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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by trupi
    Now that I have that off my chest, can we stop trying to scare everyone off the thread and support each other's opinions and try to make this a place, where we can relax and have a good time. The heck with what they are writing! I know I'm going to have rocks tossed at me but after 18 hours up, I don't care anymore! Can we just act stupid and have a good time together! End of rant!
    Thanks, trupi, we needed that! (*ow* rubs stinging cheek)

    Just sayin', play nice. Hic comitas regit, law of Samanda. Oh, wait. Well, I propose we make it the law here, too!
    Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


      Originally posted by sueKay's not just the ship that's bad now...its...EVERYTHING!

      The Ori are boring
      The Jaffa are boring
      The Ancient...camelot...thingy is boring
      Daniel's an Ass
      Teal'c wallpaper
      Sam's a toy
      Vala's a slut
      Landry's a...well...different
      Mitchell's a bit dim
      Lam's a bit wooden
      Jack's a figment of my imagination
      Jonas is a figment of my imagination
      Hammond's a figment of my imagination
      Janets dead
      Cassie's gone

      could it actually BE any worse?
      That just about does it.

      Hey, it *is* a question . . . s'pose you *could* post it on the JM thread.

      (Okay, I'll be honest, I'm just trying to irritate him at this point. I'm so sick of his cr*p.) <g>
      - Mary
      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


        Sam:Jack it was horrible!
        Jack:What happen Sam!
        Sam:I had a dream that I was almost nake in Rodney's bed!

        Jack: Sam,I have bad news for you!
        Sam: What Jack!
        Jack: It did happen, in an episode of Atlantis!
        Sam: Those Sons of Bi-----

        Good Night and don't let TPTB bite!


          Originally posted by Tracy Jane
          I'm sooooo glad I'm not the only person who finds the whole Ori and the Jaffa nation plots boring. No, it could be worse. A lot worse. There could be Kirking (but I fear we've got that to come next season with Vala)

          Plus there's no continuity. We were originally told that Lantash didn't die with Elliot (Last Stand) but he'd be an Atlantis character. But what about Satterfield and Hailey, the other characters that were promised SGC posts and we've never seen again. I mean, surely when Daniel kicked the bucket ~(or one of the many, in his case) at the end of season 5, surely it would have made more sense to introduce someone like Hailey, whose story we vaguely know. Same now, instead of bringing Jonas back, or some character we vaguely knew, they replace half the regular cast.

          That turned into a bit of a rant. Oops.
          Probably for the same reason they didn't bring back Jonas, or bring in Major Davis instead of Mitchell. They have an allergy to any kind of followup that makes their characters seem like real people. They don't want real people, they want robots who only do the exciting, adventurous work. No personal life, no emotions, no love lives . . . You get the idea.

          Although isn't Satterfield on BG now? I don't watch the show, but that could have ruled her out at least. But there's also Grogan from that same episode they could have used. It just makes no sense.
          - Mary
          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


            Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


              Lys great Advent Calendar! Everyone vented last night and now they won't play! Shame! Sam and Jack needs everyones support to get through their hard times. Come on have serious discussions but remember we are all family here and we need to support each other and the rights of our beloved characters. Try to send that Christmas cards to TPTB (even if they get there late). Send the seasons greeting from our happy family and then vent a little, not too much because we don't want them to be afraid to open them! Come on everyone the holidays are here and lets have a happy time of it together! Don't forget about Sunday! Love Marian


                I'm here! I'm playing!

                I vented then posted shippy link!

                Okay everyone...ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!

                To stop us all from getting depressed....


                Then make a post about the link you've just given us, telling us why we should/watch/look/read it.

                How does that sound?
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by trupi
                  I must congratulate TPTB for setting the shipper against each other! Bravo! People I would never thought would have gone at each other did tonight! I came home started to read the thread and what did I see, friend going after friend. They won, we lost! Is everyone happy now! Sam is going to sc--- McKay and every other male in SG and Atlantis. They killed Jack off and everything we watched for 8 years was bull----! Now that I have that off my chest, can we stop trying to scare everyone off the thread and support each other's opinions and try to make this a place, where we can relax and have a good time. The heck with what they are writing! I know I'm going to have rocks tossed at me but after 18 hours up, I don't care anymore! Can we just act stupid and have a good time together! End of rant!
                  I'm sorry if you think I'm trying to pick a fight. I'm not. I just refuse to pretend that all is well with the way the PTB are treating us. If we are only allowed to make positive comments about what they are doing then is it any wonder why they continue? They get the impression we are happy with it. They think we'll gladly sit back and wait until doomsday for a resolution.

                  I can accept the PTB no longer want to write ship, especially because Jack is no longer on the show. I will not sit back and be quiet when they abuse us. The fiasco episode on SGA is exactly that. They can't have Sam and Jack together because of (insert every excuse known to mankind here) yet they
                  can have her sexing it up on SGA because...
                  why? I don't need to hear an answer because there is no justifiable reason for it. It is a direct and intentional insult to us and to Amanda Tapping.
                  Last edited by UhSir; 16 December 2005, 10:07 AM.


                    I saw some caps for Sam's and Rodney's scenes in GUP
                    maybe it's just me but because this is Rodney's hallucination and Sam and Rodney have NO way ever of a Real Time relationship, the pix are campy, silly, funny, goofy. No $x tension at all for me. Thank goodness.
                    Because MY LAST STRAW is Sam in a Real Time romantic interest. But, I know she's with Jack so I hold on to that thought.

                    I honestly don't see TPTB purposefully trying to disrespect any fan base---shipper, thunker, action/adventure, etc. I don't agree with the INTERRUPTION in the Sam and Jack story arc. Actually, downright sweeping it away till-----I don't know when. I don't like the new story line----yet. My opinions and feelings are colored by my MISSING Jack and Sam's and Jack's story!! I cope by celebrating the Sam and Jack Ship we have in canon, reading the terrific fanfic stories, and playing here in the Thread.

                    I HOPE that TPTB give us some on-screen confirmation of Sam's and Jack's relationship. If RDA returns for scenes, that will be GREAT. If they have non-RDA scenes, like Sam on a one-way phone conversation with Jack or talking to Daniel and Teal'c about Jack, well, I will accept that. I'm not rolling over and giving up, I'm facing the reality.

                    TPTB are struggling to get the show through Season 10. Too bad they are making some poor choices. I.just.won'

                    Please come celebrate Shipmas Day with Sam and Jack on Sunday, December 18!!!


                      Last rant from me butI think I may know how they gonna use Sam in SGA next year screams BattleStar galactica with the nutty doctor and that other girl who is the figment of his imagination ...So I think they may use Sam , (they said do not know how to use her for good purposes ) as a figment Of Mac Kay 's imagination . Mac Kay will be the nutty professor from BattleStar Galactica and Sam well , she will be doing the things that that other girl does to that nutty professor but to Mac Kay . She will be Mac Kay's imaginery pal .!!!

                      I already can't stand that storyline from Battlestar Galactica but some men 's friends of mine love it because they say it's very sensual !!! I don't ..I actually find it disturbing to say the least !!

                      Last edited by Catysg1; 14 December 2005, 02:05 PM.


                        you see Nell that is the rub-there will be no on-screen/off -screen confirmation of anything. I tried to gain a little perspective on an episode i haven't seen-which-really is a neat trick.

                        for whatever reason they are playing Rodney as the sexist pig who does not or will not believe that a mere woman would actually be smarter than he is. So as his subconscious is aware of this-the only way he would accept haluci-Carter's help is if she is the bimbo -and I would make the snarky comment about pre-baby and post-baby body shapes-but I won't (and if you believe that>>>>)he is both attracted and intimidated by her and it is not within his comfort zone. So-hence-Grace Under Pressure

                        Now as for S/J ship-JM has categorically stated in his thread that it is not a possibility and they ain't doing it. and I really believe that Jack O'Neill is going to be a figment of our imagination in season 10. Notice they haven't mentioned Janet at all-and she was an integral part of the series and a very popular one. They couldn't find anyone else to kill off and make their point?

                        I am hoping for a strong finish to season 9-very seriously I like the shows concept and am hoping that they get their heads on straight and find a direction-but I am afraid that is not going to be the case.

                        I guess my negativity is showing here-and if anyone is offended or upset with my rant-please accept my apology because I don't want anybody hurt or upset by my negative thoughts
                        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          I'm here! I'm playing!

                          I vented then posted shippy link!

                          Okay everyone...ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!

                          To stop us all from getting depressed....


                          Then make a post about the link you've just given us, telling us why we should/watch/look/read it.

                          How does that sound?

                          end of topic or I'm off too...I'm all for venting, but we have to make the thread enjoyable too
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            I can certainly appreciate those of you who want this thread to be a happy place but there are some of us who are not happy with what has been happening with the show and maybe we should open another thread so as not to offend the others. This is all new ground that we are walking on now because of all the changes that have been happening with Season 9 and I don't think that anyone is purposely wanting to be negative it is just how they feel. Many times I won't post because I have nothing "happy" to say and sometimes I just lurk. For me, I have relied on all the beautiful pictures, past season episodes, fan-fic, music videos (miss you Caty), to keep my flicker of hope alive but without Jack, no ship of any kind between Sam and Jack and the possibility that there will never be anything new between these two characters there is bound to be a lot more negativity, hence where we are now. It is easier to accept happy times but much harder to accept sad times.


                              nickatell - I'm anything but happy with s9...In fact I hate it and I now hate SG1...but...

                              Some people are here to vent
                              And some people are here to have fun

                              and both sides should make allowances.

                              Those who want to have fun here should give venters the freedom to vent, and those who want to rant should do something in return too...sometimes I want to vent...and other times I want to stroll down memory lane...but I very rarely do the latter nowadays. We did more reminiscing when we were still getting ship.
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                SueKay Thank you, it's lovely to see someone trying to keep us all upbeat. I'm working on a couple of things to make us all smile. If I can finish them both, I'll post one as a Shipmas warm up and one on Shipmas for you. Big hugs and kisses.

                                Trupi Thank you for being the adult round here, always trying to maintain some sort of law and order. I know we can be absolute pains at times. But at the end of the day, these people do need somewhere to rant. It's just a shame we end up attacking each other and not working together to defeat the people that matter.

                                Lys Alors, je devrais te l'expliquer en francais, car tu parles l'anglais chaque jour avec nous. Tu es une membre essentielle de notre groupe, et il me fait grand plaisir chaque fois que je vois tes "12 jours". Alors, merci et grands bisous! xxx
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

