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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Sheena
    Joe Mallozzi quote -
    'Yesterday Today and Tomorrow' is a time travel story (x2) that I've wanted to do since last year

    Do you think they would dare??!!! I hope not. There would be an unbelievable backlash
    It wouldn´t be IF this included the "get together"-scenes.
    you know?
    the part where we ....ooooooh...see in more or less short parts how it came to the confession etc.

    I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

    O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
    CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
    O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


      Originally posted by SAM&JACKquietschSHIP
      It wouldn´t be IF this included the "get together"-scenes.
      you know?
      the part where we ....ooooooh...see in more or less short parts how it came to the confession etc.

      about AU and Timetraveling, stupid RE

      i know little pesimistic thinking, but i flying very slowly around S&J , because TPTB and stupid RE


        Originally posted by Oma-1
        Found the Ancient translations. Check out my posts 3888 and 3889. Be prepared to squeeeeeee! haha
        Sam: Jack!
        Jack: I will dream of you....I will see you again.

        In the chamber

        (For Sam) Jack: I long for you, my lover.
        (For D&T) Jack: Farewell, Friends.

        *heart is sinking to I don´t know how deep*

        whoevere was responsible for that (Scriptwriter at MGM...) : I obey you

        I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

        O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
        CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
        O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
          Dang! We got hit again! Sorry for the OT post, but I thought some of you might be wondering about me again. Another day of tornadoes, less than a week after the last ones. The damage was much closer to home this time: 8 dead about 40 miles north of me, 3 more dead about 40 miles to my east. All ok where I am.....but it's 1:27am and I've just gotten home from 16 hours at work.

          Hope the rest of you are fine.....and I hope to be back later today.

          And to save this post from being completely OT:

          + =
          Pesky little things, them tornadoes. Glad you are safe and well. Can't wait for our annual drought festival out here. I was finally able to check out a bit of the chat on the ship channel. Things seem to be going swimmingly. Everyone is now speculating on how the love between Sam and Jack will go down. No pun intended. I shall endeavor to keep up with the forum. Ciao.



            Originally posted by MirthMistress
            I don't think so. My guess is that if RDA is going to the effort to come back for 5 eps to "tie up loose ends" it's going to be for real, this reality and timeline. I think this is going to be a no BS get the job done sort of thing. I also think that RDA has a lot of clout at this point to have things go his way. It's beyond common knowledge that he's the original shipper and my interpretation of that is that he wants unambiguous resolution. And hopefully that means resolution on several levels. I expect to see scenes of few possibilities of interpretation. We shippers can see ship in a coke can if we're that thirsty.
            Not exactly.
            is pretty much evidence of that, but it could also have meant a zillion other things. Anyway, that's what I hope but I don't think it's too far off the mark or too much to expect.
            I really hope so. I thought the "tying up loose ends" thing was the
            200th episode thing with Martin.
            I'm just trying not to get my hopes up.... been burned too many times!!! But you are all managing to convince me that maybe this time its for real!!


              Originally posted by scjon
              I've just seen pictures of the Tennessee tornadoes on the news here in the UK. Glad you are safe and hope they don't come any closer.....Take care.
              me too. My whole life I had nightmares of tornados and I really hope that you are well over there on the other side of the S/J-SHIPPER planet!!!!
              (OT: it´s simply insane that there should have been 250 up to now and last year 70 ??!!!)

              I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

              O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
              CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
              O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


                Originally posted by SAM&JACKquietschSHIP
                "Well Sir , I think what we should not forget is , that someone who owns a device for travelling in time would actually be able to already know
                the answer to our question / what will happen to me an Jack"
                always and forever
                My LJ
                My History Website


                  Originally posted by gwenhwyfar

                  I'm just over analyzing again...
                  don´t apologize! Analyzing is for shipper as necessary as the air that we breath

                  I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

                  O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
                  CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
                  O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


                    Originally posted by SAM&JACKquietschSHIP
                    don´t apologize! Analyzing is for shipper as necessary as the air that we breath
                    LOL! True!

                    Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                      very lovely Dex

                      BHK BHK BHK

                      avatar and sig by flidget


                        Originally posted by gatebee
                        BENEATH THE SURFACE very shipy epi

                        hm, BHK is little apology for RE and 9. season (S&J is very little part)


                          so very true Dex ... Beneath the Surface very shippy ... it is a pity we never saw the kiss that they had ... it was cut off ...

                          since there was no regs ... they could show their love for one another

                          BHK BHK BHK

                          avatar and sig by flidget


                            after reading all this "what will they do to us nex year" I decided to watch Moebius and Threats again an did some

                            General analyzing:

                            Grace :
                            DAD: Are you happy Sam?

                            DAD: No you're not. You're content, you're satisfied, you're in control and that's the problem.
                            CARTER: Okay, I'm really not following here.

                            DAD: I'm saying you're missing something vital from your life. And the sad part is you have no idea what I'm talking about.


                            DAD: No, always. For as long as she was alive, your mother showed me a world beyond just ambition and career. She gave my life meaning and balance and it was my honour to love her for the short time she was with me. And if I were young again and I met her for the first time even knowing her fate, I would do it all again. That is love. Sam, I know you've denied yourself the experience because you think it must inevitably end in pain and loneliness. It's time to let go of the things that prevent you from finding happiness. You deserve to love someone and be loved in return.

                            Ok-so that is what (+ we shippers) DREAMED... And what happened in


                            JACOB: I just wanna know you're gonna be happy.
                            ( As I take it = " I just want you to be honest to yourselfe + get the man you REALLY do love cause I know he dosn´t only WANT to make you happy! He WILL make you HAPPY )

                            CARTER: I am.

                            JACOB: Don't let rules stand in your way.

                            CARTER: What are you talking about?

                            JACOB: You joined the Air Force because of me.

                            CARTER: I love my job.

                            JACOB: Mmm. You can still have everything you want.

                            CARTER: I do, Dad. Really.

                            Grace :

                            O'NEILL: Sam. I'm a safe bet.

                            CARTER: As long as I'm thinking about you, setting my sights on what I think is unobtainable, there's no chance of being hurt by someone else.

                            O'NEILL: Jacob was right. You deserve more. I will always be there for you, no matter what. Believe me.

                            -> Sam did "try" Pete but that wasn´t what Jacob ment with "MORE" . She needs more If not then , she does need more NOW


                            CARTER: Thank you, sir.

                            O'NEILL : For what?

                            CARTER: For being here for me.

                            (Jack looks at her for a moment, then speaks quietly.)

                            O'NEILL: Always.

                            So- there were shippy just took some time . A little bit like the butterfly effect . Of course I don´t know season 9 . But I know that I won´t like it at all without Jack !
                            If they want to keep the logic , they should continue Shippiness !
                            Sam wanted to confess!

                            Jack did confess :
                            Divide a.C
                            Seas.7 final (latin ) *sighs*

                            And though the time shifted back and forht several times in M1 & M2 - There were sitting together after all!!

                            I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

                            O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
                            CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
                            O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


                              Originally posted by gatebee
                              so very true Dex ... Beneath the Surface very shippy ... it is a pity we never saw the kiss that they had ... it was cut off ...

                              since there was no regs ... they could show their love for one another

                              BHK BHK BHK
                              And because of that...That episode has spawned many a fanfic since then...

                              I too am upset they cut the kiss. In the commentary they said it was becuase the season had already been too 'kissy'... Darn PTB...

                              *sigh* I gota go. Baby shower to attend.

                              Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                                ya the commentary was wrong ..we should have the KISSY

                                BHK BHK

                                avatar and sig by flidget

