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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Thanks everyone for the great welcome. Oh I've missed you all too. After 11 hours sleep after I've been sleep deprived for like 2 weeks, and although I skipped class today, I feel soooo well rested, so I decided to go on the net at last, Good to be back.

    And stef, I like that pic too, looks like they're an old married couple. In fact all those pics from Quest did. I love Dan/Vala in the second half of season 10, and when are the dvds gonna come out????? Lol, I can't wait any longer!!!!!

    Hey Anjirika, greening means adding to someones rep points, the little weight thingy next to the explanation mark, when you add to their rep, your adding to the little green squares they have so your giving them green, or "greening" them, lol.

    Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

    My StarGate Music Vids:


      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      So does everyone I meet, apparently. Strange how she can be so hated and yet be a best-selling author. Boggles the mind. I've never read her books, what one(s) have you read? So far, my dad (who reads like 50 books a month) read The Blind Assassion (and hated it) and my mom has said repeatedly how much she dislikes The Robber Bride. This really isn't making me want to read this thing

      Yeah, except my experience was the reverse. I didn't catch it until I watched it on my computer. Probably helps that I am closer to the screen. And it was I who was talking about the deeper embrace bit. I love that moment so

      I figure she's a best selling author because of all those people who think other people are impressed that they are reading 'literary' books...instead of 'genre' junk books!
      I can't stand her and most of the other Canadian authors like her(and most of them are) I've actually only read ONE of her books and it was a non-fiction book having to do with the theme man's relationship with was for a college English course on Canadian literature....that was also where I experienced for the first time the true depressing nature of Canadian literary books...can't stand any of me how we can turn out truly hilarious comedians and yet our books are all about man's inhumanity to man...geez I can get enough of that on the nightly news, I don't particulary want to have in my reading material too........Okay rant against Canadian literary authors done,lol...oops, no, one more thing...she personally bugs me...ever heard her talk????
      Lets move on shall we?
      Oh yeah...MM...guess it has to do with the quality of the lighting on my current monitor is not the greatest so I can see things better on the TV screen.

      My Fiction:


        Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
        Okay, here's a really stupid question that has been bugging me forever--- what is 'greening' someone??? I don't know what that means...

        ...other than that- night shippers!
        When you approve of a post at the top it has scales where you click on it you can approve or disapprove if you approve it gives them a green it is your rep at the top. You don't want to know how long it took me to figure it out how when I found it I had all these nice comments people would leave me but I didn't how to do it in return I was so happy to figure it out but it doesn't always let you give green sometimes it says you have to spread it around to others before you can give it to that person again. Night Anjirika.

        Stef added the Shrouds pics thanks again. I also want season 10 DVD for this ep

        so I can watch the last scene over and over again
        My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
        poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


          I really hope we get (good) commentary for MM I am just crossing my fingers for that episode, "The Quest Pt.2" and "Unending." I like hearing what people who make the show have to say about it.....


          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


            I agree. I know it gets a little crazy the more people you have in a commentary, but for Unending I would love Ben, Michael, Chris, Amanda and Claudia to do one together.

            Squeee! All the screen caps made my night!

            One of my fav Quest moments:
            Its quick, but when Vala sees the wall ancient head thing and stands in front of soon as Daniel realizes what it is he yells at her to be careful. I love protective Daniel! Its another one second D/V moment I have overanalyzed.
            by: SerenaSerenity


              Forgot to say nice job on those posters, Anjirika. I really like the "Continuum" tagline. By the time these movies come out, we'll have already created all of the advertisements they could ever need!

              In terms of the commentaries, I've actually found that ones with 3+ people can be quite entertaining. It keeps the conversation from dying down. But could you imagine if they got the whole team together!! There would be so much ribbing going on. Right now, I am just crossing my fingers that CB and MS do one...even if it's not together

              But I totally think that the whole team should do the commentary for "Unending." I mean, it would be fitting

              Oh gosh. I am only 10 pages into this book and I already have a headache. Now, I am all for different ways of writing...but seriously. This is my version of how she talks in this book: "I went to the store, white, desolate, bursting with food, crammed. There, in the bushes, saw it, cold, damp, tired. They walked further on, desperate for sleep, wanting to rest, but no rest in site, saddened." WTH?! Cut down on the commas and use some nouns!

              Sorry for anyone who loves Atwood. Maybe it'll get better as I go along.


              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                Just read this in my Entertainment Weekly:

                On March 22, NBC Universal and News Corp (FOX) announced the launch of a new online video service that is being touted as a YouTube killer. A joint venture, set to debut this summer, will house free, ad-supported streams of TV shows (like Fox's "The Simpsons" and NBC's "Heroes") as well as pay-to-download movies. Consider this a direct shot at Google-owned YouTube, which is also being sued by Viacom (CBS) over claims that it is violating copyright laws. Although user-generated content will be present on this still-unnamed site, don't expect too many sneezing panda clips: this project is all about controlling the flow of pop culture before Hirofan74 uploads it himself.

                Just thought it was relevant to all of our video problems


                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  Just read this in my Entertainment Weekly:

                  On March 22, NBC Universal and News Corp (FOX) announced the launch of a new online video service that is being touted as a YouTube killer. A joint venture, set to debut this summer, will house free, ad-supported streams of TV shows (like Fox's "The Simpsons" and NBC's "Heroes") as well as pay-to-download movies. Consider this a direct shot at Google-owned YouTube, which is also being sued by Viacom (CBS) over claims that it is violating copyright laws. Although user-generated content will be present on this still-unnamed site, don't expect too many sneezing panda clips: this project is all about controlling the flow of pop culture before Hirofan74 uploads it himself.

                  Just thought it was relevant to all of our video problems

                  Well I hope it as easy to use as youtube cuz the MGM site isn't as easy I miss all my Dala vids They really angered fans who made free ads for them. I can't wait to watch this ep too from season 10

                  I loved how Daniel told Vala about Sha're that was a tender moment
                  My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                  poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                    just wanted to say hi!!
                    ok. now back to working.
                    another monday from hell
                    i hate mondays
                    Banner made by Stef

                    Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                      x264 version of video is now fixed
                      I'm going to fix the xvid version now. It should be fixed in couple of hours

                      Some statistics for last month
                      Bandwidth used: 3.14 GB
                      Most downloaded video: DV-What About Now which was downloaded 22 times
                      Most viewed image:
                      Inside soft clouds we have drowned so deep in slumber our feet have lost the ground...


                        Originally posted by Tonttu View Post
                        Most viewed image:
                        Surprise, surprise!

                        VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          And now it's time to read The Handmaid's Tale for class
                          Ok I know this is off topic but I love that book.

                          For Daniel/Vala scenes, I love the one in Counterstrike

                          Where he tells her about Sha're. You can see that Vala was jealous of Sha're and reviewing their entire relationship and possibly finally understanding why Daniel turned her down in The Ties That Bind. Lokks wash across her faces in a matter of seconds but you can see it all there.
                          thanks Stef

                          Thanks Wendy


                            Reply time:

                            Kales, sorry to hear that you won't be around much. Good luck on your exams. They must be really a pain in the as*

                            LMichelle, loved it. I'm a XF fan too. Mulder and Scully really have a great chemistry. No wonder also Vala's a shipper

                            Anjirika, loved the poster much. Continuum one is the best

                            Stef, thanks for the caps.

                            Tonttu,after the fiasco of YT, you've become our hero thanks for the all hosting thing.

                            I hope that I'm not forgeting anyone.

                            All the scenes of Dala usually are great!!!!
                            Banner made by Stef

                            Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                              We're on the second page?!?!?!?!

                              hehehe..*bump* time..
                              Banner made by Stef

                              Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                                Goooood afternoon. Its a glorious day in lower Ohio and having an hour free I am going to write a snippet. Its on the fly so forgive errors. UNENDING SPOILERS!

                                The room was dark as usual. It's something you had to get used to in space, but he had never been stuck in it for so long. He would have never considered being in space being stuck, but five years on this stupid ship and all he wanted was to see his apartment again. Funny, since he hardly used it when he was on earth. Still, he just wanted off the boat as Mitchell would say.
                                The only thing that had kept him sane all this time was not the ancient knowledge as everyone thought. No, that filled his days, and gave him a slight feeling of having a purpose, but the real reason he hadn't lost it like Mitchell was sleeping next to him.
                                They were on their sides, her back pressed against him. Her silky gown felt good against his bare chest. Or was it she felt good against him? Didn't matter. She was beside him and that is all he needed for the moment.
                                It was strange to think how close they had become. To look back at how he used to look at her you would think he was a completely different person, but he hadn't changed really. He had grown emotionally, you did with any relationship. What he meant was that he had simply grown to love what had once annoyed him. Her presence when he was learning the ancient knowledge, and she wasn't off on her newest found hobby, would have at one time ended in bickering between them. Now it gave him comfort whenever they were in the same room. He had tried so hard to get rid of her so many times and now he couldn't imagine sleeping alone, being alone.
                                How silly he had been the two years leading up to what brought them together. If only he knew now what he knew then. If he had any idea he would be so completley in love with this woman and that he could get lost sometimes just looking into her eyes. Or how she kept him young with her pigtails and childlike observations. They were completley opposite, but he had learned how she could and did balance him out. She was everything he wasn't. She was his true wife. Forget ceremonies and rituals because they didn't matter. A true relationship, one made to last didn't need it. They were married in his mind and he had no doubt that no matter what happened and no matter where they were, in fifty years you would still find her next to him as his wife.
                                With his free hand, the other ran under her neck and interlocked with one of her own, he pulled her wild raven hair away from her face. He leaned his head onto her shoulder and kissed it softly, taking in that sweet smell that was Vala. He laid his head back on his pillow and closed his eyes, wondering what he would ever do without her. And thanking fate he would never have to know.

                                Have to go to class now. Is it fall yet???
                                by: SerenaSerenity

