. there's LOADS of opps for great ship! whether it's real (as in it not being about the movie they're helping to make and it shows through the movie characters), we'll still get rda and at to be on screen together. i also thinks there's a great chance we'll get ship!!

                            second ep; still not revealed.

                            atlantis eps: 3.

                            first one is where weir's mind is being messed with and she thinks she's living on earth or something. (don't follow that show or it's spoilers). we know that jack'll be in that one. is there a chance for s/j ship? SURE. we don't know yet, so we can hope and dream.

                            second and third ep (which i'm guessing is how the writers are numbering his appearances - but it could be the two-parter is considered just one ep. then that means one more to go); 'the return'. the ship potential is a- the different-type replicators are going to enter jack's mind and there's the opp to see sam in there., and b- maybe sam/amanda 'will' make an appearance?

                            until i read/hear otherwise, i'm going to still look at jack/rda's appearances as ship opportunities.


                            ROCK ON MISS OPTIMIST!! No seriously I like it alot! We need someone to have optimism (I have none s9 destroyed it...mercilessly) and props to you who stay from spoilers cuz I just can't live without the spoilers. Like these ones. Again I say YOU ROCK!!!

                            Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team

                            I've Been SPANKed by the Love Monkey!!


                              Originally posted by nell
                              Here, here!! It ain't over yet!! RDA is back!! Seasons 8 and 9
                              practically smacked us upside our heads with Sam and Jack moving forward into a relationship. And Threads. Even the spoilers did not prepare us for that episode!!! Sure, all we got in Season 9 is "Not exactly." But, what exactly do we think that means? Sam and Jack are together!!! Now I do not know how TPTB will present us the Ship in Season 10 but it will happen. Remember the Shippy Monday several weeks ago? How much clearer can AT make it when she says that Sam and Jack are no longer in the same chain of command maybe they can have some fun now!!!
                              **panting after shippy rant**
                              Slight S9 spoilers and pure speculation for S10, not a single spoiler involved! (so its safe to read Nell )
                              I think you smacked the nail on the head with that phrase moving forward into a relationship. I think in tptb's head that's probably where they still are. I mean it took 3 years for them to even admit the existence of any ship, then it was all angst for a year, then practically ingnored for a another couple of years, then more angst angst angst, then finally, in Threads and Moebius2 a glimmer that they've finally gotten their act together and maybe - just maybe admitted how they feel to each other.

                              The "not exactly" in EDM was tptb saying that they are still progressing to maybe being in a relationship - still very early stages. You know, the "flirting is allowed now" kinda stage.

                              So in S10, I expect they will still be moving forward into a relationship, and all we'll get is subtle hints and allusions.

                              Course, we all know they're together and have been for ages , but tptb haven't accepted that yet.


                                THINK POSITIVE GUYS! TPTB have screwed us over alot in the past but we've kept the faith! Don't let them get you down! Love will prevail. And hey, if season 10 turns out to be the last season, maybe RDA will agree to one more episode and appear in the last one? Who knows, the writers are usually quite good at keeping major spoilers under wraps, and hey, finally giving us the shippyness we've all so desperately craved for 10 years is one HECK of a spoiler, so maybe they are fooling us and keeping it all a big secret.

                                KEEP POSITIVE!!!!!!

                                BTW, any news on the UK ship meet?!
                                Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                                Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                                Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."

