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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    never had fruit pancakes *shocked face* never lived!

    kay x

    ooh it's back on


      No DV again, sorry guys.
      major ep spoilers

      landry and cam talking about what to do
      teal'c is going to leave
      teal'c is leaving the SGC!
      team watch from control room sadly
      they all know where he's going.
      teal'c is at bomb site
      talks to a little girl
      promises to kill whoever did this
      daniel is reading next to bra'tac, who wakes up intubated
      runs and gets lam
      teal'c in tavern
      man tells him to go away
      informant makes speech about the jaffa enslaving them
      tealc puts him against a wall
      teal'c threatens to kill him
      daniel and bra'tac
      bomber was a student of bra'tacs!
      bra'tac is looking remarkably healthier but coughs
      "has teal'c ever spoken of his mother"
      bomber maybe slit his mother's throat!
      he didn't go after arknod because apophis told him not to
      teal'c will stop at nothing to kill him
      landry and reynolds, sam and cam
      ori are mining naquadah indirectly
      it's the evil jaffa
      arkad is stockpiling nawahadah for an attack on earth
      teal'c knocks out scarred jaffa
      teal'c burns his arm
      he's taken out his symbiote and replaced it with a bomb!
      teal'c walks away and says he has ten seconds
      he makes him explode! he goes through with it
      vala cam daniel sam in daniel's lab
      arkad is radioing to say he's good and can help
      daniel, lam and bra'tac in infirmary
      nothing good can come of it etc


        What can I say? I'm a sheltered and repressed individual. I've had chocolate chip pancakes though. Now that's good times.

        Oh, God! Yes, that line was HEARTBREAKING! I had stopped watching Angel, but then I picked it up again with that episode and WOW! I'm always partial to "Do you want me to lie to you now?" "Yes" That was another emotional scene. That season was just so amazing, I'm glad Joss Whedon got involved because I know that both of these moments were written by him personally.

        As for creations, I was referring to characters...but I'd also be curious as to which show as well.

        Watching some John/Aeryn videos right now. Some great stuff here


        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


          Well am very disappointed with ep so far in regards with Dan/Vala. Oh well, didn't have high expectations anyways. Oh well, one week countdown can begin for next eppy, which will be MUCH better.

          Never had choccy pancakes, only ever had cinamin pancakes, and only because I was at this guys place and thats what he made me for breakfast, and I was scared, LOL! But how do you make chocolate ones?

          Oh and Stef, some of the best Farscape vids were made by Leviathan and HumansRSuperior.

          And the best site, where you can go absolutly crazy with vid downloads is:

          Unfortunatly I havent been able to get any of my farscape vids on the site yet, but maybe eventually. You can view it in songs order so you can find a specific song you want and get the vid to go with it, LOL. And you can see what other people have said before you actually decide to download, great site.

          Oh and the clamshell awards here:

          Thats for 2005 anyway, not sure what happened with 2006, I shall look. But obviously those vids are very good.

          Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

          My StarGate Music Vids:


            DV spoilers

            there's some nice shared looks and a cute little discussion scene, fun dynamic and dialogue despite the subject matter - the general way they're close together and work together a lot in this ep is showing how comfortable they are together

            major ep spoilers

            arkad and team in briefing room
            daniel and vala are sitting next to each other
            daniel: "I speak for bra'tac when I say he would like to stab you through the eye with a really big knife'
            arkad says he's Ori, but wouldn't do the methods they used
            there's a daniel'vala moment when she looks at him a little bit too long
            arkad says he will use all resources to help them
            daniel and vala look at each other very sceptically
            vala looks at daniel again as he talks about tolerance and cooperation
            teal'c tied another person up and is interrgating him
            it's informant from earlier
            he's threatening to torture him
            BRIEFING ROOM
            IOA have called Landry
            we're leaving arkad alone and trying to get info
            he gives them the order to stop teal'c
            IOA adamnt that teal'c be stopped now
            "stop him at all costs"
            team give a what the hell no
            IN DRESSING ROOM
            team getting ready and discussing mistrust, what they're going to say to Teal'c
            team split - Cam Sam, daniel vala
            daniel vala - nice little scene, funny despite subject matter
            sam and cam also talk
            SG-3 have missed check in
            cam goes to check, finds them KO'd
            radios everyone
            cam shouts for teal'c
            zat fire
            teal'c radios him
            daniel goes into convo tries to help
            teal'c says he must die
            teal'c tells them to stay out of the way
            teal'c rolls flashbomb at team
            cam levels gun at his back
            teal'c kicks him
            they're fighting hand to hand
            cam gets his ass kicked in nice style
            teal'c KO's him
            arkad is in temple with ori symbol
            temple - teal'c with flashbomb, staff shots to jaffas
            arkad is working out
            teal'c takes staff blasts! and falls! is unconscious! omg! no! adbreak!!!!! arg!!!!


              Thank you for this summary

              families ties will be more interresting ( and dominion and unending too)

              But what's the topic of the funny dialogue between daniel and vala please?


                Well, at least we're getting something. They're in the same scene, that's all I need to have to speculate Of course, when I get around to making a wallpaper, it will look like the whole episode was about them. Teal'c who? They're probably just saving all of the DV goodness for the next three episodes, which sound Vala-heavy at the very least. Gotta throw a bone to the other characters before then. Whatever.

                CC Pancakes are quite easy to make. Just make the batter as usual, cook one side, and right before you flip it over (and it's still a little liquid-y), put as many chocolate chips in as you like. Although, I do always feel guilty for eating it in the morning rather than after dinner....

                Yeah, I've been to the farscape video site. Although, sometimes the sheer number of vids is overwhelming. I really want to e-mail Leviathon and ask what program he/she used. I especially liked "On Fire." That was a song I was considering for Apollo/Starbuck back when. But RadiantAerynSun has probably one of my favorite vids from ANY show "Fix You." I saw it on YouTube and was just blown away. I'd recommend it to any J/A fans.


                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  major ep spoilers, no DV

                  last part guys

                  they drag teal'c into temple to see arkad
                  he's awake
                  arkad gives him stick so they can hand fight
                  teal'c is getting his ass kicked - it's painful to watch
                  arkad lost his family in an attack teal'c perpetrated from orbit during teal'c time as first prime
                  "it's a shame you won't live to see me bring the tau'ri to their knees"
                  teal'c is baaack!
                  oh god it's a sword
                  he stabs teal'c!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  arknad killed his mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  teal'c kicks him back onto sharp object and stabs him
                  oh god this is the most vicious scene ever on stargate
                  bra'tac and teal'c
                  landry and cam
                  cam lied in his report to protect teal'c
                  bra'tac says he's proud of him and he's the son he never had

                  OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG next week is going to be immmeeeense!!!!!!!!
                  So set up. Oh god. I can't wait. Countdown begins now. 7 days til Family Ties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was such a good ep!

                  kay x


                    Ok, well, I have to head off to class now (on Romantic Comedies ). Talk to you guys later...and I should hopefully have some caps up later (unless someone beats me to them) and hopefully a wallpaper


                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      Originally posted by Kales View Post
                      major ep spoilers, no DV

                      last part guys

                      they drag teal'c into temple to see arkad
                      he's awake
                      arkad gives him stick so they can hand fight
                      teal'c is getting his ass kicked - it's painful to watch
                      arkad lost his family in an attack teal'c perpetrated from orbit during teal'c time as first prime
                      "it's a shame you won't live to see me bring the tau'ri to their knees"
                      teal'c is baaack!
                      oh god it's a sword
                      he stabs teal'c!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      arknad killed his mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      teal'c kicks him back onto sharp object and stabs him
                      oh god this is the most vicious scene ever on stargate
                      bra'tac and teal'c
                      landry and cam
                      cam lied in his report to protect teal'c
                      bra'tac says he's proud of him and he's the son he never had

                      OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG next week is going to be immmeeeense!!!!!!!!
                      So set up. Oh god. I can't wait. Countdown begins now. 7 days til Family Ties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was such a good ep!

                      kay x
                      Thanks Kales for all the work you put into your updates for us!! Much appreciated as always
                      Sig made by me


                        *plot bunny hath beguneth*

                        speculative fic for Family Ties coming up tonight


                        Next week's spoilers about topicalness etc. are making way more sense after the tone of this episode - much darker, more visceral. I was watching with my flatmate and we were hissing in empathy-pain - definitely one of the more gory and realistic stargates - the pain is real, the damage is real, the characters actually get hurt! Very dark tone, very very dark.

                        it was also nice to see the issue of genuine Ori followers in our galaxy being addressed - the idea that we might have to live with them and learn to be les than all out enemies... damn it, they're reading my mind AGAIN. That was in the last chapter of Domino Motion.

                        If FT has the same tone, we're looking at something spectacular, seroiusly. I was incredibly surprised by this ep. I was expecting to be bored but I really really wasn;'t - totally gripped.

                        And the DV was very subtle but there - just the looks, the closeness (in most of their scenes they stand next to each other), the dialogue (not overtly funny in an antagonistic way, just little things like "good idea" "thanks")

                        I didn't script out the dialogue because honestly, it's not that funny on a page - it's all in the looks and tone, again, very subtle but i'll say it again - NEXT WEEK IS SOOOOOO SET UP! I loved this ep. Finally finally finally a REALLY GOOD teal'c ep that actually addresses what matters to this character and his friendships, beyond Bane etc... DV have a very unobtrusive closeness in this one. It's there if you want to see it - i.e. us - but if not then fair enough and it doesn't get in the way of the plot. The team interaction in general is very good - it's all very subtly done, very well implied ... there's a comfort and closeness without it being overly said that's done really well. Watch out for the scene with Cam, Sam, Daniel and Vala (yes, standing next to each other) watching Teal'c go through the gate. Short but indicative.

                        Okay and now I just got ANOTHER plot bunny for a one shot.

                        Sign of a good ep: fanfic explosion!

                        Oh and Stef, my fave Joss Whedons would be ... Kaylee and Fred. Their existence. It makes my life seem so much less pointless. Especially since, well, I am them and I have that socially ineptness and wackiness they cultivate. I have the rambling issues and oh, my real name is Kayleigh (pronounced: Kay-lee). The run on sentences and wacky phrasing i use on here? that is how I speak, lol.

                        kay x


                        ps. I handed in the last catch-up paper, kicked ass on my presentation, and read the book I have to read for tomorrow. Tonight is totally devoted to pancakes and fanfic. I rock.


                          Originally posted by Kales View Post
                          DV spoilers

                          there's some nice shared looks and a cute little discussion scene, fun dynamic and dialogue despite the subject matter - the general way they're close together and work together a lot in this ep is showing how comfortable they are together

                          major ep spoilers

                          arkad and team in briefing room
                          daniel and vala are sitting next to each other
                          daniel: "I speak for bra'tac when I say he would like to stab you through the eye with a really big knife'
                          arkad says he's Ori, but wouldn't do the methods they used
                          there's a daniel'vala moment when she looks at him a little bit too long
                          arkad says he will use all resources to help them
                          daniel and vala look at each other very sceptically
                          vala looks at daniel again as he talks about tolerance and cooperation
                          teal'c tied another person up and is interrgating him
                          it's informant from earlier
                          he's threatening to torture him
                          BRIEFING ROOM
                          IOA have called Landry
                          we're leaving arkad alone and trying to get info
                          he gives them the order to stop teal'c
                          IOA adamnt that teal'c be stopped now
                          "stop him at all costs"
                          team give a what the hell no
                          IN DRESSING ROOM
                          team getting ready and discussing mistrust, what they're going to say to Teal'c
                          team split - Cam Sam, daniel vala
                          daniel vala - nice little scene, funny despite subject matter
                          sam and cam also talk
                          SG-3 have missed check in
                          cam goes to check, finds them KO'd
                          radios everyone
                          cam shouts for teal'c
                          zat fire
                          teal'c radios him
                          daniel goes into convo tries to help
                          teal'c says he must die
                          teal'c tells them to stay out of the way
                          teal'c rolls flashbomb at team
                          cam levels gun at his back
                          teal'c kicks him
                          they're fighting hand to hand
                          cam gets his ass kicked in nice style
                          teal'c KO's him
                          arkad is in temple with ori symbol
                          temple - teal'c with flashbomb, staff shots to jaffas
                          arkad is working out
                          teal'c takes staff blasts! and falls! is unconscious! omg! no! adbreak!!!!! arg!!!!
                          Thank you soo much for this at least we got something for D&V something is better than nothing.

                          Thank You Kales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                          poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                            Ahhh, heading off to class now too. But Kales, have to ask, did you get to see a preview for next weeks??? If you do what did it show/day/ask, lol.

                            And I'm probably wrong here Stef, but I swear I saw them say somewhere that they used Adobe. That may have been humansRsuperior though, not too sure. But yeah.

                            Cherio all see you later this arvo where hopefully there will be everyones manipulated shipper views on the ep, lol.

                            Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                            My StarGate Music Vids:


                              Hehe didn't see preview of next week's - the blog over at SG solutions lol.

                              AGAIN, it looks immense. 7 days! I really can't wait.

                              But then *weep* only... oh... I don't even ... the number of new eps left is getting smaller... *sobs*

                              but they rock, so *grin*

                              can you tell I liked this ep from the manic? I even posted in the ep thread. just the once. and I won't be looking at the reactions to my 'gush' post.

                              kay x


                                I really can't wait for next weeks ep. Family Ties

                                We get to meet Vala's father can not wait for that introduction with Daniel it should be good
                                My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                                poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl

