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Ship Day 2012: Tenth Annual Sam/Jack Celebration!

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    Jack Look #86

    Pride. Respect. Not much has changed in that regard - although it seems to me that now there is an undercurrent that wasn't there before...


      (PS Does anyone else think that Walter totally photobombed #86? I just had that thought as I posted it...)


        Jack Look #87

        I love that he takes her concerns seriously but through the course of their discussion he puts her at ease:

        And he's rewarded yet again... in a way that seems to have become rarer and rarer as our angst level rises...


          Jack Look #88

          Here we see fun, playful Jack. He's open, he's goofy, he dramatic. However once he starts talking to Sam about the Potato Famine in Ireland.... wait no, I'm sorry, about Pete...

          He becomes guarded again. We see him like this a lot throughout season 8. I can see how pained he is, but he's a master at keeping his face neutral. He doesn't want to talk about this, but as always, he stands there and takes an emotional beating.


            Jack Look #89

            He's seen the ring, she's weakly attempted to touch the line between them... and here, here we see the resignation in Jack's eyes. In his mind, he's lost her, he needs to let her go and it hurts like hell.

            Interestingly enough, Sam has the same expression...


              Jack Look #90

              This is just a great moment. There's no angst, just that pure connection. Jack isn't trying to hide himself. Again, a rare sight in Season 8.


                Jack Look #91

                Remember how I mentioned before that Jack sees Sam as experiencing things that brings her closer to his own reality? At the end of Gemini she's blaming herself for having taught Fifth betrayal, but Jack was the one that asked her to. Remember his expression then?

                Refresher pics:

                He's responsible - not only for the betrayal, but also for giving Sam something she has to carry within her - much like the kind of guilt he too carries within himself.


                  Jack Look #92

                  Sam is off on a phone call and Jack is watching *her* while Teal'c babbles on about... something. In seriousness though, he's fixed intently on her... but then...

                  He tries to act nonchalant but personally I feel like this is one of the weakest attempts I've seen by him. One can only deny personal feelings for so long.


                    Jack Look #93

                    Where have we seen this expression before? Here's a hint, we haven't seen it in a very, very long time. He's studying her again. For the last few years he's *known* her, he's known how she felt, but then she dated Pete and then she got engaged and everything he thought he knew was turned upside down. Then Sam shows up in his yard and starts talking about mistakes. We often get caught up in the fact that he's concerned about Kerry inside, but his face tells a secondary story - he's relearning Sam. What he thought he knew, he doesn't.

                    Refresher pics:

                    In the Line of Duty

                    The Serpent's Grasp

                    Scorched Earth


                      Jack Look #94

                      Sam is on her phone at this point. Kerry is looking at him, but he keeps half an eye on Sam. We often assume that he must have said something in order to tip Kerry off, but if she's astute (which I think she is, perhaps the writers were compensating for Pete's lack) - she had to have seen that he didn't waver in his attention. In fact as Sam walks away:

                      I think a small, tiny glimmer is coming back to life in his mind as it pertains to Sam. Personally I think his relationship with Kerry was an attempt to deal with the fact that he thought he'd lost Sam... but now... he's drawn to her even when he's in the presence of a pretty great woman.


                        Jack Look #95

                        This is it! The "Always" moment. The back and forth, the what ifs, the questions... and Jack knows and is done pretending. Sam knows and is done pretending. The intensity of Jack's gaze always sends shivers down my spine.

                        The weight of this moment feel incredibly satisfying. Although I still want my BHK!


                          Jack Look #96

                          And we have FISHING!!!!!!!! Look at how happy and relaxed Jack looks. There's a sense of completion here and it's beautiful...

                          but wait...

                          there's MORE...


                            Jack Look #97

                            This is from Moebius and felt it should go on it's own since it appears in a separate episode. I love the mirrored expressions yet again. They were so made for each other


                              Jack Look #98

                              We talk a lot about how their body language tells us that this is RST And definitely the body language does say that... but look at Jack's face - look at his eyes. For years we've seen a level of longing that was torture, but here, there's none that. He looks at her and he has her, there's nothing to yearn for.

                              Refresher pic


                                Jack Look #99

                                Besides the very obvious boredom Jack is displaying, I love that he doesn't even have to look at her when talking. Oh, he turns once or twice perhaps, but there's a security there. He knows what she looks like. They've been fishing after all

