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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
    "Carter, tell me we don't have to explain this again?"
    "I don't see how else we're going to get out of this."
    "Well, see, Colonel O'Neill was helping me mop up the mess we made in my lab when I started to slip on some jell-o. He tried to keep me from falling by grabbing my jacket like this..."
    "Which is a completely natural, normal reaction when someone is falling."
    "And of course, gravity being what it is, I pulled him down with me..."
    "I swear - I was just trying to help her get the jell-o off of her shirt, I was in *no* way trying to remove her clothing!"
    "Sir, I don't think he's buying it."
    "Yeah, me neither."
    "I still don't understand why you had to separate us."
    "It's for your own good O'Neill. We'll let you near Major Carter *after* we have removed the alien device."
    That seems like a very plausible explanation to me

    Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
    I always loved this scene because you can so clearly see AT smiling at Urgo/Dom and just as she turns towards the camera she changes her expression.

    *back to lurkdom*

    Who wouldn't smile at Dom, he's just so darn adorable


      Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
      It's not about Jack & Laira; although I absolutely loathe that part of the story, that is not the action that prompted me to call him a jacka$$.

      It was the way he completely and totally blew off Sam, barely even acknowledging her existence, never mind actually showing her any hint of gratitude for his rescue, the one she had driven herself near to the ground over for three months solid. He walked off mid-sentence, as I recall, to go say his farewell to Laira. And for that moment and that moment alone, I really did not like Jack very much.

      And he certainly didn't score any points back in the next ep when he decided to "retire" off-world on Edora. It's little wonder Sam gave him the icy cold shoulder routine for the next several episodes.
      hmmm...I have a fanfic from chezza's corner called "Making Amends"'s got I think a very believable and in-character way of both of them making amends to each other after those events....another reason I think you'd like it is that it's got plenty of gutter....

      Originally posted by Rachel-Kree View Post
      indeed she has !i think this is a part of living a love... she is married a long time now and think he already get used to it ...even though he knows it's a tv show not a real life but of course that everything can happen but i think he trust her i even think he is a shipper

      lol cool
      perhaps....maybe Alan jokes with RDA all the time "don't get too used to these intimate scenes involving my wife now".....

      Originally posted by BrenRen View Post

      Major Wood and his Big Tool....

      It's nice having company whilst scuba diving in the bottomless trench deep within the Gutter!


        Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
        hmmm...I have a fanfic from chezza's corner called "Making Amends"'s got I think a very believable and in-character way of both of them making amends to each other after those events....another reason I think you'd like it is that it's got plenty of gutter....
        Do you have a linky for the story? That sounds familiar, but I'm not finding it on


          Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
          hmmm...I have a fanfic from chezza's corner called "Making Amends"'s got I think a very believable and in-character way of both of them making amends to each other after those events....another reason I think you'd like it is that it's got plenty of gutter....

          perhaps....maybe Alan jokes with RDA all the time "don't get too used to these intimate scenes involving my wife now".....

          Are you holding out on us? You have fic? Link please!!

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          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
            I'd be with you if I thought she genuinely had any idea that Teal'c could have died. She's an intelligent woman, but also technologically primitive - I don't think she could even fathom that someone would be hanging on for dear life underneath the ground. If I were her, my assumption would be that his people had found a way to contact him.

            As for taking the choice away... yes she should have told him right away, but I see her waiting as more of a painful struggle. Had she been but seconds sooner the radio would have been at the bottom of the river already. She is a good person and because of that she *does* tell Jack (Teal'c had four hours - in reality, that's not really a long time - Jack was out chopping wood, working, she probably had chores and they met for mid-day meal... she had no idea that Teal'c was in any danger and she took from after breakfast to lunch to contemplate her actions).

            EDIT: While we know everything about the situation, Laira did not. We'd like to believe we'd be perfect and altruistic in our dealings with Jack, but I think we've all had times where we've hesitated to do the right thing because it hurts. It doesn't make us bad people, it makes us human. If she had truly been manipulative and cruel she would have simply thrown the radio into the river and been done. But she didn't. She just had an internal struggle between her heart and her head and ultimately she made the right choice.
            The whole get-rid-of-everything-to-do-with-Earth thing just bugs the bejeebers out of me. No matter how hard I try to believe this, I can't. I cannot not fathom Jack ever believing he'll never hear from Earth again. It's just not Jack. Even if he were to convince himself that he's just one person and the upper-ups would not authorize a mission for the sole purpose of getting him he would never completely accept it because... Jack's mantra:
            "We don't leave our people behind."


              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              Do you have a linky for the story? That sounds familiar, but I'm not finding it on
              it's not on at least as far as I know's on a different website and I had a devil of a time digging it out from the archives on that site....I made a PDF file out of it so if you want it leave me a PM...but my dad needs the computer right now so I'll be back later....


                A Hundred Days

                See, I do think Jack deserves a slap on the back of the head for how he treats Sam when watching the fire-rain and he tells her to stop explaining the phenomenon. He's very short with her - it doesn't come across as teasing but a reprimand - and in that scene I do think he acts a bit of a donkey's behind.

                As for Laira: I don't particularly like her. For me, she was Jack's equivalent of Pete. A nice enough woman but who just comes across as too desperate and controlling there at the end (give me a baby-let me throw out your clothes). While I agree she had no idea that Teal'c could die by not informing Jack she'd heard something on his radio, that she ultimately did do the right thing, the fact that it took her so long doesn't sit well with me.

                Shades of Grey...

                Jack really didn't have many options about how to make his decision to go offworld believable. There was very little reason for the SGC to have believably agreed to his retiring offworld elsewhere but his relationship with Laira and the time he spent on Edora provided a strong hook. If Jack had gone to the Land of Light or another world, I don't believe SG1 would have bought that at all.
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                  Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                  it's not on at least as far as I know's on a different website and I had a devil of a time digging it out from the archives on that site....I made a PDF file out of it so if you want it leave me a PM...but my dad needs the computer right now so I'll be back later....
                  After a little digging I found the link!

                  Making Amends

                  My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                  Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                  Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                    Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                    "Carter, tell me we don't have to explain this again?"

                    "I don't see how else we're going to get out of this."

                    "Well, see, Colonel O'Neill was helping me mop up the mess we made in my lab when I started to slip on some jell-o. He tried to keep me from falling by grabbing my jacket like this..."

                    "Which is a completely natural, normal reaction when someone is falling."
                    "And of course, gravity being what it is, I pulled him down with me..."

                    "I swear - I was just trying to help her get the jell-o off of her shirt, I was in *no* way trying to remove her clothing!"

                    "Sir, I don't think he's buying it."
                    "Yeah, me neither."

                    "I still don't understand why you had to separate us."
                    "It's for your own good O'Neill. We'll let you near Major Carter *after* we have removed the alien device."
                    Marvellous!!! I love these shippy screencap comics!!! Brilliant and so funny Twilight506!!! I'm just sorry that I'm not able to green you for it.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
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                      Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                      After a little digging I found the link!

                      Making Amends

                      Thanks Amanda!

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        I'm in agreement with this. I'm sure it took at least a day and maybe more to get the gate dug up, and upright, and then working properly. Plus, when the gate was dug up, they must have moved it out of the pit at the same time, since it wouldn't have made much sense to hook it up first, and then move it later (since it was on a grassy hillside in Shades of Grey and out of the pit it was buried in). It wasn't something that could be done in just a few hours. And it would have been Teal'c and Jack hooking it back up to the DHD, and they aren't exactly the experts on doing that. Maybe Teal'c had some kind of instructions from Sam with him on how to do that, but it still would likely have taken a good while to get it working again. And it always looked like the villagers and Sam and Daniel had only just arrived not long before Sam was trying to explain how they rescued him. While I can understand Jack wanting to say his good-byes to Laira, he had plenty of time while the gate was being reconnected to do that, and didn't have to be so rude to Sam. He could have at least excused himself before just walking away from her like that.

                        EDIT: And an added thought is that Jack was smart enough to know that Teal'c couldn't have managed the rescue by himself and that there had to be others involved in the rescue. And while Teal'c doesn't ever have much to say, I would like to think he would have been quick to credit Sam pretty much completely with coming up with the rescue idea and building the particle accelerator, etc. He would not have kept that information from Jack, which in my mind makes it even more insulting that he walked away from Sam the way he did.

                        (Oh, yeah, and in case it doesn't sound like it, I do like Jack a lot. I just felt a lot more sympathy for Sam in this episode.)
                        I totally agree with everything you wrote.

                        I'd also add that during the fire storm at the start of the episode, Jack was flirting with Laira and was dismissive of Sam...

                        It begins this night each year.

                        Whoa. The same night every year? That doesn't make sense. I mean, unless the planet's orbit travels through a debris field like an asteroid belt, in which case…

                        Please. Don't suck the fun out of this.

                        Sorry, Sir.

                        I hate this episode.....except for the fact that Jack is HOT in it!


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          I'm pretty sure Jack, at this point, didn't really have much of a clue that his feelings for Sam went much beyond a physical reaction to her presence and respect, trust and friendship. I'm not saying he didn't have feelings (I think he did) but that, again, being a bloke, he never examined them in quite the same way Sam might have so he didn't recognise the depth of them. My guess is he doesn't have time to dwell on it much while he's stranded anyway. Yes, he probably misses Sam but he misses everyone and he misses home so it kind of dilutes (or at least disguises) how badly he might miss her in particular. He's also kept physically very busy during his time there.
                          Afraid I disagree a bit on this point, too.

                          Why? Point of View.

                          The visit from AU Sam, who was married to her Jack, was, in my opinion, a wake-up call for Jack. When AU Sam said something about Jack not seeing her (Our Sam) *that* way, he didn't confirm that he didn't see her that way but that it was complicated. Jack, far more than Our Sam, had some serious personal interaction with AU Sam, first in her private quarters where he gave her what comfort he could as she grieved the loss of her husband whom she obviously loved very deeply, and again during their farewell, when she kissed him in what was obviously a seeking-closure-gesture.

                          I'm sure Jack did some serious thinking about his Sam, what she meant to him and his feelings for her, after returning to our universe, but I also think he came to the conclusion that those deeper personal feelings for his Sam were pretty much one-sided. After all, when he offered to be a sounding board for her as she dealt with this "twin thing", she's the one who shut him down--"Got a couple hours?... That *was* my answer." So he did what Jack does best, he buried his personal feelings deep behind the soldier mask and carried on, making the most of the only relationship he could have with her at that point, that of commander/subordinate military colleagues and professional friends.

                          With all that in mind, I don't begrudge him his solace-seeking in Laira's arms, regardless of how much I may utterly loathe her character. Jack has been alone for quite some time by that point--not just on Edora, but even before, back home following his divorce from his wife. It's perfectly reasonable and understandable that he would eventually give in to the need for companionship, especially when he saw no end in sight to the loneliness and no real hope of being personally involved with Sam even if & when he made it back home.

                          But I'll forever be seriously peeved at the way he blew Sam off to say his farewell to Laira. It was just plain rude, and even if he had no way of knowing how it hurt Sam, it did, and my heart just breaks for the poor woman at the end of the episode.

                          Love and hot fudge,
                          Bren Ren
                          My stories!



                            Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                            After a little digging I found the link!

                            Making Amends

                            Aha! I knew I'd read it before. I like it. Thanks.


                              Some 'Urgo' looks...



                                The 'bikini' look...


