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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
    I always used to think about what Jack had on his bottom half (those of you who have been here for awhile have heard my theory more than once <g>), but this just made me wonder... What did *Sam* have on her bottom half? Tiny shorts? Underwear only? Sweatpants? Theories, anybody?
    I'm thinking a workout short. Like men's boxers. And not that you asked but I'll tell ya anyway, Jack has on a towel.


      Originally posted by UhSir View Post
      I'm thinking a workout short. Like men's boxers. And not that you asked but I'll tell ya anyway, Jack has on a towel.
      That's always been my theory - that or nothing at all. Evidenced by the fact that he's still dripping, and we see him opening his locker, so he wouldn't have pants on yet. Fresh from the shower, still dripping enough to have to dry his face, he'd most likely be wearing a towel. And since we don't see him change, that means Jack O'Neill, Colonel and scourge of the USAF, was seen carrying his 2IC through the halls of the SGC in nothing but a towel and a shirt while she had on even less. <vbEEg>
      - Mary
      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


        Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
        That's always been my theory - that or nothing at all. Evidenced by the fact that he's still dripping, and we see him opening his locker, so he wouldn't have pants on yet. Fresh from the shower, still dripping enough to have to dry his face, he'd most likely be wearing a towel. And since we don't see him change, that means Jack O'Neill, Colonel and scourge of the USAF, was seen carrying his 2IC through the halls of the SGC in nothing but a towel and a shirt while she had on even less. <vbEEg>
        i totally missed that...i need to may attention to details and i now have a greater appreciation for the scene hehe i can just imagine the rumors going around the SGC

        My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
        Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


          Somebody asked for a fic rec. I'm in the middle of the astonishingly well written fic Liberating Males. Kiddies, be sure to check the rating on this story, but good golly it's a fantastically written work of fiction.

          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."



            Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
            That's always been my theory - that or nothing at all. Evidenced by the fact that he's still dripping, and we see him opening his locker, so he wouldn't have pants on yet. Fresh from the shower, still dripping enough to have to dry his face, he'd most likely be wearing a towel. And since we don't see him change, that means Jack O'Neill, Colonel and scourge of the USAF, was seen carrying his 2IC through the halls of the SGC in nothing but a towel and a shirt while she had on even less. <vbEEg>
            O.m.g! That's... hoooooooot!

            *smiley made by Zuz
            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


              Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
              That's always been my theory - that or nothing at all. Evidenced by the fact that he's still dripping, and we see him opening his locker, so he wouldn't have pants on yet. Fresh from the shower, still dripping enough to have to dry his face, he'd most likely be wearing a towel. And since we don't see him change, that means Jack O'Neill, Colonel and scourge of the USAF, was seen carrying his 2IC through the halls of the SGC in nothing but a towel and a shirt while she had on even less. <vbEEg>
              Right. All that rolling around and the towel stayed on. Okay. Sure. I believe that. *wonders if the air force puts velcro on their towels for these types of situations*


                Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                Right. All that rolling around and the towel stayed on. Okay. Sure. I believe that. *wonders if the air force puts velcro on their towels for these types of situations*
                *Dies laughing*


                  Ohh my jello fridge seems to be firmly locked this morning, couldn't green anyone I tried to So Lara awesome shippy recap (and big hugs), Alan thanks for the vidrec and Pol thanks for the ficrec

                  Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                  Right. All that rolling around and the towel stayed on. Okay. Sure. I believe that. *wonders if the air force puts velcro on their towels for these types of situations*
                  ROFL! Wow, I sure have some great images in my head now...
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                    Wow, very hard question and I feel I'm a bit biased from personal experience.

                    OT but it explains why I pick my answer.

                    I lost my previous partner (Daniel); he died in a car accident and I had a miscarriage when I was 18 weeks pregnant. I can't describe that feeling, I think that some of the people here that been through the same can know what it feels like. It 'felt' like I couldn't love anyone else again, I loved so much, I 'knew' that that would eventually happen but it just felt differently.

                    It took me three years to love someone else again. I was really careful with my feelings and my heart and he was a what people would call a 'hard nut' but I believe in the positive, in the good of people. I'm not naive, mind you but I believe in the hope that people have. I just ended that relationship after four years, it wasn't meant to be. Would I want to turn back time before that car accident and have Daniel back? God, yes. I want him back; coming home to me. To have the baby. So I would go back. I hope I'm not hurting anyone's feelings by telling this. Sorry if I am *huggles*

                    So, I'm biased. My situation is different from Jack's. Sara is still alive. Heck, he'd want Charlie back. It's wrong for parents to outlive their children. It's horrible. He'd want that to have Charlie back in his arms.

                    But Sara is a whole different story. If he knew that things could or would work out between them, he'd taken his chance during Cold Lazarus. He didn't. He said goodbye to her, still loving her but he sealed off that part of his heart years ago and feelings go away eventually. They can come back and smack you in the face when you see that person again but that apparently didn't happen to Jack.

                    Instead he let his feelings for Sam take its own path. He fell in love with her, denied denial, denied his heart so that Sam could love someone else. But in the end, her love for him was so strong; she returned back to him.

                    He's happy with Sam. All the stuff they've been through; their love survived. To quote a cliché; it did conquer all. And that is something big.

                    Something amazing.
                    ((((Lara)))) Many huggles to you*hugs*

                    As for the S/J answer...I think I agree... you would always want your child back. The only thing I wonder, if Charlie was still alive would he have joined the SG program? Would he have met Sam? I do think that their love is great enough to survive and come together in the end. I think in a way even with Charlie there, it would have gone wrong between Sara and Jack.

                    Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                    That's always been my theory - that or nothing at all. Evidenced by the fact that he's still dripping, and we see him opening his locker, so he wouldn't have pants on yet. Fresh from the shower, still dripping enough to have to dry his face, he'd most likely be wearing a towel. And since we don't see him change, that means Jack O'Neill, Colonel and scourge of the USAF, was seen carrying his 2IC through the halls of the SGC in nothing but a towel and a shirt while she had on even less. <vbEEg>
                    Back to drooly land.

                    Hmm...well I think he's wearing ...something...on his bottom half, even though he's still dripping. I've seen enough boys/men that don't care about them being wet and still pulling pants on.

                    The thing is, like you said, he just opened his locker, so he could still have to put something on there. on the other hand, he immediately put his T-shirt on while, in my experience, men always put something on their bottom half first after the above part. Also he could have a towel on...that didn't rip off...

                    Oh...the possibilities... He's just butt naked. I like that thought. GO SAM!


                      EPISODE OF THE WEEK
                      Jolinar's Memories/The Devil You Know

                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        *pops in for shameless selfpromotion*

                        A new chapter of my fanfic is now online

                        Safe Bet, Chapter 8

                        Hope you all like it! and if possible please review

                        Sarai I'll send the nominations later today, I have to do groceries first(parents on vacation eh)


                          ------zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZ *head snaps up from keyboard* Sam!!! Huh? Wha--- Oh. Errr...Morning fellow 'shippers! How is everyone!

                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          Ohh my jello fridge seems to be firmly locked this morning, couldn't green anyone I tried to So Lara awesome shippy recap (and big hugs), Alan thanks for the vidrec and Pol thanks for the ficrec

                          ROFL! Wow, I sure have some great images in my head now...
                          Your welcome for the vidrec (must remember that term), josiane. I hope others have checked it out too.

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            LOL Alan - *passes the coffee and a muffin*


                              Originally posted by Solo View Post
                              LOL Alan - *passes the coffee and a muffin*
                              Hehe. Very, very gratefully accepted this morning.

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                                Hehe. Very, very gratefully accepted this morning.
                                Gosh Alan, I didn't realise Wales was in a different time zone to me..................

