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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Oh, I checked the transcript too but her name isn't there either. So I'm gonna suggest to you, Erin, using Wendy's suggestion. Flo is awesome name for all of the waitresses
    Banner made by Stef

    Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
      Like gioia, I just watched that scene and I didn't catch her name either. I think it is a wonderful idea for a fic and can't wait to read it!!

      As for the waitresses name, just use the name Flo, isn't that the name of all waitresses in diners on tv...LOL
      Oh well, thanks Wendy. I just pulled out my tape too, and the name tag was too blurry. It looked to be more than 3 letters, but maybe it was Florence, that way I can use Flo like you said. It's a great idea!

      Thanks everybody, I really appreciate it,

      Edit: thank you, giola; you girls are great. I didn't think you'd go to all that trouble. Aw, what a great thread we have

      lemme find a good pic (snurched from Wendy)
      Last edited by ErinB; 15 July 2007, 09:33 AM.


        Originally posted by gioia View Post
        Handcuffs and silk scarves
        Sorry, couldn't help.

        Oh, I think Vala's singing is a very good idea.
        GIOIA!(shaking my head...tsk, tsk, tsk)...I'm talking about the very early days of their official relationship when they're still finding their way...remember the 'professor' archetype is 'inhibited', so I'm figuring he'd be pretty traditional for awhile...the handcuffs and scarves might make an appearance after a few years...and I'm thinking there'd have be some alcohol involved...initially anyway,lol.
        (and sorry you won't get that fic outta me...maybe someone else might like to try it)

        My Fiction:


          Originally posted by ErinB View Post
          Oh well, thanks Wendy. I just pulled out my tape too, and the name tag was too blurry. It looked to be more than 3 letters, but maybe it was Florence, that way I can use Flo like you said. It's a great idea!

          Thanks everybody, I really appreciate it,

          Edit: thank you, giola; you girls are great. I didn't think you'd go to all that trouble. Aw, what a great thread we have

          lemme find a good pic (snurched from Wendy)
          No problem

          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          GIOIA!(shaking my head...tsk, tsk, tsk)...I'm talking about the very early days of their official relationship when they're still finding their way...remember the 'professor' archetype is 'inhibited', so I'm figuring he'd be pretty traditional for awhile...the handcuffs and scarves might make an appearance after a few years...and I'm thinking there'd have be some alcohol involved...initially anyway,lol.
          (and sorry you won't get that fic outta me...maybe someone else might like to try it)
          Lol!! You know me

          Edit: A little pic run:

          (They're so cute here.)

          (Vala's 'good one'. Like it much.)

          (Daniel again getting all touchy touchy. Lol can't keep his hands off her but who can blame him?)

          Last edited by gioia; 15 July 2007, 10:18 AM.
          Banner made by Stef

          Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


            Originally posted by ErinB View Post
            Ooh, I really like that treasure hunting idea. Hmm, what else. Maybe working out. I remember a scene (cannot for the life of me remember the season) but I think it was Teal'c and Daniel lifting weights at the SGC, and I thought it was a really clever way to show that Daniel's 'guns' are something he works at, not just something he's gifted with. Anyway, back to Vala, she's got a great body too, so I imagine she works out in the gym as well. Is that something that couples do together? I don't know.

            Also, bowling... I love bowling, why shouldn't these two. It could even be a team outing once or twice a month. Or, they used to play basketball (or they did once in "Beachhead") that could be something.

            This is tougher... what about drawing or sketching or something like that. Maybe not painting, that seems too colorful and has too many materials. I'd see her simply sketching with a pencil and sketchpad as something therapeutic, to kind of rid herself of her inner demons and nightmares, maybe.

            Very good questions, LC, hope I could help,
            LOL Erin...that working out oh my!...I've already created for my 'lifetime' series a few things that...well...the term I'm using is 'sexual trip-wires'...and that 'working out' is pretty close....think PU!...I believe the term is 'sparring'...they eventually have to put a gym in the basement of their house 'cuz they're not allowed to spar at the base...things tend to get outta hand pretty fast.

            I like that competition aspect...and yeah basketball fits doesn't it.

            I was thinking about drawing too, but I'm not sure about it...I also wondered about gardening...I know it sounds really weird, but think of it in terms of "putting down roots".
            I was also wondering about Teal'c getting her hooked on the DYI/decorating shows and she turns out to be really good at, if a little unorthodox...once again comes from the 'having a home' aspect.

            This question was precipated by my taking a roam thru the 'anti' thread the other day and someone was making comments like: 'what do they have in common'...'can you even imagine Vala watching anything on the History channel with him without whining about being bored'...and I thought geez that's really unfair...when have they ever had time to discover this stuff, so I started thinking okay what could they discover.
            Thanks for your thoughts...and now that I have relative quiet in my basement for a bit, I'm gonna give you some feedback on the fic you sent me.
            ("...and I thought it was a really clever way to show Daniel's 'guns'..."
            and I'm so glad they did!!)


            My Fiction:


              Originally posted by LC_ View Post
              LOL Erin...that working out oh my!...I've already created for my 'lifetime' series a few things that...well...the term I'm using is 'sexual trip-wires'...and that 'working out' is pretty close....think PU!...I believe the term is 'sparring'...they eventually have to put a gym in the basement of their house 'cuz they're not allowed to spar at the base...things tend to get outta hand pretty fast.
              Lol!!!! I really like this idea.(No surprise...) yeah, working out is soo subtle. All this sweating, standing close, pushing, wonder things get out of hand fast.

              I was thinking about drawing too, but I'm not sure about it...I also wondered about gardening...I know it sounds really weird, but think of it in terms of "putting down roots".
              I was also wondering about Teal'c getting her hooked on the DYI/decorating shows and she turns out to be really good at, if a little unorthodox...once again comes from the 'having a home' aspect.
              Wow, the 'putting down roots' is really neat idea.

              LC_, I really love when you get all creative. Usually it ends up with something amazing. Can't wait to read the fics.
              Banner made by Stef

              Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                LOL Erin...that working out oh my!...I've already created for my 'lifetime' series a few things that...well...the term I'm using is 'sexual trip-wires'...and that 'working out' is pretty close....think PU!...I believe the term is 'sparring'...they eventually have to put a gym in the basement of their house 'cuz they're not allowed to spar at the base...things tend to get outta hand pretty fast.
                I tried to make my suggestion as G-rated as possible, just lifting weights or jogging on the treadmill, that sorta thing... it could escalate into more, but I hadn't thought that far ahead

                I like that competition aspect...and yeah basketball fits doesn't it.
                I think it's nice to find the little things the writers put in the eps and just expand on them. I think the writers really like this ship but because of time constraints and the nature of television they can't always give us the details we love. So we get to fill in the blanks.

                I was thinking about drawing too, but I'm not sure about it...I also wondered about gardening...I know it sounds really weird, but think of it in terms of "putting down roots".
                I was also wondering about Teal'c getting her hooked on the DYI/decorating shows and she turns out to be really good at, if a little unorthodox...once again comes from the 'having a home' aspect.
                I like both these ideas (I didn't think Teal'c would be a do-it-yourself-er, but he did want an apartment of his own in like Season 7 or 8, so that fits with him, I guess.) I have the idea that in "Unending" Vala helped Landry with the idea of the...what was it...arboretum (sp?) you know, his little garden on the ship. In my head, she was kinda like the ship's morale officer for the time on board the Odyssey. I think she planned the Christmas party too, to get everybody's spirits up.

                This question was precipated by my taking a roam thru the 'anti' thread the other day and someone was making comments like: 'what do they have in common'...'can you even imagine Vala watching anything on the History channel with him without whining about being bored'...and I thought geez that's really unfair...when have they ever had time to discover this stuff, so I started thinking okay what could they discover.
                I agree that the phrase "I'm bored" is too often used with Vala. I can't recall her saying that since Season 9. Wake up, people, she's changing. And by the way, I can totally see her watching the History Channel with Daniel and being fascinated by it - the trinkets and whatnot, yes - but also just enjoying being with someone she cares about. When I was first dating my husband I would watch football games and boxing matches I was sooo not into, just because he liked them, and I wanted to get to know him and his interests better.

                Thanks for your thoughts...and now that I have relative quiet in my basement for a bit, I'm gonna give you some feedback on the fic you sent me.
                Thank you, LC, I had been getting pretty nervous that you'd just forgotten about me. I will try to remain patient and await your feedback.


                  Originally posted by gioia View Post
                  Edit: A little pic run:
                  OMG, I had no idea Ben had a hand in the story. I loved this ep, and now I love it even more

                  He did a pretty good job writing a couple eps in Farscape, and I remember he got a question about that in one of the DVD's if he would try to write for Stargate. I'm glad he got a shot.

                  I just love Daniel saying "This is not how you make first contact!" or something like that and Mitchell saying "we've got ourselves a bit of a John..." (darn, I don't remember the line) but Teal'c clues Daniel in with "Die Hard." I'm going to go watch it right now, I laughed so hard during this ep!!

                  See y'all

                  P.S. gioia, I'm so sorry for spelling your name giola with an 'l' for so long; I gotta pay more attention


                    Originally posted by gioia View Post
                    No problem

                    Lol!! You know me

                    Edit: A little pic run:
                    (They're so cute here.)
                    (Vala's 'good one'. Like it much.)

                    (Daniel again getting all touchy touchy. Lol can't keep his hands off her but who can blame him?)
                    I so wish the credits weren't rolling over top of that so we could get an even better view What I wouldn't give to be held by him like that *sigh*

                    Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                    LOL Erin...that working out oh my!...I've already created for my 'lifetime' series a few things that...well...the term I'm using is 'sexual trip-wires'...and that 'working out' is pretty close....think PU!...I believe the term is 'sparring'...they eventually have to put a gym in the basement of their house 'cuz they're not allowed to spar at the base...things tend to get outta hand pretty fast.

                    I like that competition aspect...and yeah basketball fits doesn't it.

                    I was thinking about drawing too, but I'm not sure about it...I also wondered about gardening...I know it sounds really weird, but think of it in terms of "putting down roots".
                    I was also wondering about Teal'c getting her hooked on the DYI/decorating shows and she turns out to be really good at, if a little unorthodox...once again comes from the 'having a home' aspect.

                    This question was precipated by my taking a roam thru the 'anti' thread the other day and someone was making comments like: 'what do they have in common'...'can you even imagine Vala watching anything on the History channel with him without whining about being bored'...and I thought geez that's really unfair...when have they ever had time to discover this stuff, so I started thinking okay what could they discover.
                    Thanks for your thoughts...and now that I have relative quiet in my basement for a bit, I'm gonna give you some feedback on the fic you sent me.
                    ("...and I thought it was a really clever way to show Daniel's 'guns'..."
                    and I'm so glad they did!!)
                    That is unfair of them, but they will do anything to bash this couple which is unfair in itself.

                    Some Chimera pics to show off Daniel's Guns(one of my all time favorite scenes I might add*drools*)

                    Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                    Oh well, thanks Wendy. I just pulled out my tape too, and the name tag was too blurry. It looked to be more than 3 letters, but maybe it was Florence, that way I can use Flo like you said. It's a great idea!

                    Thanks everybody, I really appreciate it,

                    Edit: thank you, giola; you girls are great. I didn't think you'd go to all that trouble. Aw, what a great thread we have

                    lemme find a good pic (snurched from Wendy)
                    It is no problem Erin, I am always glad to help
                    Sig made by me


                      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                      OMG, I had no idea Ben had a hand in the story. I loved this ep, and now I love it even more

                      He did a pretty good job writing a couple eps in Farscape, and I remember he got a question about that in one of the DVD's if he would try to write for Stargate. I'm glad he got a shot.

                      I just love Daniel saying "This is not how you make first contact!" or something like that and Mitchell saying "we've got ourselves a bit of a John..." (darn, I don't remember the line) but Teal'c clues Daniel in with "Die Hard." I'm going to go watch it right now, I laughed so hard during this ep!!

                      See y'all

                      P.S. gioia, I'm so sorry for spelling your name giola with an 'l' for so long; I gotta pay more attention
                      I think that is one of my favorite lines from Bad Guys(it is John McClane BTW). I just love Teal'c and how much he loves our movies. My other favorite line has to be Daniel saying "Don't eyeball me"

                      Sig made by me


                        Hey all I'm just running in to drop off Chapter 5 of the AU fic (you were right Stef ) it's on only on at the moment, but I'll post it on LJ as soon as I can.

                        Chains of Freedom: New Days Dawning

                        And there some new vignettes in Bijou too!

                        Watched Talion:
                        I love that episode for so many reason!
                        But have you guys noticed how D/V and S/C match (*prods* Stef) in their BDU's... so cute and all matching coupley like, there's a scene in I'm pretty Daniel's office and their all talking, and the sitting arrangement is mirroring the coupleness - Daniel across from Vala and Cam across from Sam. It's like a double date, but ya know, their discussing how their friend might be killing someone... Dude, their all so cute!
                        Last edited by isabelqc; 15 July 2007, 12:43 PM.
                        banner by Stef


                          Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                          OMG, I had no idea Ben had a hand in the story. I loved this ep, and now I love it even more

                          He did a pretty good job writing a couple eps in Farscape, and I remember he got a question about that in one of the DVD's if he would try to write for Stargate. I'm glad he got a shot.

                          I just love Daniel saying "This is not how you make first contact!" or something like that and Mitchell saying "we've got ourselves a bit of a John..." (darn, I don't remember the line) but Teal'c clues Daniel in with "Die Hard." I'm going to go watch it right now, I laughed so hard during this ep!!

                          See y'all

                          P.S. gioia, I'm so sorry for spelling your name giola with an 'l' for so long; I gotta pay more attention
                          No problem, Erin. Sometimes nicknames can be confusing if they come from another language

                          I liked too BB's job at Bad Boys. It wasn't an amazing episode but it was decent and funny one. and I really lol'ed at die hard thing. Teal'c was awesome as always. And Vala's 'good one' for that photographer referance.

                          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                          I so wish the credits weren't rolling over top of that so we could get an even better view What I wouldn't give to be held by him like that *sigh*
                          I couldn't agree you more
                          I just lurve when he's getting handy and touchy with her.

                          Some Chimera pics to show off Daniel's Guns(one of my all time favorite scenes I might add*drools*)

                          Repost on purpose!!!
                          ahh, those scenes are the reason why I love Chimera
                          LC_, I think they're good motivators for your working out fic

                          Edit: But look at his nipples. Lolllll!!!! They're peaked
                          Last edited by gioia; 15 July 2007, 12:43 PM.
                          Banner made by Stef

                          Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                            Post-nap catch-up!

                            Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                            This question was precipated by my taking a roam thru the 'anti' thread the other day and someone was making comments like: 'what do they have in common'...'can you even imagine Vala watching anything on the History channel with him without whining about being bored'...and I thought geez that's really unfair...when have they ever had time to discover this stuff, so I started thinking okay what could they discover.
                            Thanks for your thoughts...and now that I have relative quiet in my basement for a bit, I'm gonna give you some feedback on the fic you sent me.
                            Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                            I agree that the phrase "I'm bored" is too often used with Vala. I can't recall her saying that since Season 9. Wake up, people, she's changing. And by the way, I can totally see her watching the History Channel with Daniel and being fascinated by it - the trinkets and whatnot, yes - but also just enjoying being with someone she cares about. When I was first dating my husband I would watch football games and boxing matches I was sooo not into, just because he liked them, and I wanted to get to know him and his interests better.
                            Okay, so I can totally see Vala watching the History channel, and not just for Daniel's sake. If the topic were about a culture that was really interesting, like ancient Rome, I could completely see her getting into it...and then bringing up everything she's learned all the time because she's so excited about it. I don't think she'd want to watch a whole piece about architecture or what have you, but I definitely think there'd be topics of interest there (after all, the History Channel covers such a wide range of cultures) . Just because Vala gets bored doesn't mean she's incapable of sitting down and taking things seriously. I hate people who ignore all of the instances where she does, and only focus on the times when she doesn't. That's called selective memory (of course, some of those people admit to not even watching all of the past two I'm curious how they can even make that call!)

                            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                            Some Chimera pics to show off Daniel's Guns(one of my all time favorite scenes I might add*drools*)


                            Ooh, me like Haven't see that episode...I may have to just for that!

                            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                            I think that is one of my favorite lines from Bad Guys(it is John McClane BTW). I just love Teal'c and how much he loves our movies. My other favorite line has to be Daniel saying "Don't eyeball me"

                            ITA. I love the "Die Hard" bit and the "Don't eyeball me!" I love the whole Daniel outburst, but that line is probably my favorite. Just great. Although, I also enjoy the treasure liberation sequence (hence, why I made a shirt with Vala's steps ). I pretty much LOVE that episode. It was too darn funny, and everyone actually got to be a part of that fun (well, except Sam).

                            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                            Hey all I'm just running in to drop off Chapter 5 of the AU fic (you were right Stef ) it's on only on at the moment, but I'll post it on LJ as soon as I can.

                            Chains of Freedom: New Days Dawning
                            Tra-la-la....*trots off happily to read chapter 5*


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                              Some Chimera pics to show off Daniel's Guns(one of my all time favorite scenes I might add*drools*)

                              OMG, MS is so hot bring on the armporn... hehe



                                Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                                OMG, MS is so hot bring on the armporn... hehe

                                Don't tempt me to bring on the arm porn Erin, because I sooooooooo will

                                Stef, Chimera is a GOOD episode. Lots of arm porn...hehehehe Oh and it has a decent story line too

                                Okay, because I can't help myself when it comes to arm porn.


                                Posted by Stef

                                Okay, so I can totally see Vala watching the History channel, and not just for Daniel's sake. If the topic were about a culture that was really interesting, like ancient Rome, I could completely see her getting into it...and then bringing up everything she's learned all the time because she's so excited about it. I don't think she'd want to watch a whole piece about architecture or what have you, but I definitely think there'd be topics of interest there (after all, the History Channel covers such a wide range of cultures) . Just because Vala gets bored doesn't mean she's incapable of sitting down and taking things seriously. I hate people who ignore all of the instances where she does, and only focus on the times when she doesn't. That's called selective memory (of course, some of those people admit to not even watching all of the past two I'm curious how they can even make that call!)
                                I totally can too, Stef. I think she would find some of the stuff interesting, but even if she didn't, she would try just so she could be with Daniel. The "other" people just choose not to see exactly how loyal Vala is. She would do anything for Daniel!
                                Sig made by me

