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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    Is it just me, or is MS looking tanner? It seems Daniel got some sun while he was
    ...being held by Adria. I guess the Ori also appreciate a tan, healthy complexion. I'll bet they have tanning beds in one of those rooms.

    I agree. In Shroud you could see the goggle marks!!!! Look again at the very end of the ep...they are there...LOL

    Found the pic

    THX to Ronja for the pic

    I haven't quite decided if it is one of those Mystic Tan things or a Fake Bake. It does bring out his eyes more...hehehehe
    Sig made by me


      Yeah, I remember his look in "The Shroud" after...
      he goes back to normal (i.e. loses the prior makeup). I was like "whoa!" apparently that light when Daniel turns into a prior also had some ultraviolet radiation or something. He might want to be careful not let that happen again, he might get skin cancer....or wrinkles!!

      But you're right, it does bring out his eyes (or maybe that was the blue outfit he was wearing *sigh*).

      I've noticed that Teal'c has gotten darker too (well, as least from the first season in comparison to this one). Maybe that was because he was wearing gold-flecked make-up though. It made him sparkle I kind of miss my glowing Mr. Clean muscle man.


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        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        Yeah, I remember his look in "The Shroud" after...
        he goes back to normal (i.e. loses the prior makeup). I was like "whoa!" apparently that light when Daniel turns into a prior also had some ultraviolet radiation or something. He might want to be careful not let that happen again, he might get skin cancer....or wrinkles!!

        But you're right, it does bring out his eyes (or maybe that was the blue outfit he was wearing *sigh*).

        I've noticed that Teal'c has gotten darker too (well, as least from the first season in comparison to this one). Maybe that was because he was wearing gold-flecked make-up though. It made him sparkle I kind of miss my glowing Mr. Clean muscle man.

        My sis and I were just talking about Teal'c's look last night and we agree with you, we liked old Teal'c better!!!
        Sig made by me


          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
          My sis and I were just talking about Teal'c's look last night and we agree with you, we liked old Teal'c better!!!
          Ooh, I know. Why don't we play a game to pass the time? Let's play a game I will call "Now or Then?" (original, I know ) Just say what you think of the cast now as compared to their first airings (Vala's can be PU).

          Here are mine:
          Jack: Then
          Carter: Now (sexier now)
          Daniel: Toss-Up (cute or sexy? tough call)
          Teal'c: Then (bring back that "youthful" glow!)
          Vala: Now (like the softer look)
          Mitchell: Um....he looks the EXACT same (and it's only been 2 years, so not a surprise )

          And then I'm going to throw in Teyla & Elizabeth because they've changed as well....
          Teyla: Now (better hair)
          Weir: Now (better hair/make-up...she looks YEARS younger)

          Am I missing anyone?

          Gosh, I don't want to write this darn paper....why am I using words like "gosh" and "darn"?


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            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            Ooh, I know. Why don't we play a game to pass the time? Let's play a game I will call "Now or Then?" (original, I know ) Just say what you think of the cast now as compared to their first airings (Vala's can be PU).

            Here are mine:
            Jack: Then
            Carter: Now (sexier now)
            Daniel: Toss-Up (cute or sexy? tough call)
            Teal'c: Then (bring back that "youthful" glow!)
            Vala: Now (like the softer look)
            Mitchell: Um....he looks the EXACT same (and it's only been 2 years, so not a surprise )

            And then I'm going to throw in Teyla & Elizabeth because they've changed as well....
            Teyla: Now (better hair)
            Weir: Now (better hair/make-up...she looks YEARS younger)

            Am I missing anyone?

            Gosh, I don't want to write this darn paper....why am I using words like "gosh" and "darn"?


            OKAY, I like this game

            Jack: Season 3 was his best look IMHO (I didn't care for the dyed brown hair but he started to age after 3)
            Daniel: Sexy, hands down. I love his look now, fake bake or not!(though I wouldn't turn that man down any way he looked, hehehe)
            Carter: Now
            Teal'c: Then, he used to look like a teddy bear...LOL
            Vala: I liked her look best at the beginning of season 9
            Mitchell: You said it Stef, he hasn't changed....

            I am going to throw in Janet: I liked her hair best in season 7 right before she died.

            Teyla: NOW, I am not sure if this is her real hair or still a wig but it is much, much better!!
            Weir: Now, the hair helps her

            I am even going to throw in Rodney. He had that longer hair in 48 hours so his look has changed
            Rodney: Now. The shorter hair is better..

            Writing papers stinks ((hugs))!!
            Sig made by me


              I do know he had to spend an awful long time in makeup to look like a spoilers for the Shroud


              so maybe that's why he had those marks. I really can't wait for the next ep I think it will be a funny one with who's playing Spoilers for Family Ties

              Vala's father Fred Willard he's a great comedy actor

              I am having such issues with my Fan Fic I wish I was Samantha Stevens and wiggle my nose and it would be written better yet Samantha but with Genie's eye blink "Blink" all written. I have the ideas just getting them on paper is the hard part
              My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
              poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                I am having such issues with my Fan Fic I wish I was Samantha Stevens and wiggle my nose and it would be written better yet Samantha but with Genie's eye blink "Blink" all written. I have the ideas just getting them on paper is the hard part
                I'm having the same problem with my paper on Rom-Coms...blah, bah, blah. I just want to rant about Pretty Woman (I hate that movie)...but I'm afraid I'm not making any sense or forming a cohesive argument


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                  Oh god of Dala save us, we're all in paper land. I'm writing on Dante and medieval Italian politics. Shoot me, the research is being horrible. Hence why I'm actually working on fanfiction.

                  LC, I comment spammed you on the forum about your fics, hope it's vaguely constructive...

                  kay x


                    I just found a new video for Daniel & Vala. I didn't make it (I don't know how to) it's a song I suggested awhile ago on here great minds think alike.


                    found another one kinda sad though I didn't make it

                    Last edited by poundpuppy29; 22 February 2007, 09:54 AM.
                    My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                    poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                      Thanks for the head up, pounpuppy, I'll that out later

                      Arg, our girl isn't doing too well in the "H+H: Women of Stargate" thread Honestly, do we need two Carters? One is sufficient. I'm sorry, but Vala can't lose to Teyla. Teyla has no depth, story, or complexity, for crying out loud! Nothing against Teyla, she just isn't written well...or at all.

                      So I was thinking earlier about the third Stargate series, and while I think it's unlikely that Vala or Daniel will be regulars on it, here's why I still have hope for Vala:

                      1. TPTB love CB. I mean, they LOVE her. Just listen to the PU commentary. Plus, both her leading men praise her up and down, so obviously she's easy to work with. They brought her back after PU because they enjoyed working with her, and they brought her back as a regular soon after.

                      2. TPTB actually seem to like writing for Vala. In the past two seasons, she has had some of the best, funniest lines of the show. The writers obviously enjoy writing humor, and Vala is their way of doing that. But she also has a darker, more complicated past, and is by no means a one-dimensional character.

                      3. Vala is capable of being an independent character. She was a rogue and a thief for years, she is clearly resourceful. It would be both interesting and different to focus a show around a character like that rather than the typical military leader. Plus, she still has a story left to tell.

                      As for Daniel...he's arguably the most popular Stargate character. 'Nough said.


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                        It's so hard to be a 'shipper with my taste in music lol. I need to learn how to make vids. Not enough people do vids to the Ramones or the Cure or ... other loud bands beginning with 'the' It means that while I like vids I sometimes find it hard to get the emotion in them because the songs aren't really the kind of thing I like that much. I don't explicitly not like them... just not as much as others.


                        kay x


                          I have found a wonderful vid song though *hint* It's called Queen of Apology by the Sounds... kay x


                            You know I don't ... beg... very often, right?

                            Well I have this song. It requires Dala. It really really does. Just please check out the lyrics. And it's bouncy and wonderful and I love it painfully much and it's loud and the tone of it is just... *dies a little at her own lack of vid skills*

                            [tags for size]

                            Hands Open

                            It's hard to argue when
                            you won't stop making sense
                            But my tongue still misbehaves
                            and it keeps digging my own grave

                            With my hands open
                            And my eyes open
                            I just keep hoping
                            That your heart opens

                            Why would I sabotage
                            The best thing that I have
                            Well it makes it easier to know
                            Exactly what I want

                            With my hands open
                            And my eyes open
                            I just keep hoping
                            that your heart opens

                            It's not as easy as willing it all to be right
                            Gotta be more than hoping it's right
                            I wanna hear you laugh like you really mean it
                            Collapse into me tired with joy


                            Put Sufjan Stevens on
                            and we'll play your favorite song
                            "Chicago" bursts to life
                            And your sweet smile remembers you

                            My Hands open
                            And my eyes open
                            I just keep hoping
                            That your heart opens

                            It's not as easy as willing it all to be right
                            Gotta be more than hoping it's right
                            I wanna hear you laugh like you really mean it
                            Collapse into me tired with joy


                            It's Snow Patrol. I offer myself utterly to all vid makers out there. Commission any fanfics you want, any ratings you want and I will write it to see this vid. Cultural exchange if you will. I will write any fanfic you so desire, any rating, any fluff, any challenge - challenge me anything random and bizarre just to amuse yourself if you want.

                            Okay, so i'm begging.

                            kay x


                              I would love the third series to be about Daniel & Vala I have hope it's a small hope but hope nontheless. I think it all depends on whether MS will if you ask me. I want them together it can be canon and not ruin a show Delenn & Sheridan in Babylon 5 did it so did B'lana and Tom in Voyager. I think it could work with what kind of relationship they have it has humor and tenderness that's what I love about them it's not all angst and drama. Another example is in a show I am meaning to watch when I get money John & Aeryn in Farscape ( I hope that's how you spell her name) from everything I have read from people who watched it they had it and didn't ruin the show.
                              My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                              poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                                Wow, you do seem to like "the" bands. Let me guess, you also like The Clash?
                                Can't say I'm a fan of any bands with "the" in their names (at least, not any that are coming to mind). It's a matter of principle...adding "the" makes you seem like you're the only one of that something and thus, important. And there's nothing I hate more than pompous rock/alternative bands

                                You know, the only way these songs are going to used for DV is if you make a vid to them yourself I always feel bad because I get into kicks and then suddenly I want to make videos to an entire album by someone. I like to at least appear to be diverse in my music selections (although, I'm not that diverse)...just in case someone utterly loathes a certain artist.

                                I'm actually currently focusing in on....wait for it.....Avril Lavigne. Yes, yes, I know...I'm so uncool. But honestly, she has some very applicable songs for DV with decent tunes.

                                Last edited by Stef; 22 February 2007, 10:22 AM.

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