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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by k8tbug1

    I too have thought about this...quite a lot in the last week!!! Been very distracting actually. My personal preference though would be something along the lines of J/S have had a relationship for about a year & Daniel/Teal'c find out about it or catch them kissing...etc. I think that would just be too cute!!!!! It would just take too long to do the whole first date/first kiss stuff. Although I would love to see it! Its just I think the other way would be funner and you still get the great romance!!!
    I know it might not mean much, but as a huge shipper fan I am just happy that we are going to get romance in some fashion at last. For a while I was so sure that the TPTB will decide to ignore us completely,


      Originally posted by NG.1
      I know it might not mean much, but as a huge shipper fan I am just happy that we are going to get romance in some fashion at last. For a while I was so sure that the TPTB will decide to ignore us completely,
      Oh, I know!! I'm just happy that TPTB are giving us some true . However they decide to do it, I'll be one happy shipper w/ a grin that will last for weeks!!! But one can always dream till then


        Just popping in from the RDA thunk thread to wave to my fellow shippers!

        Apologies if this has been done to death but I almost spat out my mouthful of Banrock Station last night when the Spud popped up on ER. And when the Spudette turned up five minutes later I did spit it out. What are the odds, eh?

        I guess it must be some karmic sign that even they have given up on coming between Sam and Jack!


        WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


          Originally posted by NG.1
          I know it might not mean much, but as a huge shipper fan I am just happy that we are going to get romance in some fashion at last. For a while I was so sure that the TPTB will decide to ignore us completely,
          I know exactly what you mean. I feel that way too! As long as they show us something, I'll be happy.....

          Great sig by the way. I laughed out loud when I read it and my husband gave me a very strange look.
          always and forever
          My LJ
          My History Website


            Just popping in with my daily SQUEE!

            Not got much else to add...having another shippy brain drought

            I will start writing S/J fic again (eventually)
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Ya know.....I keep thinking of all these different choices for Sam and Jack. In we have any choices, except about the way we feel after the episodes have aired? We are going to get what the writers give us. It could be " It was ok, wanted more but I'll take it", "Wow, that was amazing....thank you" or "Why?......why did we even bother"

              Now, I am perfectly aware that Stargate Sg1 is not " The Sam and Jack show", nor do I want it to be. I liked this show from the begining and I still do....I always liked the individual and group strengths. No matter what happens I will continue to watch this show for those same reasons.

              I just want them to acknowledge that even though their(Sam/Jack/Teal'c/Daniel, etc) jobs are the main focus and truly important, there is a more personal and just as valid, emotional connection needed in their lives. The characters of Jack and Sam have earned their time, their shot at being happy together. The Love is there......let them feel it and rejoice in it. I believe it can be done without taking anything away from the other characters and the show as a whole, which is important to me as well....

              Happy Posting

              ps- Love, Friendship, caring........these things do not make a person weak, if anything...these things can make that person individually/seperately stronger.
              It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                Originally posted by k8tbug1
                Oh, I know!! I'm just happy that TPTB are giving us some true . However they decide to do it, I'll be one happy shipper w/ a grin that will last for weeks!!! But one can always dream till then

                Thanks...I wasn't sure as to whether anybody would even agree with me on this matter.


                  Originally posted by Katkin
                  Just popping in from the RDA thunk thread to wave to my fellow shippers!

                  Apologies if this has been done to death but I almost spat out my mouthful of Banrock Station last night when the Spud popped up on ER. And when the Spudette turned up five minutes later I did spit it out. What are the odds, eh?

                  I guess it must be some karmic sign that even they have given up on coming between Sam and Jack!
                  What does Spud and Spudette means??


                    Originally posted by scjon
                    I know exactly what you mean. I feel that way too! As long as they show us something, I'll be happy.....
                    Ditto, I hate to say it, but unfortunately the saying does go beggars can't be choosers.

                    Great sig by the way. I laughed out loud when I read it and my husband gave me a very strange look.
                    Thanks!!! For some reason me and the smilies have bonded. Have received wonderful feedback and Rep comments just for my different smilie messages, storylines and signatures.


                      FaithStars- Personally I hope we get an episode where i go "wow, that was amazing. I'm crossing my fingers for this to happen anyway

                      sig by starlover1990


                        Originally posted by sueKay
                        Just popping in with my daily SQUEE!

                        Not got much else to add...having another shippy brain drought

                        I will start writing S/J fic again (eventually)
                        Okay...all shippers together now...take each other's hands and go together SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!


                          Spud = Pete

                          Spudette = Kerry
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            Hi there people. My sister is a mad Jack/Sam shipper so I thought I'd check this thread out and see what's going on...

                            I'm not a S/J shipper myself, but I have to say that I was really impressed with what the writers did with the pair of them in Divide and Conquer (I think that's the ep I mean, where Sam and Jack are both tested for being Zatarc thingies). The ship was acknowledged very openly, and very emotionally without being OTT, and then things moved on. They didn't fall into each others arms (because they couldn't), but they didn't sweep it under the table. The emotions were admitted and the shippers had a moment of squee, and the relationship didn't become any less than it was before. Of course, that was before the Spud came along (I LOL at his nickname!)...

                            I hope I'm making sense! I'm offski back to drool over Lt Col Shep.
                            I guess this is where my signature should go, right?

                            Visit my LJ?


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              Spud = Pete

                              Spudette = Kerry
                              Thanks! Where did the names came from?


                                Originally posted by mirafemina
                                Hi there people. My sister is a mad Jack/Sam shipper so I thought I'd check this thread out and see what's going on...

                                I'm not a S/J shipper myself, but I have to say that I was really impressed with what the writers did with the pair of them in Divide and Conquer (I think that's the ep I mean, where Sam and Jack are both tested for being Zatarc thingies). The ship was acknowledged very openly, and very emotionally without being OTT, and then things moved on. They didn't fall into each others arms (because they couldn't), but they didn't sweep it under the table. The emotions were admitted and the shippers had a moment of squee, and the relationship didn't become any less than it was before. Of course, that was before the Spud came along (I LOL at his nickname!)...

                                I hope I'm making sense! I'm offski back to drool over Lt Col Shep.
                                Thanks for having visited this ultra friendly site and for having said those nice words regarding our favorite couple.

