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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Sam_Carter
    thanks hun!!! i loved that fic. i'm now tucking into a bag of chocolate drops as a type, now if only Jack were here to deliver it the way he did to Sam in that fic......
    No prob. And I agree about wanting Jack here to deliver the chocolate...

    Have you been to Tons of videos and you probably will be abel to download them. I HIGHLY reccomend What If I Said in the S/J section. The song fits perfectally with the tow.

    Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


      Okay, i've just finished the first chapter to my most recent fic. It's set during and after 'Heroes' but unlike the episode
      Janet doesn't go off world and therefore doesn't die.

      It will eventually be rated NC-17 but isn't at the moment! If you want to have a looksie please do. i'd love a review (hey that rhymes!)

      i hope you like it!!!!

      oh and the chocolate drops are all gone now :'(
      Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
      Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
      Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


        Originally posted by Sam_Carter
        Okay, i've just finished the first chapter to my most recent fic. It's set during and after 'Heroes' but unlike the episode
        Janet doesn't go off world and therefore doesn't die.

        oh and the chocolate drops are all gone now :'(
        *screams at the spoiler!!!!*

        I'm officially a fan now!
        Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
        Sparkiest Little Spanker

        Pencil Breaker and proud of it!


          Originally posted by Sam_Carter
          Okay, i've just finished the first chapter to my most recent fic. It's set during and after 'Heroes' but unlike the episode
          Janet doesn't go off world and therefore doesn't die.

          It will eventually be rated NC-17 but isn't at the moment! If you want to have a looksie please do. i'd love a review (hey that rhymes!)

          i hope you like it!!!!

          oh and the chocolate drops are all gone now :'(
          That was great!

          Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


            Originally posted by Myrth
            SNY is brilliant.. she has an unmatched sense of poignance in her vids. I vote we get her a job @ SG personally
            I second that! She could write all the promos and commercials! I'd be watching even though I barely watch SG-1 anymore.

            On an OT note... Would anybody here be willing to be my Beta? Or tell me where I can get one? I had one but she isn't my Beta anymore due to personal reasons. I write SG-1 (almost always S/J) and Atlantis (almost always J/E) with the ocasional Harry Potter thrown in.

            Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


              Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
              That was great!

              thanks hun!
              Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
              Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
              Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                I second that! She could write all the promos and commercials! I'd be watching even though I barely watch SG-1 anymore.

                On an OT note... Would anybody here be willing to be my Beta? Or tell me where I can get one? I had one but she isn't my Beta anymore due to personal reasons. I write SG-1 (almost always S/J) and Atlantis (almost always J/E) with the ocasional Harry Potter thrown in.
                I don't trust my grammar and punctuation skills enough to beta.

                What I did was go to the fanfic section of GW and put out a request on this thread:

                I found a wonderful, very helpful beta that way.
                Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                  I agree! SNY is the best vid maker! She chooses great music for them.
                  "Do you people practice being vague?"


                    Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                    Zoser not only that conversation with Jacob, but there was a scene with HaluciJack where he said essentially...
                    what is stopping you if you really want to know?
                    -that was certaily a missed opportunity on Sam's part-she was too dense to figure out what he was referring to?????
                    But don't forget. She wasn't really speaking to Jack, but to the part herself that appeared as Jack. So, in essence, she was talking to herself about how she felt about Jack. And Jack had no way of knowing what Sam had been through when she woke in the infirmary and called him Jack!
                    In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

                    Life is too short for drama & petty things,
                    so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

                    Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
                    Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
                    Hic Comitas Regit
                    Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


                      OMG! CB is hugh but looks great!


                        Well, at least
                        Vala didn't claim the baby could be Daniel's. In fact, she made it seem like they'd not gotten it on. She wasn't bad, actually. I don't blame her one bit for anything she did in that galaxy. Girl's gotta stay alive.


                          Vala's really toned down. Less rough around the edges. I actually found myself sympathetic to her especially since she was joining the resistance. But, to keep on topic for the Sam and Jack Thread, I didn't hear mention of
                          Jack. Of course, I didn't watch the whole show.
                          Did I miss something?? **grins**fingers crossed**
                          Last edited by nell; 03 March 2006, 05:17 PM.


                            Originally posted by trupi
                            OMG! CB is hugh but looks great!
                            Yeah. I saw her pic in TV Guide. I'm planning on watching the episode later.

                            Chimera is no right now... Or as I call it 'The begining of Sam's temporary insanity'.

                            I wonder if was really an alien that had horrible seduction powers over brilliant scientists...

                            Hey it's a theory...

                            Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                              sorry, Nell. That was a big fat nada. However, the upside is that there wasn't much of a wasted opportunity. That is kinda good. There could be a tie in later, we had to give an X-309? to the Russians in order to keep the gate. That would be a good time to mention that Jack approved the bargain.


                                Well, and another plus is
                                no romantic interest for Sam.

