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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by stargate barbie
    i think by "safe bet" she meant exactly what she said. by waiting for him, a relationship that at the time she believed impossible...<sorry had to cut>
    you're absolutly right. i just have issues with jack waiting and sam not (don't answer that, i know, it just annoys me). i much prefer that they have a standing agreement (and no insecurities) that they love each other and will wait. Which probably comes from my own hurt in a similar situation (you just want everything to me OK). it actually makes perfect sense, I just bugs me. ::sigh::

    Dedicated to Stargate SG-1
    much better.
    "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
    Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


      I think Sam would have said Yes even if they were alone.Sam did not hesitate or look uncomfortable.I just think Sam looked bad bcause of all the times Sam turned down Jack's Fishing invite.I could not help thinking about the Fishing invites.Even though I understand why Sam turned down Jack.I just hope with
      Season 9 we moved past all the Sam/Other.I'am not so sure.I just hope if RDA is in the 200th episode we get some form of Sam/Jack Ship.How about Jack pulling a Joe and asking Sam to Dinner? something tells me the entire team will tag along.


        Originally posted by ses110
        I think Sam would have said Yes even if they were alone.Sam did not hesitate or look uncomfortable.I just think Sam looked bad bcause of all the times Sam turned down Jack's Fishing invite.I could not help thinking about the Fishing invites.Even though I understand why Sam turned down Jack.I just hope with
        Season 9 we moved past all the Sam/Other.I'am not so sure.I just hope if RDA is in the 200th episode we get some form of Sam/Jack Ship.How about Jack pulling a Joe and asking Sam to Dinner? something tells me the entire team will tag along.
        i can imagine mitchell's comments. and just picture the look on teal'c (and daniel's) face as they (SAM and JACK) flirt

        ...and then of course thor would use the impeccable timing of asgard transporters to beam jack up RIGHT as they're about to kiss in insert-song.
        "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
        Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


          As I was driving into work this morning I had a silly look on my face for most of the 20 minute commute. See, I was thinking about how I'd like to see it "go down" between Jack and Sam. What I'd like to see is some sort of scene where Sam is rescued or returns from a seriously dangerous situation and as she enters the room from said dangerous brush, Jack strides up to her - not run but stride purposefully- and without a word, crush her to him one hand on her back and he other cradling the back of her head, holding her like the world was coming to an end. Because, let's face it, if something happened to her, his world would be coming to an end. No words, no tears, no murmurs, just a crushing, breath stealing embrace. *Sigh*, it's enough to make one drive with a sappy look. Feel free, someone, to embellish this should the inclination exist.


            Sometimes I think us debating anything Sam and Jack and their true motives is giving the writers way too much credit. I don't believe, and still don't believe that they give a whole lot of thought to continuity. I think the majority of the relationship was simply the awesome acting and on screen chemistry of RDA and AT. They took the lines that were given to them and turned it into what we saw. I have no doubt that if RDA returns we will see the relationship again simply because that is the way they have chosen to portray the characters, despite TPTB screwing with it at times.


              Originally posted by STARGATE7777
              Sometimes I think us debating anything Sam and Jack and their true motives is giving the writers way too much credit. I don't believe, and still don't believe that they give a whole lot of thought to continuity. I think the majority of the relationship was simply the awesome acting and on screen chemistry of RDA and AT. They took the lines that were given to them and turned it into what we saw. I have no doubt that if RDA returns we will see the relationship again simply because that is the way they have chosen to portray the characters, despite TPTB screwing with it at times.
              i think no matter what they're given in the 200th ep, OUR team ( + and ) will do great. these actors were together for so long, and to be together'll be amazing.
              "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
              Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                Originally posted by meimei
                And then came the penguins... *tearing up at the memories*

                Maybe I need to walk down the Shippertown archive avenues to get some plot bunnies jumping... Of course, I keep telling myself I have to finish the novel first... *grits teeth* And it's being a pain in the posterior!
                Uh.....maybe a break to write a little S/J ship fic would rekindle your desire to work on the novel! Yeah, that's the ticket!!!

                + + meimei = WOW!!!!!


                  Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                  Ok I have a question for my felow shippers.

                  The Grace Kiss. We've seen it. We love it.

                  What do you think this kiss really meant?
                  We know that every one in the episode was supposed to represent a part of Sam. So what does the kiss represent? Sam saying goodbye to "The Safe Bet"? Sam's mind being evil and showing her what she can never have? Her mind overly curious about what it would be like to really kiss Jack? Her knowing deep down that Jack is not "Just a safe bet"?

                  I'm really curious to know what other people think!
                  I always thought Sam was curious and assertively planted a passionate kiss on Jack's lips. Her hallucination kissed her back!! Sweet!!


                    Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                    you're absolutly right. i just have issues with jack waiting and sam not (don't answer that, i know, it just annoys me). i much prefer that they have a standing agreement (and no insecurities) that they love each other and will wait. Which probably comes from my own hurt in a similar situation (you just want everything to me OK). it actually makes perfect sense, I just bugs me. ::sigh::

                    Dedicated to Stargate SG-1
                    much better.
                    I totally understand, and i agree. i would have prefered, not for both of them to try to move on at around the same time, but for both of them to wait until the time was right. i still think they could have gotten together in the end, it just wouldn't have been as dramatic. i think that for tv purposes they had to do something to shake it up a little and still progress the story line, or drop it completely, which doesn't work.

                    but i do understand.


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                      Uh.....maybe a break to write a little S/J ship fic would rekindle your desire to work on the novel! Yeah, that's the ticket!!!

                      + + meimei = WOW!!!!!
                      Yeah!!! That's absolutely the ticket! Just a little pump priming with some good old Sam/Jack hot lovin' fic and your creative juices will be freed up for the novel. It's a win-win. We'll get off your back (for a little while) and you'll get back into the groove. OK, now that the problem is solved, hop to it, please, ma'am, your emminence.


                        Originally posted by MirthMistress
                        As I was driving into work this morning I had a silly look on my face for most of the 20 minute commute. See, I was thinking about how I'd like to see it "go down" between Jack and Sam. What I'd like to see is some sort of scene where Sam is rescued or returns from a seriously dangerous situation and as she enters the room from said dangerous brush, Jack strides up to her - not run but stride purposefully- and without a word, crush her to him one hand on her back and he other cradling the back of her head, holding her like the world was coming to an end. Because, let's face it, if something happened to her, his world would be coming to an end. No words, no tears, no murmurs, just a crushing, breath stealing embrace. *Sigh*, it's enough to make one drive with a sappy look. Feel free, someone, to embellish this should the inclination exist.
                        And then, they would draw back just enough to look deeply into each other's eyes.

                        Someone continue...


                          Originally posted by Pacific Jack
                          Well said and probably right. I would only add that age and wear and tear on the body also played a minor part too. Its just that TIIC as you call them should have resolved this issue by now. Its not this season or next that I'm concerned about, its the enjoyment of the previous 8. If they just conclude the Sam and Jack arc they can move on with the new story line in what ever way their minds take them. I would be happy with the original SG-1 story ending with S8. But, because they have left one part dangling it has irritated me and many others. I don't like the killer B's...Browder, Black, and Bridges but that is just me. I am not under 21, I do not have an IQ under 100, I am a practicing heterosexual, and I don't relate movies to video games. Others do, and I can appreciate that, but let us that don't leave with peace of mind. Then they can do what they want to please the new demographic. Sorry for the slight rant. I really mean no disrespect to anyone, but I hate unconcluded stories. I am not a fan of soap operas. I just watched all episodes over the last 12 months on DVD's and want AN ENDING.

                          And on this, we totally agree! I want my happy ending for them, just like you do. And gee, I didn't find anything about your post offensive---not in the least! I just wanted to respond with a differing viewpoint. And, alas, on the topic of Sam & Jack, I can really go on and on and on...


                            Night, all. Catch you all later.


                              Originally posted by Rogue
                              Just watched Camelot, wasn't too bad. The whole
                              Camelot theme kinda boring. It was predictable that the girl was going to pull the sword from the stone. I did like the Black Knight giving Cam a whomping.

                              Did anyone notice
                              Daniel made reference to a time machine. I wonder if the ratings get to bad they will go back in time and forget this mess ever happened.
                              I'm talking Bobby Ewing in the shower......only it's Jack.....and he's asking Sam to get him a towel. I'm telling you: it's the perfect fix!!!!!
                              Start of Season 10:


                                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                                And on this, we totally agree! I want my happy ending for them, just like you do. And gee, I didn't find anything about your post offensive---not in the least! I just wanted to respond with a differing viewpoint. And, alas, on the topic of Sam & Jack, I can really go on and on and on...

                                I cannot tell you how much it pisses me off that the relationship is still open. I NEED CLOSURE I TELL YOU!!! It's been 9 beautiful, long years and I love the tension but...9 YEARS?!?! I ask you what sick, twisted person could live with himself after torturing us amazing shippers? I've been patient long enough, I can't deal with it anymore! They want to be a different kind of SciFi show? Let them get together, let them finally do something about the undeniable attraction! All SciFi shows can do the 'star-crossed lovers' thing but have you ever seen a show where they actually GET TOGETHER? The whole idea of 'star-crossed lovers' ridiculous and cliched. 9 YEARS?!?! 9 YEARS?!?! *hyperventilates* now that I've made a complete ass of myself I'll shut up.

                                Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team

                                I've Been SPANKed by the Love Monkey!!

