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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Actually, I beg to differ, Pacific Jack. IMO, Jack and Sam are having problems, they're going through a highly difficult time due to a long distance relationship, as inferred by a certain conversation, or rather, look, in Ripple Effect. I would also go as far as to say that
    the near kiss
    put it into perspective for Sam. I'm not saying it's all perfect, but I think it's far from over.
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Originally posted by Pacific Jack
      To continue. I have only recently been reading some of the forum comments. I found this sight by trying to find out how to get a replacement copy of Threads. Very interesting. The Sam and Jack anti-shippers are something else. They may not like the pairing, but their reasoning is at best flawed, and at worst ridiculous. With the end of season 8, the creative forces had given the Sam and Jack story what amounted to a "happily ever after" ending. I assume they had anticipated shutting down after the season with no forthcoming renewal. But, they were renewed. They should have started the new season with a totally new cast to avoid any damage done to old story lines. Not just the Carter and O'Neill relationship, but all of them. The longer the show goes on, the more backstory they have to remember and integrate into the new story lines. Tough to do. I know the remaing original cast members probably love their characters and what they do, but they risked damaging the good they have accomplished. This is what happened last Friday night. This was a totally incomprehensible move that, in effect, negated all the previous years of engineering a Sam and Jack mating. I have read, with some amusement, some of the members attempts to downplay the significance of the "moment," and I understand their deep commitment to this relationship. But, there is no doubt that serious and probably irrepairable damage has been done to this coupling. I am saddened that they have done this to a love story that was done with subtle but powerfully understated passion. There use of looks, hugs, and body language substituting for more overt passion was done brilliantly. In fact, it was probably sexier.
      There may have been signs throughout the post Divide and Conquer episodes that all was not perfect for the couple. Sam's flirting with Joe Faxon in 2001 a month or so after her love declaration seemed odd to me. In Redemption she also flirted with Mckay. Why, I'll never know. He is a real jerk. So, this may be part of her personality. I think that through the duration of the show they were not always certain if they wanted to pair them off or not. Her relationship with some off-world characters, like Martouf and Narim didn't seem to plausible to me because they were not from earth and in the case of Martouf, the Tok'ra, he was host to a symbiote. Would they match Samantha with someone possesed with a "snake?" I didn't think so, but they may have decided differently. Ms. Tapping is a fine actress and sold her relationships with great conviction and feeling. I have no complaints about her work. But, when the "moment" happened in Ripple Effect it effectively ended Sam and Jack's romance. There is no way the powers can write themselves out of the corner they painted themselves in. If Sam is currently with Jack, which many people believe and properly infer from Threads, then she is no longer in love with him. If she is not with him she is in the market and shopping. Ripple Effect and Threads are contradictory. There is no way to reconcile them and, apologies to the passiontely devoted fans of the couple, no way to correct its effect. However, there is some good news. Samantha is not in love with anyone else at SGC. She woudn't have done what she did if she were in love with anyone else either. So, this is bad news for all the Sam and other ships in various other threads at Gateworld. No Sam and Mitchell, no Sam and McKay, no Sam and Vala (that's funny), no Sam and Thor (even funnier).
      I wish they hadn't done this. The ending of Threads would have been perfect if Sam had been allowed to tell Jack about her love. They would have kissed on Jack's back porch while his steak continued to burn. Sam would then rush off to see her rapidly dieing father. Jack would join her in the observation room. He puts his arm around her and Jacob looks up at them, smiles and passes peacefully away. At Jack's cabin Sam says how she should have done this before. This, meaning being together. In Moebius 2 when they were together at the cabin she says how they should have done it before. It, meaning to consumate their love. In both endings Daniel and Teal'c join them for a family portrait. Fade out. And they lived happily ever after. Not now. Can we all say Mr. and Mrs. Martouf?
      WELCOME PACIFIC JACK!!!! I am still processing your excellent posts. Being as I'm in a time dilation bubble since the end of Season 8, I'm impervious to the changes that Season 9 is effecting for our Sam and Jack. Heh, heh!! Seriously, you articulated your point of view very well, indeed. Let's just say I'm thinkin'. Please continue to visit and post.



        I'll admit, I've not read your posts because I've got a headache...but I've taken a note of the post numbers

        Waterfall - I don't know quite where I'm going on my hols, but if I end up anywhere in Florida, I might just go on a 'grand tour' visiting some GWers
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Sorry guys Comic Con in NYC is a bust! Except for SCIFI Friday presentation night, no actors committed to come. They'll go to LA but not NYC. This sucks big time!


            I agree with Tracy Jane

            I think it'd be reasonable to assume that Sam and Jack are having some problems...If you think about it...they went from a very restrained working relationship (where they could never really truely be at ease with each other) with Sam in a serious relationship, to being in a relationship together in a very short space of time.

            If they'd been friends, without the extra baggage of regulations before starting a relationship, they'd be having problems adjusting.

            Add the regs to that friendship, add a couple thousand miles and Sam still being on the front line, and you've definitely got a high-stress situation.

            But they're both sensible enough to work anything out.

            All MO
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by sueKay
              I agree with Tracy Jane

              I think it'd be reasonable to assume that Sam and Jack are having some problems...If you think about it...they went from a very restrained working relationship (where they could never really truely be at ease with each other) with Sam in a serious relationship, to being in a relationship together in a very short space of time.

              If they'd been friends, without the extra baggage of regulations before starting a relationship, they'd be having problems adjusting.

              Add the regs to that friendship, add a couple thousand miles and Sam still being on the front line, and you've definitely got a high-stress situation.

              But they're both sensible enough to work anything out.

              All MO

              Even if they're having problems, Sam shouldn't be interested in kissing other men.


                100% right parsifal.Pacific Jack made some Great points about Sam flirting with other Guys and this is after D&C.It always bothered my when Joe asks Sam to get something to Eat and Sam accepts right in front of Jack.I guess Jack was not only a Safe bet but a backup plan when Sam did not have an other Man Friends around.


                  Originally posted by parsifal
                  Even if they're having problems, Sam shouldn't be interested in kissing other men.
                  I think the problems were extreme, plus she was tired, stressed and thinking about what could be. Women do stupid things sometimes. Noone's perfect.
                  Yepp, it's blank down here.


                    Ses - belated congrats on 1000 posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    I agree that
                    the near-kiss is out of character...but I'm still not convinced that that was our Sam
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                      Women do stupid things sometimes. Noone's perfect.
                      I think the writers drove that point home (vis-à-vis Sam) in S7. And S8. Why won't they stop writing it?


                        because they're men...Sam's a threat to their 'manly-ness'

                        ...well that's my theory
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          Ses - belated congrats on 1000 posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I agree that
                          the near-kiss is out of character...but I'm still not convinced that that was our Sam
                          Very out of character. Even if Sam and Martouf had had a "thing" before,
                          I don't think it would have drawn into a kiss now. Martouf sounded as if he had moved on. And Sam would have moved on. They were not star-crossed-lovers, kept from each other and their desperate love for one another, FCOL. If it was Sam's nature to be drawn to kiss Martouf based on her or Jolinar's past relationship (and I still don't buy that Jolinars left over feelings theory), then by that token she should have been trying to kiss Jack every time he walked by. Obviously It just doesn't add up. Out of character.
                          ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                            Any comments from JM about the reactions about RE?


                              Originally posted by trupi
                              Any comments from JM about the reactions about RE?
                              answering my own post-he has not been on his thread, since RE aired. Oh well once again Joe is rampere i coglioni!


                                Thought I'd put this little bit of optomism here. I'm reading the Atlantis novilization of Rising and this was in here. Will put in spoilers just in case
                                Jack is flying over the snowy land of Antarctica w/ Sheppard in the helicopter. And thinking of how cold it is. And what else/who is he thinking of of. I'll type the exact sentence for all us shippers out there "Carter would love it out her-not." See this just proves that she is always on his mind. Granted this is from the authors pov. But still, its Jack O'Neill!!!!!!!!!!!

