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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Bucky
    Uh, Not sure what counts as spoilers here. Just mentioning characters and fans' reactions to them. No plot info. If that's spoilery, then skip ahead to the next post:

    Why don't people like Carolyn Lam? I do. I read a great fic recently that had a secondary ship pairing Mitchell with Vala--of all people. When I asked the author about it, she said it was because she could not stand Lam. Most puzzling. Is it because she's short, red-headed and feisty, but still not Janet? I am genuinely puzzled by this animosity. And I think Cam and Lam make a cute couple.

    As for your other point, I don't think you need to fret about a potential Carter/Mitchell romantic subtext. There are guys who turn you on and guys who don't--not matter how hot they are. S/J had sexual energy from the first scene. Sam and Cam had 'good bud' energy from the first scene. As far as I can tell, tptb do not want to go down the shipper road again. They may toy with us, but big romantic stories are going to be reserved for Daniel, maybe Teal'c, possibly Cameron.

    I don't see any evidence of a Sam/ Cam ship. None. The writers have gone out of their way to establish that they are friends. Good friends. Close friends. Comfortable friends.

    Just friends.

    Gee, I don't see Lam having red hair, looks black to me. And I don't like her(so far). Not because she's short and has black(IMO) hair. And I don't consider her feisty, but petulant and pouty. Maybe she has reason to be so with her father, but it seems like she's hardly even cordial with anyone. It's not the old stereotype of a man comes off as forceful but a woman seems *****y either. Maybe I can keep an open mind from now on, and I'll try but the damage has been done. I have nothing against Cam/Lam shipping.
    I believe LD was hired to play her part as feisty, but so far she hasn't managed that, IMO.
    Last edited by Gatetrixer; 21 January 2006, 06:13 PM.


      I don't like Lam either.I do like the idea of
      Cam/Lam.That would keep Cam away from Sam.Slight OT.I heard Barrett was on Atlantis last night.Did Barrett hit on any of the Women from Atlantis?


        Originally posted by Zoser
        If Peter DeLuise is one of TPTB he must be out of the loop.
        Maybe PDL also put in that
        almost kiss with Martouf and it couldnt be edited out for some reason


          Originally posted by ses110
          I don't like Lam either.I do like the idea of
          Cam/Lam.That would keep Cam away from Sam.Slight OT.I heard Barrett was on Atlantis last night.Did Barrett hit on any of the Women from Atlantis?
          no because he didnt go to atlantis, he was just at the SGC.... he did mention Carter
          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


            Originally posted by Myrth
            I don't think it's got anything to do with fan groups and shutting people up. I think it's got more to do with the natural flow of the story.

            One thing many people don't seem to realise is that a story can be written for it's own sake, not just to please an audience group...
            I reiterate my previous question, slightly modified: Are these 'relationships' really demanding closure for the sake of the story? I don't see the need. The one somewhat legitimate case for closure was Martouf. Not for romantic feelings, however, but perhaps for her guilt over killing him. That almost kiss was completely inappropriate and befuddling.


              Originally posted by parsifal
              That almost kiss was completely inappropriate and befuddling.
              yeah, that was really weird!!!!
              ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                Originally posted by ses110
                I don't like Lam either.I do like the idea of
                Cam/Lam.That would keep Cam away from Sam.Slight OT.I heard Barrett was on Atlantis last night.Did Barrett hit on any of the Women from Atlantis?
                LOL!! Bless you, ses! ((((ses))) You brought me out of lurkdom with that chuckle! The answer is "No". Atlantis S2
                The Trust foiled Barrett's plan to capture Atlantis women.

                Token ~


                  Originally posted by sueKay
                  I think
                  Sam's indifference to her father is the thing that worries me most...surely everyone here will agree with me, that if you found out that someone you'd lost was alive elsewhere, it'd at least draw some sort of reaction from you.
                  i know!

                  that was not only wrong, it was creepy.

                  and please tell me if i'm wrong, but didn't janet
                  die 2 years ago, not 3?

                  did anyone else wish that we found out last night that one of those alternates were *really* our ppl? it would have solved a lot of our issues with our of character writing this season...

                  Last edited by majorsal; 21 January 2006, 08:03 PM.



                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                    My goodness, no wonder people have stopped coming to this thread.... it's getting depressing! I was so excited about this episode, and there's a lot to be excited about. Joe's on our side, remember. PDL read it the wrong way, and although THAT scene was deleted, he'd directed the whole ep in that way. Mistakes happen, and they couldn't afford, time of budget wise, to reshoot the whole thing. At this point, TPTB probably don't feel the need to mention Jack because they reckon we know.

                    Can we please cheer up just a tad round here. We're getting our ship, just in micro doses. And if I here / see one more reference to the Titanic round here I'll scream.
                    you think peter deluise directed it wrong 'by accident'? *snort*




                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                      RIGHT. I've just screamed big time. I say no titanic and the titanic appears. GRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Ok. It was in a sig. But still damn annoying.
                      tracy, we've been down this road before on this thread. let ppl be the way they want and how they really are. if you don't like our so-called whining, then ignore us.

                      if you end up being the only happy/chipper shipper right now, then go for it. no one's telling you to stop because we're unhappy.




                        Thanks Token.
                        Way to go Trust.Lexa did say Barrett mentioned Sam.Anyone surprised.Barrett will never learn.I was just on JM's Blog and there are soo many complaints about the Sam/Martouf almost Kiss and one person who is Anti Sam/Jack said to just tell everyone that Sam is with Jack and stop all the Sam/Other Ship.It's obvious a large number of Fans are Sick of Sam/Other.TPTB need to take notice and do something quick.


                          spoilers for ripple effect

                          Originally posted by ses110
                          Very good points.I think
                          Sam could still be kind and sensitive it's just IMO Sam needs to be firm when she is approached by someone who is interested in her.If Sam and Jack are Together or Sam is in Love with Jack Sam needs to make it clear she is unavailable.If Sam and Jack are not together or they broke up TPTB need to let everyone know so Sam does not look so bad.It was so hard typing that sentence.I think caring about Sam looking bad is the furthest thing from TPTB minds.
                          and since when has our sam ever been like this with martouf? i know she was attracted to him, but it was all tied up in her jolinar memories. so for our sam to make the move... let's face it, shippers, we know *exactly* why that was put in there. it didn't help the sam carter character. it didn't add anything to the plot (other than make sam look wishy-washy AGAIN with her feelings).

                          i'll be optimistic for a moment and say that WHEN they finally let sam and jack sail (as a couple), i just hope we'll be *able* to be happy after all the crap we've went through.

                          how much you want to bet pete will return next season???

                          Last edited by majorsal; 21 January 2006, 08:05 PM. Reason: mistake in spelling



                            Finally, it has been sooooooo long since I posted anything, I had forgotten my password! Talk about a frantic search through all my little posty notes and scraps of paper in my desk - but - I found it!

                            I wanted to log on after seeing the show last night and reading all the various comments on it. I enjoyed the show very much and actually covered my eyes (with peeking) during the whole Sam/Martouf scene. I thought the expression on the Asgard's face (can't remember what his/her name was) was great.

                            Not sure if this is the right spot to post this but couldn't think of anywhere else.

                            I don't know if anyone has mentioned a couple of things I noticed - and if they have - sorry for bringing them up again but I haven't read all the posts and may have missed it.

                            I noticed during the walk & talk through the SGC halls by Landry, Cam, Daniel & Teal'c several interesting sets of alternate SGC teams that had come through the gate and were walking in the opposite direction.

                            One team - I think they were all men - had the armbands from "Upgrades" on - Daniel actually turned around and looked at them as they walked by.

                            Another team had on orange spacesuits and that Cam was carrying a helmet and turned around and smiled at the other Cam. I think that is the same suit that Ben Browder wore in the opeing episode of "Farscape" when he was on Moya.

                            Also - when all the Sam's were in the same room - did you catch that one of them - the geeky one from Moebius - was eating blue jello - and I swear she looked pregnant.

                            I think I am conditioned to look for clues in shows now from watching Lost.

                            Anyway - just some of my observations.


                              Funny how
                              Sam/Other never gets lost in editing.I beleive RDA had a hand in editing the Show.You can tell they could really use RDA for not just his Acting but his editing.


                                I'm happy for the people who are still optimistic/hopeful for Sam/Jack ship. That's really great. I wish that I could be one of them.

                                Small spoilers for Ripple Effect

                                First off let me say that I actually REALLy enjoyed Ripple Effect. It's the only episode this season that I've watched twice. It was the first episode where the team actually felt like a team to me. They really gelled in this ep.

                                That said the stuff with Sam was pretty much the final straw for me. This ep was once again the perfect opportunity for TPTB to throw us a line. One fricking throwaway line to say Sam and Jack are together. Or aren't. Once again they've chosen to give us sly references to some mystery guy who could be Jack. Or Pete. Or some guy who runs a hotdog stand by Cheyenne Mountain. Or even...sorry...I'm fighting my gag reflex while I type this...Cameron. Don't get me wrong. I love Ben Browder and the Mitchell character has really grown on me in the last few eps. However them shipping her wth Cam wiill only go to prove what many having been saying all along. It's formula to hook up the two leads. Nothing else.

                                I have this image in my head of TPTB as puppetmasters dangling us by their marionette strings while cackling "Dance puppets dance!". I don't have anything against them. They're doing their jobs and I certainly don't think that they're sitting around thinking of ways to foil the Sam/Jack relationship. They're trying their best and trying to keep everybody happy on all sides. It's a tough thing to do and I couldn't do their jobs. Still this puppet is cutting her strings. Me and romance on Stargate are done. I'm sitting it down and having "the talk". Hopefully we can still be friends.

                                It was, is, and always will be GREEN

