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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    The whole ceremony was off if you ask me...
    Since when did the Tok'ra dress like monks and start chanting when they removed a symbiote? I don't remember that ever happening - and according to the team they ALWAYS perform this ceremony. Um...okay.

    Then you have again, like you mentioned, the nonchalant kind of attitude of the team. Apophis STOLE Daniel's great love, his first wife...and yet Daniel could find a way to help his host and sit by his side and talk to him. Yet Ba'al, who at no time touched any of them on as deeply a personal level earns not a shred of sympathy or a moment of even interest from the team. It just didn't seem right. Then again, coming from a team where one of the members was talking about bathrooms for 5 minutes of the movie it's not horribly shocking.

    It's a shame because like I said, the main part of the movie, the alt!timeline was good - if not a little cold. So it's disappointing to see "our" team in their own environment behaving so OOC.

    ITA with you on this one. It's why I keep thinking it *has* to be an AU, because I just did NOT recognize my team anywhere there. Not to mention,
    Daniel would just NOT give up and sit around for a year doing nothing but waiting for a phone call. Remember Mr. I don't give up and sometimes not even when I'm dead?

    As for Jack and the whole bathroom scene, I can't get over the idea that RDA is playing Jack as suffering from a form of dementia.


      Originally posted by whisper99 View Post
      ITA with you on this one. It's why I keep thinking it *has* to be an AU, because I just did NOT recognize my team anywhere there.
      Because "our" team is the one being written by Rob Cooper, BW is simply sabotaging everything. And he thinks it's funny


        Originally posted by whisper99 View Post
        Oh h3ll, I'm giving NO credit to BW for any of this, cuz it's *my* fanwank, isn't it? LOL!

        But Cam, dear, loving and caring SO d*mn much for his team....Cam...he seemed to want to go to lunch more than he seemed to care about Vala's frame of mind. *sigh* I find I can sorta kinda fanwank Daniel but not Cam.
        Well, in Cam's defense he was on the other side of the team line-up...
        so, you know, he didn't hear any of Vala's comments aside from the first one in the gate-room...and he didn't know she wanted to stay behind, did he? I thought she just said that to Teal'c and Daniel. I'm choosing to pretend he was just oblivious rather than willfully ignoring Vala's issues.

        Originally posted by whisper99 View Post
        ITA with you on this one. It's why I keep thinking it *has* to be an AU, because I just did NOT recognize my team anywhere there. Not to mention,
        Daniel would just NOT give up and sit around for a year doing nothing but waiting for a phone call. Remember Mr. I don't give up and sometimes not even when I'm dead?

        As for Jack and the whole bathroom scene, I can't get over the idea that RDA is playing Jack as suffering from a form of dementia.
        LOL, maybe...although as I watched the Comic Con pan I saw a lot of similarities between RDA and recent versions of Jack so perhaps he's just choosing to play the character like himself. I mean, as funny as some of his bits were it would be nice to be able to get a serious, straight answer from the man


        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          Well, in Cam's defense he was on the other side of the team line-up...
          so, you know, he didn't hear any of Vala's comments aside from the first one in the gate-room...and he didn't know she wanted to stay behind, did he? I thought she just said that to Teal'c and Daniel. I'm choosing to pretend he was just oblivious rather than willfully ignoring Vala's issues.

          LOL, maybe...although as I watched the Comic Con pan I saw a lot of similarities between RDA and recent versions of Jack so perhaps he's just choosing to play the character like himself. I mean, as funny as some of his bits were it would be nice to be able to get a serious, straight answer from the man

          If RDA chose to play the character like himself, it's high time for him to fully retire.


            Originally posted by tayradio View Post
            Yeah, that last one is a tough one. What makes Baal's host any less deserving of sympathy, compassion and help than Apophis' host? Daniel was the first one at HIS side, horrified that the poor host was still alive and would have to live with those memories. And what if it had been Shau're being de-snaked? Wouldn't he have wanted someone to be there for her to help her if he couldn't have been there? I thought it was really out of character for Daniel to react to the end of Continuum that way - except if jealousy had been playing a little role there.
            Not to totally defend BW, because I can't help but be upset at the man for so many scenes, but this one makes some sense to me. Apophis' host was before Sha're was lost to Daniel, back when he still had hope—any other extraction ceremony has to make him think about the fact that Sha're could have been saved but wasn't. Plus, Apophis' host was back when Daniel was hopeful about everything, trusting in the fact that the god-like aliens were on their side and would help—his ascension and decension obviously made him much more cynical on that point, and about pretty much everything else in general. Post Sha're's death and decension, Daniel seems to find it much harder to open up and be trusting and loving to new people.

            Originally posted by Ladyinred View Post
            If RDA chose to play the character like himself, it's high time for him to fully retire.
            May I just say, I never got the impression that RDA was ever acting much...he seems to have been portraying Jack as himself from the beginning, if one watches the behind the scenes. But even then, I've always thought that Daniel's death was the last coffin for Jack's humanity. Even after he comes back, Jack doesn't seem to care much about anything.

            ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
            ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


              Originally posted by whisper99 View Post
              What if Daniel's non reaction to the host is because he's more worried about Jack than about the host? In his case with Apophis, the only one affected was Daniel, and we all know Daniel seems to care more about others first than himself. But then if that's the case, why would he not care about Vala's feelings in the matter?

              Perhaps it's that Daniel felt that Ba'al's host was willing and also truly evil, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything about it? But again, if that were true and he really felt that way, why would he leave Vala alone with the host, knowing he might be evil and therefor dangerous?

              They didn't make it easy for us to fanwank this, did they?
              No, they didn't, but I appreciate the effort. LOL!!!


                Originally posted by Stef View Post

                LOL, maybe...although as I watched the Comic Con pan I saw a lot of similarities between RDA and recent versions of Jack so perhaps he's just choosing to play the character like himself. I mean, as funny as some of his bits were it would be nice to be able to get a serious, straight answer from the man

                He's gotten so very far away from the Jack we got in the first four or five seasons. I know there has to be character growth and development but... not in a direction that doesn't make sense.


                  Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                  Not to totally defend BW, because I can't help but be upset at the man for so many scenes, but this one makes some sense to me.
                  That's actually a pretty good one!


                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Well, in Cam's defense he was on the other side of the team line-up...
                    so, you know, he didn't hear any of Vala's comments aside from the first one in the gate-room...and he didn't know she wanted to stay behind, did he? I thought she just said that to Teal'c and Daniel. I'm choosing to pretend he was just oblivious rather than willfully ignoring Vala's issues.


                    I dunno...Cam loves his team...he'd ask where she is and he'd probably look at Daniel funny and then choose to stay with Vala.


                      Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                      Yes, K meant kb. Also, if you really wanted that sig, I could make the file size/pixel size smaller for you—it's very simple.
                      Could you? I would be forever greatful!

                      Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                      Hey all this is my 7000 post to celebrate here is a pic run of my #1 ship Daniel & Vala
                      Daaaaang...that is a big number. Congrats!

                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      Ah yes, you mean of course Jane Austen's Persuasion. Now that lady can write a love letter

                      LOVE that book. Jane Austen just writes love well. The letters, the men...the romance. I love her. She is like the original female shipper if you ask me.

                      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                      I seem to recall us analyzing that moment when it originally aired and identifying those emotions as:
                      first, relief that they had her back safe
                      then a flash of...what?...a sudden realization of his feelings for her and then, thankfully, instead of thrusting her away from him to stare at her in horror, he just gives up the fight and lets himself hold her.
                      Kudos as always to MS for his ability to give us such fine-tuned moments of emotion.
                      He is just amazing like that. him. I am definitly getting more than one photo-op with him from now on so I can hold on to him longer than 5 sec.

                      ^ could stare at that pic all day. Another moment MS is amazing. He holds her in a way that lets us now they have had years of adoration and she means averything to him. How does he do it. In the words of Martin Gero "Michael are you so awesome?"

                      Originally posted by Kales View Post

                      I watched AoT for the first time when I was last at Isa's and

                      "I need you to help me find Daniel"/"I'M RIGHT HERE" ------> ask Kath or Isa. I literally crunched up into a tiny little ball of squee. THEY DIDN'T WARN ME.
                      I know!
                      I love how she pulls away from Tomin because she obviously doesn't want Daniel to think anything is really there between them. Also...why is it Daniel and Tomin look like crap and Vala looks like she just came out of hair and make-up? Did the Ori take it easy on her because the is Adria's mother?
                      by: SerenaSerenity


                        Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                        Could you? I would be forever greatful!

                        Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                        LOVE that book. Jane Austen just writes love well. The letters, the men...the romance. I love her. She is like the original female shipper if you ask me.
                        Good description. I love her too, although like most of my favorite authors she has some little flaws that bug me. But I love the rational, compatible, and yet so passionate romances she creates!

                        Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                        I know!
                        I love how she pulls away from Tomin because she obviously doesn't want Daniel to think anything is really there between them. Also...why is it Daniel and Tomin look like crap and Vala looks like she just came out of hair and make-up? Did the Ori take it easy on her because the is Adria's mother?
                        I've always kind of imagined that one of Vala's natural talents is to look great.
                        But that reasoning might not be too bad...with all her issues, I think Vala and Adria still have some sort of relationship, although Adria more than Vala. She'd tell her to her face she would have no problem killing her, but behind the scenes I don't think she's that heartless. Also, the torture looked like it was a good deal mental—and I think Vala's much more hardened to that than either Daniel or Tomin.

                        ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                        ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                          Okay, about to head off to bed but I thought I would drop off a drawing I did. It's nothing fancy - and certainly nothing mindblowing, but it's an attempt I've been trying to figure out this whole drawing/shading via a computer thing. So far I've had mixed results. This is one of the things I've created using Ash's wonderful logo Be gentle, remember that this is my first time

                          I didn't add faces cause I wanted this to be a basic logo-ish looking image...also, I can't do faces. I'm working up to that


                          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                            Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                            Hi, Ren. I've finished Chosen, it just needs a bit of tinkering with a few scenes. Got to be a lot longer than I intended. Still, brave souls that have stayed with it.
                            Wow! Congratulations on finishing it I'll be catching up and reviewing at some point, I swear.
                            Once I can get RL off my back long enough, that is...

                            Originally posted by Stef View Post
                            ....I'm sorry, what's the problem with doing it every night again? I think the only reason I did daily was because being the fruitcakes that we are, our attentions and interests tend wonder. Give us a few days in between ideas and/or discussions and everyone forgets. Just look at our scrapbook deal
                            That is true. And it would give me something to look forward to every night.. *g* Maybe we should just go for nightly? Apparently one of the symptoms of prolonged exposure to this thread is early memory loss!

                            Ooh, you have a wifey? had a wedding and I wasn't invited?! *storms off*
                            *blinks* Wha- No! Okay well yes, and no. On the LJ comm, apparently the proposal and the wedding are the same. *sporks Marry A LJ User comm* and thusly, no wedding. Yet. *smirk* Tis in the works.
                            You'll get your invitation. Perhaps even some of the cake if you're nice

                            What? You don't like endings where D/V get freaky? I think it's the perfect conclusion to any story
                            *gigglesnort* I could say something Stef, I really could...

                            Ooh, controversial opinions on Continuum. Now you have me all intrigued! But do know that we have people on both sides of the fences so feel free to spill and let the fun begin
                            It's kinda interesting how many different views there are on this movie.. If I were actually coherent right now I might throw my two cents in. Oh well, maybe in the morning. Provided I remember.

                            Random thought of the moment: Maybe we should all bring out our stuffed giraffes and throw them at each other.

                            Don't mind me, lol. I'm running on roughly 3 hours of sleep, (and I need 4, darnit!) and I've been up since somewhere around 6 this morning. We drove up to LA, then all around LA, then drove around some more waiting for traffic to die down, then ate dinner in Beverly Hills because we were pooped and Los Angeles is one perpetual traffic jam. I think I'm gonna hit the sack, there is no way I'm staying up past one a.m. tonight.
                            Night y'all!

                            Edit: OMG! Stef, I love that! Nice work! And hey, be happy that your drawing and shading skills are such that they actually look like people, lol. Mine would be stick figures XD
                            Okay, and now I really am going to bed.
                            Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                            Sig by Odakota_Rose


                              Originally posted by Stef View Post
                              Okay, about to head off to bed but I thought I would drop off a drawing I did. It's nothing fancy - and certainly nothing mindblowing, but it's an attempt I've been trying to figure out this whole drawing/shading via a computer thing. So far I've had mixed results. This is one of the things I've created using Ash's wonderful logo Be gentle, remember that this is my first time
                              Be gentle about what? That's totally freakin' BRILLIANT and I love it! It's so.... 60s and Mod Squadish! It's perfect!!!


                                Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post

                                AoT spoilers

                                I love how she pulls away from Tomin because she obviously doesn't want Daniel to think anything is really there between them. Also...why is it Daniel and Tomin look like crap and Vala looks like she just came out of hair and make-up? Did the Ori take it easy on her because the is Adria's mother?
                                That's just about my favorite moment in the whole movie. Tomin is (kind of, legal-ish-ly) her husband, and she doesn't want DANIEL seeing her touching TOMIN. I love that. Adore it. Squee right the heck out of my little mind over it. In Flesh and Blood she throws herself on the bed with Tomin to distract him from seeing Daniel there, and that scene would have played out so different in the smallest but most important ways if it had taken place in Ark instead, because of the intensity of the feelings that have grown between them since then.

                                Yep, I'd say they didn't think Adria would be overly pleased if they roughed up her mother too much, even at that point. I think something in Adria still wanted her mother to come over to their side.

