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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I would Love to see that type of Sam/Jack scene as well.I'll take any Sam/Jack scene at this point.While I think AT is beautiful,I prefer Classy Ship scenes with Sam/Jack.I do not need anything over the top.IMO it does not go with Scifi.I Loved the Neo/Trinity Ship from the Matrix.That would be great.


      Originally posted by Shipperahoy
      I just finished watching Grace Under Pressure and didn't particularly care for it. Not really because of
      the sexual stuff with halluci-Sam, because she was just that...a figment of his mind, but more because as much as I love McKay a whole episode of him going mental in a puddlejumper was a bit much for me. The thing that concerns me is that if they end up doing crossovers with Sam going to Atlantis I sincerely hope it's not all McKay hitting on Sam or, heaven forbid, some kind of relationship developing there. SG-1 is already basically over for me, I don't need another show ruined.

      Uh oh Suekay, I think I just figured out how it could get worse.

      I hope so for you Shipperahoy



        Originally posted by ses110
        I would like nothing better than to come on the forum and rave about the Show.TPTB are going to have to help us and do alot better job with the Show.Like sueKay said it's not just the lack of Sam/Jack Ship.It's so much more.I have to admit I have been very negative.I'll try to do better.I try to leave the forum for a while or not post if I have nothing good to say.It might be time for another break.
        I certainly didn't say what I said in my last post to make people leave. Of course, you have the right to say you're not happy with the way the show is going now.
        Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


          Caty I always said McKay has a couple of Women to dream about on Atlantis.Two is not enough he has to dream about someone from another Show.I said it before and I'll say it again.Atlantis and Sg-1 should have nothing to do with each other.No crossovers and no talking about characters from the other Show.TPTB want two Show on the Air and they almost treat it like one Show.


            Yeah, don't let us big scary shippers frighten you off. We're not all bad. Honest!!!

            Let's face it, you can't be that bad... you have lots of rep points!
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Originally posted by florence
              I've now watched 6 eps in S9 and I can say that I don't like it too much. Not because there's no ship, but because I don't like the stories.

              I agree that the stories (S9) are pretty lame ..a bit boring and they seem to spend a lot of time at SGC ..and ususally I don't like those kind of episodes .

              I actually rewatched "Jolinar's memory" last night ..It was on Sky One and on as I was wrapping Christmas presents ...and I just have to say ..try to beat an episode like the Jolinar Arc or the Tokra arc!!!! Nothing like that in season 9 ..I think it's impossible .

              Jolinar's memory is a fantastic episode ...great team interaction , off world , action , good dramatic scenery, Spooky , scary with all those voices ..great use of Flashbacks for Sam's past with her dad .., great use of flashbacks for Jolinar and Bernard ( the ugly goaould)...great concern from Jack to Sam ..ect ... What a fantastic episode to watch ..the continued part of the story is as good with the return of Apophis , the torture ..the great escape ...and back to base ...WOW .
              Some episode that was



                Originally posted by ses110
                Sally I wonder if anyone will even mention Jack's name in Ripple Effect?IMO Sally if Shipper want to continue to watch this Show that's fine.IMO there hurting there own cause.TPTB will say to themselves no need for Sam/Jack Ship many people are still watching.
                I do still watch the show because I am a Stargate fan. I started out watching the show for the quality of the stories and wonderful cast. I became an S/J shipper somewhere along the way and loved the way it was being handled without taking over the show. Now that there is no more S/J ship in the show, I am back to watching the show for the stories. This is causing me a great bit of grief because the stories are so poorly written and the shows are so poorly directed and characters don't seem to like each other at all. I plan to continue watching the show until the PTB put an end to it or I am completely disgusted with it. I am hoping the former because I would like closure. I have already closed the S/J story in my mind. I no longer wish for or expect that to be shown. At this point, it's too late. Anything they do would be a half-assed attempt and that would only piss me off. Oh wait, the PTB are out to piss off the S/J shippers aren't they? Well, then maybe they will try something. In that case maybe I should stop watching now.


                  Awww, honey, that's quite a negative view of things. I still hold out for some ship, but I do agree that I have other reasons for watching the show apart from ship. I am not about to stop watching because of it. I'm more of a Fringe shipper than militant hard core.
                  Yepp, it's blank down here.


                    Okay, sort of OT here, but as a fan who shipped before I knew there was such a word as shipper(and found out the word here when I discovered this thread), I am confused.

                    Do people ship for couples who aren't couples, and hopefully never be? I notice the Threads for Sam/Thor, Sam/McKay, etc., though I haven't delved into them at all. Sam/Thor is a joke right? I mean, really!!

                    Do people ship before any ship is shown for two characters? Just pick out attractive characters and decide they want them together? Wasn't that the case for Shep and Weir during most of the S1 (the part of it I saw--don't watch it now)?

                    In other words, when I first heard the term ship I thought it was for two characters that had already shown they care for each other more than friendship (read S/J) even if it is not overt.

                    I do somewhat agree philosophically with those who think that always wanting male/female friendships to evolve into romance sort of hurts the idea that a female character can be equal to a man's or that there can be only friendship. Although many good marriages are between a couplewho were friends before falling in love. Extremely male dominated societies do not believe in m/f friendship (the female is too 'tempting').
                    Last edited by Gatetrixer; 13 December 2005, 05:28 PM.


                      I will probably watch GUP because of curiosity, even though I don't watch Atlantis. And I will probably laugh, even though I don't like McKay and don't like the fact McKay gets an unreal kiss while we get no S/J. And Grace is parodied. From what I have heard of it I think GUP shows a number of things, though:

                      (1) They don't know what to do with Sam.

                      (2) They are short of ideas for plots,and are parody-ing themselves.

                      (3) They are assuming GA fans know the episode "Grace". Just hope they don't have one of those "previously" intros showing the real "Grace" SG-1 episode.

                      (4) They _______(add your own).


                        Originally posted by Catysg1
                        Jolinar's memory is a fantastic episode ...great team interaction , off world , action , good dramatic scenery, Spooky , scary with all those voices ..great use of Flashbacks for Sam's past with her dad .., great use of flashbacks for Jolinar and Bernard ( the ugly goaould)...great concern from Jack to Sam ..ect ... What a fantastic episode to watch ..the continued part of the story is as good with the return of Apophis , the torture ..the great escape ...and back to base ...WOW .
                        Some episode that was

                        I really do love the old episodes. I've lost count of the number of times that my husband and I have watched them. I can quite possibly see us wearing out our DVD player.

                        I have a bit of a dilemma about season 9 though. My husband doesn't watch Stargate for the s/j ship and we usually buy the DVD volumes, because we only have terrestrial TV, so we'd have to wait another whole year for SG1 to come to channel 4 here.

                        So, do I try to persuade my husband not to buy the DVDs, even though he'll definitely want to watch the new season? I have warned him it's effectively a new show though. I could tell him that my shipper family friends are not impressed with the general quality not just the lack of ship, but he never believes reviews from other people (and nearly always disagrees with film ratings in TV guides!). He much prefers to judge things for himself. Which is fair enough. However, there doesn't seem to be much practical point to me making a stand against TPTB buy boycotting season 9 after my husband has parted with his money to buy at least some of the DVDs. I suppose he might buy the first volume and decide that he doesn't like the direction the show has taken either....

                        Apologies for rambling.
                        always and forever
                        My LJ
                        My History Website


                          Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                          Okay, sort of OT here, but as a fan who shipped before I knew there was such a word as shipper(and found out the word here when I discovered this thread), I am confused.

                          Do people ship for couples who aren't couples, and hopefully never be? I notice the Threads for Sam/Thor, Sam/McKay, etc., though I haven't delved into them at all. Sam/Thor is a joke right? I mean, really!!

                          Do people ship before any ship is shown for two characters? Just pick out attractive characters and decide they want them together? Wasn't that the case for Shep and Weir during most of the S1 (the part of it I saw--don't watch it now)?

                          In other words, when I first heard the term ship I thought it was for two characters that had already shown they care for each other more than friendship (read S/J) even if it is not overt.

                          I do somewhat agree philosophically with those who think that always wanting male/female friendships to evolve into romance sort of hurts the idea that a female character can be equal to a man's or that there can be only friendship. Although many good marriages are between a couplewho were friends before falling in love. Extremely male dominated societies do not believe in m/f friendship (the female is too 'tempting').
                          I'm not entirely sure. I think it comnes down to perception of chemistry between the characters-which I suppose equates to the viewer wanting them together. S/J shippers would say that they saw chemistry between s/j from the very beginning, but most, if not all would also say that they didn't see any onscreen chemistry between sam/other or jack/other. Same with Atlantis characters, I assume. I personally have never seen any on screen chemistry between Sheppard and Weir or Sheppard and Teyla, so I don't ship for either.

                          I don't think the Sam/Thor ship takes itself very seriously!
                          always and forever
                          My LJ
                          My History Website


                            Originally posted by Catysg1
                            He could also fantasize about Teyla ..but to actually
                            fantasize about Sam
                            NOW just like that when we know that they haven't seen each other for ages is really strange .


                            might it be foreshadowing for next season? you know, set us up now for what's to come (sam/mckay ship).




                              I must congratulate TPTB for setting the shipper against each other! Bravo! People I would never thought would have gone at each other did tonight! I came home started to read the thread and what did I see, friend going after friend. They won, we lost! Is everyone happy now! Sam is going to sc--- McKay and every other male in SG and Atlantis. They killed Jack off and everything we watched for 8 years was bull----! Now that I have that off my chest, can we stop trying to scare everyone off the thread and support each other's opinions and try to make this a place, where we can relax and have a good time. The heck with what they are writing! I know I'm going to have rocks tossed at me but after 18 hours up, I don't care anymore! Can we just act stupid and have a good time together! End of rant!


                                Gatetrixer]Okay, sort of OT here, but as a fan who shipped before I knew there was such a word as shipper(and found out the word here when I discovered this thread), I am confused.
                                Do people ship before any ship is shown for two characters? Just pick out attractive characters and decide they want them together?
                                Actually, the Sam/Jack ship was canon, or written into the show's concept by the series writers. Fans did not ASK for Sam/Jack to relate romantically. The show decided to make them carry a torch, albeit not a flaming one, for one another. Here's a quote from TV GUIDE, July 26-August 1, 2003 (SG1 was featured on the covers): Replicating a Hit: Executive producer Robert C. Cooper promises the identity of the Ancients and the location of the Lost City will be revealed this season, Col Jack O'Neill and Maj. Samantha Carter will get closer (nudge, nudge) and a beloved charecter will meet an untimely end.

                                In other words, when I first heard the term ship I thought it was for two characters that had already shown they care for each other more than friendship (read S/J) even if it is not overt.
                                Just sayin' the ship as written wasn't perfect but it had merit. It still does.
                                MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                                Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking

