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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Pacific Jack
    I'm not pessimistic, but I am realistic.
    Not very different


      I think that test said I was Wier. On the left it said (maybe meaning second?) Lizzy. Who the heck is she? And Ronan apparently is my guy, haven't even seen him or know who he is.
      "Do you people practice being vague?"


        Pessimistic is thinking they'll never be together.

        Realistic is thinking that there's a chance we'll never get outright canon, as opposed to vague could-mean-anything hints.

        Big difference
        The duke had a mind that ticked like a clock and, like a clock, it regularly went cuckoo.

        Stargate is not an obsession. I can give it up anytime I want!


          Originally posted by solar wind
          I think that test said I was Wier. On the left it said (maybe meaning second?) Lizzy. Who the heck is she? And Ronan apparently is my guy, haven't even seen him or know who he is.
          He's hot

          Like RDA but not.

          Thanks nell for telling me which ep it was *let's go of collar and smoothes it down*
          Sorry about my crazy fangirl attack

          Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team

          I've Been SPANKed by the Love Monkey!!


            Originally posted by Pacific Jack
            Then what was she doing in Ripple Effect?


            Well, actually, I have a source that responds to that question!! Hee, hee!!

            I was enjoying a Starbucks at Barnes and Noble the other evening while reading the latest issue of the Stargate SG-1/Atlantis issue. There was an interview with one of TPTB. He said, and I paraphrase, that each season the writers give the long-time fans a present.
            Citizen Joe was a present in Season 8 and Ripple Effect is a present in Season 9.
            Long-time fans will immediately recognize details of past episodes/seasons and they hope fans will enjoy those kinds of episodes.

            Well, yes and no. YES, I like TPTB to tie up some loose ends but NO I don't appreciate such subtleness that we end up frustrated.
            Like the Ripple Effect scene between Sam and Martouf!! However, TPTB went on to give an explanation about that RE scene. Again, I paraphrase. Sam had strong past feelings associated with Jolinar.
            Yadda yadda yadda!!!

            Well, I took that info and perceived it to mean that the
            attempted kiss was understandable given Sam/Joinar's history with Martouf/Lantesh.
            I walked away from this article relieved although a bit annoyed that TPTB did not develop that scene so we would not be here today analyzing it.

            Please read that interview and tell me what you think about it!!


              Originally posted by anne87
              Pessimistic is thinking they'll never be together.

              Realistic is thinking that there's a chance we'll never get outright canon, as opposed to vague could-mean-anything hints.

              Big difference
              For me not different, because if not together in this time no chance any time in future for together, of course, because is not RL.
              S&J must be together in this time, another options not good (this word very worse)
              If not together TPTB quickly find for Sam new boyfriend definitly


                Originally posted by nell
                Well, actually, I have a source that responds to that question!! Hee, hee!!

                I was enjoying a Starbucks at Barnes and Noble the other evening while reading the latest issue of the Stargate SG-1/Atlantis issue. There was an interview with one of TPTB. He said, and I paraphrase, that each season the writers give the long-time fans a present.
                Citizen Joe was a present in Season 8 and Ripple Effect is a present in Season 9.
                Long-time fans will immediately recognize details of past episodes/seasons and they hope fans will enjoy those kinds of episodes.

                Well, yes and no. YES, I like TPTB to tie up some loose ends but NO I don't appreciate such subtleness that we end up frustrated.
                Like the Ripple Effect scene between Sam and Martouf!! However, TPTB went on to give an explanation about that RE scene. Again, I paraphrase. Sam had strong past feelings associated with Jolinar.
                Yadda yadda yadda!!!

                Well, I took that info and perceived it to mean that the
                attempted kiss was understandable given Sam/Joinar's history with Martouf/Lantesh.
                I walked away from this article relieved although a bit annoyed that TPTB did not develop that scene so we would not be here today analyzing it.

                Please read that interview and tell me what you think about it!!
                very nice aliby


                  Originally posted by nell
                  Well, actually, I have a source that responds to that question!! Hee, hee!!

                  I was enjoying a Starbucks at Barnes and Noble the other evening while reading the latest issue of the Stargate SG-1/Atlantis issue. There was an interview with one of TPTB. He said, and I paraphrase, that each season the writers give the long-time fans a present.
                  Citizen Joe was a present in Season 8 and Ripple Effect is a present in Season 9.
                  Long-time fans will immediately recognize details of past episodes/seasons and they hope fans will enjoy those kinds of episodes.

                  Well, yes and no. YES, I like TPTB to tie up some loose ends but NO I don't appreciate such subtleness that we end up frustrated.
                  Like the Ripple Effect scene between Sam and Martouf!! However, TPTB went on to give an explanation about that RE scene. Again, I paraphrase. Sam had strong past feelings associated with Jolinar.
                  Yadda yadda yadda!!!

                  Well, I took that info and perceived it to mean that the
                  attempted kiss was understandable given Sam/Joinar's history with Martouf/Lantesh.
                  I walked away from this article relieved although a bit annoyed that TPTB did not develop that scene so we would not be here today analyzing it.

                  Please read that interview and tell me what you think about it!!
                  I'm off to Barnes and Noble. Well, not today, but asap tomorrow. I probably will have your reaction--relieved, but still annoyed. Wonder what "present" will be forthcoming in S10? The only one I want is a decent RDA scene or scenes (with ship, one can dream).


                    Originally posted by Toll Verliebt
                    He's hot

                    Like RDA but not.

                    Thanks nell for telling me which ep it was *let's go of collar and smoothes it down*
                    Sorry about my crazy fangirl attack
                    Cool, thanks.
                    I can see by your avatar that he's a favorite of yours. Don't worry I'll back off if a man is already spoken for! (I hope that's at least a little bit funny).
                    "Do you people practice being vague?"


                      Quick post. I have to leave in a few.

                      In light of the recent S/C anvils I wrote this.
                      Taking A Chance

                      This is my attempt at putting the Sam/Cam thing to rest...
                      (I have writing Sam/Cam. Characters who's names rhyme should NOT get together!!! It's WAY too cutesy!)

                      Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                        Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                        I'm off to Barnes and Noble. Well, not today, but asap tomorrow. I probably will have your reaction--relieved, but still annoyed. Wonder what "present" will be forthcoming in S10? The only one I want is a decent RDA scene or scenes (with ship, one can dream).
                        Yes, please read and tell us what you interpreted. Ya know me, I wear Shippy Rose-colored glasses!!! Actually, I believe I am correct!!


                          Originally posted by nell
                          Ya know me, I wear Shippy Rose-colored glasses!!! Actually, I believe I am correct!!

                          you know only thing TOGETHER FOR ALL TIME




                              SHIPPER ALERT!!! SQUEE ALERT!!!

                              OKAY, please SIT DOWN when you read my post!!
                              DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING WHILE READING!!!
                              THIS IS SOMETHING GOOD!!!
                              Drum roll to build excitement!!!

                              I was reading GW's online Stargate Primer. Here's what GW wrote about Sam's character:
                              Colonel Carter is the one to turn to when questions arise about the Stargate and its functions, wormhole physics, cosmology, and more. She is also a passionate woman, who is fiercely loyal to her team and immensely capable of doing her job. She shares personal feelings with Jack O'Neill, but the two have reached an understanding that they cannot act on their feelings so long as they serve in the military together.

                              After a string of romantic interests who met a grisly end (Jonas Hansen, Martouf, Orlin, Joe Faxon, Narim), Carter found a steady boyfriend -- a detective from Colorado named Pete Shanahan (David DeLuise). The two were even engaged, but Sam recently broke off their relationship. It is likely that her muted relationship with Jack O'Neill will continue, with the General's new position in Homeworld Security still being over Sam in the chain of command -- though recently they appear to have reached an understanding that they won't be happy with anyone else.

                              Here's what GW wrote about end of Season 8:

                              Meanwhile, Carter reconsidered her future with Pete when her father, Jacob, died. Knowing that she was trying to get over Jack, the one man she wanted to be with, Sam broke off their engagement. Jack, too, saw a romantic relationship flicker out when his new love interest recognized what he and Sam had between them. She encouraged Jack not to let their jobs stand in the way.

                              As Season Eight closed, there was finally peace in the galaxy. SG-1 celebrated with a long-overdue fishing trip.

                              Sweet, huh??!!!


                                Originally posted by solar wind
                                Cool, thanks.
                                I can see by your avatar that he's a favorite of yours. Don't worry I'll back off if a man is already spoken for! (I hope that's at least a little bit funny).
                                He's already taken, *sorry people who don't like spanky!* but don't worry! We share here at Gateworld! *hands out glasses of hot men*


                                Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team

                                I've Been SPANKed by the Love Monkey!!

