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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    spoilers for the most recent csi miami ep with david deluise

    david played a real sleezy character. who's name was paul saunders... initials, ps. PS. hello!

    his character was murdered, but i thought the 'reason' why was pretty stupid. anyhoo, his character was a total jerk. THIS is how i saw pete
    by the end of chimera!

    I don't watch this show but just may to see
    PS bite the dust
    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


      Originally posted by STARGATE7777
      What I can't understand is... if Sam and Jack fans are upset because there is no ship, Sam fans are definitely worried and upset that Sam may disappear altogether, Jack fans (well, we are beyond upset), Daniel fans are worried about him being upstaged by Cameron, FS fans are complaining that the new characters are underdeveloped or poorly written...Who is going to be left to watch this crap...sci-fi geeks and Teal'c fans? That should put the ratings through the roof. Sorry for the snark...but as far as TPTB go!
      Maybe some fans of the travel channel would enjoy watching the team go off world to some distant planet - assuming, of course, that they serve champagne and caviar. If hotels start popping up on the planets, they could begin targeting this group.

      - Does our hotel have a pool?
      - Absolutely! I've been assured this it is a 5 star hotel with a delicious buffet, and blue jello.
      - Indeed. A masseause is on duty 24 hours.
      - I'm ordering room service. Want anything?!
      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


        Originally posted by majorsal
        okay, i don't watch atlantis, but that makes no sense.

        how can you use the stargate to get from atlantis to earth, but you can't do the opposite?

        Dialing to Atlantis takes a significant amount of energy. Atlantis has a ZPM that would allow them to open a wormhole to Earth, if necessary. Earth doesn't have the required energy. However, I don't think Atlantis makes a habit of dialing home frequently. If Sam were assigned to Atlantis, I would expect her to be gone for months at a time. Not too promising from a S/J perspective.


          Gentle bump

          I'm gonna get my assessment done, then treat myself to fic writing. I've got a lovely squeeable fic in mind, based on a song I've been listening too a lot.
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            I'm not sure whether the debate should be over being positive about ship in the past or that something will be shown in the future.

            I am negative because I don't like this season, part of which has to do with no Sam and Jack. I also am somewhat negative towards the future only because we have been told that this season there will be NO SHIP. Now, they may surprise us but does anyone truly believe that. Also, from the look of next year there will be NO SHIP. I guess I have a hard time hoping and wishing for something that may or may not happen two seasons from now.

            When I tune in to Stargate now, I am not enjoying what I am watching and I feel cheated out of a proper resolution that I feel should have transpired after EIGHT years. Keeping people in limbo in a lame attempt to please everyone is just wrong and in the end, their inability to commit to storylines will, I believe, be their downfall.


              Originally posted by majorsal
              okay, i don't watch atlantis, but that makes no sense.

              how can you use the stargate to get from atlantis to earth, but you can't do the opposite?

              has a ZPM - probably the one from Moebius


                Do you guys remember the shipper penguins? Cos I got my fortan times today, and in it was a cartoon of a penguin surfing the web and a caption:

                On the World Wide Web, no-one knows you're a penguin!

                It made me laugh, and of course it made me think of shipping, so I'm going to take it as an omen for shippy moments to come. I'm still banking on the big surprise bit, maybe in Ripple Effect
                cos if i read the spoilers right, there's more than one SG team from alternate universes turnng up (and whatever they were filming in The Science of Stargate, there were at least 2 different SG Teams..and one of them was evil ) Anyway, if Janet and Martouf turn up, who's to say that one of the alternative SG teams won't include Jack? And as we know, all alternate universe sam's are with maybe there could be a conversation between AU!Sam and our Sam, along the lines of;

                AU!Sam '<sigh> Jack's a great kisser.
                Sam <sigh> I know.

                i'm going to see if i can work out exactly what time it'll be here when it's shown in the states, so i can be on the board as it happens
                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  i forgot the question.
                  ha ha!

                  anyway, in relation to the rest i just think that stargate is a different type of show than sg1. and while i do agree that a few more smoochy moments with sam and jack would have been nice, and i personally could have done without as much angst, i do understand the tv show running reasons behind most of it. and everyone is entitled to a few mistakes.

                  anyway, at the moment i'm reasonably happy in terms of ship, but i could be a happier sam fan. (and jack fan too, but that situation is sadly unavoidable )


                    Originally posted by scifi_girl
                    If RDA does come back I think I'll spend the whole expisode staring at the scream. not mmm donughts but mmm jack. And if they did let something happen between jack and sam i think that would make my year. whatever year that will be. hope its next season.
                    I totally agree with what you said except for the first word. Change it from "If" to "WHEN," and we're totally in sync!

                    And I'm not sure what you meant with "scream" when I think you wanted to say "screen," but I just decided you were excited thinking about Jack's return.....and you just got excited! It's certainly understandable!
                    Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 12 January 2006, 03:26 PM.


                      Originally posted by majorsal

                      richard... me -->

                      speaking of richard...

                      i want to share something funny with you.

                      i was traveling down pacific coast highway (pch) today when i came upon a mall called 'pete's landing'. across the street from it is a seafood restaurant called 'sam's'. i also know a bit down the road is a restaurant called 'captain jacks'. anyhoo, i'd never noticed that 'pete's landing' was there with 'sam's' restaurant (only that 'captain jacks' was down the road). when i saw the 'pete's landing' i moaned, seeing it so close to 'sam's'. BUT (and enjoy this) - the street BETWEEN 'pete's landing' and 'sam's' is called *Anderson*. so HA - jack is 'still' between sam and pete!!!

                      k, done with my craziness. for now.

                      Sorry to be late catching up, but work is still demanding. Gee, Sally, love the post, and the coincidences.....but I'm still stuck on the first sentence: "I was traveling down pacific coast highway today....."

                      Wish I could say that. Sigh. Dang land-locked state where I live! Just sayin'.


                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                        Siler's Wench: Even the slightest sniff of ship and this place is off! It's amazing what they can do. And watch out for special ship events hosted by the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team.

                        Speaking of which.... what are the arrangements for Valenship day this year?
                        Well, nothing has been announced yet.....but as someone who has been a member of the team, I'm certainly ready for it!!!
                        Originally posted by Siler's Wench
                        Yeah I can imagine, I'm currently spending my time filling the void with fanfic!

                        Just wish the strange bout of amnesia the SGC all seem to be suffering from would clear up and someone would pick up a phone and dial Washington once in a while: you know, hi how are you? can I borrow your yo-yo? sleep in your bed? watch the simpsons with ya till death us do part? etc etc yadda yadda yadda...or something subtle like that
                        Ya think? And I know just the person who ought to be doing the talking!

                        Ah, heck! I get an evening to be here, and I'm the only one playing. Sigh.....


                          Hey guys. Came to apologize because (wow, holy PMs and really sweet messages ) - I truly didn't mean to imply I was never coming back or to make that a grand post for some kind of sympathy or hopes for people to say "please dont' go" attempt on my part, please forgive me if it came across that way.

                          I just meant to say that I don't visit this particular thread as often as I used to anymore. Largely because I don't have much to say. Or I feel like I'm saying the same thing over and over again. But I'm not boycotting it, by any means.

                          Of course now that I read all those other posts from the past day or so, I realize I came across really pis**y, and I should probably have just waited until I cooled down a bit before posting. I'm sorry about that, too. I'm not anti-negative, by any means. I guess I'm anti-negative-for-the-sake-of-negative. I very much DO agree, in fact, that the S/J shippers have been fed a seriously RAW deal from tptb. And I think there's every right to be ticked off about that. But, y'know, we can still count the humble (if meager) offerings we do have, such as they are. Like the "not exactly" line this season. Like THREADS. It may not be much, but it's something. And what it does do, is acknowledge that tptb know there is a ship-arc for Sam/Jack, which is something none of the other ship pairings have ever had on SG-1 at all. As it is, we've been lead to believe that Sam and Jack ARE persuing a relationship (off screen) this season, and we've even been bolstered in that belief by people from the show (like Joe M.) stating that they meant us to think that way and that Sam's line to Barrett "not exactly" (single) was, in fact, referring to Jack. So it'll happen. Eventually. But with the frickin' network dictating so much of the story arc in the coming season(s), we may have to wait a while. I still think RDA will be back before SG-1 wraps for good. I believe that firmly.

                          Anyhow, I'll sign off there.

                          And - oh, did anyone else watch E-Ring this week? - there was a great line there between Samantha "Sonny" Liston and Jim Tisnewski, where she hits on him and he (being a marine) says "...aren't there fraternization rules against the two of us seeing eachother?" (because she's above his station at the Pentagon), and she (being a lawyer within the Pentagon) says: "Nope. The fraternization rules would apply if I was your direct superior. As far as I know, there's no policy in place that says two people who work within the same department can't see one another romantically or socially"

                          Naturally, I thought of Sam and Jack right away. Since Landry is now Sam's "direct superior" and all.



                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            New to the board, and this thread. Just stoppin' briefly to say I'm all for the S/J-ness! *dying for RDA to be back on SG1* wah. *sniffles*
                            -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
                            LJ|MyFics|SJ Fic Journal|Non-SG1/OriginalWriting|Macgyver_Icons|MyVids|Twitter


                              Originally posted by not_a_zatarc
                              New to the board, and this thread. Just stoppin' briefly to say I'm all for the S/J-ness! *dying for RDA to be back on SG1* wah. *sniffles*
                              There, there - it will all be okay. I think there are shipper cookies that would help cheer you up a couple hundred pages back or so. Go raid the cookie jar.
                              Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                                Originally posted by Zoser
                                I don't watch this show but just may to see
                                PS bite the dust
                                why do you think i watched?



