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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Aw, well that's cool. Don't think I ever welcomed you Sorry, I don't post here must. More of a lurker. I try to help out with votes though...that's how I convince myself that I'm really a good Daniel and Vala shipper

    Thank you to Stef for the banner


      hahaha, it's okay

      I don't actually vote on much... okay... anything *hides from MD and Stef*

      I'm not much for participating in alot of things... which is why it's kinda a miracle me signing of up for the Holiday Fruitcake Exchange thingamabob...


        Aw, I wish I could join the exchange thing but I can't really do anything

        Thank you to Stef for the banner


          Heh, I do videos, fics, and sometimes banners/sigs/WPs


            Cool! Any vids for Stargate?

            Thank you to Stef for the banner


              Not yet, I am still working on getting the episodes...

              I have a bunch, but as I said to Wendy, all the videos I have planned require clips from eps that aren't done downloading yet... And right now I have to stop ALL downloading cuz it's lagging my mom's game out... (WoW)

              I got alot of vid ideas thought...

              Cure my Tragedy
              Diggin Your Scene
              What do I have to do?
              Girl Like That
              I'm a *****, I'm a Lover
              Carol of the Bells (for Christmas, though)
              ....And several more XD


                Aw, that sucks Couldn't you just make the rest of the video and then put those clips in when you finally get the episodes?

                Oh, cool though, a christmas video!

                Thank you to Stef for the banner


                  Not how I work... I have... I guess you could say patience issues... If I start a video, I either finish it before I stop working, or I just don't do it at all... I'm weird that way... So if I was start a video, it would be kinda pointless because I'd just end up deleting it, and having to start over again

                  That is a complete opposite of my sister, who will start a video, do a couple clips, then just leave it for months, while she does the same with 10 others...


                    *pops in*

                    Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                    That is a complete opposite of my sister, who will start a video, do a couple clips, then just leave it for months, while she does the same with 10 others...
                    SOUNDS LIKE ME!!! Yay for your sister

                    *pops out*


                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                      Thanks Milena!!!


                      We are now at 75.

                      *evil cackle*
                      Hey! ,

                      Thanks so much for the welcome, great poster!


                        Lol NOT yay for my sister... She does good work, and I like to see the videos... but she takes too long!


                          Okay, well, time for class I hate math! Nice talking to you, littlemissjigsaw

                          Thank you to Stef for the banner


                            Later Val... and for future reference: I'm Kelly


                              Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                              Lol NOT yay for my sister... She does good work, and I like to see the videos... but she takes too long!
                              *sneaks in* sounds like someone else I know....personally....hmmmm *sneaks out*


                              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                                Lol how many times are you gonna pop in then pop out? ;p

