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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Hi Guys, haven't visited for ages (Slap my hands!) but just wanted to join you all in a big honkin'


    Jack & Sam are my original ship(although i am also a devout shweir shipper too) and i've been re-watching season 4 SG1 as it's my all time fave. Jack looks so damn scrummy i could eat him up with a big dollop of custard & i think the chemistry between our two favourite air force officers is ELECTRIC in this series.
    sailing the ship to Sparkyville!




        Originally posted by sueKay
        The origin of spud is courtesy of none other than Mr. Joe Mallozzi

        I won't regale you with the story as I can't do it, MAJORSAL, TOKEN, MALA, ANYONE...please tell them
        Here is the Potatohead Collection from Mala's site. There is an explanation about the origin of the name at the top of the page.


          Hey, I just saw this ad for and thought all us shippers would appreciate it on a whole different level than they intended.

          "Take me fishing,
          So we can be together,
          just you and me.

          Take me fishing,
          And we'll call it a date.

          Take me fishing,
          And we'll have the boat
          all to ourselves.

          Take me fishing,
          And make me feel
          sixteen again."

          sig by PM


            Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
            chases her to make sure she doesn't hurt herself from all that spinning around.

            hey-i'm a Nurse! It's what I do.
            Lalalalala. You can't catch me! You can't catch me!

            Oops...for a moment I forgot that I'm 29 and suppose to act me age..sigh.


              Originally posted by katethegater
              Hi Guys, haven't visited for ages (Slap my hands!) but just wanted to join you all in a big honkin'


              Jack & Sam are my original ship(although i am also a devout shweir shipper too) and i've been re-watching season 4 SG1 as it's my all time fave. Jack looks so damn scrummy i could eat him up with a big dollop of custard & i think the chemistry between our two favourite air force officers is ELECTRIC in this series.
              I've released a virus here, Ah...heck, why not.

              (NG.1 grabbing hold of any shipper she can get her hands on and start doing a wild crazy - near maniac - type of dance while singing the whole time, "Jack and Sam forever", "Jack and Sam forever")

              (This was followed by the shippers running in horror from this wildman...uh woman...shocked that someone actually went completely nuts at the thought of Jack and Sam finally getting a resolution)

              (Later on this was followed by a huge frontline news on CNN - Stargate Fan went completely nuts and had to be hospitalised for life)


                Originally posted by Token
                As much as I would like to think they haven't wasted a year, I would like to see the start of the relationship.

                I've waited a long time to see that intense, take-your-breath-away moment when 10 years of desire washes over them both, and the boundaries they have kept are broken by overwhelming wave of their selfless love.

                You almost convinced me with that beautiful description Token , you should write a fic but unfortunatly with the abysal lack of Jack during S9 either in person or implied in conversation, I would prefer to see Sam and Jack in an already established relationship. That would sort of salvage his absence and explain it slightly. Also on a character development issue, they have daly danced so much in 8 years that if they didn't take action after threads and Moebious they run the risk of beeing seen as quite sad and emotionaly stunted by some segments of fandom.
                Doesn't mean I dodn't want to see a BHK or an emotional scene somewhere


                  Originally posted by Queen Eleta
                  Hey, I just saw this ad for and thought all us shippers would appreciate it on a whole different level than they intended.

                  "Take me fishing,
                  So we can be together,
                  just you and me.

                  Take me fishing,
                  And we'll call it a date.

                  Take me fishing,
                  And we'll have the boat
                  all to ourselves.

                  Take me fishing,
                  And make me feel
                  sixteen again."

                  LOL, that is just so apropriate to S/J


                    Originally posted by Queen Eleta
                    Hey, I just saw this ad for and thought all us shippers would appreciate it on a whole different level than they intended.

                    "Take me fishing,
                    So we can be together,
                    just you and me.

                    Take me fishing,
                    And we'll call it a date.

                    Take me fishing,
                    And we'll have the boat
                    all to ourselves.

                    Take me fishing,
                    And make me feel
                    sixteen again."


                    Gives one big shippy sigh, thats wonderful!!!!...



                        That's great! I always knew Daniel was a shipper.

                        Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                          Great pic!!!! LOL You'll should see the silly shippy grin on my face!!!


                            Don't forget that Jack is whispering
                            I love you
                            in Sam ear.


                              Originally posted by Token
                              For all who are concerned about Amanda's response to the Sam/Jack question, here is an accurate transcript of the question. I have acurate notes. I'm very good at short hand.

                              Then she said, "There is a two-letter answer and a three-letter answer, and I'll just give you the three letter answer. Yes."

                              "People are expecting me to, and I don't want to disappoint them."

                              "But potentially, yeah, there is something to look forward to."
                              "I guess there is a five-letter word answer too...maybe."

                              "Will Sam ever tell Jack she loves him?" Amanda answered, "Hasn't she already told him?" <pause> "in her own way?"

                              Amanda was very pro-ship at least at this convention. Maybe someone going to Shore Leave could have some follow-up questions.


                              hello all you SJ Shippers out there (including the generous writers*sighs* )!!!

                              Missed you and you enlightning post very much!

                              one could say it worked like i planned in my Shipper-geeky mind
                              Because I couldn´t bare the talk some months ago anymore ...
                              We all wanted Jack to come back , didn´t we?
                              what would SG be without the actual members of SG1?

                              All these "new members" make no snse to me . THEY are NOT SG1
                              ...they are "independent" / "indi" " alternative" - new stuff for the old HARD-CORE FANS ...they are just ..I dont know..

                              what I wanted to say :

                              Do you know the following situation : You´ve been crying all day and night and you arn´t up to anything and anyone anymore . You can´t watch TV , You can´t read , you don´t want to any way .
                              All you need is a deep sleep to forget about EVERYTHING , which you can´t erase from mind and past .
                              All you can do is sleep.

                              THAT IS WHAT I DID (pretty much...)

                              I wanted to forget what the writers did to us . The whole thing "STARGATE WITHOUT RICK"....just some fine last shippy scenes with the long awaited (!!!!!!*shipp shipp shipp*!!!!!!!!!) FISHING and THEN WHAT?????

                              at least we have
                              "But potentially, yeah, there is something to look forward to."
                              It is REALLY soothing and calming , that Amanda make shippers feel as if she´d support our wishes become true .
                              I mean - they have to follow the LOGIC -> SHIPP!!*sighs*

                              I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

                              O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
                              CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
                              O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


                                Originally posted by SAM&JACKquietschSHIP

                                hello all you SJ Shippers out there (including the generous writers*sighs* )!!!

                                Missed you and you enlightning post very much!

                                one could say it worked like i planned in my Shipper-geeky mind
                                Because I couldn´t bare the talk some months ago anymore ...
                                We all wanted Jack to come back , didn´t we?
                                what would SG be without the actual members of SG1?

                                All these "new members" make no snse to me . THEY are NOT SG1
                                ...they are "independent" / "indi" " alternative" - new stuff for the old HARD-CORE FANS ...they are just ..I dont know..

                                what I wanted to say :

                                Do you know the following situation : You´ve been crying all day and night and you arn´t up to anything and anyone anymore . You can´t watch TV , You can´t read , you don´t want to any way .
                                All you need is a deep sleep to forget about EVERYTHING , which you can´t erase from mind and past .
                                All you can do is sleep.

                                THAT IS WHAT I DID (pretty much...)

                                I wanted to forget what the writers did to us . The whole thing "STARGATE WITHOUT RICK"....just some fine last shippy scenes with the long awaited (!!!!!!*shipp shipp shipp*!!!!!!!!!) FISHING and THEN WHAT?????

                                at least we have

                                It is REALLY soothing and calming , that Amanda make shippers feel as if she´d support our wishes become true .
                                I mean - they have to follow the LOGIC -> SHIPP!!*sighs*
                                Welcome Back! I think we've all felt something like that at one time or another.
                                always and forever
                                My LJ
                                My History Website

