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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Blacky Kitten View Post
    Drop i fic rec, it's one of my faves

    Dont Come Knockin

    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    That pic is available all over the net, I doubt if anyone knows who to credit for it

    Thanks everyone for the hugs and good wishes (((((Family)))))
    no prob...

    edit: bedtime


    Last edited by mad_gater; 24 January 2009, 07:28 PM.


      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
      WELCOME HOME BEKKI!!!!!!!!!!!


      Sam is in command of the SGC temporarily while Landry's on leave, and then she'll take command of the General Hammond previously known as The Phoenix. She said to Sheppard:"General O'Neill wanted you in the chair" (he had to defend the EArth from the Wraith with the chair that ended up destroyed... that's all Sam/Jack news.

      And there's a nice fic of Pol's that speaks of all the spoilers!
      Across the Ionian Sea


      Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


        Originally posted by majorsal View Post

        if this thread were merged with the ship discussion thread (don't worry, i've not heard anything! ), do you think you could handle discussing ship with non shippers/anti shippers?
        Simply put. No.

        I come here for fun and to share my little obsession with others of like mind. If I had to come in and defend my love of Sam and Jack every day, I wouldn't spend any time in this thread.
        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


          Originally posted by leiasky View Post
          Simply put. No.

          I come here for fun and to share my little obsession with others of like mind. If I had to come in and defend my love of Sam and Jack every day, I wouldn't spend any time in this thread.
          Ditto on that. This is where I unwind. I'm not one of those people who loves heated debates. I wouldn't be around.



            There but for the Grace of God

            (by 1 vote!)



              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              Ditto on that. This is where I unwind. I'm not one of those people who loves heated debates. I wouldn't be around.
              Well...I enjoy discussions...but within the accepted framework that Sam and Jack are canon (which they are ). If it becomes a "yes they are"/"no they aren't" defend-your-position type of discussion, then I have to say, it's not for me.

              However, if I correctly read the answers from the Mods to questions that voiced this concern, it was my understanding that they don't intend to force us all to peacefully co-exist. So, I'm not terribly concerned at the moment.

              Besides, the Mods will come to the thread for a visit and hang around for a while, talk to us, even, about our concerns, so I don't think one day we'll wake up and find ourselves forced to share the same ice floe with polar bears.

              As Jack would say, let's cross that bridge when we come to it.



                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                Ditto on that. This is where I unwind. I'm not one of those people who loves heated debates. I wouldn't be around.
                yeah, sort of bombed that first and last debate I had in Gateworld

                me: foot meet mouth


                  Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                  Ditto on that. This is where I unwind. I'm not one of those people who loves heated debates. I wouldn't be around.
                  Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                  Well...I enjoy discussions...but within the accepted framework that Sam and Jack are canon (which they are ). If it becomes a "yes they are"/"no they aren't" defend-your-position type of discussion, then I have to say, it's not for me.

                  However, if I correctly read the answers from the Mods to questions that voiced this concern, it was my understanding that they don't intend to force us all to peacefully co-exist. So, I'm not terribly concerned at the moment.

                  Besides, the Mods will come to the thread for a visit and hang around for a while, talk to us, even, about our concerns, so I don't think one day we'll wake up and find ourselves forced to share the same ice floe with polar bears.

                  As Jack would say, let's cross that bridge when we come to it.

                  I'm not real worried. If, on the off chance they do get rid of the anti/pro threads and combine us, I figure half the Antis ship either Sam or Jack with someone else so they will go to those threads instead. I've looked over the anti thread once or twice and it's not anywhere near as busy as this thread. Even if we all get along, the anti's would probably feel much more isolated, alone and defensive in a combined thread than the Pros would. Which, I would hope would be exactly what the mods don't want. Anyway, I sure wouldn't hang out in a combined thread if everyone of my posts was going to be argued against (even civilly) by a 20-1 ratio. I made that ratio up by the way, I have no idea what the pro to anti ratio is.


                    Ship Family...I have a little something short for you to view...

                    Just found this on during the inauguration.

                    Submitted for your consideration...

                    Fact or fiction?

                    Or a trip through the Twilight Zone?

                    You decide:

                    Remember my latest little ficcie?

                    It references a meeting between our new President and General O' the Pres. can learn...everything a President needs to know.

                    Apparently, the meeting couldn't come a moment too soon!

                    Seriously...what do you think that was?


                      Happy Birthday Brooke

                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      as much as i LOVE sam being in the military, ship wise, i sometimes wish she were just a civilian scientist contracted to work on the stargate program (like daniel). i think it would have opened up a LOT of ship possibilities on the show.

                      i watched a new ep of 'ghost whisperer' last night, and it was very shippy... made me wish our show would have taken more risks.
                      But - Seahen or Jenn correct me if I'm wrong - if Sam was a civilian on SG1 like Daniel then they still couldn't have a relationship as she'd still be in Jack's COC. If she was a civilian only working on base whilst Jack was on SG1 then yeah they'd probably be fine. But I don't see them falling in love that way, being a soldier is part of who Sam is, and part of why Jack falls in love with her. I don't see Jack spending enough time with a civilian scientist to get to know her - even if she's as beautiful as Sam...
                      (That said this is exactly what happens in the 2 AU episodes so what do I know!)
                      sigpicMy Fanfic



                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                          I remember when I was first in fandom I was so chatty...but now I'm just...not.
                          *hugs* I miss chatty Jena...So...when is the mojo coming back?

                          And would someone tell my cat she is not a parrot and therefore should not be perched on my shoulder?
                          Is that the same cat that you once put every week next to a different SG season box to show how much she had grown?

                          Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                          Hi fabulous friends! I'm home! (again)

                          Ah, how I've missed you all. *huggles* Have I missed anything important? I know I missed EatG, anyone want to spoiler me with what happened? Pretty pelase with sugar on top?

                          Ooh - HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROOKE!!!!

                          ...and Jumble's online at this time of day?
                          Welcome Back Bekki *tackle huggles bekki*

                          Good to see you again, we miss you!


                            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                            On the subject of penguins and polar bears (and yes, btw, they live on opposite hemispheres so the chances of penguins being polar bear food is impossibly slim) On another board I frequent there's a whole (unrelated) discussion about penguins.
                            Someone posted this comment:

                            Studies show that a sure-fire way to improve a person's mood
                            is to show them a short film of penguins. It brings out the best in us.

                            This was followed by this link:

                            I think the relative attitude of the penguin and the polar bear speak volumes, don't you?
                            ROFL! Love it, thanks for sharing

                            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                            Ship Family...I have a little something short for you to view...

                            Just found this on during the inauguration.

                            Submitted for your consideration...

                            Fact or fiction?

                            Or a trip through the Twilight Zone?

                            You decide:

                            Remember my latest little ficcie?

                            It references a meeting between our new President and General O' the Pres. can learn...everything a President needs to know.

                            Apparently, the meeting couldn't come a moment too soon!

                            Seriously...what do you think that was?
                            Melissa it says the content has been removed What was it?

                            Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                            But - Seahen or Jenn correct me if I'm wrong - if Sam was a civilian on SG1 like Daniel then they still couldn't have a relationship as she'd still be in Jack's COC. If she was a civilian only working on base whilst Jack was on SG1 then yeah they'd probably be fine. But I don't see them falling in love that way, being a soldier is part of who Sam is, and part of why Jack falls in love with her. I don't see Jack spending enough time with a civilian scientist to get to know her - even if she's as beautiful as Sam...
                            (That said this is exactly what happens in the 2 AU episodes so what do I know!)
                            I think you're right in that she'd have to not be on SG1, and in both of the AUs I don't think she is. I don't know about that meaning that it's less likely she and Jack would fall in love, as you say the AUs contradict that, but they might not have the same bond as they do in our universe. It's like, Sam and Jack are always going to fall in love, because as we've seen they always do when they meet, but not all those Sam and Jacks will necessarily have quite the relationship our Sam and Jack have. If that makes any sense. But in any case, I think whether Sam is military or civilian isn't actually the main thing that kept them apart for so long. It's the wider aspects of their situation, the way they are willing to put the fate of the world ahead of their own happiness so that they can serve together, and also the belief they have that not being together makes them safer in not giving anyone the possibility of using their relationship against them and the world - as we see in Entity and Jack's pulling away after that point.

                            WELCOME BACK BEKKI!!!
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              i've been thinking about our thread, and the fear of it being changed/altered by the new vision statement. i 'think' we're alright (that is, i think we're not effected), but... here's a question.

                              if this thread were merged with the ship discussion thread (don't worry, i've not heard anything! ), do you think you could handle discussing ship with non shippers/anti shippers?

                              a few days ago, i'd have begrudgingly said yes. now, after a few days of dealing with anti shippers in another thread, no. i forgot how hard it was to deal with extreme negativity towards something i love so much. there's a few more things i'd like to say on this subject, but i'm sure it's way out of line so i'll keep my mouth shut.

                              but i remember when i was first in fandom... oh, how sweet and naive i was.
                              For me, I can handle discussing ship with non-shippers and anti-shippers if there is an actual discussion and not simply entrenched positions. I remember I had a few intelligent, polite discussions about various episodes/aspects of ship on the Sam thread when I first joined with the polar bears a few years ago now. Non-shippers/anti-shippers are entitled to their interpretations and opinions too.

                              However, I think the real question is do I always want to discuss the ship in a thread where someone is entitled to disagree that the ship doesn't exist at all and the answer to that is no.

                              The great thing about this thread is that it has the starting position that the ship exists - that that particular point is not open for debate and therefore it creates a safe, friendly environment. We have some great discussions on this thread already, some which provoke heated debate, and generally we're very tolerant of all viewpoints about any aspect of Stargate.

                              Personally, where characters and ships are concerned I'd prefer a discussion thread where people can debate from all viewpoints and an appreciation thread where people can simply wallow in their obsessions likes safely.

                              *shrugs* I guess we'll get our opportunity to comment when they get to the thread in the C&R folder future discussions.
                              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                                Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                                Simply put. No.

                                I come here for fun and to share my little obsession with others of like mind. If I had to come in and defend my love of Sam and Jack every day, I wouldn't spend any time in this thread.
                                Same here.

