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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Good Morning Campers!

    Need I even ask how all of you are doing? ......*watches in amusement as other shippers dance a little jig across the room*............

    I woke up optimistic this morning and very much looking forward to the possibilites of season Ten. Last night was fun, alot like a party(without paying to get in, getting drunk and dancing on some form of table and dealing with some man trying out ALL of his unoriginal pick up lines on you) Happend to a friend years ago when she was in College........

    Happy Posting
    It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


      Originally posted by FaithStars
      Good Morning Campers!

      Need I even ask how all of you are doing? ......*watches in amusement as other shippers dance a little jig across the room*............

      I woke up optimistic this morning and very much looking forward to the possibilites of season Ten. Last night was fun, alot like a party(without paying to get in, getting drunk and dancing on some form of table and dealing with some man trying out ALL of his unoriginal pick up lines on you) Happend to a friend years ago when she was in College........

      Happy Posting
      oh , I did not get drunk physically , but my mind was twirling around with so much joys of shippiness

      avatar and sig by flidget


        I wonder if we can do a conference call, where we all can get on and SQUEEEEE together!


          I am so sorry I missed all the excitement last night but was thrilled to see the clips, thank you parsifal. What worries me is the old saying "if it looks to good to be true, it probably is". I have to still remember that these are the same writers still writing for Season 10...I know, I know "doubting Thomas" but the fall from the Jack and Sam shipper high is quite a steep fall, I still have the bruises to show for it. And as for resolving the UST I have no worries if the writing is good. For AT and RDA to be able to command this much attention after 9 seasons with some seasons almost non-existent with ship and with RDA leaving as a regular, I know they would be able to handle a resolution and then some; but I do understand that bad writing could ruin the whole thing. Having said all of this, OMG I am so excited.


            LOL, gatebee .......You might not have but, I'm pretty sure I saw someone pass around a jug of hooch last night......

            ...*clears throught* know who you are................

            Happy Posting
            It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


              Fly By Post to say WOW, WOW, WOW! I loved Amanda's clip (thanks shipper family for sharing). I am totally blown away and can't believe it! I'm sure it was the SQUEEEEE heard round the world when the clip aired last night.

              Take care everyone!


                nickatell- I agree with you for the most part. I am FULLY Optimistic of good things yet to come(for the sam/jack bunch). However, still cautious until I see it with my own eyes.

                As for the writers, I hesitate to lable their work as Bad. I have a lot of respect for what they do. It's not easy and their work will never be appreciated by all who watch this show. "One man's garbage, is another man's treasure"......They work hard, under pressure to turn out good shows week after week. Like all things in life......sometimes you win, sometimes you loose(that can be said for anyone.)

                Sam and Jack......their story continues........

                Happy Posting
                It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                  It wasn't a deam? OMG! IT wasn't a dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  LOL, Trupi, You may have seen my moniker but I wasn't in here from about 10:30pm on last night. Plus I had to shut down the puter due to a severe storm and tornado watch in my area. I left the tv on though I should have just stayed in here due to the lack of sleep from all this excitement! I wanted to help the shipper count. What was the final top count? 67? WOOHOO!!

                  Nickatell, I am also a bit worried but just a teeny weeny bit. I think they blatantly told us that there would be Sam and Jack ship in season 10!

                  I thought I read they did get a new writer in for season 10 ?

                  On what CB said. After watching her again I do believe she is saying she's cautious about resolved ship in a dramatic series but what I don't get is she was in a series with successful ship that didn't lose it's spark. I never actually watched Farscape so this is heresay but it's from honorable sources My only thought is she's concerned about it due to not having FS writers on board.
                  Last edited by SG1Poz; 04 April 2006, 09:47 AM.


                    FaithStars I think you mis-understood me, I never said they were bad writers but that bad writing could loose the spark, in general.


                      Originally posted by trupi
                      I wonder if we can do a conference call, where we all can get on and SQUEEEEE together!
                      trupi, we'll need a ZPM to power up that call!!!!!!!!!!


                        Here's an idea...

                        On Shipper Day, we could all go on Yahoo and do a conference call

                        The intelites do them sometimes and say they're really good...I've not taken part in any (cos my headset died ) but if people could try and get a headset, and then we could schedule chats
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by nickatell
                          I am so sorry I missed all the excitement last night but was thrilled to see the clips, thank you parsifal. What worries me is the old saying "if it looks to good to be true, it probably is". I have to still remember that these are the same writers still writing for Season 10...I know, I know "doubting Thomas" but the fall from the Jack and Sam shipper high is quite a steep fall, I still have the bruises to show for it. And as for resolving the UST I have no worries if the writing is good. For AT and RDA to be able to command this much attention after 9 seasons with some seasons almost non-existent with ship and with RDA leaving as a regular, I know they would be able to handle a resolution and then some; but I do understand that bad writing could ruin the whole thing. Having said all of this, OMG I am so excited.
                          I think we have a good reason to be cautious. Remember how they advertised the heck out of the Grace kiss, only to be disappointed when it was all in her head. Then a couple of eps later she gets a bf.

                          I am not trying to be negative, just proceed with caution. After all we do know who we are dealing with.

                          With that said, I hope its all true. They have realized that the Jack and Sam storyline is a important part of Stargate.
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            Originally posted by Kri
                            I have to disagree. It is all in how the writers handle things. I was a fan of a soap opera for over 30 years, and had specific couples whom I loved. They got married, but could still have conflict. It doesn't always have to be about sexual tension. There are other ways to write couples so that you are constantly rooting for *those* scenes. You know, the ones that give you butterflies, make you squeeeeee, or make your heart race for them
                            Yes, there are some great couples' shows where the romance, banter, flirtatiousness, squabbles, and excitement of two people in love and in a partnership have been successful. I remember some years ago **cough cough** when the series Hart to Hart was on with Robert Wagner (a hottie then and now) and Stepanie Powers (help me out here) were a husband and wife duo in work and play.

                            Or, Mac Millan and Wife, **cough cough** (I was a very, very precocious child when I watched these shows, honestly **fingers crossed behind back**) with Rock Hudson and fill-in-the-blank(I forget these women actresses). He was a police comissioner and she was his wife. They solved crimes and fussed with each other but romantic.

                            Oh, and Hill Street Blues. Remember the Captain and the Public Defender? They frequently closed that night's episode in the bubble bath together, ooooh la la. They worked hard at their jobs; they were sometimes adversarial but respected and loved each other.

                            OK, writers can write good ship and maintain the romance!! Let's hope that our TPTB give this their utmost attention!!!


                              Originally posted by Rogue
                              I think we have a good reason to be cautious. Remember how they advertised the heck out of the Grace kiss, only to be disappointed when it was all in her head. Then a couple of eps later she gets a bf.

                              I am not trying to be negative, just proceed with caution. After all we do know who we are dealing with.

                              With that said, I hope its all true. They have realized that the Jack and Sam storyline is a important part of Stargate.
                              Rogue you are right-they kicked us more than a few times-and I am kind of resentful of the "oh no-the ratings are in the crapper-send in the Shippers."
                              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                                Originally posted by Rogue
                                I think we have a good reason to be cautious. Remember how they advertised the heck out of the Grace kiss, only to be disappointed when it was all in her head. Then a couple of eps later she gets a bf.

                                I am not trying to be negative, just proceed with caution. After all we do know who we are dealing with.

                                With that said, I hope its all true. They have realized that the Jack and Sam storyline is a important part of Stargate.
                                Rogue, historically TPTB have thrown tidbits hither, thither and yon and then showered us with some ship in one episode that went undeveloped.
                                Seasons 1-8 and WHAMMO we get Threads!!!! Followed by the Ship Drought of Season 9 .

                                But, I think this time it's different. This is more than Joe's vague hints and teasing. This is SciFi Monday's Sam and Jack Theme night with big, honkin' shippy breaks by the actors!!! This may be the mother lode of Ship spread throughout Season 10.

                                Sam and Jack went fishing in Threads and Sam said "NOT EXACTLY" to Barrett in response to his question....single again??
                                We have CANON. We have a foundation for The Ship. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!!!

