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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Sorry I vanished...RL is calling...
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      (((sg-1fanintn))), I loved your fic cute and funny !!

      Twisted Angel, UhSir, thanks guys

      about that quote, I think those dudes have taken their dreams for reality !! it certainly comes from a fic !


        Originally posted by michelleb
        Nope, pretty sure that never happened. C'mon, we'd have noticed, and squeeed. We're shippers. We're fanatics. We'd know! This never happened...
        I think you are correct! I haven't seen all the eps (I'm sorry, I'm sorry!! But, several of the less popular eps I haven't gotten round to yet). OK, I was hoping we OVERLOOKED this epi. VERY SQUEE WORTHY, HUH???!!!


          Originally posted by SG1Poz
          OT again! These were taken on my deck:

          Before and After pics. I measured 13-15 inches, depending on where I poked the ruler!
          Luckily I have a heating pad and I'm leaning on it now. Beautiful snow but back breaking to shovel especially when you're an old lady like me



            Originally posted by michelleb
            Yep, I've heard it. I've got another good one!

            In 'Into the Fire', when he throws Hathor over he whispers 'My love..Carter' then he turn round to sam and gasps 'Carter'. again, you have to have the DVD, for the clearer sound, and turn it up really high, but it's there!!!

            OOOH!!!! i am so off to watch that! YIPEEE!!!!!
            Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
            Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
            Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


              Originally posted by melpomene
              For my contribution to Valenship I would like to present this vid. The song, 'You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This' was recced to me by my good buddy Cathain Nottingham who managed to lure me out of a S/J drought so, Thanks Kate

              available here\/ and at Cathain's Site^

              I hope ya'll enjoy

              <--me after seeing Mel's video!


                Originally posted by UhSir

                <--me after seeing Mel's video!
                Exactly what I said UhSir!


                  Originally posted by UhSir

                  <--me after seeing Mel's video!

                  I agree, and I'd like to add...

                  Oh my. The ship. THE SHIPPINESS OF IT ALL!!!!!

                  Great vid. I loved it, could you tell?
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    i made a wallpaper (its the attachment) as one of my many offerings to the Valenship gods, and also i give unto you, this link...


                    it is of an amazing wallpaper - Sam & Jack holding each other in bed
                    Attached Files
                    Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                    Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                    Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                      Originally posted by florence
                      Question for all the shippers : do you know a good Valentine fic ? I've not had the time to search through fic archives, but since it's Valenship, I'd like to have a good shippy fic to read tonight before sleeping. Best way to have sweet dreams !

                      So, suggestions ? Titles ? Links ?
                      Well, (*raises hand shyly*) I wrote a little Valentine themed fic just for today's celebration. It's called The Perfect Valentine.



                        Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                        HAPPY VALENSHIP GUYS!!!!!!!

                        I thought i'd post some behind the scenes information about shippy bits. To kick start valenship off in style!!! WOO HOO!!!!

                        (This one made me go 'ohhhhhh')

                        This is about ‘Threads’ but from the ‘Reckoning’ episode guide.

                        with in real life before Amanda Tapping and RDA had to shoot that scene in the observation room Amanda was crying really badly because she was tearful that Carmen (Jacob Carter) was dying in the next scene, she got on with him really well and was so sad that he was not going to be playing Jacob Carter anymore.

                        Tapping says she eventually pulled it all together, and went into the observation room to shoot a scene with Richard Dean Anderson: “We’re sitting getting ready for this little scene between Carter and O’Neill, which is quite wonderful and some interesting things are brought to bear. Rick turned to me and said, ‘You’re not crying are you?’ and I went, ‘Yes, I am.’ And he replied, ‘I hate it when you cry. I hate it.’ And it was just the perfect prelude to that little scene between us.

                        Heres an extract from the season 1&2 ilustrated companion book which I think you will like, its from the episode "There But For The Grace Of God".

                        "Amanda Tapping is talking on a more serious note, the actress confides that the farewell scene between the alternate O'Neill and Carter was actually written as a kiss but she says both of us looked at each other and said"Let's make it a hug" Working on the basis that less is more. Tapping suggests "I actually think the hug was much better than a kiss to me it conveyed a much deeper level of feeling" Of her co-star she says "I am so glad we were both on the same page with it. It's not that I didnt was to kiss Richard Dean Anderson I did want to! Just don't tel anybody"

                        okay, heres the extract from 'Lost City (part 2)' in the Illustrated Companion.

                        'Anderson may not remember much about the actual episode. but thankfully, Amanda Tapping has almost total recall as far as 'Lost City' is concerned. "Do you remember the bit where Sam comes round to visit Jack and they sit on the sofa together? There was almost a kiss" she reveals. "We were going to go for it, but then the doorbell rang and then, of course, the guys arrived and the moment was lost and well... I had to wait a bit longer for the snog," she sighs.'

                        Here’s an extract from 'Moebius (part 2)' to make people smile, he he.

                        'Oh yes, i got to er... snog the wonderful Richard Dean Anderson and, you know, i'm, so over it," scoffs Amanda Tapping. "I mean, how many times can you kiss a man without letting it go anywhere? It becomes a massive exercise in frustration for both of us - but one does what one can, and i do get paid for it, so i can't complain." The actress continues her nonsene by joking that Mr Anderson should be grateful for these opportunities. Adopting Dorky Carter mode fro a moment she nods, "I think he should be happy to take whatever he can get. Really."

                        The same sentiment could be applied to those fans who flooded the Internet with comments about 'the kiss' - or kisses, as there were definately more than one. Posts on various forums ranged from how fantastic it was that loyal fans got to see Sam and Jack together at last, to some which, astoundingly, complained that it 'wasn't the right kind of kiss.' Tapping finds it "hillarous that people are devoting time and energy to analysing this. You gotta love our fans, who take so much pleasure in disecting each part of our show. How great is it that they still do it, after eight years. Good on 'em is what i say."

                        After all the 'fireworks', literal and otherwise, the episode concluded with a much more tranquil glimpse at SG-1's relationship. Tapping explains, "Robert Cooper asked me, at the beginning of the season, what i wanted to see happen at the end of the year and i said, "i want to see Carter and O'Neill finally go fishing." '

                        This is about ‘Divide & Conquer

                        "What was funny about Divide and Conquer, offers director Martin Wood was that whole Jack and Sam thing. It started in Solitdues where they were cuddling up for warmth and O'Neill had that famous line "Its my side arm, Iswear. No Giggling" That was the first show I did and I loved the way they delivered that joke so much that I thought we have to do this more often. So in "Into the Fire" O'Neill goes and gets Carter and she sits up and she's naked. When we were filiming that Rick turned turned to me and asked "Do you want this to be one of them times? to which I of course I said Yes. Then in the hallway when they have to hide and she's too close to him its like WOW! I am not supposed to be feeling like this!"

                        "Rick and Amanda really loved playing that scene with the forcefield between them, because its not the sort of thing that happens on earth. No human being in my knowledge has ever been forced to look at the person they love through a force field knowng that one or both of them is facing imminent death. I just love the way they are nose to nose and can't touch eachother."

                        Ok this is from the episode "Point of View"

                        "Point of View came about because we wanted the opportunity for Carter and O'Neill to kiss and had to figure out a way to do it, admits Jonathan Glassner. In the original script, the alternative reality Carter was also an officer, but our Air Force advisors who approve such things refused to grant permission for that to go ahead. Their official stance was: "Two military officers cannot kiss". Even when I said How do you know thats the rule in an alternate reality? they said it didnt matter so Brad Wright and I came up with the idea right there and then on the phone. We asked how it would be if one wasnt in the military, and they gave in and let us go with that."

                        This is from "Window of Opportunity"

                        "Its not clear whether taking Carter into his arms and swooping down for a full blown kiss was a long cherised desire of Colonel O'Neil but Richard Dean Anderson grins, "I personally re-did that scene as many times as I could get away with." Ms Tapping was not available for comment."

                        They're all extracts from the 'Official Illustrated Companion'
                        WooHoo! This made my day! Thanks for sharing this and on Valenship Day!


                          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                          Well, (*raises hand shyly*) I wrote a little Valentine themed fic just for today's celebration. It's called The Perfect Valentine.


                          And it's a cute one too
                          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                            The [Un]official Valenship page has been updated with a video (her first ever) by SueKay!


                              SHIPSHIPHOORAY Special Ops Team UPDATE
                              Members may be Shippers or Friends of Sam and Jack. We are a welcoming team. PM me if you are joining. I'll post the final list at the end of day.

                              Lys(friend of Sam and Jack)
                              Cathain Nottingham


                                Originally posted by lonely_star
                                hey hey hey !!!!
                                I've finally made it here !! I was working on the vid I wanted to abandon but I love the family so much I couldn't stop like that !! so here it is, I've done my best with the little extracts I had. I'm puting it online right now so I keep you posted as soon as it done I'll post the link. !!! (Suekay, I'm sending you the file right now...)
                                hope you're all well !
                                I'm out reading what I missed and answer a few post !

                                HAPPY VALENSHIP DAY to you all !!! and to Sam and Jack of course !!!
                                Great Vid!!! Loved it! Thanks so much

