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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    We are the shippers. Resistance is futile. Your biological, technological, and shipperlogical distinctiveness will be added to our own.
    Love that MG! Too funny.
    Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


      Originally posted by AUCat
      Now your getting it! Plot Bunnies of the world unite! I thinking Alec, Sarah G and Ba'al myself.
      Guest Stars:

      Janet would be added to the list and so would Sel'mak/Jacob and also myself/Kel'dor...


        Originally posted by nell
        Sam, we're almost at the bottom of the page.
        Jack, I don't believe it.
        Daniel, what's happening?
        Jaaaccck, I'm busy reading these symbols of an ancient.....
        Nevermind. Teal'c, what's happening T-man?
        O'Neill there appears to be enemy activity in the area and it prevents us from staying on top of the page.
        OK, let's provide Sam with cover while she dials us out of here and back to the top of the page.
        Yes, O'Neill
        But, I haven't finished diciphering.....
        Leave it, Daniel. Sam how's it going?
        Ready, Sir.
        OK, everyone through the Gate.
        OK, we should be at the top!!!
        C'mere, Baby. I love how you dial up the Gate!!!
        oh, gawd, that's such a cute story!!

        better than most of the sg1 stories on the show these days




          Gatetrixer-exactly! Thank you sooooo much! swak!
          mad_gater-really back or would a never before seen flash backs be enough?
          A life without ship is no life at all.


            "Fourth Horseman II"

            "Anyone who saw Bright’s performance in the Nicole Kidman film Birth will have a strong sense of deja vu while watching him in these episodes. The premise of a man trapped in a boy’s body in love with an adult woman was creepy in the film, and it’s creepy here too. But in this case, at least, the resolution is sweetly satisfying rather than desolate."


            Let's just hope there are no more insinuations of intimacy or a relationship.


              I so agree with their evaluation of Beau Bridges! After watching some more Atlantis, I beginning to wonder if Beau is setting up a bad guy. I know he can act(see My Name is Earl). Maybe that's why RDA's scenes with him were so forced, Jack being totally insincere (like Shade of Grey). *******'s going after Sam's rep!
              A life without ship is no life at all.


                Originally posted by majorsal
                oh, gawd, that's such a cute story!!

                better than most of the sg1 stories on the show these days

                A life without ship is no life at all.


                  Originally posted by nell
                  Sam, we're almost at the bottom of the page.
                  Jack, I don't believe it.
                  Daniel, what's happening?
                  Jaaaccck, I'm busy reading these symbols of an ancient.....
                  Nevermind. Teal'c, what's happening T-man?
                  O'Neill there appears to be enemy activity in the area and it prevents us from staying on top of the page.
                  OK, let's provide Sam with cover while she dials us out of here and back to the top of the page.
                  Yes, O'Neill
                  But, I haven't finished diciphering.....
                  Leave it, Daniel. Sam how's it going?
                  Ready, Sir.
                  OK, everyone through the Gate.
                  OK, we should be at the top!!!
                  C'mere, Baby. I love how you dial up the Gate!!!
                  A life without ship is no life at all.


                    Originally posted by nell
                    Sam, we're almost at the bottom of the page.
                    Jack, I don't believe it.
                    Daniel, what's happening?
                    Jaaaccck, I'm busy reading these symbols of an ancient.....
                    Nevermind. Teal'c, what's happening T-man?
                    O'Neill there appears to be enemy activity in the area and it prevents us from staying on top of the page.
                    OK, let's provide Sam with cover while she dials us out of here and back to the top of the page.
                    Yes, O'Neill
                    But, I haven't finished diciphering.....
                    Leave it, Daniel. Sam how's it going?
                    Ready, Sir.
                    OK, everyone through the Gate.
                    OK, we should be at the top!!!
                    C'mere, Baby. I love how you dial up the Gate!!!
                    A life without ship is no life at all.


                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                      If you go in expecting Carter to have a new bloke / get re-engaged to Pete *and* have the wedding, then there's no way you can be disappointed, Dex!

                      Bummer on the hols, though.
                      Thnx very much
                      You are very good friend

                      T'Pol & Trip rulez no need S&J, s....d TPTB
                      Last edited by dexterav; 06 January 2006, 04:07 AM.


                        I couldn't get in last night but i've just caught up on all the posts I missed.

                        Sg1fanintin, I read your big post and thinking about it you are completely right! We have had mentions of Sam and Jack even though they were subtle...they were there and I thiknk that does show that TPTB are still thinkning of us and there is no way they can give us any real on screen Sam Jack stuff until RDA is ready to pop in for a scene or two.

                        All I am praying for is that one day before the series ends for good we get to see Sam and Jack together as a couple and we get one last episode full of action and angst....I LOVE the angst...especially when something has happened to Sam and Jack is all worried and angry, RDA plays that so well!!!

                        Anyways, i'm kind of looking forward to Fourth Horseman II don't know why but you never know we may get a inkling of something if were lucky

                        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                          We're always on the bottom of the page these days. TPTB aren't giving us enough to squee and talk about. Hint, Hint.

                          Btw: I have one of those Live Journal thingies now. I'm tjh102
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            This is a hard time for shippers. IMO shippers have hard time for all times, or not?
                            All things about S&J only is imagination for the most part.
                            I hope for a little better times. Without new boyfriend is relationship S&J, for this time, O.K.

                            little stupid post


                              No..... not stupid, Dex! Not at all!
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Another little problem is AT (i am a fan AT) , she is not for Jack & Sam relationship, this a not very good for this

