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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Rogue
    I just got finished watching Crusade. What a waste of a hour. Why would TPTB think I would want to spend a hour
    listening to Vala's boring tale.
    I found my mind was drifting. They could have easily condensed the ep into one sentence
    "The Ori are comming!"
    and not wasted my time.
    My sentiments exactly. IMO the only saving grace was that
    Vala wasn't being her usual trampy self.
    The beginning part was good, but it got a bit tedious for me after that. I was more interested in
    Tomin than I was Vala.
    The other thing that really ticked me off was that we get to see
    Vala get married and get a whole ep devoted to her relationship with Tomin, but in Threads all we get is half ep about why Sam splits with and a veiled reference to S&J being together.
    Where's the S&J wedding??? PTB - see my sig!

    btw, wasn't there another character called
    in an earlier season? The one with Merrin in it????? Or am I going crazy?


      Originally posted by Oma-1
      btw, wasn't there another character called
      in an earlier season? The one with Merrin in it????? Or am I going crazy?
      Yes there was. Good catch!
      Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


        Originally posted by Rogue
        Yeah, they really didn't kirk Jack. He is a one woman man. I like Shep but they could lay off the kirking. But I don't ship him with anyone so I really don't care what he does. I just kinda take offense at the woman falling all over him. I guess he can't help it since he is a 'babe magnet'.
        Its the hair. Messy bed head - just like Jack Jack's had lots of "admirers" over the years - I still remember Freya with a big chuckle. She might have had extremely dodgy clothes, but you can't fault her taste in men Wonder what Sam's reaction would have been if she was a fly on the wall? Personally I'd like to think she'd have just smiled at Freya and then shown her how to kiss Jack properly

        Here's a thought about RE (bear with me here, I'm groping madly for something)
        Maybe the almost Martouf kiss was meant to redress the balance a bit - Martouf in earlier seasons always looked like he wanted to kiss Sam but never acted on it. This AU Martouf was obviously a lot more forward cos he was actually in a relationship with Sam at one point and joined the SGC for her. He's kinda like the AU Sam (POV) in that he was trying to re-live his relationship with Sam like AU Sam was with Jack and that kiss.

        Still doesn't explain why
        Sam was leaning in too though.
        Perhaps some things shouldn't be looked at too closely

        I'd much rather look at this .....

        Last edited by Oma-1; 07 March 2006, 08:12 PM.


          Originally posted by Zoser
          I like the theme of playing with time and all were shippy (at least to my demented mind).
          For people who don't have the DVD's or are new to the real SG-1 episodes keeping thing in order would be best. Often they play Frozen after Abyss which is just dumb.
          Yes, you're right, keeping them in order is for the best, especially after a newbie gets hooked, s(he) wants to see them in order AND NONE OMITTED. I'm watching JAG now and it irked me when they omitted an episode, which I knew because I got a list of all of them off a website. Even worse is when I forget to tape a day. A collection of eps like last night might be to get a casual fan interested, however, 'cause there had to be some reason they did it, unless they just got bored with the usual order. Maybe they said," hey, lets run them by theme! Great, first 'time and time travel.' Next, um, what next, oh, yeah, "Daniel's non-Shaar'e women.' should work."


            this is quite cute!

            i found it on the Amanda Tapping/RDA blooper thread...

            The blooper is the "MacGyver, MacGadget, MacGimmick" outtake

            Alyssa said this in her reply to the thread...

            Couldn't get into this, but if it's the one where Amanda does her McUseless comment, she taked about it at the Melbourne con a couple of years ago. Said she was feeling really nervous after it, because she'd said that to the one and only RDA.
            She says she went up to him as they were getting lunch, and said "are we okay" rather nervously. He said "we're fine, honey" and she wandered off feeling very amused and proud of herself! Cute story!
            HOW CUTE IS THAT!!!!!!!!
            Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
            Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
            Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


              no Oma you are rigtht-there was a character by that name in learning curve, he was merin's father
              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                Well, gee, Shep can't help it. It's like Jessica Rabbit always said, "I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way." If TPTB write him that way, poor ole Shep can't help it!

                Come to think of it (and to stay OT), though, TPTB only kirked Jack once, right? In Brief Candle? I guess that's why we are all so devoted to Jack. He is a man of honor.....flawed, with dark places in his soul, but always honorable and true. Once he realized he was in love with Sam, no one else even attracted a passing glance.....

                I think what it shows is that TPTB are lacking ideas, or trying to attract a younger crowd by shipping Shep with the babe of the week. Pretty lame! Poor Shep! All he really wants is Weir.....or Teyla......

                You see, I wouldn't consider any of Jack's stuff "Kirking" - for me Kirking is only Kirking if its pointless.

                It was essential to the plotline, even if not the arc, that something happened with Kynthia.

                Laira was a plot device to show that he'd given up on Earth - by accepting her, he accepted that he had to form a new way of life.

                And Kerry gave him the swift kick up the a**e to make him realise what he really wanted.

                And the important bit with Freya is when she asked him there was someone else and he said "That's not the point" instead of denying... As well as comic relief, cos face it, it was funny.

                All of them had a point to them - not like true Kirking.
                The duke had a mind that ticked like a clock and, like a clock, it regularly went cuckoo.

                Stargate is not an obsession. I can give it up anytime I want!


                  Originally posted by Rogue
                  I just got finished watching Crusade. What a waste of a hour. Why would TPTB think I would want to spend a hour
                  listening to Vala's boring tale.
                  I found my mind was drifting. They could have easily condensed the ep into one sentence
                  "The Ori are comming!"
                  and not wasted my time.
                  I thought I was the only one that found this episode on the boring side. I would loved to have seen them pan over to one of the team and see they had dozed off.
                  ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                    Originally posted by Oma-1
                    My sentiments exactly. IMO the only saving grace was that
                    Vala wasn't being her usual trampy self.
                    The beginning part was good, but it got a bit tedious for me after that. I was more interested in
                    Tomin than I was Vala.
                    The other thing that really ticked me off was that we get to see
                    Vala get married and get a whole ep devoted to her relationship with Tomin, but in Threads all we get is half ep about why Sam splits with and a veiled reference to S&J being together.
                    Where's the S&J wedding??? PTB - see my sig!

                    btw, wasn't there another character called
                    in an earlier season? The one with Merrin in it????? Or am I going crazy?
                    Oma, what you said!! That bit with Vala and
                    Tomin being married, laying in bed together scenes, a kiss, a hug, and so on. How is it **vein throbbing on side of my head**that Vala who is really a lesser character in the scheme of the show gets sooooo much air time with her hubby while Jack and Sam, The Real Love Story, gets vague, subtle, veiled, and ambiguous Ship references??
                    OK, see, I can rant sometimes, too. LOL!!!


                      I never 'watched' Just listened to sounded okay to be least Vala used semi-intelligent humour for a change. The quip about her
                      befriending the village harlett was pretty good.
                      Other than that, I got the impression that CB had been told to slow down so that the ep would last the full hour!

                      (wish they'd tell MS to slow down these days)
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Originally posted by sueKay
                        I never 'watched' Just listened to sounded okay to be least Vala used semi-intelligent humour for a change. The quip about her
                        befriending the village harlett was pretty good.
                        Other than that, I got the impression that CB had been told to slow down so that the ep would last the full hour!

                        (wish they'd tell MS to slow down these days)
                        Yeah she was toned down, except for the
                        'get in my pants' comment. From hearing her talk you would think that Daniel is chasing after her. I get the exact opposite impression from Daniel.

                        I know what you mean Oma, they show everyone else in relationship scenes except our couple.
                        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                          Originally posted by Rogue
                          Yeah she was toned down, except for the
                          'get in my pants' comment. From hearing her talk you would think that Daniel is chasing after her. I get the exact opposite impression from Daniel.

                          I know what you mean Oma, they show everyone else in relationship scenes except our couple.

                          yes i agree with you and i have only watched s 9 to see if i have snippets of S/J and as of now i have little encouragemant as a S/J shipper so the rest of the season, i will def NOT be watching. I will be tuning into only Atlantis for s3 as i hear sam will be there at least some of the time.

                          mary x



                            good to see you
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              Originally posted by nell
                              Oma, what you said!! That bit with Vala and
                              Tomin being married, laying in bed together scenes, a kiss, a hug, and so on. How is it **vein throbbing on side of my head**that Vala who is really a lesser character in the scheme of the show gets sooooo much air time with her hubby while Jack and Sam, The Real Love Story, gets vague, subtle, veiled, and ambiguous Ship references??
                              OK, see, I can rant sometimes, too. LOL!!!
                              Maybe Vala's
                              husband got so much air time because he's probably not going to live past the season finale? I would be willing to bet we would have gotten our complete resolution had they killed off Jack. Probably a death scene immediately after the wedding. I'd rather have it unresolved on screen with a possible Jack return and let my imagination have them living happily together. I wouldn't want them to kill him off!


                                Originally posted by meimei
                                Maybe Vala's
                                husband got so much air time because he's probably not going to live past the season finale? I would be willing to bet we would have gotten our complete resolution had they killed off Jack. Probably a death scene immediately after the wedding. I'd rather have it unresolved on screen with a possible Jack return and let my imagination have them living happily together. I wouldn't want them to kill him off!
                                Well, there's that...!! I would have to agree with the living thing, too!!
                                thanks, meimei

