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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sueKay

    good to see you too!

    Personally, I think Teal'c would have been
    Father of the Bride since Jacob is no longer with us
    and Daniel would have been Best Man.
    Nahhhh . . . no way in the world rockboy would be "best man." He's barely a man at all. <snark!> <g>

    Daniel would be matron of honor, and Teal'c would be best man. General Hammond would give away the bride.
    - Mary
    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


      I think there will be a big push to have RDA back for at least one episode.The longer it goes the more the Fans will ask for RDA's return.I have no problem if RDA decided never to come back.I just think it would be great to give the Fans some kind of answer soon.It's tough on the Fans to keep wondering when or if RDA will be in an episode.Since the Jack character was not Killed off the questions will continue until there is an answer one way or the other.


        Originally posted by ses110
        I think there will be a big push to have RDA back for at least one episode.The longer it goes the more the Fans will ask for RDA's return.I have no problem if RDA decided never to come back.I just think it would be great to give the Fans some kind of answer soon.It's tough on the Fans to keep wondering when or if RDA will be in an episode.Since the Jack character was not Killed off the questions will continue until there is an answer one way or the other.
        I tried on the JM thread to get a simple question asked: whether RDA was even *asked* back for the 200th episode. And he skipped the question. Personally, I think they're snubbing him.
        - Mary
        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


          Buc - I don't like Daniel anymore either...and I think TPTB have to a certain extent, snubbed RDA

          I think now, however, that they've probably realised that that's a mistake.
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by Buc252
            Nahhhh . . . no way in the world rockboy would be "best man." He's barely a man at all. <snark!> <g>

            Daniel would be matron of honor, and Teal'c would be best man. General Hammond would give away the bride.
            Well, I could see Thor in a tutu, although not sure if Thor can see himself in one...

            Although if I were Sam... and hey marrying Jack, who wouldn't want to be Sam... I would go for who will throw the best bachelor party

            Edit: Oops, forgot the

            Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
            Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
            Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


              Mary I doubt RDA has been asked to return.If the ratings remain steady there will be no pressure on TPTB to have RDA appear.If TPTB asked RDA to appear and RDA turned them down I'am sure TPTB would have told the Fans so the Fans would have seen TPTB at least tried to get RDA to appear.


                Originally posted by majorsal
                i didn't see it at a special screening (which would have taken place in bed with rda ).

                so pacific coast highway is legendary? really? REALLY?

                (well, i can take it up a few miles to malibu... where rda lives... *sighs*)

                Sure, it's legendary! I'm still wondering how you saw it early.....but if you can run up to RDA's house and convince him to come back for a guest ep, I sure would appreciate it!
                Originally posted by ses110
                I did not watch last Nights episode but it looks like the episode may have created a new Ship for some Fans.Sam/Cam.I think it would have been interesting to have Sam not get along with Mitchell.Sam gets along with everyone and it would have been a nice change for the Sam character.
                Oh, that's just silly...the people who think there's a new ship, not your idea. Your idea is actually interesting. As to the "new" ship rumors, pooey! Sam was just showing concern for a teammate. If Daniel or Teal'c had been in the same situation, she would have reacted the same.
                Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                Well it seems nobody else has brought this up so I will. In the previews for next weeks episode of SG-1
                Sam says "I got nothin'" That is totally a Jackisim!!!

                Remember in POV Alt. Sam says "For crying out loud!" She uses a Jackisim! They were married! Well if in next weeks eppy
                Sam uses a Jackisim...
                Then that is total proof she is spending more time with him! If not weekends then at least on the phone!
                That's my thought anyway. *adjusts shipper glasses and grabs a shipper cookie*
                Good catch, gwenhwyfar! I missed that one!

                *** Squee!!!!! ***


                  Originally posted by zuz
                  Zuz, this is so awesome! Thanks for sharing!


                    Originally posted by ses110
                    It should be very interesting on this Thread if Jack gets no mention in Ripple Effect.Since
                    Janet and Martouf will be in this episode I cannot see how Jack will not get some mention.
                    Yes, I've been wondering how they will do Ripple Effect without
                    several O'Neills also showing up at the SGC, along with the Frasiers, Martoufs, Jacobs, etc.

                    How could they explain that absence? I wonder if they'll have some standing in the background, ya know, inserted post production from old footage?


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                      Yes, I've been wondering how they will do Ripple Effect without
                      several O'Neills also showing up at the SGC, along with the Frasiers, Martoufs, Jacobs, etc.

                      How could they explain that absence? I wonder if they'll have some standing in the background, ya know, inserted post production from old footage?
                      You've got a point.

                      They can't explain away his absense in every alternate reality. Even if he got killed in a couple, promoted in a couple, transferred in a couple, retired in a couple and never joined the military in a couple.... it still leaves quite a few Jacks to play with. He could get injured in a couple too. Unable to make the mission. Depends how close the realities are to this one. It goes back to Daniel playin with the switch
                      Yepp, it's blank down here.


                        Originally posted by dexterav
                        If AT say Sam is single = Sam not with Jack or anyone else
                        I think we've already established that the TV Guide card is out of date. Otherwise, there wouldn't have been a mention of Replicarter.


                          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                          Sure, it's legendary! I'm still wondering how you saw it early.....but if you can run up to RDA's house and convince him to come back for a guest ep, I sure would appreciate it!

                          Oh, that's just silly...the people who think there's a new ship, not your idea. Your idea is actually interesting. As to the "new" ship rumors, pooey! Sam was just showing concern for a teammate. If Daniel or Teal'c had been in the same situation, she would have reacted the same.

                          Good catch, gwenhwyfar! I missed that one!

                          *** Squee!!!!! ***
                          Another super save and excellent damage control by a ShipShipHooray member!!!
                          Thanks, sg-1fanintin!!!!!!!!!! Squee!!!


                            My response to the need for morale boost is thus

                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              I'am wondering that myself.TPTB can deny it all they want but if there is no mention of Jack in Ripple Effect it is going to look like they are going out of there way to avoid mentioning Jack.It is also going to look like TPTB have a problem with RDA.I though not mentioning
                              Jack was bad in FH
                              but it will be even worse if no character asks where is Jack? I can only image what happens if Sam never asks about Jack.

                              Last edited by ses110; 15 January 2006, 06:56 PM.


                                Originally posted by LOL4JACK
                                I have a question...

                                When Sam and Jack got married who do you think was the best man and who was the maid of honor? Picks are between Daniel and Teal'C

                                PS: SueKay, nice to see you!!!
                                I think they probably eloped (see Thanksgiving in the Springs at this link: ), but to play along:

                                Daniel as best man...
                                Cassie as maid of honor...
                                Hammond as father of the bride...

                                and Teal'c as the proud and happy friend.

                                But the most important thing, whether they elope or get married in a ceremony, is this:

                                Huh....I just realized that they didn't give us smilies for Cassie, Janet or Jacob. We need those too!

