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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ses110
    Mary I would Love to see Vala hitting on Jack in front of Sam.You think we will see something like that?
    wow that is an exciting thought... but I think Jack will not bite .. he loves Sam so much

    avatar and sig by flidget


      Originally posted by ses110
      Mary I would Love to see Vala hitting on Jack in front of Sam.You think we will see something like that?
      Man, Sam would knock Vala out.
      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


        I agree.Jack is only interested in Sam.It would be interesting to see Sam's reaction.I'm sure I'm not alone in this but I cannot help but think about what types of episodes we will be seeing with Jack.This would never happen but I would love to see an episode that focuses on a Sam/Jack adventure just like
        Daniel and Vala had in Season 9.I have a feeling the 200th will not have much Sam/Jack Ship and then the last 4 episodes that RDA appears in may see a buildup of the Sam/Jack Ship.I think the episodes with RDA will be spread out and we will probably see RDA more in the 2nd half of the Season.The long break in between the first half and second half will be very tough again.At least we will have something to look forward to this year.I hope we get a Lost City type of episode.I want to see some Jack angst and would love to see Sam save Jack and then we get the Shipper fireworks.

        Last edited by ses110; 31 March 2006, 08:15 PM.


          Originally posted by ses110
          Mary I would Love to see Vala hitting on Jack in front of Sam.You think we will see something like that?
          I can totally see it! That would be very funny! But since
          the mysterious pregnancy she had tamed somewhat.

          BTW, I know I'm one of a few pople but I still like Vala. She is very funny.
          *runs and hides from all the Vala haters*

          Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX




              Originally posted by Sam_Carter
              i hope we actually get BHK's in the upcoming episodes cos, it wouldnt be closure if all we get is a confirmation or something. Come on! BHK, BHK, BHK, BHK, BHK, BHK, BHK, BHK!

              Seriously though, they need to do a BHK that tops 'Grace' which was really passionate, and 'Window Of Opportunity' which was just WOW!

              I need more than confrimation... i need to see some lovin!!!!!

              in my dream world, we'd get a marriage but i don't know whether the writers would go that far. i hope and pray they do though!
              that's my deepest and most wanted desire.

              no matter what joe mallozzi said one time, *i* think the sam/jack relay IS a love story. *sighs happily*




                It would have happened in Season 9.All we needed was Jack.If Vala could attract all the Male guest Stars so they show no interest in Sam I will be the biggest Vala Fan.


                  Originally posted by shelsfc
                  OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!

                  I can't believe it! Confirmation, real, geniune, no hesitation, out loud, honest-to-God confirmation!!! There is hope!! Hope rocks!! Sqeeee!!!!
                  it's not getting old, is it? we've waited and suffered for sooooo long, that now that we're finally being thrown a life/love preserver....





                    Originally posted by nickatell
                    You know it was one thing to have the great news that RDA is coming back, but what is with (dare I say it) the positive attitude with the Jack and Sam relationship that is finally coming through with the interviews at the con? There for a while it seemed like everyone was so deadset against it; but now... I'm just hoping that all of this just isn't too good to be true; don't get me wrong I'll take every scrap of positive attitude toward Jack and Sam I guess I'm just wondering what happened. I know, I know I TO think TOO much!!
                    lol, nickatell! (i think too much too)




                      Originally posted by scjon
                      A definite squee!! for what Amanda said (thanks for transcribing it, Token). I'm now feeling (at worst) cautiously optimistic about season 10. Sometimes, I feel very optimistic! The fact that people such as Amanda are still getting ship questions at cons, after the ship desert that was season 9, must show TPTB, that the s/j ship is still really important to a significant section of the fandom.
                      i agree, scjon!

                      i'm glad they know ship is still wanted and important to the fans, and i'm *still* going to write my postcards to let them know it.




                        Originally posted by Zoser
                        I still have marks on my neck from all the chain yanking. But I'm a closet optimist.
                        Note to TPTB: Oh please, please give us some resolution before these two are in a retirement home.





                          Originally posted by the fifth man
                          It'll be great to see what they do between Jack and Sam in season 10. Maybe a quick make-out session in a storage closet?
                          hey, fifth man!

                          YES, a hot and heavy make-out session ANYWHERE where we can see them!




                            Originally posted by Ayiana
                            Okay, at the risk of having people throw rotten tomatoes at me, I have to ask a question.

                            The article on the front page is a report from the convention, right? In that paragraph about the shippers, it says that "a fan" asked about the relationship between Sam and Jack. We've heard several reports from fans who were there for AT's sessions. The most definitive answer any of them reported back (at least that I've seen), was of the yes/no/maybe variety (in the form of 3 letter, 5 letter, and 2 letter words).

                            Am I wrong? Was there a con report from a fan who said that AT was definite about the S/J ship? Or, is it possible that the article here at GW contains one person's optimistic interpretation of AT's actual comment?

                            Now I'm going to go hide from flying tomatoes.
                            Where did the CON report go to? it's not in the main page anymore...but well, anyhow... I would contact David or Darren, whoever wrote the report because I felt that they interview Amanda directly and there is more to come. So we could ask him where did he get that "yes" from.

                            Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                            Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                            Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                              Originally posted by NG.1


                              Hehe, have been around all along, just not posting that much.

                              By the way I post my stories under the penname, Azilan these days. I stopped NG because my father passed away and he was so supportive of my writing that it was just too painful to continue writing under that penname.
                              I know I follow you and you are in my favorite author list.... I loved Coffee, I thought it was so original and funny.... and I still have hope that we will see the continuation of Time Eternal....

                              Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                              Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                                Originally posted by LOL4JACK
                                Regarding the news on the main page....

                                JACK: I wonder why are the shippers so suprised, I mean.... who would not want to make out with ME!
                                Originally posted by SG-1Poz
                                Ok, Step back ladies, lemme through, age before beauty!

                                Originally posted by Zoser
                                Step aside, step aside I'm first (there's some good and bad in just about everything) don't trip on my walker.
                                I realise I'm a little late coming to this conversation, but just let me make one thing ABSOLUTELY CLEAR to you ladies.

                                *shoves through to front of line, zapping Zoser's walker to another dimension on the way through*

                                If it's an age thing I am most definitely first. Afterall, I am positively Ancient.

                                Glad we got that sorted.


