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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Tonttu View Post
    Dark Angel was good series too bad they cancelled it
    That seems to happen to all series that I like (Firefly, Odyssey 5, Surface)

    Great news

    spoiler for size (my first try at making wallpaper with Gimp)

    Number of Daniel/Vala supporters: 9 (Tonttu)

    Great job Tonttu
    Sig made by me


      I think I came in in the middle of a pic war, but hey, just to say hi... finally got the kaboom-y laptop working, and got a few min to get on! Woo. So ... yay DV... and em, hope everyone is well! Be back properly - with fic - soon!


        Originally posted by Kales View Post
        I think I came in in the middle of a pic war, but hey, just to say hi... finally got the kaboom-y laptop working, and got a few min to get on! Woo. So ... yay DV... and em, hope everyone is well! Be back properly - with fic - soon!
        I notice someone's doing a hit and run today I saw you quick-post in a couple of other threads as well. Can't wait to read your new fics! And there was no pic war, just our attempt to counteract some of the negative vibes we were getting from other threads Pic runs always do that!

        Okay, so being the ADD person that I am, I started yet another DV vid (despite the fact that I was already working on two!). I was feeling down last night so I felt like making the fluffiest little vid I could. Only time will tell if I actually finish it...but those kinds of vids are the easiest for me to you might see it soon.


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          Number of Daniel/Vala Supporters: 12 (ErinB)


            Originally posted by Kales View Post
            I think I came in in the middle of a pic war, but hey, just to say hi... finally got the kaboom-y laptop working, and got a few min to get on! Woo. So ... yay DV... and em, hope everyone is well! Be back properly - with fic - soon!

            Can't wait for the fic
            Sig made by me


              Wendy I know how you feel I lurk in the Anti threads and I get ticked too. This is my theory on the Anti D&V and the Anti Cam and Vala characters in general. Why so many of them are Anti D&V is because don't you know Daniel isn't supposed to really care about anyone or become attached to who wasn't the original team don't you know that's the impression they give me.

              Why so many of them are Anti Cam and Vala and any cast changes is because I think the resentment towards Vala is another girl who wasn't there since the beginning I think it's Territorial. They see Vala as an intruder on Sam's turf, the reason I say this all the stuff I have read in the Anti 10 thread some of it is very funny when you look at with an objective mind and realize they see it as all about Sam and or Jack the other characters are not as important. All of the Cam hate is because of they miss Jack and resent him because he's not Jack.

              Pic run Pic run

              I am a D&V supporters 10 poundpuppy29
              My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
              poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                Okay, so being the ADD person that I am, I started yet another DV vid (despite the fact that I was already working on two!). I was feeling down last night so I felt like making the fluffiest little vid I could. Only time will tell if I actually finish it...but those kinds of vids are the easiest for me to you might see it soon.

                Oh, yes, please finish it, Stef. I wandered onto the SG-1 video community site and watched a bunch of Dala vids made probably between S9 and S10. They're great but I wanna see more with the S10 scenes.

                And to add my two cents to the Dala love we've got here... It must be difficult for the actors on a 10-season show to keep things fresh and new. I think CB said this in the commentary for PU (and I'm paraphrasing terribly here), she asked MS what haven't you done yet on Stargate, how can I, as this character, serve you. I think they wanted to go the crazy, funny, sexy direction for a change. I think the thing is, for the actors to stay interested they've gotta grow and change, like what happens in real life. I don't imagine people stay the same over the course of 10 years, especially after the stuff that these characters have been through, the life and death kinda stuff, the kinda stuff that some of us everyday mortals don't have to deal with week to week.

                I wasn't a Stargate fan from the beginning. I absolutely LOVED the movie, but I was in college when it came out on Showtime and so I couldn't afford the premium cable. I don't know exactly why MS left after S5, but from what I gather, he didn't like where DJ was going with his character arc. (I don't know for sure, I think I heard that somewhere. I hope it wasn't 'cause he wanted more money 'cause I'm not sure I like actors who do that. anyhoo, I had a point, where is it?) It seems to me that MS really wanted his character to grow and maybe MS wanted to do that type of romantic character arc. I just wonder if Vala-haters out there are also post-S6-DJ-haters, too.

                OK, having reread this post a couple times, I notice that I rambled a bit. If you couldn't follow along, bottom line... I love that Vala came along to keep the show fun and exciting.

                Wow, quite a bit more than two cents,


                  Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                  And to add my two cents to the Dala love we've got here... It must be difficult for the actors on a 10-season show to keep things fresh and new. I think CB said this in the commentary for PU (and I'm paraphrasing terribly here), she asked MS what haven't you done yet on Stargate, how can I, as this character, serve you. I think they wanted to go the crazy, funny, sexy direction for a change. I think the thing is, for the actors to stay interested they've gotta grow and change, like what happens in real life. I don't imagine people stay the same over the course of 10 years, especially after the stuff that these characters have been through, the life and death kinda stuff, the kinda stuff that some of us everyday mortals don't have to deal with week to week.

                  I wasn't a Stargate fan from the beginning. I absolutely LOVED the movie, but I was in college when it came out on Showtime and so I couldn't afford the premium cable. I don't know exactly why MS left after S5, but from what I gather, he didn't like where DJ was going with his character arc. (I don't know for sure, I think I heard that somewhere. I hope it wasn't 'cause he wanted more money 'cause I'm not sure I like actors who do that. anyhoo, I had a point, where is it?) It seems to me that MS really wanted his character to grow and maybe MS wanted to do that type of romantic character arc. I just wonder if Vala-haters out there are also post-S6-DJ-haters, too.
                  Great post! I do think MS left for creative reasons, and I've heard from people who were watching the show at the time that Daniel really wasn't doing a whole heck of a lot after the Sha're story wrapped. From interviews, it sounds like MS really enjoys SG-1 as long as there's something for him to do....hence why he's probably been so happy these past two seasons. His character has been front and center, and had a slew of wonderful moments to play (and emotions). I don't think he wants to be the center of attention all the time, but I think he wants to know that his character is there for more than just exposition.

                  Whether anti-Vala people like it or not, I have a feeling CB is the reason why MS is still so keen on SG-1. He even said in an interview that she reinvigorated his passion for not only the show but for acting in general---some praise indeed---and has stated on numerous occassions that he'd keep doing the show as long as she did. I've honestly never heard an actor speak that highly of his co-star before

                  As for your comments, poundpuppy, I do agree to some extent (though I can't claim it as a general rule). I think there is a little bit of jealousy over Cam and Vala because they've either "usurped" another character's role (Jack) or encroached on it (Sam). I can't entirely remove myself from some of the Sam bitterness. Although, I am no great fan of hers, she hasn't gotten a whole lot to do these past few seasons (how that compares to previous seasons, I don't know). Vala, on the other hand, has been put front and center (which is largely due to the fact that she's a new character). That makes Vala an easy scapegoat for Sam fans' frustrations.

                  I've never had a problem with the two characters because I don't see them as being competition for each other. Yes, Vala is technologically savvy, but she's nowhere near as smart as Sam is when it comes to that stuff! I know that Sam's been the only woman for so many years, but there's plenty of room for another woman on SG-1! As for Cam, people hated him before they ever gave him a not much to be done about that. I find that people either ignore him or hate him...which is sad because he's made some interesting and compelling changes over the past two seasons.

                  There are a lot of reasons why the haters hate what they do, but honestly, I don't care. Although the anti's may seem like a large group, they're relatively small compared to all of the thousands of fans on this board. If people hated the show as much as these people claim they do, these character and relationship threads wouldn't exist, the board wouldn't exist! They may be some of the loudest voices here but they are by no means the majority. Take that to heart


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                    Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                    Oh, yes, please finish it, Stef. I wandered onto the SG-1 video community site and watched a bunch of Dala vids made probably between S9 and S10. They're great but I wanna see more with the S10 scenes.

                    And to add my two cents to the Dala love we've got here... It must be difficult for the actors on a 10-season show to keep things fresh and new. I think CB said this in the commentary for PU (and I'm paraphrasing terribly here), she asked MS what haven't you done yet on Stargate, how can I, as this character, serve you. I think they wanted to go the crazy, funny, sexy direction for a change. I think the thing is, for the actors to stay interested they've gotta grow and change, like what happens in real life. I don't imagine people stay the same over the course of 10 years, especially after the stuff that these characters have been through, the life and death kinda stuff, the kinda stuff that some of us everyday mortals don't have to deal with week to week.

                    I wasn't a Stargate fan from the beginning. I absolutely LOVED the movie, but I was in college when it came out on Showtime and so I couldn't afford the premium cable. I don't know exactly why MS left after S5, but from what I gather, he didn't like where DJ was going with his character arc. (I don't know for sure, I think I heard that somewhere. I hope it wasn't 'cause he wanted more money 'cause I'm not sure I like actors who do that. anyhoo, I had a point, where is it?) It seems to me that MS really wanted his character to grow and maybe MS wanted to do that type of romantic character arc. I just wonder if Vala-haters out there are also post-S6-DJ-haters, too.

                    OK, having reread this post a couple times, I notice that I rambled a bit. If you couldn't follow along, bottom line... I love that Vala came along to keep the show fun and exciting.

                    Wow, quite a bit more than two cents,
                    I think that MS has even commented that having CB on the show have given fresh life to it. I think it shows in his performances. There was a new playfulness to Daniel that we had never seen before(as sarcastic as his playfulness might be). I was sorry to see Jack go, but I did enjoy what Cameron had to bring to the team.
                    Sig made by me


                      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                      And to add my two cents to the Dala love we've got here... It must be difficult for the actors on a 10-season show to keep things fresh and new. I think CB said this in the commentary for PU (and I'm paraphrasing terribly here), she asked MS what haven't you done yet on Stargate, how can I, as this character, serve you. I think they wanted to go the crazy, funny, sexy direction for a change. I think the thing is, for the actors to stay interested they've gotta grow and change, like what happens in real life. I don't imagine people stay the same over the course of 10 years, especially after the stuff that these characters have been through, the life and death kinda stuff, the kinda stuff that some of us everyday mortals don't have to deal with week to week.

                      I just wonder if Vala-haters out there are also post-S6-DJ-haters, too.

                      My short answer to that question Erin would be : YES...hence there's a forum called 'classic Daniel clubhouse'...they just can't seem to handle him as anything the sweet, naive archeologist who doesn't know which end of the gun the bullets go in...I guess in their RL's either they don't see any of their family/friends as ever changing OR perhaps there's too much change and uncertainty in their lives and they want the TV shows they watch to be safe and predictable...if that's the case I'm kinda surprised they're watching SciFi instead of traditional network sitcoms.

                      I just don't get these people ragging on CB or BB for the changes to the show...THEY WEREN"T THE ONE TO DECIDE LEAVE THE SHOW...RDA WAS!!!!!!...but heaven forbid anyone say anything like that out loud to them!

                      And you know I've been thinking(and yes my husband tells me all the time that's a dangerous thing for me to do)...I wonder if part of the reason(s) that S/J never got a proper resolution was an artistic decision by the actors involved...a serious romantic plotline is not something I've ever seen RDA do...I can probably count on three, maybe four fingers the number of episodes of MacGyver that there was any suggestion of a love interest.
                      Whereas MS, I think, doesn't have a problem doing them...look at "Under the Mistletoe" and the roles for "Andromeda"

                      I read CB's interview and the first thing that occurred to me was "she sounds tired"...and who can blame her...she's been doing a 'high-energy' character on a weekly basis for the past 2ish years, which started fulltime right after having her first baby!...and as much as I say kudos to MS for putting in the daddy daycare time when necessary, we all know that CB would be the primary caregiver in the first two years of her son's wonder she was relieved that 'Continuum' didn't require her to be on the set constantly.

                      Which frankly makes sense to me(I've been wondering this actually because while we've seen pictures of the others during filming, we haven't seen anything of her)...cuz when you think about it logically, there is no reason for Vala to be the actual physical centre of attention...she's been spirited away at the beginning and the rest of the movie is centred around the efforts of the other 3 to return the timeline to normal so that at the end they get Vala and Teal'c other than a brief scene with CB as Qetesh(which I assume is the other character she's referring to) there is no reason to see Vala again until the end(fingers crossed she's alive and well...that Daniel finally realizes they need to be together and DOESN"T retreat completely because he can't handle the possibility of losing her again).
                      We won't be getting a quantity of angst but I think we'll be getting high intensity thanks to Daniel...keep thinking of that comment MS made in the SciFi farewell thingy..."vulnerable like you've never seen him before"..."lucky to get out alive"
                      If the 5-person team is intact and healthy at the end of 'Continuum' then I'll be happy.
                      and on that note I'm off to wash my dishes...such excitement eh?
                      (nice to see ya Kales, looking forward to fic.)


                      My Fiction:


                        LC exactly why I am not too worried about the lack of CB screen time in the second movie.

                        Now some Minxishness:

                        And Daniel's response:
                        thanks Stef

                        Thanks Wendy


                          Out of curiosity, does anybody know how long principal photography for "Continuum" took...or even how long filming for a typical episode takes? I'm just trying to gauge exactly how little Vala we'll see in the movie. A week doesn't sound like a whole lot of time, but it means that it should be more than one or two scenes. You know the Vala-haters and anti-Season 9 & 10 people are having a field day with this news. They're probably thinking, now if only we could get rid of Mitchell.

                          So, this means that CJ won't be onscreen a lot too, right? So, it will mostly be Cam, Sam, Daniel, and AU Jack?


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                            Originally posted by Stef View Post
                            Out of curiosity, does anybody know how long principal photography for "Continuum" took...or even how long filming for a typical episode takes? I'm just trying to gauge exactly how little Vala we'll see in the movie. A week doesn't sound like a whole lot of time, but it means that it should be more than one or two scenes. You know the Vala-haters and anti-Season 9 & 10 people are having a field day with this news. They're probably thinking, now if only we could get rid of Mitchell.

                            So, this means that CJ won't be onscreen a lot too, right? So, it will mostly be Cam, Sam, Daniel, and AU Jack?

                            I believe that an episode took 5 or 6 days to shoot. So I am thinking that the shoot for the movie was probably a couple of weeks long.
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                              Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                              I believe that an episode took 5 or 6 days to shoot. So I am thinking that the shoot for the movie was probably a couple of weeks long.
                              Yeah I believe there was about two weeks between MS's blog entries when I figured they were shooting Continuum.


                              My Fiction:


                                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                                Yeah I believe there was about two weeks between MS's blog entries when I figured they were shooting Continuum.
                                Okay, well then it's not so bad. CB was filming for either half or a third of the time. I was afraid it was like one to two months of filming, of which she only shot one week....that would be worrisome!


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