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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
    Yeah, I think that even if they were sure they were going to die, they still wouldn't say what needed to be said. There have been so many close calls, like you mentioned, and they never even utter a first name. Metamorphosis is an example of how they let the walls break down for just a bit when things went south, and even then it wasn't much.
    Yeah the first time I watched Metamorphosis I was just so confused that he ordered her to get some rest and she just put her head on his shoulder, I so wished he could have reacted a little more perhaps by putting his arm around her (pre-deathknell syndrome???) or something. I mean he understood why she was doing it since it was way past the D&C moments but stil....after I watched it more and more I understood that she thought she was going to die and just to have a moment with the man she loves helps. Don't you love how they were strategically locked in the cell together and just had to share the same bed because the other colonel needed the bed heeheee..............and Jack "carrying" Carter out of the cell at the end awwww....cept there was no way he could have done that in light of the way the cell doors open lol....and then when Carter is cured and she steps down he was going to grab her hand hehehehhe...I bet that was by accident thing and not real cause it seemed so out of place hehehe......


    sig by chlex


      Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
      I always thought that since it is Sam's subconcious talking, that that is how she wishes she could see him. As a normal man. Hence, the civvies, calling her by her full first anme, the passionate kiss.
      oh yeah he does just call her Sam after awhile it makes sense but it is the dragged on "SSSAAAMMMAAANNNTTHHHAAA" typical Jack...okay that makes more sense she just wanted to see the typical Jack...still is such a confusing episode especially with the "This is you talking here, might as well be honest" if it is her talking to herself yeah okay but if she is creating a Jack in her head I don't know it just doesn't make sense that he would say that...or maybe it does???? Grace will always be an episode that I love to pieces but at the same time will never EVER understand until someone way smarter than me like say Carter explains it to me lol....... on a side note has anyone else noticed when Sam goes into the area where they eat on the Prometheus and Grace brings her some fruit if you look into the napkin holder you can see movement from either the prodution people or camera men or whatever??? Freaked me out the first time I saw it lol, makes me giggle everytime cause in the next sequence they rotated the napkin holder as though they realised what had happened but forgot to edit the other part.

      Uh....BHK like Grace please??!?!?! Cept real and not under alien influence and that they can both remember please thanks!


      sig by chlex


        Hey guys, just popping in with a new wallpaper



          Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
          I remember when I first came her I made a list for someone.

          I know he first calls her Sam in Spirits. And she first calls him Jack in Solitudes (pretending to be Sara).

          A little piece of strangeness. According to a website, the closed captioning says that in Solitudes Jack says 'Sam' and not 'Sara' at the end.
          Actually, he first called her "Sam" in Singularity in season I, when she stayed down in the bunker with Cassie. That's why I couldn't explain away his reaction as simple worry for a team mate.

          And in my dvds (Aussie box set) the scene at the end of Solitudes the subtitles said "Sara"

          [edit] whoops, didn't realise someone already replied.


            Okay people, please don't shoot me for saying this, but...

            I never minded the storyline with Pete.

            Now hear me out!!!!!! As things stood between them, they could not be together without one or both giving up their careers. Jack would never ask her to do that for him, and she wouldn't expect it either. Where did that lead them.

            The way I remember it (and it's been a while since I've seen the ep) the hallucinations Sam experienced basically told her that that was what her life was. The image of Jack said that he was the safe bet (I can't remember exactly what it was). She realised she had a choice: to hold on to a dream that was unattainable, or move on.

            If I'd been in that position, I would probably make the same choice. It's painful to work with someone you can never have.

            I think what happened with Pete was that he was her brother's friend (I think...), he was in town, and she decided to casually see him while he was there, not expecting things to move the way they did. But the connection was made, and when he nearly fell victim to her "black widow curse", she felt guilty. As things grew deeper between them, it seemed to me that she looked to Jack to give her a reason to get out of this relationship. She cared about Pete, but she realised that she was only settling, and that wasn't fair to him.

            I've lost what I was saying (long post). Ah yes, the reason I didn't really mind the Pete storyline is that it serves as a catylist to progress Sam/Jack. Those two could not move on without Pete as a wake up call.

            Um... am I making any sense?

            (was going to post a wallpaper, but I can't get into image shack. I've even lost my sig pic)


              Phew, i can download the Simpsons clips now. Yay. Beth (who runs the site [the same Beth who runs RDA's site]) fixed it. Yay. I'll be downloading them when i get home!

              Ah, reading over all this coversation about the shippy moments in 'Grace' & 'D&C' has given me a goofy shippy grin! he he!

              I was thinking this morning as i was driving to college about 'Lost City'. I love how when Sam comes to Jack's house and when she tells him "I couldn't sleep at all last night." It makes me squee cos she was so worried about him... and THEN Jack says to her "You should have called." Its so sweet, the way he cares about her and is always there for her. OKay so i'll stop rambling about that now... it just makes me smile!

              I would love to know, however, what the actual dialogue in the shield scene in 'D&C' actually was (according to the audio commentary there was originally dialogue between Sam & Jack in the shield scene, but RDA & AT decided to make the scene un-voiced). It would just be nice to know. he he.
              Last edited by Sam_Carter; 24 April 2006, 10:43 AM.
              Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
              Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
              Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                With the 'Grace' scene, i think that Jack was just caught off guard. Sam has hardly ever called him Jack before, and i think he was just a little shocked because it was the first word out of her mouth when she woke up.

                What i love about 'D&C' is how, during the shield scene and the scene with the za'tarc test, he conveys so much emotion with his eyes. RDA is truly a master at that.

                I mean, if you watch 'Threads' and during the "always" scene, watch his eyes, hell, watch his expression... his whole face. The way he says "always" with such pure emotion and love gets me teared up. Its the way he looks at her for a short time before saying it, kind of like he's mesmerising her face. And its such an intimate hug. I mean, the 'Heroes' hug has to be my favourite hug because it is THE most intimate (the way he kind of snuggles into her, almost trying to get as close as possible, hes surrounding her with love and security [oh my god i'm turning to mush here]), but the 'Threads' hug was beautiful for me because of the way she held his hand, rested her cheek on it... and most of all... its one of the few times they really look at each other.

                i just pray that our loyalty gets rewarded in season 10.

                Which reminds me...

                WHEN DOES SEASON 10 PREMIERE IN THE UK??????!!!!!!
                Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                  Originally posted by nell
                  That was my impression the first time, too. Then I watched it alot of times and then I put it away for awhile and watched it again recently.
                  Now I think that he was surprised and caught off guard by her calling him by his first name. He didn't know about her hallucinations while she was on the Prometheus. She was so happy to see him. But, he recovered and he was pleasant as he told her about the party for her and that he had the idea for cake!! That made Sam smile! And he had a genuine, warm smile for her. At this point in the story, he was not able to reveal his feelings because of the regs and because she had shown an earlier interest in . Jack is honorable. Sam likewise could not tell him how she longed for him, too, because of the regs. Then it was downhill when and Sam **cough cough** dated. Gosh, I can't talk about this but thank goodness it's over!!!
                  thats what i thought too when i watched it

                  sig by starlover1990


                    Originally posted by hopalong
                    Okay people, please don't shoot me for saying this, but...

                    I never minded the storyline with Pete.

                    Now hear me out!!!!!! As things stood between them, they could not be together without one or both giving up their careers. Jack would never ask her to do that for him, and she wouldn't expect it either. Where did that lead them.

                    The way I remember it (and it's been a while since I've seen the ep) the hallucinations Sam experienced basically told her that that was what her life was. The image of Jack said that he was the safe bet (I can't remember exactly what it was). She realised she had a choice: to hold on to a dream that was unattainable, or move on.

                    If I'd been in that position, I would probably make the same choice. It's painful to work with someone you can never have.

                    I think what happened with Pete was that he was her brother's friend (I think...), he was in town, and she decided to casually see him while he was there, not expecting things to move the way they did. But the connection was made, and when he nearly fell victim to her "black widow curse", she felt guilty. As things grew deeper between them, it seemed to me that she looked to Jack to give her a reason to get out of this relationship. She cared about Pete, but she realised that she was only settling, and that wasn't fair to him.

                    I've lost what I was saying (long post). Ah yes, the reason I didn't really mind the Pete storyline is that it serves as a catylist to progress Sam/Jack. Those two could not move on without Pete as a wake up call.

                    Um... am I making any sense?

                    (was going to post a wallpaper, but I can't get into image shack. I've even lost my sig pic)
                    I agree with you, Pete storyline was necessary. Sam had to know she could have a 'normal' life outside the SGC. And like you said, Pete was there and so it happens.

                    And if she let it go really far, it's still because she wanted a 'normal' life, something she couldn't have with Jack at the time.

                    But I'm still remembering this line in Grace when 'Jack' said he was a safe bet. Well, I don't think so. Jack was never the safe bet, Pete was. With Pete, there were no problems, life was as easy as life could be, she could love someone without hiding it. Sure Jack was always there and you can call that a safe bet too, but life with Jack would always be complex and this is what she needs. I don't think she likes routine.


                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                      It's so quiet in here... So I'll post something off the top of my head! There is something that bugs me about Grace. So Jack's sitting there staring at Sam in the infirmary. She wakes up and calls him Jack...and he has to say "Excuse me?" What's with that? Her subconscious has already been thinking all sorts of things and that, to me, kind of solidified her mindset to go out and get a 'life'. No one was there, he could have let it slip. So Sam runs off and starts dating . Oh, Jack...tisk, tisk, tisk. May season 10 redeem them both.
                      I like to think it was an "I can't believe my good luck"
                      "Excuse me?"
                      Communication was never either of their long suits.
                      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                        Originally posted by Myrth
                        Hey guys, just popping in with a new wallpaper

                        awww thats fab

                        sig by starlover1990


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          well, i'm ready to start the count down to season 10!

                          but... we've got 84 days till july 16th.

                          BUT we NOW have something to look forward too!

                          BRING ON SEASON 10 AND SAM/JACK SHIP!!

                          I hope we get something in the first episode. It doesn't have to be much, just enough to start the season off on the right foot! I almost hope
                          Jack is not in the first episode becauseif RDA is only going to be in 5 episodes I want them to lay some ground work so those episodes are used to greatest advantage, and not like season 9, with just random scenes with Jack that can be cut and you'd never know the difference.
                          I am looking forward to season 10 with a passion. I will kiss my negative thoughts goodbye. I will hold on to this hope for RST between my 2 favorite characters.

                          84 days!
                          ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                            Originally posted by Myrth
                            Hey guys, just popping in with a new wallpaper

                            Beautiful wallpaper!!!


                              Originally posted by Myrth
                              Hey guys, just popping in with a new wallpaper

                              that's awesome!! i love it

                              Thank you for 10 years of Sam Carter, Amanda Tapping!
                              My LJ "I Live in a Sci-Fi World"
                              My Stargate (Mostly Sam Carter) Icons
                              My Stargate Videos
                              It's meant to be!


                                Originally posted by Myrth
                                Hey guys, just popping in with a new wallpaper

                                Beautiful wallpaper!

                                Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX

