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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
    But they'd be pretty and in the end isn't that all that matter???
    Excellent point Isa!

    EDIT: *waves* I've gotta get some sleep now, talk to you in the morning!
    Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

    Sig by Odakota_Rose


      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
      I have been out of high school 10 years now, and I still consider myself a band geek.

      Very nice Cat! I would have never guessed that was your first attempt!
      I'm out of High school and have joined a community band....yes that's how much of a band geek I can be. Thanks Wendy, as I will say below loved your first attempt too.

      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
      My turn to try one of these things.....


      V: Come on darling, no one is watching.
      D: I don't know. I feel a little weird in public like this.

      V: It will be fun. Stop being a branch in the mud.
      D: It's stick.
      V: Whatever, please?
      D: FINE.

      *time passes, giggling can be heard throughout the Oven*

      D: I thought you said we were alone *looks up to see 10 people smiling at them*
      V: My bad!
      DAMN FUNNY!!!

      Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
      Oh good, I'm not the only one...
      AH HA! Another band geek! *grins*

      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
      Waves the magic wand and viola!


      So pretty...glad April's my birthday month

      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
      Indeed, how could you indeed... tsk tsk. How else would we get 20+ pages of cylon and babies and well Fruitcakeyness
      Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
      Speaking of which, have we worked out when the baby is acutally going to appear? We do have the rest of it's life planned already.

      *Enables the OT*
      Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post

      You know that was slightly traumatic, I'm still trying to forget it..

      I was wondering about that, but since we absolutely cannot afford to send Stef to another galaxy for a couple months..
      Well we can't afford it but with our combined creativeness I'm sure we'll think of something. Let the OTness ensue and if you get afraid Ren hide behind the powerful ascended beings.

      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

      Of cooooourse I am, Cat *fluttering eyelashes* I am a cream puff of sugary sweetness

      Caaaaaaaat, I was on like alllll night…consequently I woke up puke-ish and skipped school Come on early tonight!

      Awesome job Cat!!!
      Cream puff? *snorts* Yeah had training for new job today so couldn't get back in time, sorry.

      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
      Oh Stef, remember when we were debating who gets which Daniel and you cried dibs on Season 8-10 Daniel??

      You can have him.

      I just realized how much prettier Daniel used to be (watching Lost City 2), you can keep your Orange!Daniel, the one who has worked out so much that he looks a little strange smiling, like his face will rip in half

      I'll keep slightly-muscular, relaxed-skin, medium hair Daniel, thank you very much
      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      Alas, I called seasons 8-10 Daniel after Milena so coldly rejected them (well, actually before that...but whatever). I forgot that that means I get the flag-wearing Daniel. Ha! Take that, Milena!! Although I might loan specific Daniels to people if they like. Or if I'm feeling really generous, I may give them to you

      To answer your question, I think Milena called season 7's naked Daniel

      If you guys are calling dibs on Daniel can I call dibs on Mitchell? If not him then I gladly accept Jonas too...maybe both? *grins*

      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      Okay, so I posted this in the Sparky thread, but since you're all more familar with my insanity, I thought I'd post a summary of my dream last night. I think it's strangely funny....

      Okay, so apparently the team has just come back from a mission and John and Rodney found some sort of tube that they couldn't figure out how to open. So Elizabeth, being the helpful gal she is, tries to open the tube for them....and when she does, a bunch of powder flies up her nose (no, it wasn't white actually, it was bright orange if memory serves).

      Anyway, the powder is some sort of behavior-altering drug. Elizabeth starts going crazy and flees Atlantis into a local neighborhood (no idea where this neighborhood came from). Along the way some cop tries to stop her and she shoots him with a bb gun. Eventually they catch her and cart her back to Atlantis.

      But....she somehow manages to walk through the walls and get out of her cell. So John and the team chase after her, eventually cornering her in the back of the base. John tries to reason with her, and after staring deeply into each other's eyes for like 10 minutes, he basically says that he loves her (in a round about way, of course) and begs her to come with them. She hesitates for a second before setting off an explosion that blows the wall apart, and escapes again. John runs after her...and somehow they wind up in a graveyard.

      Here's where it gets weird...they're running in the graveyard when they come across Torri Spelling, who is being held at knifepoint by Shannon Doherty (I don't know why). For some reason both Weir and John try to stop Shannon from killing Torri. Then another explosion goes off behind John and he turns to see what's happened...that's when Elizabeth disappears into the night. When John turns around, all he sees is a letter addressed to him from Elizabeth. So he opens it up and....

      That's where my dream cut off. Damn!

      OMG so reminded me of the weirdest dream I had involving Weir and a really hot wraith.....don't ask.

      Congrats Toomi and Ren on your milestones!!!!

      Banner by Stef
      Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
        Yay for Icons! I call TPTB Vala, MM Vala and Unending Vala...
        Well, if you're taking three then I get to take three. Um...let's see....I will take COT!Vala (which means I have that as well as F&B!Vala and PP!Vala). Coincidentally, those are the episodes I think Vala looks the best in. I was tempted to take MM originally, but then I remembered the $.20-hooker make-up.

        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
        Woah! Freaky and subtextual and cool. Though the end is a bit omnious....
        Isn't it? But gosh, those two can't even have a happy ending in my dreams!!

        Originally posted by djay View Post
        I like this one!! (sorry, can't make it bigger)

        Why are you torturing me like this?!

        Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
        If you guys are calling dibs on Daniel can I call dibs on Mitchell? If not him then I gladly accept Jonas too...maybe both? *grins*
        You can't call dibs on Mitchell have to pick an episode! We picked seasons for Daniel because, well....there's like 9 seasons-worth there. But if we're calling Mitchell episodes, can I take LITS-Mitchell? That'll be the only one, I swear! You can have the rest

        Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
        OMG so reminded me of the weirdest dream I had involving Weir and a really hot wraith.....don't ask.
        Hmm.....*ponders over the possibilities*


        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


          I think I might be going crazy on these icons. I've probably made 100 by now. I started out with just D/V...then I moved into general SG-1...then into Sparky...then general I'm just making some for every show I've ever watched


          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


   can you make me pick just one Mitchell? I love LITS Mitchell damn you! Fine I will take.....TTTB I suppse as long as you throw in some Bad Guys Mitchell, and I get a free Jonas.

            Icons where? *looks around*

            Banner by Stef
            Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              Well, if you're taking three then I get to take three. Um...let's see....I will take COT!Vala (which means I have that as well as F&B!Vala and PP!Vala). Coincidentally, those are the episodes I think Vala looks the best in. I was tempted to take MM originally, but then I remembered the $.20-hooker make-up.
              See I wanted CoT!Vala too, but I thought Ren had snagged her... *pouts* and you had taken my fav Vala's already.. sneaky sneaky.. Oh, I over look the make up and focus on the pretty flower

              *waves* Hey Cat!!
              banner by Stef


                Hey Isa how's it going?

                Banner by Stef
                Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                  Not bad.... looking at my PS and word doc with apprehension, but happy cuz I bought books and always yay for books!!!
                  banner by Stef


                    Whoa I'm exactly the same...I own about 10 or 15 books right now that I haven't read.
                    I keep telling myself I should get to work on my fic..written three pages and hit a dead end darn it.
                    But on the plus hour until Heroes is on!!!!! Thought I'd miss it but I'm not

                    Banner by Stef
                    Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                      One should never miss the wonderfulness of Peter Petrelli Heroes.

                      As for fic, I'm gonna do a quick look over some stuff before I post it
                      banner by Stef


                        HELP!! I can't stop making icons!!!


                        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                          One should never miss the wonderfulness of Peter Petrelli Heroes.

                          As for fic, I'm gonna do a quick look over some stuff before I post it
                          It's not like I watch the show because of one character, that would be shallow.........ok busted

                          Banner by Stef
                          Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                            Originally posted by Stef View Post
                            HELP!! I can't stop making icons!!!

                            This is a bad thing?

                            Banner by Stef
                            Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                              Originally posted by Stef View Post
                              HELP!! I can't stop making icons!!!

                              Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                              This is a bad thing?
                              Um, what Cat said.
                              banner by Stef


                                Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                       can you make me pick just one Mitchell? I love LITS Mitchell damn you! Fine I will take.....TTTB I suppse as long as you throw in some Bad Guys Mitchell, and I get a free Jonas.

                                Icons where? *looks around*
                                Alright, alright. It's only a fair price for LITS-Mitchell....although I love me some BG-Mitchell

                                Whenever I can get myself to stop, icons will make their way online. I currently have around 100, give or take. Still need to finish up Firefly...and then move into Heroes...and get some Cam/Carolyn. The Firefly ones are addictive!! So many great visuals. I'm pretty much going to fill my photobucket up with these bad boys

                                Isa, did Ren take COT!Vala? Well then, I take Insiders!Vala instead Because, let's face it, she was HOT in that episode


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