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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I had a thought. TPTB are obviously being influenced by Farscape. I mean, they've trying to get BB for ages. and now they have both, and maybe part of it is trying to attract Farscape fans.

    and what was the biggest aspect of farscape?

    THE SHIP!!

    they've learnt that a successful and resolved ship is not just what fans want, but what fans demand. and not just any ship, but something special and strong built up over time.

    and what ship does that fit in stargate?

    sam and jack!

    so i reckon they will take their lead from farscape, keep the ship going in teh background, and resolve it for us.
    when sam came back this season
    and landry had that phone conversation with jack about her (and i thought it as interesting it was landry asking jack to send sam back) they didn't have to do that way. she could have just walked in. but they chose to remind us that jack and sam had been working together, that they were still close, that they were sharing private joke on landry. they kept the ship there
    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


      Yes, I like your way of thinking.

      I agree with the private joke, that's how I thought of it all along.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by michelleb
        I had a thought. TPTB are obviously being influenced by Farscape. I mean, they've trying to get BB for ages. and now they have both, and maybe part of it is trying to attract Farscape fans.

        and what was the biggest aspect of farscape?

        THE SHIP!!

        they've learnt that a successful and resolved ship is not just what fans want, but what fans demand. and not just any ship, but something special and strong built up over time.

        and what ship does that fit in stargate?

        sam and jack!

        so i reckon they will take their lead from farscape, keep the ship going in teh background, and resolve it for us.
        when sam came back this season
        and landry had that phone conversation with jack about her (and i thought it as interesting it was landry asking jack to send sam back) they didn't have to do that way. she could have just walked in. but they chose to remind us that jack and sam had been working together, that they were still close, that they were sharing private joke on landry. they kept the ship there
        i tried to green ya but i couldn't.

        i agree, and i really hope they are taking a leaf out of the farscape scripts in this department.


          You are funy (meaning you are truly shippers), in 10 epi from 12 no word about Jack , no word from Daniel, no word from Teal'c or Sam. This leds to only thing FORGOT JACK.
          But FORGOT JACK = FORGOT S&J
          Without Jack is impossible anything with S&J, this is a only facts, only a miracle save S&J. Yes i am writing about backdoor, but this backdoor without Jack is nothing.
          I am a only next (f....h) fan as get caught TPTB


            i gotta disagree to an extent on this. just because they've gone a few episodes without mentioning jack doesn't mean they've forgotten him. maybe they should have mentioned him in 4th horseman, they definitely could have, but we don't yet know that there wasn't a mention of him that had to be cut for time, or for whatever reason. we have no idea.

            i'd like jack to be mentioned every once in a while, but just because its been a few episodes, i don't think it means they've forgotten him.

            lets face it, at the rate we all talk about it i don't think its possible that they could. just look at the ask joe thread, almost every page has a question about jack.

            they don't mention hammond every other episode, but we know he's still around. and we're very lucky that don s davis makes the odd guest appearance too. hopefully RDA will make one next year, and if that happens and we don't get a wee shippy bit, then we can break out the flaming torches and pitch forks! mmmm angry mob...


              Hey Pittsburgh girl -

              The Steelers won
              A shipper must take joy wherever she (or he) can find it.
              Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
              My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                Oddly enough, I'm sitting here with the TV on mute, not really watching it (don't even know why it's on) and I looked up, not only to find that Stargate was on..but it was the very moment that Jack first asks Sam to go fishing with him!!!! plus he calls her snookums.... ). Just before the Asgard steal him away to fight Replicators

                Well, if that wasn't a good sign, I don't know what is.
                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                  Hey all

                  Poking my head in just to say hi really

                  Not much new on my ship front...nothing S/J fic...few graphics...but I'm getting more and more into Atlantis now...

                  I might be back around here a little more often soon as RL's finally giving me a break (for a change) as my exams are out of the way!

                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    Originally posted by Zoser
                    Hey Pittsburgh girl -

                    The Steelers won
                    A shipper must take joy wherever she (or he) can find it.
                    yup-and all i can do is quote the immortal Bob Prince *he of the Pirate baseball fame*

                    WE HAD 'EM ALL THE WAY!

                    AIN'T THAT GREAT ZOSER!
                    Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                    "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                      Stargate Barbie

                      If RDA doesn't make a guest appearance next season...will we rally the Flaming Penguins???

                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Originally posted by sueKay
                        Stargate Barbie

                        If RDA doesn't make a guest appearance next season...will we rally the Flaming Penguins???

                        yes, yes we will.

                        PREPARE THE PENGUINS OF WAR!!!

                        (and welcome back)


                          Originally posted by stargate barbie
                          i gotta disagree to an extent on this. just because they've gone a few episodes without mentioning jack doesn't mean they've forgotten him. maybe they should have mentioned him in 4th horseman, they definitely could have, but we don't yet know that there wasn't a mention of him that had to be cut for time, or for whatever reason. we have no idea.
                          i'd like jack to be mentioned every once in a while, but just because its been a few episodes, i don't think it means they've forgotten him.
                          lets face it, at the rate we all talk about it i don't think its possible that they could. just look at the ask joe thread, almost every page has a question about jack.
                          they don't mention hammond every other episode, but we know he's still around. and we're very lucky that don s davis makes the odd guest appearance too. hopefully RDA will make one next year, and if that happens and we don't get a wee shippy bit, then we can break out the flaming torches and pitch forks! mmmm angry mob...
                          Few epi? You kidding me?
                          Is 9 or 10 epi from 12 few epi?
                          In 9.10&9.11 all world in deadly dangerous from ORI and any words about Jack, is bad joke?

                          i am no talking about Walter i am talking about Brig. Gen. Jack O'Neill former of SG1
                          Sam not afraid about Jack, she afraid about Orlin, yes very nice

                          about spoilers, is right or not?
                          stupid spoilers and me


                            Originally posted by dexterav
                            Few epi? You kidding me?
                            Is 9 or 10 epi from 12 few epi?
                            In 9.10&9.11 all world in deadly dangerous from ORI and any words about Jack, is bad joke?

                            i am no talking about Walter i am talking about Brig. Gen. Jack O'Neill former of SG1
                            Sam not afraid about Jack, she afraid obout Orlin, yes very nice

                            about spoilers, is right or not?
                            stupid spolilers and me
                            its been five episodes that i can recall since a direct mention. less if you count indirect mentions.


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              Stargate Barbie

                              If RDA doesn't make a guest appearance next season...will we rally the Flaming Penguins???

                              The penguins are lining up anyway..whether to do the Happy Shipper Penguin Dance or lead the attack on Bridge Studios is another matter...

                              Watching Nemesis, I love the way that even though Jack is nominally the commander, it's Sam telling hm what to do...
                              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                                Thanks for the welcome back Stargate Barbie

                                Yup...we need...PENGUINS!!!!!!!!!!

                                and SHIPPER COOKIES
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

