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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
    I've been a bad Cake
    You mean like you're stale or mouldy???
    Anything else wouldn't make you 'bad' just...just misguided...yeah that's it 'misguided' and you can try better tomorrow...and hey promising fic is definitely not 'misguided'
    (and on that note I'm gonna stop talking to myself and actually get a goodly amount of keying done before bed.)

    My Fiction:


      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
      I've been a bad Cake tonight but forgive and tomorrow I will return with fic!

      Night all!!

      Night Isa!
      Sig made by me


        Originally posted by LC_ View Post
        ".....what the heck are they talking about with Glowy pucks..."
        HAHAHAHA(LC falls over laughing), seriously(wiping tears from her eyes)I'll get to that one in a moment.

        "'en gaurde for thee"....refers to a line from our national athem
        it's actually "...on guard for thee..."
        The full line is: "O Canada. We stand on guard for thee."

        Now onto 'glowy pucks",lol.(any other Canadians wanna say something here...Oh I seem to be the only one on right now...hmm..okay)

        Ahem...there is a line in "Proud to be Canadian" that also is a reference to the same thing. Can't remember the exact line but it's something about our pucks not having computer chips in them.

        ANYWAY..when Fox TV first started airing NHL games there was a concern that the viewers in the USA would have trouble following the movement of the puck because it's so small and it travels so fast. SOO somehow they created a puck which emitted a blue glow as it travelled over the ice...WELL, up here that idea was met with A LOT and I mean A LOT of good natured derision...we're brought up on hockey(playing and/or watching) and the concept of needing some sort of visual guide to be able to follow the movement of the puck was inconceivable and hysterically funny. Even now making a comment about blue-glowing pucks will usually get a snort of laughter from most Canadians...betcha you'd get at least a smirk from MS.
        Fox TV must have reached the conclusion that the American viewers were capable of following the little black rubber thing too because I don't think they use the 'blue-glowy' pucks anymore.
        Thank you so much (The hubby thanks you too.) I knew this would be the place for a good translation.=)
        thanks Stef

        Thanks Wendy


          For Milena......

          Those that haven't, don't forget to vote in the...

          That is all!
          Sig made by me


            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
            For Milena......

            Those that haven't, don't forget to vote in the...

            That is all!
            I voted!
            ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



              Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
              I voted!
              Me too. Earlier. But I did!

              Hi, Darryl! Hey, you got a minute?

              need a guy's opinion..Walter, you around?


                Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                I voted!
                Sweet! Thanks Darryl and I am sure Milena thanks you as well.
                Sig made by me


                  First off, CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who reached a posting milestone while I've been MIA!!

                  Secondly, I just want to remind everyone to submit their nominations now for:

                  Susan has been doing a wonderful job keeping on top of new vids and posting them here in this thread. A few places you might want to take a look at for vids:

                  Fruitcakes Anonymous YT Collection (remember to log-in to see all videos)
                  Kawoosh Video Archive
                  Stargate Vids LJ Community
                  D/V LJ Community
                  Stargate Video Community

                  Make sure to not only nominate D/V but the videos for Daniel and Vala seperately. Let's try to dominate these awards!

                  Make sure to read the rules before voting, and check whether your video is eligible or not (links for both are on the main page). Unfortunately, links for YT are not allowed...but if you want to nominate something, feel free to bring it up and we'll all try to track down a hardline source for the video if necessary.

                  The nominations deadline is the 28th of October, so make sure to get your nominations in before it's too late

                  That is all


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    Where are Darryl and Walter when you need them?

                    Was the 'dinner' in MM a date or not a date?

                    I won't color it at all, just a simple question. What was Daniel thinking when he took Vala out to dinner?

                    That is all,


                      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                      Where are Darryl and Walter when you need them?
                      *grins* I can't speak for Walter, but I'm right here...

                      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                      Was the 'dinner' in MM a date or not a date?

                      I won't color it at all, just a simple question. What was Daniel thinking when he took Vala out to dinner?

                      That is all,
                      I believe it was a date.

                      I also think that Daniel thought it was a date deep down inside (methinks he doth protest too much... ) but he wasn't about to admit it to others (whether he admitted it to himself is debatable).

                      My $0.02
                      ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



                        Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                        Where are Darryl and Walter when you need them?

                        Was the 'dinner' in MM a date or not a date?

                        I won't color it at all, just a simple question. What was Daniel thinking when he took Vala out to dinner?

                        That is all,

                        I think he was trying to convince himself that it wasn't a date. Subconsciously he knew that it was but just didn't want to believe it. I think that is why he gave the speech to Vala that he did. It was just as much for him as it was for her, and he was trying to make it sound more of a thank you dinner then the date that it was.
                        Sig made by me


                          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                          I think he was trying to convince himself that it wasn't a date. Subconsciously he knew that it was but just didn't want to believe it. I think that is why he gave the speech to Vala that he did. It was just as much for him as it was for her, and he was trying to make it sound more of a thank you dinner then the date that it was.
                          My thoughts precisely.
                          ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



                            Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                            *grins* I can't speak for Walter, but I'm right here...

                            I believe it was a date.

                            I also think that Daniel thought it was a date deep down inside (methinks he doth protest too much... ) but he wasn't about to admit it to others (whether he admitted it to himself is debatable).

                            My $0.02
                            Okay, so what I'm reading here is that, deep down, maybe subconsciously he was hoping it could be a date, but Vala possibly sabatoged *squints at spelling and remembers it's late, doesn't go back and edit* it by mentioning the word date. Is that what you might be saying?



                              Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                              *grins* I can't speak for Walter, but I'm right here...

                              I believe it was a date.

                              I also think that Daniel thought it was a date deep down inside (methinks he doth protest too much... ) but he wasn't about to admit it to others (whether he admitted it to himself is debatable).

                              My $0.02
                              This is a D/V thread...I'm pretty sure everyone is going to be on your side, Erin...


                              Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                              Okay, so what I'm reading here is that, deep down, maybe subconsciously he was hoping it could be a date, but Vala possibly sabatoged *squints at spelling and remembers it's late, doesn't go back and edit* it by mentioning the word date. Is that what you might be saying?

                              Were you trying to say sabotaged? LMAO - sorry, I'm on crack, remember?


                                Originally posted by Cat283 View Post
                                This is a D/V thread...I'm pretty sure everyone is going to be on your side, Erin...
                                We're all about healthy debate here, aren't we, Fruitcakes? And this is DV related, so we can play with it a little. Maybe, maybe not. Just talking over here, I guess.


                                yes! sabotaged...i knew it looked wrong *smacks forehead*

