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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
    Hey all I miss you so much I want to kill my sister for killing my computer hopefully Daddy Dearest will help me and get it fixed. I am leaving for Cali on Wednesday ok pic run pic run

    there is some Minx Monday in there

    I am just a little nervous about Continumum as long as Vala is alive in the end in real time I will be happy if she isn't I will hunt BW down and hurt him
    I do agree!


      Originally posted by MSHANKS35 View Post
      I do agree!
      Hey MSHANKS35, don't think I've seen you in the thread before so welcome!


        Okay, so I got my Season 10 DVDs....and if I thought I couldn't be more disappointed in the design and artwork, I was wrong.
        (a small rant)
        Not only is Vala not on the cover, she's also not on the back. Now, Adria is an important part of this season, but more important than an actual MEMBER of SG-1? I don't think so. But that's not where it ends. Surely, I thought, she must be on one of the individual DVD covers? Not the same as being on the box cover, but I'll take it. Nope, sorry, not there either. Bra'tac gets a cover, the monster in "Uninvited" gets a cover, Vala's DAD gets a cover, and some random Ori soldier from LITS gets a cover. Great, that's wonderful. Clearly, whoever is making these DVDs is not a fan of Vala (or the show). I mean, this is ridiculous!!


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          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          Okay, so I got my Season 10 DVDs....and if I thought I couldn't be more disappointed in the design and artwork, I was wrong.
          (a small rant)

          Not only is Vala not on the cover, she's also not on the back. Now, Adria is an important part of this season, but more important than an actual MEMBER of SG-1? I don't think so. But that's not where it ends. Surely, I thought, she must be on one of the individual DVD covers? Not the same as being on the box cover, but I'll take it. Nope, sorry, not there either. Bra'tac gets a cover, the monster in "Uninvited" gets a cover, Vala's DAD gets a cover, and some random Ori soldier from LITS gets a cover. Great, that's wonderful. Clearly, whoever is making these DVDs is not a fan of Vala. I mean, this is ridiculous!!

          She is on the disc 4 main menu though!!!!

          I already have Bounty done and uploading as we speak. I decided to upload them before I edited them for myself for anyone that would like to snurch. Bounty. The first 100 are up and are continuing to upload(there are like 600 or something ridiculous like that)

          Starting on Bad Guys now
          Sig made by me


            She's also....
            ...on disc 5's main menu. I guess I should be grateful for that.....still....

            Heading for my deleted scenes section now.


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              He He, some funny deleted scenes. Behold...
              scene at the beginning of "The Quest" where Cam/Teal'c ask Daniel to join them for Seczhuan]
              TEAL'C: DanielJackson, I find that the occasional respite allows one to view a problem from a fresh perspective.
              DANIEL: Kel-no-reem?
              TEAL'C: Peanut butter dumplings
              DANIEL: Some other time.
              CAM: Table for two then.
              DANIEL: Vala was just here () and Sam's around.
              CAM: No, Vala is recovering from karaoke night (they have a karaoke night?) and Sam's is in her lab working on [insert techno-babble]
              DANIEL: Right, save me a fortune cookie.

              Then there's a cute scene where Vala is getting ready to put something into the chest in "The Quest" and we see Daniel take the blowdryer, which she exchanges for a curling iron. We also get a little peek at an adorable stuffed giraffe in her bag

              Extended scene with Adria's unveiling in "The Quest"
              ADRIA: I grew impatient waiting for you to discover the location of the weapon. So, I gave you a little help.
              VALA: The dream I had, 3 into 1, that was you.
              ADRIA: Yes.
              VALA: And the one of my marrying the chubby weatherman from channel 5...
              [everyone looks puzzedly at Vala]
              ADRIA: That was you.
              [cute side look from Cam]
              VALA: How deeply disturbing.

              A Daniel bit from MM:

              Nothing great about the MM ones. There is a nice bit where Daniel asks Landry to let him interrogate the captured Trust operative. Landry says no and tells Daniel to take a break because he looks like hell. Daniel forcefully replies that he can't rest, and begs Landry to let him do this.

              Oh, and then I forgot mention the cute Sam/Vala scene...
              Sam basically confronts Vala about her more reserved attitude as of late. She says she's worried because it's not the Vala everyone know and....that everyone know She tells her that if she ever needs someone to talk to, Sam is always there for her.

              There are others, but those are the highlights for me. You can watch the rest yourselves

              Last edited by Stef; 24 July 2007, 05:25 PM.

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                OMG, OMG....It seems we weren't delusional about "Unending" afterall....
                ...RCC says that, in his mind, the scene with Vala crying was because she had gotten pregnant and lost the baby.

                As for his take on THE scene, although he liked what Michael did, he felt as if Daniel was being a little too mean. Him, AT, and Jim Menard talked about why it made sense though. I get the feeling that if were up to him, RCC wouldn't have taken it as far as it went. He did mention the parallels he was trying to make to TTTB.


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                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  OMG, OMG....It seems we weren't delusional about "Unending" afterall....
                  ...RCC says that, in his mind, the scene with Vala crying was because she had gotten pregnant and lost the baby.

                  As for his take on THE scene, although he liked what Michael did, he felt as if Daniel was being a little too mean. Him, AT, and Jim Menard talked about why it made sense though. I get the feeling that if were up to him, RCC wouldn't have taken it as far as it went. He did mention the parallels he was trying to make to TTTB.

                  What do you mean if it were up to him? Coop is the writer/director for "Unending" and the show-runner for "Stargate Sg1" S9-10 (I think S8 too)


                    Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                    What do you mean if it were up to him? Coop is the writer/director for "Unending" and the show-runner for "Stargate Sg1" S9-10 (I think S8 too)
                    Maybe MS didn't give any other interpretations to chose from in the editing suit.
                    thanks Stef

                    Thanks Wendy


                      Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                      Maybe MS didn't give any other interpretations to chose from in the editing suit.
                      You mean MS can dictate Coop what to do


                        Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                        You mean MS can dictate Coop what to do
                        to a degree. If RCC is content (not happy but content) with the way things play out on the day it may read differently on film and if MS did it the same way in every take he may not have had much choice in the editing room. So it depends on how RCC felt during filming. RCC could have had a take where MS toned it down but if he didn't then MS could have taken the choice away. Does that make sense?
                        thanks Stef

                        Thanks Wendy


                          Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                          to a degree. If RCC is content (not happy but content) with the way things play out on the day it may read differently on film and if MS did it the same way in every take he may not have had much choice in the editing room. So it depends on how RCC felt during filming. RCC could have had a take where MS toned it down but if he didn't then MS could have taken the choice away. Does that make sense?
                          Not really, not to me. MS isn't EP like Rick was. I remember Amanda wasn't too happy in S8 "Affinity" with the last scene when Sam accepts Pete proposal during the operation and they end up kissing and groping... She went to Coop and he didn't listen to her. End of Story. I'm sorry I just don't like that scene when Vala (who's more courageous than Daniel about her feelings) is treated so badly...


                            Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                            Not really, not to me. MS isn't EP like Rick was. I remember Amanda wasn't too happy in S8 "Affinity" with the last scene when Sam accepts Pete proposal during the operation and they end up kissing and groping... She went to Coop and he didn't listen to her. End of Story. I'm sorry I just don't like that scene when Vala (who's more courageous than Daniel about her feelings) is treated so badly...
                            But the fact that Daniel was showed just how deeply he's in love with her and so desperate to push those feelings and her away because he's convinced that he's just going to get destroyed again.
                            Not sure the scene would have been so convincing it MS had toned it down.


                            My Fiction:


                              Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                              But the fact that Daniel was showed just how deeply he's in love with her and so desperate to push those feelings and her away because he's convinced that he's just going to get destroyed again.
                              Not sure the scene would have been so convincing it MS had toned it down.
                              Oh I agree completely. The depth of his cruelty comunicates the depths of his emotions andjust how desperate he is to deny those feeling to protect his heart.
                              thanks Stef

                              Thanks Wendy


                                So here's the last one of Vala's archetypes:

                                Lost Soul/Waif
                                I had a real problem with this one. The book I’m using as reference has ‘the waif’ as the female counterpart to the male ‘lost soul’ but I find ‘waif’ just a little too wimpy for Vala, until I came across this movie example of a ‘waif’…
                                “Nikita in ‘La Femme Nikita’ is forced into the role of assassin and can never summon the energy or the heart to break free of her predicament. She tries to brace herself against any more hurts, striving to insulate her emotions from a world that has mercilessly abused her.”

                                And this also sounded right:

                                The Orphan: this is the woman with a painful past, the parent-less child thrown out of her home or the tortured outcast from society
                                (Cinderella anyone?)
                                Abused by stepmother. May have a hardened veneen but it is only a brittle glass-façade. Her spirit has been buffeted to the breaking point by the blows she has suffered, making her fragile on the inside.
                                Needs a knight in shining armour(Galahad?)
                                Defends herself out of desperation…battered and bruised she struggles on with the dim hope of salavation.

                                (My comments: I still think she is more ‘lost soul’ than ‘waif’ but that just validates my final belief….
                                This is the level where they will recognize and understand each other….neither one has ever really had a stable home (there's that word again!)
                                Interesting supposition: Vala’s mother died when she was… oh maybe about 8!)

                                So that's the first part.
                                Next I'll be examining the interactions between their 7/8 archetypes, how they clash, mesh and change.


                                My Fiction:

