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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
    Congrats on 1200 Pol!!!

    *looks at Pol's sig* So where's the new sig?
    LOL....snort! I knew someone would ask. Because of my crazed schedule I've decided to go with every 500 from now on, so look for a new sig at 1,500.

    Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
    So, some interesting replies to the Hammond question.
    Awesome question Rachel, I loved the discussion of it. This really is a great community.

    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
    You know... I always wondered exactly what Jacob knew.
    Going by the Shippy (and IMHO canon) scenario, that Sam and Jack have been feeling feelings since, say S4 (to be on the safe side ), it has gone on quite some time.
    When Pete hopped in, it was clear that Jacob didn't like Pete, or at least didn't like him for Sam. He could get along with Jack, but I'm not sure he knew how important he was to Sam, on the feeling feelings level...
    The ''you can still have anything you want'' speech, could have easily been about Jack, and I tend to believe it was, but not per se.

    Does that make any sense?

    Oooohhhhh...damn. Fic idea hit with a vengeance! (But...I don't have tiiiime! <small whine>.
    Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      He could have thought it was maybe Walter or Siler...teehee...*runs away*

      *whistles innocent*


        Originally posted by starlover View Post

        This also makes me think that Jack has had a conversation with Jacob before he died(just a feeling). This is because Jack says the whole "always" part on a rather "public" place...where Jacob can see it...
        I really wish we could have seen a scene with Jack and Jacob - just because I love their interaction. I don't really see it as necessary to further the point being made by Threads, though.

        A lot of fic writers try and explore this 'missing', if you will, scene and it's almost always done very poorly and out of character. Though, when its done well, its a very enjoyable read.

        Jacob knows, though we don't know how long he's known. He's a perceptive man and Selmak would definitely have known. I'm not sure if Jacob would have dragged the zatarc test results out of Anise, but that'd be an interesting little story, too, if done well.
        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


          Originally posted by starlover View Post

          *whistles innocent*
          Oh poor Walter and Siler...Although Siler should be used to it by now Didn't he spend the most time in the infirmary

          Ok lets kiss and make up

          *note to self* Stay. Off. The. Irn- bru


            Mmm. Broca caps. *stares* *stares some more* Jack got a shirt on but didn't he have a towel around his waist in that scene?

            Interesting that Sam looks a lot like Sara. . .

            I'd think Jack so has a type (other than feisty), but then Kerry would blow that right out of the water . . .
            Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


              Originally posted by leiasky View Post
              Mmm. Broca caps. *stares* *stares some more*

              Interesting that Sam looks a lot like Sara. . .

              I'd think Jack so has a type (other than feisty), but then Kerry would blow that right out of the water . . .
              Oh yeah...Sam and Sara look a like...and IMHO Kerry and Liara also look alike..

              so IMHO Jack has in a way a type...for long term and short term

              *stares at broca caps*

              *gets idea*



                SGU Spoiler pics

                I noticed 2 images of Jack in the bunch.


                Wondering about that black BDU outfit he's wearing? Ohh, they're Icarus fatigues. The rest of the military officers wear them as well . . .ohh, I wonder if he's on Icarus when its attacked?!

                Mmmm. *envisions some Jack whump*

                *Then must remind herself this new show isn't about Jack . . . *LOL!

                Last edited by leiasky; 31 August 2009, 07:50 AM.
                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                  Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                  Mmm. Broca caps. *stares* *stares some more* Jack got a shirt on but didn't he have a towel around his waist in that scene?

                  Interesting that Sam looks a lot like Sara. . .

                  I'd think Jack so has a type (other than feisty), but then Kerry would blow that right out of the water . . .
                  Do you mean this

                  Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                  SGU Spoiler pics

                  I noticed 2 images of Jack in the bunch.


                  Wondering about that black BDU outfit he's wearing? Ohh, they're Icarus fatigues. The rest of the military officers have them as well . . .ohh, I wonder if he's on Icarus when its attacked?!
                  Cool...Still not watching it though


                    Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                    Totally agree Rachel!

                    *hugs Sam and Jack because she loves them too*

                    I think though that Entity showed Hammond that Jack can do his job regardless of how he feels about her. If he wouldn't have shot her...well then he'd have broken a whole bunch of Air Force regs. But he did and I think that showed to Hammond that he can do his matter what he felt. But if something like that would have happened...well then they would have had big huge problems

                    What makes me shippy sigh all the time is that Jacob knew (at least a little bit) how they felt about each other...and that he knew that maybe she wasn't completely content with

                    *also gives Sam/Jack a hug*...

                    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                    I think that jacob turned out to be the kind of father who started paying attention to what goes on in his daughters life, having missed so much already.
                    So yes, it would make sense that he saw the way she and Jack interacted...
                    yeah I bet he had some moments when he was like *<sigh>...I finally meet the man who I know would treat my daughter right despite some of the damned distasteful things he's had to do in service to his country....and he just HAS to be her direct superior.....sometimes I think the universe is conspiring with the devil against my daughter........<sigh>*

                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    And if Jacob didn't notice i'm sure Selmac did
                    indeed....Selmac was quite observant.....


                      By request of Amanda

                      Sorry they're not the best qualtiy but SG-1 wasn't the best quality DVD's in the earlier seasons *shrugs*


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        By request of Amanda

                        Sorry they're not the best qualtiy but SG-1 wasn't the best quality DVD's in the earlier seasons *shrugs*
                        When I look very closely at them in these pictures, I think "stunt doubles"? (*even tho I know AT said she did a lot of her own stunts, and RDA likely did too.*)


                          Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                          SGU Spoiler pics

                          I noticed 2 images of Jack in the bunch.


                          Wondering about that black BDU outfit he's wearing? Ohh, they're Icarus fatigues. The rest of the military officers wear them as well . . .ohh, I wonder if he's on Icarus when its attacked?!

                          Mmmm. *envisions some Jack whump*

                          *Then must remind herself this new show isn't about Jack . . . *LOL!

                          Oohh thanks for the link!
                          I always like Jack in black... And for once his stars are on the BDU so you can see how many he has...who would have thought that Jack would ever become a 3 star general

                          Jack whump....niiiiiiiiiice

                          The show isn't about him ...oh

                          Yay torment of tantalus pictures! I always love the scene that S/J are falling down looks so guttery he behind her (when they are on the ground in the end)

                          *sigh* I will never leave that gutter...


                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            When I look very closely at them in these pictures, I think "stunt doubles"? (*even tho I know AT said she did a lot of her own stunts, and RDA likely did too.*)
                            I think it's more than likely stunt doubles too. I think this particular stunt may have been a little too dangerous for our actors

                            I just finished watching and capping Death Knell Who likes Sam whump? I'll upload some caps either later or tomorrow


                              *is too lazy to multi- quote*

                              Linda thanks so much for the caps!! May I snarch the cap of when he grabs her?

                              And ironically I was just thinking about watching DK in the coming days *loves that episode*

                              Thanks for the link!! Jack/RDA looks pretty darn yummy!

                              And yes I tend to think that Jacob knew something...and there was a mention in D and C where Marty says something like 'you're father will come when he can' so I'm assuming he was told the results...and even if he wasn't given the full report, after seeing them interact he'd probably know something. Not to mention that he says "rules" which is the one time during the series that "rules" is ever mentioned...which always involve S/J

                              Oh and I was thinking...the woman that Jack 'likes' all have dark long brown hair...ironically the woman that Jack loves both have/had short blonde hair...hmmm...

                              hehe Linda I like Sam whump...

                              My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                              Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                              Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                                In response (again ) to leiasky's spoiler-
                       that Jack's office on Icarus base? Because I'm noticing a picture frame behind him in the first picture of him...and it seems like he's sitting at a is he on Icarus base now? Granted the picture frame could just be a medal...but ya never know..

                                My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                                Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                                Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

