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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
    Colonel Jack O'Neill


      Pretty intense.

      "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
      Colonel Jack O'Neill


        Originally posted by wynter
        hey guys,

        just watching all the shippy moments on dvd all over again and i yet again fell in love with sam and jack and their "relationship" no one can deny the fact that they were meant to be together.

        i felt happy about sam mentioning a couple of times about if she maybe or may not be in a relationship but i think she is.
        I never for one thought that they may put sam with cam as it would never work,they wouldn't do that and they haven't got the spark that sam and jack had from the very first moment that they met.

        i must admit though that vala is growing on me fresh sassy women,considering that i did not like her at all when she first came.

        lets just hope that RDA does us proud and comes back to set things straight.


        (by the way i'm loving the series BONES oooooooo Angel all over again)
        I did the same thing with my DVD's after I watched Camelot.
        Sam floating in space alone while everything is blowing up around her? NOO!!!
        Hopefully things will work out and we'll see some ship, possibly even in the 200th episode.

        I'll have to agree with you on Vala, too. I didn't like her at first, but Arthur's Mantle really showed me she changed in her time in the Ori galaxy. Hopefully that'll transpire to the 10th season.

        Final thoughts: What? July? I totally can't wait that long...AARGH.

        Thank you for 10 years of Sam Carter, Amanda Tapping!
        My LJ "I Live in a Sci-Fi World"
        My Stargate (Mostly Sam Carter) Icons
        My Stargate Videos
        It's meant to be!


          "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
          Colonel Jack O'Neill




              I hope we get a
              Jack mention in the first episode of S10 after what happened to Sam in Camelot.If RDA will be in the 200th then it will be very tough for me to wait for July.If RDA is not going to be in the 200th I have no problem waiting.The only think left for me is the Sam/Jack Ship regarding this Show.There is nothing else that I care about regarding this Show.


                Have fun Token.I would Love to go to a convention to see AT.I never went to a convention.I would probably annoy AT with Shippy questions.


                  We all miss him.

                  "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                  Colonel Jack O'Neill


                    Aw, hehe. That makes me feel all warm an' fuzzy inside. XP
                    -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
                    LJ|MyFics|SJ Fic Journal|Non-SG1/OriginalWriting|Macgyver_Icons|MyVids|Twitter


                      Originally posted by zuz
                      We all miss him.

                      is this a manip?


                        Originally posted by Token
                        penquins, potatoes, and cookies, OH MY!!!!

                        It always warms my Shipper heart to walk down Shippertown lane.

                        Big hug to the Shipper Family!!!!!

                        I will be heading to Vancouver also! I'm going to have Amanda sign my Shipper Town map! And any other Shippers that are attending!! (hopefully you charge too much )
                        HELP!!!!!! All this nostalgia with penguins and cookies is fantastic so I went to my Shipper Town link in my faves and DISASTER! The link doesn't work any more

                        Does anyone have it on their hard drive and can either post it here or e-mail it to me?????


                          I love it when they flirt with each other.

                          "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                          Colonel Jack O'Neill




                              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                              Oh, gee, Jack, I just don't think so! Let me say first that I like to see you here. Your posts are always insightful and very well thought out. But I must respectfully disagree on this one.

                              If there's one thing I do believe, it's that RDA and AT are friends. She attended the benefit he sponsored in Banff, Alberta in January, and neither has ever spoken of the other with anything except sincere affection. I just don't think that's it.

                              I also think TPTB (or TIIC, as I'm now calling them) DO want RDA back, and that is the source of a possible falling out between RDA and the current producers. Although there may be secondary issues, here's what I truly think happened:

                              1. RDA was tired of being in Vancouver while his daughter was growing up in California.

                              2. RDA has plenty of money if he never works again.

                              3. There was a plan to end the series and begin producing SG-1 movies, either big screen (a la Star Trek) or direct-to-DVD. RDA was in for that. It was less work, and he could justify staying involved on those limited terms. But then, they took the plot for the first movie and used it instead as the pilot for SGA.

                              And now, I'm straying from fact and back into speculation: I truly believe that at this point, RDA made the decision to leave, to escape the weekly grind and to be with his daughter. He saw that the movies had been put on the back burner, and that SG-1 would continue as a weekly series instead. But his daughter was growing and changing, and shooting in Canada prevented him from being there for her every day.

                              Although the above paragraph is speculation on my part, I believe it is accurate. The theories about what happened next all start at this point. Are the producers mad at him for leaving? Was there an unpleasant parting of the ways? Whether there was or not, TIIC were then faced with a predictament. They had lost their marquee star, and they had to scramble to protect their franchise. So, they made what even I agree was a good business decision: they brought in two very popular stars of a failed series in the same genre, and reworked the franchise around them. It made great business sense (although the ratings would provide a solid argument that it hasn't been so successful). But, for many long-term fans, it just isn't working.

                              Although I don't wish bad luck on anyone, I hope the ratings stay down for the finale. Why? Because that should send a signal to TIIC and Skiffy that they need to do whatever it takes to get RDA to pop in occasionally.

                              I don't argue with TIIC's plan to protect their livelihoods. But they made a very bad mistake when they forgot to "dance with the one who brought them." By disavowing, in large part, the well-loved persona of Jack O'Neill, they have tarnished the franchise. If they had kept O'Neill "large and alive on the Stargate canvas" as they said they would, through script mentions and the one-sided phone calls they promised us would occur between Sam and Jack, they would have made things easier for BB and CB with long-time fans. But to script most of the season as if O'Neill never existed made many Stargate fans resent the new characters instead.

                              Can it be fixed? Absolutely! If they will do in S10 what they promised us in S9 (re: above paragraph), we'll come around. We've squeed at every shippy nuance in S9. We'll forgive, if they'll just give us the chance.

                              But is there a problem between RDA and AT that affected the scripting of the ship? No, I just don't believe that.
                              Well said and probably right. I would only add that age and wear and tear on the body also played a minor part too. Its just that TIIC as you call them should have resolved this issue by now. Its not this season or next that I'm concerned about, its the enjoyment of the previous 8. If they just conclude the Sam and Jack arc they can move on with the new story line in what ever way their minds take them. I would be happy with the original SG-1 story ending with S8. But, because they have left one part dangling it has irritated me and many others. I don't like the killer B's...Browder, Black, and Bridges but that is just me. I am not under 21, I do not have an IQ under 100, I am a practicing heterosexual, and I don't relate movies to video games. Others do, and I can appreciate that, but let us that don't leave with peace of mind. Then they can do what they want to please the new demographic. Sorry for the slight rant. I really mean no disrespect to anyone, but I hate unconcluded stories. I am not a fan of soap operas. I just watched all episodes over the last 12 months on DVD's and want AN ENDING.



                                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                                is this a manip?

                                Yeah, I made it a while back. But let's pretend it's real. It would be just sweet, don't you think?
                                "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                                Colonel Jack O'Neill

