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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by AmberLM
    In response to an earlier question I did watch a couple of S9 episodes but only the ones where Amanda had a significant role and to be honest I can't really remember what happened in any of them apart from 'Ripple Effect'. Maybe that makes be a bad Stargate fan but I don't care. I don't like Mitchell and I can't stand Vala. I'll watch any S10 episode with Amanda and/or Rick in main roles (same goes for SGA) but I refuse to watch anything that revolves around the "newbies". Like Amanda said, the show is so successful mainly due to the interpersonal relationships between the [original] team members. If that's gone then the show holds no interest for me.

    I wanna see Jack winding Daniel up about his rocks or Teal'c telling one of his obscure Jaffa jokes or Jack making Sam laugh or Sam MacGyvering something to save the planet from impending doom like the good old days not Mitchell trying to be funny or Vala popping up to "save the Universe".

    That's just how I feel about the subject.

    p.s. Oh, and one more thing, I miss Sam/Amanda smiling! It may sound silly but she didn't seem to smile very much last season, at least not with one of those 'guaranteed to brighten up everyone's day' smiles anyway. When Carter smiles the whole world smiles with her and I want that back.
    You guys are so lucky that you've been able to see season 9 episodes already as we here in Australia are still waiting. I too love Amanda/Sam's smile and I find it really makes my day when I see her smile. I am concerned how the dynamics of the show might change now that RDA/Jack is no longer an intergral part of the show. I hope it doesn't lose it's humour and light heartedness and I hope they continue to incorporate the mythologies of earths past into it. I am willing to give the newbies a go though!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by chelle db
      You guys are so lucky that you've been able to see season 9 episodes already as we here in Australia are still waiting. I too love Amanda/Sam's smile and I find it really makes my day when I see her smile. I am concerned how the dynamics of the show might change now that RDA/Jack is no longer an intergral part of the show. I hope it doesn't lose it's humour and light heartedness and I hope they continue to incorporate the mythologies of earths past into it. I am willing to give the newbies a go though!
      Its good that you're willing to give it a go. That's the attitude I went into S9 with too. Some eps I loved, some I hated, some just were. There's still lots of humour (although not the Jack variety) and mythologies from earth's past. The newbies acting is great given the material. Some people have gone a bundle on the season and are raving about it, some haven't and are ranting about it IMO it got better towards the end of the season - those were the eps I loved.

      For me, as far as S10 goes - I'll be glued to the screen waiting patiently (OK impatiently ) for RDA to turn up, Sam to smile, and team interaction to be the fun it used to be. Oh, and that



        IMO- we just have to wait and see in what direction they are going with the show. We wanted RDA back, he came back. It wasn't TPTB that had anything to do with him leaving or how short his scenes were. RDA was tired, didn't feel well (broken ankle and flu) and just wanted to spend time with his daughter. It's RDA decision the way his scenes go (just believe me!). If he's on Atlantis or Earth, that's Jack decision because he is in control of Homeland Securties, he can go wherever he wants or needs to go. Also, did you think that RDA is going to Atlantis because TPTB pushes AT there (she doesn't have a choice) and he wants to make her comfortable or say to TPTB if AT goes I go. RDA is in control believe me and no one is dragging him by the nose telling him what to do. I think he heard the complaints from the fans and fellow actors and is coming back to "tie up lose ends". So lets give him a chance and "PLEASE" don't give this thread a down beat atmosphere again until it's called for. Then we will send out the penguins. Please guys give it a chance, I know he will come through for us.


          QUOTE=stargate barbie

          i think that sam should start to talk to him about it again,
          because he seems less distant than before following threads.
          YES! I think it?be nice if they?d complete the interrupted "confession"
          plus we had more "almost / indirect JACK confessions" IMO???
          plus Sam had Pete for some time and since GRACE it seems that it?s her turn to take the plunge ?cause Jack is a "save bet"

          this time jack doesn't stop her line of conversation or act all difficult about it, and nobody interupts. he lets her talk, tell him how she feels,

          then he makes the first move and kisses her.
          I go with that. Sam almost trembling and nevous waits for his"answer" (BHK)
          ( no "there is anough meat for three" *g*)

          she responds, they pull away, smile at each other, and maybe instead of a long speech from him about his version of how he feels about the whole thing, and all that stuff,

          he simply smiles at her and says "i love you".
          I don?t know why , but I can?t imagine RDA playing this / Jack saying (tah tah taaaa taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahm : ) I LOVE YOU..

          it?s just....odd...and weird....
          did I mention weird?

          I wouldn?t buy that.

          that would be too much of a typical 400 words-FF....
          it would be like :
          " Ok..they wanted a solution..they get it"

          I think they have to make it believable..not to far-fetched or corny

          I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

          O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
          CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
          O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


            Originally posted by ses110
            Sally I heard about this earlier in the Morning at work and almost fell off my chair.I was in a bad mood all day.RDA the star of SG-1 for 8 Years on SG-1 is going to be in more Atlantis episodes than SG-1.What a joke.What happened to 5 SG-1 episodes?This is a pathetic attempt by TPTB to get people to watch Atlantis.
            I do not even watch Atlantis and it is causing problems.If RDA was in 5 episodes of SG-1 I would watch every episode.Now I will watch 2 episodes of SG-1.So much for the good feelings regarding Season 10.IMO the 200TH is already a wasted throw away episode and that leaves one episode of RDA on SG-1.Brillant move again TPTB.

            I have NEVER watched ATLANTIS ( which means I don?t recognize either names nor sga-smilies/emoticons) -no matter who from he SG1 was in it.
            All in all it?s a logical thing to tell about the things around Atlantis.
            But I have a feeling, that they only follow rules,they learned while making SG1 : give them two chracters..tension..ship etc.... *keeps rambling pseudo englisch*

            I didn?t mind and wouldn?t , if they?kept the good old 5 SG-1 ( last in season 7 ????)

            just dissapointing

            I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

            O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
            CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
            O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


              Originally posted by majorsal
              so the lunch with amanda-rick is closed for bidding now...

              AND IT ENDED AT 30,000 DOLLARS!!


              I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

              O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
              CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
              O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


                Originally posted by Oma-1
                I've been racking my brains for the last couple of days since the last jello discussion ....

                We've seen Sam eating blue jello a few times but I don't actually recall seeing Jack eat jello. The only ref I can think of is Threshold where there are green jello cups on Teal'c's tray which Jack has left. So is it just a fanfic thing that Jack eats red jello???

                I ask cos this raises a very important issue.

                If Jack eats green jello, and Sam eats blue, that would make shipperberry turquoise instead of purple.

                Errr - I think I've been up too long

                I ate jello on my cousins birthday last weak!!! green , red and yellow( coldplay-song?)
                I like green jello best! Though for me it?s not only a Gateworld-ship-reminder but also X_FILEs alien-blood*BIIIIIIG SMILE*

                I love ship merchandise!!

                I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

                O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
                CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
                O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


                  Originally posted by trupi
                  IMO- we just have to wait and see in what direction they are going with the show. We wanted RDA back, he came back. It wasn't TPTB that had anything to do with him leaving or how short his scenes were. RDA was tired, didn't feel well (broken ankle and flu) and just wanted to spend time with his daughter. It's RDA decision the way his scenes go (just believe me!). If he's on Atlantis or Earth, that's Jack decision because he is in control of Homeland Securties, he can go wherever he wants or needs to go. Also, did you think that RDA is going to Atlantis because TPTB pushes AT there (she doesn't have a choice) and he wants to make her comfortable or say to TPTB if AT goes I go. RDA is in control believe me and no one is dragging him by the nose telling him what to do. I think he heard the complaints from the fans and fellow actors and is coming back to "tie up lose ends". So lets give him a chance and "PLEASE" don't give this thread a down beat atmosphere again until it's called for. Then we will send out the penguins. Please guys give it a chance, I know he will come through for us.
                  ((((trupi)))) I can't green ya but I'm cookin' a bowlful of green jello for you for this wonderfully hopeful speech!!!
                  Hang in there Shippers!!! Jack's Back for Sam!!!


                    Originally posted by SG1Poz
                    Jack will still make Mitchell look bad when the ratings flop on SG-1 the same nights Jack's on Atlantis.
                    More than likely.

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by ses110
                      I'm curious how many Shippers are watching all the Season 10 episodes or just the 2 with RDA?
                      I'll be watching all of them, I have always been a fan of the Team and S/J Ship a close 2nd, which is why i've had a double blow with S9 and the lack of interest in making new Music vids these past 6 months, I've lost my Mojo
                      I'm trying to get it back.


                        Originally posted by chelle db
                        Ok guys I'm pretty new at all this but can someone please tell me that season 10 is NOT the last season for SG1. I would love to see Jack and Sam together but I thought the cast didn't want it to go that way. And I also read that Amanda Tapping wasn't planning on staying on the show once her little girl started grade school?! SG1 will never be the same without RDA & AT!
                        Where did you read this please?


                          Originally posted by trupi
                          IMO- we just have to wait and see in what direction they are going with the show. We wanted RDA back, he came back. It wasn't TPTB that had anything to do with him leaving or how short his scenes were. RDA was tired, didn't feel well (broken ankle and flu) and just wanted to spend time with his daughter. It's RDA decision the way his scenes go (just believe me!). If he's on Atlantis or Earth, that's Jack decision because he is in control of Homeland Securties, he can go wherever he wants or needs to go. Also, did you think that RDA is going to Atlantis because TPTB pushes AT there (she doesn't have a choice) and he wants to make her comfortable or say to TPTB if AT goes I go. RDA is in control believe me and no one is dragging him by the nose telling him what to do. I think he heard the complaints from the fans and fellow actors and is coming back to "tie up lose ends". So lets give him a chance and "PLEASE" don't give this thread a down beat atmosphere again until it's called for. Then we will send out the penguins. Please guys give it a chance, I know he will come through for us.
                          Nice post Trupi! Tried to green to no avail I believe in RDA too!


                            Originally posted by ses110
                            L.A Doyle I though TPTB finally learned something after Season 9 and having RDA back.It is obvious I gave TPTB too much credit.Season 10 will be no different than Season 9 IMO.TPTB will probably have RDA waste time with the Martin Lloyd charater for the 200th episode.I cannot understand TPTB thinking behind this WormWhole Extreme nonsense.Someone should remind TPTB that episodes like 100 and 200 should be special and not through away episodes for TPTB to get in the limelight.
                            I actualy thought WE was funny but do I want to see it again - NO
                            Do I want TIIC to waste RDA on a rehash or clip show - NO
                            Do I want RDA to spent these few apperances on Atlantis - NO
                            Do I trust TIIC to do anything right after Season 9 - NO

                            Stargate ended after Season 8 and Jack and Sam are happy together. The rest is misinformation by Ba'al - don't fall for it. TIIC may have been implanted! Beware! Season 9 may push you off the deep end too.
                            Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                            My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                              I have just rewatched 'The Lost City' and apart from making me cry at the end, for some reason it gave me and insight (or rather an idea) into the Jack/Sam/Pete situation.

                              Please hear me out. I have previously said that I didn't mind the Pete storyline, and I still don't. But I have been thinking...when I should be sleeping...

                              I have just rewatched 'Grace', 'Heroes' pts 1 & 2 as well as TLC. We first saw Pete in 'Chimera', but from what I remember of the rest of season 7, we don't really hear much from him until season 8. From the interraction between Jack and Sam in Heroes and TLC it doean't appear to me that Pete was in the picture much at that time. It was almost as if he was only meant to be a short fling (and I could be misremembering here)

                              I will put the rest in spoilers just in case...

                              Cut forward to the end of TLC and Sam's reaction to Jack in stasis. If there was a few months between that and the beginning of season 8, then when popped into my head could make sense.

                              Just say Sam and Pete have been occassionally seeing each other, nothing serious. It is possible that as Sam was distraught about Jack's fate, she could have been seeking solace in Pete as he is an outsider, not really connected to the main thrust of her life, but by that point he had enough clearance that she didn't have to lie to him much.

                              To have someone there that she could rely on for comfort--and to a certain degree, normalacy--but not an integral part of the SGC would have been a great help to Sam during that time. Pete, for all his faults (and yes, we could prolly name them all...) really cared about Sam, and he would have done anything to help her through at that time. Being a cop, he could understand about losing a comrade, so he could definitely sympathise with the loss of Jack (even if he did wonder about the depth of the relationship between our favourite couple).

                              I'm babbling, lack of sleep. Anyway, seeking solace in Pete's friendship at that point probably went a long way towards deepening that relationship... leading to the seriousness that we saw between Sam and Pete in season 8. But as time went on, and Jack recovered, Sam would have realised where her heart and feelings truly lay.

                              Am I making any sense? Somehow I doubt it... Sorry for the long post.


                                I commend you on your outlook Trupi.I will try to be positive.It is very tough being an SG-1 Fan who does not watch Atlantis to now have to watch RDA on Atlantis.I now have to hope RDA and AT are together in Atlantis and I have to hope the McKay character does not ruin the episodes for me.It's bad enough Sam/Jack were always interuppted on SG-1.The last thing I want is for that troll McKay starting trouble.I also commend RDA if he wants to go to Atlantis to support AT.AT should not have been pushed over to Atlantis.I do think TPTB and the Actors should give some sort of explanation as to why RDA is doing 3 Atlantis and 2 SG-1 episodes.There is a lot of unanswered questions and that makes Fans uneasy.I'm not expecting TPTB to give away all the information but after the Fans expected RDA in 5 SG-1 episodes TPTB should give us an explanation.

