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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Oh and a little update on my roleplay im roleplaying Quetesh now too love bein eveil

    And Vala and Daniel just had a baby Called him Jayden Carson


      Originally posted by RinggoldGate
      *giggling*. Oh Mag, You are so right. Another RetroBabe comparison with Stargate.

      I wonder who the others are? Of course there is Teal'c. . Daniel? Is he the one with the construction hat? Maybe the hat is needed while climbing through those pyramids. LOL

      Edit: ROTFLMBO, I just figured out Cam.........The biker dude. lol, lol. lol...
      ROFLMAO this is great
      i could imagine cam as the guy with the feathers lol
      daniel fits the construction worker

      Originally posted by RinggoldGate
      Oh my, too too many words. What in the world happened to get the Oven hopping so much? This is going to take hours for me to catch up with my method of looking at GW, do some work, look at GW, do some work. I guess that I might have to skip one of those work breaks. *giggles*

      I want some music while a fold laundry so let me look for something really fast and fun.

      Ok, here is my
      Favorites Upbeat D/V Playlist.
      There are 16 so far. Just hit Play All button.

      Edit: Big Wave to Kelly and Maggie.
      hiii *waves back*

      ohh nice playlist, i'll listen to it the next time i do my laundry

      Edit: ohhhh look at the shiny new d/v sig i made i love it, memento mori daniel is the best
      Last edited by sg-daniel; 08 July 2008, 10:59 AM.


        Originally posted by sg-daniel View Post
        ROFLMAO this is great
        i could imagine cam as the guy with the feathers lol
        daniel fits the construction worker

        hiii *waves back*

        ohh nice playlist, i'll listen to it the next time i do my laundry

        Edit: ohhhh look at the shiny new d/v sig i made i love it, memento mori daniel is the best
        Congrats on the sig. I'm watching fruitcakes dramatic vids. ..... ironing.


        Nice new chapter of The Best Is Yet To Be. Chapter 12 Liked the confusion re cultural differences LC.

        Lots of Pirate Goddess vids in the dramatic section, I like your taste in music as well as the vids, Kelly

        I'm catching up, have you noticed.
        Last edited by Magnecite; 08 July 2008, 12:35 PM.


          Originally posted by Magnecite
          Ooh,well done Nat on your fic, it's really struck a chord even though Turn out the light fanfic net. is making me grab for the tissues with unattractive sniffing noises, it's very well done. You promised me a happy ending, remember, I only could bear one sad giraffe.
          hey darling thanks so much! i'm working on chapter 3 tonight....and yes i promised a happy ending but...there might be more crying before you get there if you've cried already...

          wow busy oven! who turned up the heat in here? the fruitcakes are hoppin again! *dances and flails about*

          some pretty:
          from unending since i'm working on me fic
          My Fic: LJ &


            Originally posted by natalia View Post
            hey darling thanks so much! i'm working on chapter 3 tonight....and yes i promised a happy ending but...there might be more crying before you get there if you've cried already...

            wow busy oven! who turned up the heat in here? the fruitcakes are hoppin again! *dances and flails about*

            some pretty:
            from unending since i'm working on me fic
            Stef said I could do it on my own but I think it was a nice way to call me a big mouth Ooh, bunch of vids of Stef's on the dramatic vids, very nice, I think I'll use one of them as a backing track for my bandage ripping end to Chosen of Sherval. I think Stef and Milena have tangoed over a few pages, LC, Sue and I have formed the Retrobabes and a few folk new and old have popped in. Continuum probably gave the site a boost, new stuff does. Other than that, it may be some strange alignment of the stars. With a gate to get there ofcourse. Oh, well, what do you expect from a chattering monkey.



              Chattering monkey?

              I know what caused it! Magnets!

              My Fanfic


                Originally posted by Magnecite View Post

                Nice new chapter of The Best Is Yet To Be. Chapter 12 Liked the confusion re cultural differences LC.

                OH!...thanks Mag...I was just dropping in the post the link.
                Glad you liked that segment...did it work for you?...when I actually start thinking about these events I keep coming to the conclusion that things just happen casually...with no theatrics or no big you'll see in the next chapter,lol

                Anyway...for those who are reading it at 'alldaniel' the current chapter of
                "...the Best is Yet to Be." has been posted.

                Enjoy and I'd love hear reactions to the segment Mag has just commented on.
                Here, or at 'alldaniel' or at FF later in the week(yes FF should be caught by the end of the week)


                My Fiction:


                  Catch-Up Numero Uno:

                  Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                  Stef: Malek (aka. Hot Tok'ra)
                  I couldn't have put it better myself

                  Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                  *laughing slightly wildly*

                  Okay...for this vid...

                  ...are we to understand that Vala is Aladdin and Daniel is Jasmine? Or am I just reading it wrong? And if not, am I the only one mildly disturbed with Jasmine's voice overlayed over Scruffy!Daniel clips?

                  EDIT: ...and anyone else just a touch disturbed that Aladdin's "let me show you a whole new world" lands over the BBQ scene?
                  Ha! You seem to be disturbed a lot...perhaps it's not so much a reaction or mood as it is a permanent characteristic of your personality/psyche? When you think about it though, he is showing her a new world: death. But you know, I totally think they missed the smutty potential of this part of the song...

                  "I can open your eyes, take you wonder by wonder. Over, sideways and under
                  On a magic carpet ride!"

                  *cough* You realize that if you go into this song with filth on your mind it takes on a whole new sleazy meaning

                  Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                  Is it wrong that we are the D/V thread and yet we're drooling over Ba'al? Ok must stop think of Daniel.....think of Daniel and Vala...

                  See with Priors like that Origin would have spread like wildfire
                  See, I never understood that prior-ized look. Sure, it creates a nice uniformity among the priors, but it really diminishes the hot factor. I would be a lot more likely to accept Origin if Av2!Daniel came up to me and started pitching it - granted, that would be because I'd be too distracted by the pretty man to really process the words coming out of his mouth. I'd just be nodding my head and fantasizing about all sorts of non-Origin related things

                  Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                  I been absent for a while... Blame my sudden Lost!Obsession... Or, to be more specific, my Skate Obsession
                  You have chosen your ship...wisely

                  Skate was my ship while I still watched the show...then it shifted over to Desmond/Penny cause I am a sucker for romantic angst


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    Catch-Up Numero Dos:

                    Originally posted by xXValaXx View Post


                    WOA!!! is all i can i say right now.....Daniel was the only one concerned when Vala disappeared.......its just WOW and Quetesh ....way better than i expected her to be.....WOW!!!!

                    Ive done some screencaps, havent done the whole movie just bits and pieces....but u can see them here....feel free to use and feel free to add me as well

                    Awesome, thanks for the caps!!

                    Yeah, Daniel did seem like the only one who was concerned about Vala. Although before he got stabbed, Jack was all upset and screamed "What have you done with my people?!" Aw, he cares. Probably more about Teal'c...but whatever.

                    Qetesh rocked, no? Gosh I love her. Her and Ba'al are soooo my evil!OTP. And the great thing is that Qetesh came out the victor It took years of patience, but she finally got what she wanted - until stupid AU!Teal'c decided to go ahead and kill her.

                    So here's a question, what do you think it would have been like had the Qetesh symbiote survived somehow and then re-taken Vala as her host in like a hypothetical S11 or S12 and then she became the show's main villain? COuld you just imagine all of the delicious angst?! In the end of course they would save her. But the question is, would Qetesh act as a temporary ally when the situation arises like Ba'al or be a full-on villain like Apophis?

                    Originally posted by sg-daniel View Post
                    Edit: ohhhh look at the shiny new d/v sig i made i love it, memento mori daniel is the best
                    You know, I was actually just admiring it Nice work! D/V + MM = TRUE LOVE

                    Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                    Stef said I could do it on my own but I think it was a nice way to call me a big mouth Ooh, bunch of vids of Stef's on the dramatic vids, very nice, I think I'll use one of them as a backing track for my bandage ripping end to Chosen of Sherval. I think Stef and Milena have tangoed over a few pages, LC, Sue and I have formed the Retrobabes and a few folk new and old have popped in. Continuum probably gave the site a boost, new stuff does. Other than that, it may be some strange alignment of the stars. With a gate to get there ofcourse. Oh, well, what do you expect from a chattering monkey.

                    Noooo, that's not what I was implying I was just saying that you tend to be a very talkative individual. Most people (myself NOT included) tend to pop in and maybe throw a comment or two around every once in awhile or post updates to things. You can carry on a conversation all on your own - as can I. I think that makes us both unique, self-sufficient, and individuals

                    And yes, get Milena and I together in a thread and watch us go! Granted, a lot of times our chats tend to veer off from normal discussions and eventually descend into considering the various merits (or lack thereof) of Anise & Hathor, but what are you gonna do?

                    Last edited by Stef; 08 July 2008, 02:24 PM.

                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                      OH!...thanks Mag...I was just dropping in the post the link.
                      Glad you liked that segment...did it work for you?...when I actually start thinking about these events I keep coming to the conclusion that things just happen casually...with no theatrics or no big you'll see in the next chapter,lol

                      Anyway...for those who are reading it at 'alldaniel' the current chapter of
                      "...the Best is Yet to Be." has been posted.

                      Enjoy and I'd love hear reactions to the segment Mag has just commented on.
                      Here, or at 'alldaniel' or at FF later in the week(yes FF should be caught by the end of the week)
                      When you catch up, I'll post a review on fanfic.

                      Leech Magnets. Not me then? That's a relief.


                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        See, I never understood that prior-ized look. Sure, it creates a nice uniformity among the priors, but it really diminishes the hot factor. I would be a lot more likely to accept Origin if Av2!Daniel came up to me and started pitching it - granted, that would be because I'd be too distracted by the pretty man to really process the words coming out of his mouth. I'd just be nodding my head and fantasizing about all sorts of non-Origin related things
                        That would be one way of spreading Origin...

                        My Fanfic


                          Hand's up. Pick me! Pick me! Sorry, bit of a hyper day. Stef if BW thinks CB is good villain you never know, we may get her as the next Goa'uld challenge. One of her evil Goa'uld loving followers doing a clone job or something. He doesn't seem much of a one for originality so who knows.

                          I don't talk to myself, except when no-one else is about but I have only a small window of opportunity to talk to most of you as you come out to play just as I'm about to go to sleep. That's not on purpose, is it?

                          Oh, the clown that laughs through tears.

                          While we're on the subject of fic, what's happened to Being Found, Milena? Three guys in a restaurant, however amusing, is not DV. I seek news of an update. Don't know what's happened to Isa she's not updated for ages either.



                            Originally posted by Leech10 View Post
                            That would be one way of spreading Origin...
                            It would indeed...and in my opinion, a far more productive way of doing it

                            Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                            Hand's up. Pick me! Pick me! Sorry, bit of a hyper day. Stef if BW thinks CB is good villain you never know, we may get her as the next Goa'uld challenge. One of her evil Goa'uld loving followers doing a clone job or something. He doesn't seem much of a one for originality so who knows.

                            I don't talk to myself, except when no-one else is about but I have only a small window of opportunity to talk to most of you as you come out to play just as I'm about to go to sleep. That's not on purpose, is it?

                            Oh, the clown that laughs through tears.

                            While we're on the subject of fic, what's happened to Being Found, Milena? Three guys in a restaurant, however amusing, is not DV. I seek news of an update. Don't know what's happened to Isa she's not updated for ages either.

                            Well, I think CB would make a fantastic villain-actress. We've seen her play a "straight" heroine and a comedic relief anti-hero. Now it's time to go full-out evil! But maybe that's just me...

                            On purpose? No. Check back like a few hundred pages and you'll discover that the Oven used to be divided into the day shift and the night shift. Milena and I usually made up the night shift while we left it to all of those Europeans and normal sleeping pattern individuals to take up the task of running things during the day. I don't want to brag, but let's just say that the night shift racked up quite a few more pages than the day most of the time. Hmm, I wonder why that is *ponders*

                            As for me - I can and will talk to myself

                            Shhhh, don't mention BF. Milena has other things she needs to attend to - namely my LtL sequel that she keeps pretending like she never agreed to.


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                              Video Break:

                              OK, I listened to this one today and really like the country feeling song. oh,lol. It is Rascall Flats. This one is made by DanielandVala on YT.

                              Waiting All My Life

                              Oh this would be a great trailer for a Fanfic..
                              Like that vid. Great name Rascall Flats. Tired now, run myself into the ground.

                              Night, night all.



                                Originally posted by RinggoldGate

                                *giggling*. Oh Mag, You are so right. Another RetroBabe comparison with Stargate.

                                I wonder who the others are? Of course there is Teal'c. . Daniel? Is he the one with the construction hat? Maybe the hat is needed while climbing through those pyramids. LOL

                                Edit: ROTFLMBO, I just figured out Cam.........The biker dude. lol, lol. lol...
                                LOL ty for the trip down memory lane... I think i still have that LP somewhere! yep cam would love being the biker dude! but can't forget sam and her "bike", either!
                                thanks for the chuckle!

