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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Just popping by to see how everyones Easter Monday is going?


      Bump up the page LOL


        Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
        anybody have a good clip of this little scene? it was in s8 lowdown
        Did you want the clip or sreen caps or both?
        Here are some images
        Last edited by Terrah; 17 April 2006, 02:51 PM.


          Hi guys!

          So, I was thinking of some more possible scene ideas for Sam and Jack(the ones I've been reading have inspired me, good job folks ) is one:

          (*sidenote..... I went with this one because I thought it should show what a strong, intelligent leading character Sam is......she doesn't need to be rescued, hope you like it ) I would love some feedback

          SG1 Briefing room, General Landry is speaking to Sam, Daniel, Teal'c, cam, vala....bratac is there, as well as other soilders in stargate command: You all have your assignments, are you clear on what to do?

          a room full of yes sirs and indeeds sound out

          General Landry: Excellent! On a personal note I just want to say that I know what you all are being asked is incrediably dangerous and some of you might not make it home. Heck, if this fails there won't be a home for you to come back point is, I'm honored to have had the chance to serve with each and every one of you, including our offworld friends.( vala casts him a half grin, Teal'c and Bratac bow their heads ) Our universe is facing it's greatest threat, do it proud!......Dismissed!

          The General heads into his office and everyone goes to prepare for their impending missions

          Daniel: Sam,wait up!

          Sam: Hey daniel....whatcha need?

          Teal'c walks over to them and vala and Cameron are not far behind

          Daniel: Just wanted to wish you her a quick peck on the cheek.....I thought Jack was gonna be here?

          Sam: General O'Niell said he would be here shortly, he had a couple of things to tie up in know how he Loves politics.

          Teal'c: Indeed he does not, Col. Cater. You know as well as the rest of us that O'niell abhores all things political or anything having to do with "the man"....

          Daniel, Sam and the rest just smile at that statement, Cam and Vala leave to get ready

          Sam: Look, be careful guys.....I don't exactly have a positive feeling about this. General Landry was right, with what this universe is facing.....*looks pensive and a little sad*, it's going to take everything we've got and more. I'm just saying that Astro Physics and military training, diplomacy, honor........these things could have Zero effect in the face of "religious zeolocy".

          Daniel: We know Sam, But I have to believe that there is a greater purpose in all of this....that our survival is key to unlocking the door to so many of our questions. We are going to make it because we must, have faith Sam.

          Teal'c: Daniel Jackson is right, while we may face our most formidable opponent, it is exactly who we are that will give us rise to victory.....and if we die in our quest, we die free.....we die well. I have seen the Tauri face many a battle when the outcome was dire and live to fight another day, it is the same for nearly all in this universe.

          Sam is Smiling

          Sam: Right! Thanks for the pep talk. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to finish preparing for my mission. I leave in looks down at watch two hours. Gives Teal'c and Daniel a quick kiss on their cheek and heads for her office

          Everyone departs to carry out their roles in this fight, what happens to them and what that role might be is up to the readers imagination

          Two days later

          General Landry and General O'niell are in the briefing room discussing the progress and failures thus far, when unscheduled gate activation occurs. Walter says it's Col. Carter's IDC...TRANSMISSION ONLY

          Walter: Col. Carter says the planet came under attack by the Ori eight hours ago. Her team has sustained heavy loss. The team, with the help of a few natives managed to get control of the gate to send this message. She is not leaving throught the gate as their assistance is greatly needed in the fight. there is a pause in transmission, reason unknown.......transmission flows again Carter says they came under attack again....lost Lt. Carson.....Col. Carter says she is wounded herself. Will do what she can to keep Ori from current native survivers long enough for them to hopefullly escape planet in their own ship. Carter out! END TRANS

          Cut to Jack's Face........he looks scared and not in control

          General Landry: Damn!........I don't have any backup to send..*bends head down and pinches bridge of nose.....looks up again and sighs*.......They are on their own, Jack.

          Jack: I know........*suddenly throws a half grin*.....Come on, this is Carter we're talkin' about here. Those Ori freaks have no idea what their dealing with. They're gonna loose.........don't stand a chance

          Landry: How can you be so sure?

          Jack:.....*grin fades*......Because I know her(small pause), better than anyone in this damn universe. I've seen what she can do and I know there is so much more. Don't you dare right off Sam.......I'm not....*clears throat*.....We're not going to loose her or the rest of the team and that's all there is to it. You'll see......

          Landry:.....*looks at Jack and slowly realizes there is more between the two of them than military service and friendship*.........Your right Jack, don't know what I was thinking......won't happen again. Walks away leaving Jack to his thoughts

          Three weeks go by, Daniel and Teal'c make it back with succesful missions completed. The war with the Ori still rages in the universe.....we still have members of Stargate out there fighting......

          Briefing room....Landry, Jack, Daniel, Teal'c and Bratac are discussing the missions

          Daniel: .....and that's all Vala's transmission said. I believe Cam's had some trouble on px-8739 but, nothing he can't handle. Simmons has had a more difficult time trying to convinse the Tokra not to exicute full frontal attacks. The Tokra are having a hard time remainig hidden as the Ori keep finding the tunnels.

          Jack: Teal'c.....Bratac? What about the Jaffa?

          Teal'c: The Jaffa have lost about 80 percent of the battles, many are dead....*looks sad and takes a deep breath*.....we do not give up, O'niell.

          Suddenly walters voice comes over speakers, along with the alarm

          Walter: Unscheduled gate activation, incoming wormhole.......It's Col. Carters IDC......

          Jack runs the rest of the way and the others run to keep up with him

          Landry: Open the Gate!!......Now!!!!

          The gate opens and after a brief pause Carter and two members of her team come through the gate....looking tired, bruised and a little worse for wear.

          Jack looks like he wants to say or do something but, holds himself back in front of the group........Sam looks at jack(intensly) and then proceeds to inform everyone what has happend over the past three weeks. A little later sam is in the infirmary on the far end of the room behind a curtain. Jack walks over to her and sits by her bed on a stool

          Sam:.....*opens eyes*.....Jack.....*smiles and reaches up to touch his face*...........

          Jack: *puts his hand over hers*......How ya feelin', baby?

          Sam: I'm tired but......I'm going to fine. I've missed you.......

          Jack:......*sighs and his head collapses onto her stomach and he holds on to her*.........God......I thought I lost you........I.....I can't ever loose you, Sam............I love you to damn much.......*looks up with unshed tears in eyes*.......Kisses stomach and her hands*........

          Sam:...*a tear rolls down her cheek*.......I love you too, Jack.........I'm here....I won't leave you.......

          They look into eachothers eyes and jack moves to get closer to her face, Sam smiles and pulls him the rest of the way in and they share a romantic, yet short kiss and then Jack pulls away


          Jack:....You just came back from a difficult experience, I should let you get your rest....

          Sam: Oh no you don't....*pulls him down*.......plenty of time for rest later...

          They meet in a intense, passionate , long kiss..........

          The war still rages.....still battels to fight....some to loose some to win.....

          Whew....little long but, I hope you enjoyed it!

          Off-topic: I just saw Memoirs of a Geishsa.......Beautiful movie

          Happy Posting
          Last edited by FaithStars; 17 April 2006, 04:11 PM.
          It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
            Well.....I think they've been

            seeing each other on weekends, and have used that little Asgard transporter thingy to make the commute shorter!!!!!
            Originally posted by blueiris
            I can see it now:
            Sam: Thor, I don't care what Jack says, don't "pop" me over untill I"m finished getting dressed!!!!
            I spy another round robin coming up

            Sam found herself back in her bathroom. She rolled her eyes wryly remembering the look of profuse apology in the Supeme Commander's eyes. Returnning to the job at hand, or rather the mascara wand in her hand, she was almost blinded by it stabbing painfully in her eye as she was startled by another flash of light.

            "Dammit Thor, what now!" She demanded, blinking furiously in an effort to regain her sight.

            "Since you refused to come to the mountain, I got Thor to bring the mountain to you." Sam could hear the smug satisfaction and amusement in Jack's drawl.

            Undecided between attempting to clear her vision first or attacking by instinct alone, Sam levelled her (half)gaze at Jack.

            "You're mixing you metaphors again." she replied.

            "Whatever. The important thing is I still get to admire you in your underwear before dinner."
            Last edited by Oma-1; 17 April 2006, 03:16 PM.


              LOL......beaming technology can be a gift and curse
              It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                Originally posted by zuz
                Sam: WOOF! (appreciating certain USAF general's assets)

                Reminds me of an icon I came across once .....

                Particularly appropriate for this time of year

                Now I gotta cap Jack's butt from Tin Man in the leather trousers *droooooool*


                  Originally posted by Oma-1

                  Reminds me of an icon I came across once .....

                  Particularly appropriate for this time of year

                  Now I gotta cap Jack's butt from Tin Man in the leather trousers *droooooool*
                  Yowza!!! Post some more like this one.

                  s u g a r s h a k e r


                    Originally posted by sugarshaker
                    Yowza!!! Post some more like this one.
                    *smacks self in head* If only I could remember where I found it :duh:


                      Originally posted by zuz
                      It's combination of the three pics bellow.

                      Original pics:

                      The outcome:

                      PS: You're right about the epi. It's Moebius.

                      Very nice manip, now that we can see the three that went in it. I might add, ala Yoda, in the dark always they are, Sam/Jack kisses. (TPTB like to do that to us.)



                        I snurched this from another thread. It's cute. From Solitudes outtake...**cough cough** Kind of on topic, huh??


                          Originally posted by sugarshaker
                          Click on "Search" at the top of the page, then click on "Advanced Search". Type in their name, but don't check off "Exact Name". A list of people with a version of that name will come up, and you'll probably remember it once you see it. If not, click on some of the names and see if any of them post on the shipper thread.

                          I did find the exact name in a post, sent the PM(twice), but it came back "invalid." Then I did what you described above, also no dice. I fear this person may have left GW, which would be a shame. Here's hoping there is change of heart as I will miss this person's input if that is what has happened. I suppose there is also the possibility of a name change, or I screwed the name up, but don't see how the exact name could be wrong. I wonder if I can ask the monitors if a person left. P.S. Maybe I should PM you. BTW, not something I did.


                            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                            As a matter of fact, yes I do...although I'm working on a rewrite of the two I have there and a third story to tie it up.

                            Yes, that's why I was asking. I wanted to hound you to write the part that comes after Eclipse. Get to work!
                            Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                              Originally posted by Oma-1
                              I spy another round robin coming up

                              Sam found herself back in her bathroom. She rolled her eyes wryly remembering the look of profuse apology in the Supeme Commander's eyes. Returnning to the job at hand, or rather the mascara wand in her hand, she was almost blinded by it stabbing painfully in her eye as she was startled by another flash of light.

                              "Dammit Thor, what now!" She demanded, blinking furiously in an effort to regain her sight.

                              "Since you refused to come to the mountain, I got Thor to bring the mountain to you." Sam could hear the smug satisfaction and amusement in Jack's drawl.

                              Undecided between attempting to clear her vision first or attacking by instinct alone, Sam levelled her (half)gaze at Jack.

                              "You're mixing you metaphors again." she replied.

                              "Whatever. The important thing is I still get to admire you in your underwear before dinner."
                              Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                                Originally posted by SqueeG-1
                                Yes, that's why I was asking. I wanted to hound you to write the part that comes after Eclipse. Get to work!
                                It's funny you should mention this.

                                I decided that the story was shallower than what I wanted so I've been working on it for the last year or so. I wanted to make it deeper, angstier, etc. and I decided almost on an entire rewrite for both stories.

                                What I mean to say is that, although some of the general aspects of the story are intact, I have added/changed so much to the premise that when I release the trilogy, you'll have to re-read the first and second ones.

                                I'll let you know though!

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

