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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Isabel, cara, it's good to see you alive and here again
    Banner made by Stef

    Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


      In terms of Continuum- I’m excited. I mean,
      two different missions? Different timelines? Oh, I’m so excited! I mean, 1939 how cool is that??? ^_^

      As for AoT I’m excited for that too and the whole concept sound really really morally and philosophically interesting and I can’t wait to see how it plays out.

      And I think that they both sound like Stargate....

      ....and I've reached 900 posts! Woot!
      Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
      |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


        So what I'm doing here is giving a breakdown of the character archetypes that create the Daniel and Vala personalities, then later I'll get into showing how their different levels conflicts or meshes with the other.
        In creating fictional characters...for a play, book, movie or TV show, writers use character archetypes,which describe the characteristics of different personality types. Typically there are 8 male archetypes and 8 female ones for a total of 16. Our favourite couple have at least 7 of them between the two of them...just incredibly complex personalities...which is why I find them so fascinating, and so much fun to write...just wish I was better at writing the more argumentative aspects,lol
        Anyway we'll start with Daniel.
        Most of this one is pretty obvious and it's the most detailed so it's long, and why I'm posting it first all by itself...the other three are shorter.
        I've put it in 'spoilers' in case there's someone who really doesn't want to read this.
        Hope you enjoy my little dissertation,lol
        (would Daniel be proud of me???????????)
        (if at anytime ya'll are bored of my ramblings, just tell me to shut up)


        Professor -logical, introverted and faithful.
        -no fast breaks or hurried decisions
        -when he makes a commitment he invariably follows thorough,
        but in his own time and only after all the facts are in.
        -he is thoughtful(my note: thinks a lot, no kidding,lol) BUT not
        necessarily considerate.
        -is used to being the smartest person in the room…this
        experience does not make it easier for him to remember to
        communicate on levels understood by the less
        gifted, inability of others to keep up is frustrating…social skills
        may not be the best…book-lined study is far more comfortable
        than bar or basketball court
        -exercises mind constantly, only exercises if he realizes the
        connection between good health and strong reasoning skills
        (my note: or if his job demands it of him, lol)
        -trust the Professor to find the solution, BUT don’t expect to
        understand the explanations

        -expert, not just smart, but educated…knows about subjects
        that interest him recognized authority in chosen field
        -analytical, thinks before he acts, methodically takes a problem
        apart, assessing each piece of the puzzle until the perfect way
        to put it back together, refuses to be rushed and conclusions
        are invariably correct.
        -genuine, has not developed disguises others have, when he
        gives his heart is painfully vulnerable, true to commitments, he
        never pretends something he does not actually feel.
        Hypocrisy and lies are foreign to him and is
        astonished when others use them against him.
        -a genius particularly in at least one field of expertise
        -does New York Times crossword in ink(my note: LOL…yep can
        SSSOOO see this, gotta remember for future fiction)
        -persistent and thorough…thinks ‘outside the box’

        -Insular, inhabits his own world, unwilling to make room for
        others, knows everything about his field of expertise but not
        much about other aspects of life… “devoting one’s life to
        building the perfect mousetrap does not leave much time for
        -Inhibited, not much time spent gaining experience with
        women…urges felt that direction been much ignored, is either
        frantically trying to think of what to say or does not want to
        take the time to say hello
        -can be nitpicky
        -lacks spontaneity
        -Inflexible, definitely set in his ways, not enthusiastic about
        change, convinced that his way is the only way and can list
        many reasons why he is right

        -special gifts ruled his life…when you are a prodigy it is
        apparent at early age, parents may have been pleased as
        punch(yes)…set apart from children his own age
        (and nationality), feeling of isolation stays with throughout life
        -astounded teachers with his precocious abilities….praised and
        pushed to succeed he might have developed an arrogance that
        raised hackles of other children or if parents(foster ones)
        viewed him as odd, shyness or guilt over ease of
        accomplishment might have resulted.
        -was the NERD!, high IQ could not spare him the awkward
        teenage years, understanding the biological reason and effect
        of hormones did not make it easier to live through the
        experience…may have made him all the more
        miserably aware of his gawky shortcomings and rampaging
        -may have gotten on well with teachers, but being president of
        high school chess club(or languages) did not result in a lot of
        books may have been his closest companion

        His style is either ‘absentminded’ or ‘super organized’…you
        absentminded; lovable klutz, at the top of his field, but is only
        recognized for his genius by the people he works with, not all-
        knowing or all-seeing, sometimes a bit of educated luck plays a
        role in his success
        super organized; knows where pocket protector is and actually
        has one for each day of the week…desk is immaculate, home is
        immaculate and so is he(okay that choice is easy…that would
        be absentminded lovable klutz right?lol)
        professors are schedule-oriented(hmmm?), creatures of habit?,
        not people-oriented, absorbed and dedicated to their work.

        Scholar: books were solace as a child and
        provide a road map to live by…his library offers him a
        comfortable hiding place away from the rough-and-tumble
        present world.

        My Fiction:


          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          -genuine, has not developed disguises others have, when he gives his heart is painfully vulnerable, true to commitments, he never pretends something he does not actually feel.
          My favorite part. Very interesting, LC. I'll enjoy reading more. I am fascinated with looking more deeply at character psyches (well, people in general) and how they fit within various archetypes and molds. I may be in the minority, but I find this very interesting....please do continue. Can't wait until you get to Vala


          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


            Yay 2000 posts I am soo happy I have no life lol ok pic run pic run for the blessed event some TragiDay pics mixed with my fav pics

            Great LC loved it greened ya they are very complex I am obsessed with them too they are fascinating
            this is OT Stef

            I was wondering if you could do a Sparky banner for the H&H ship game they were 4th as long as it has H&H ship game 4th place that's all I ask how ever you want to do it you are the artist
            My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
            poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


              WOW, LC_, that was amazing.
              I'll write myself something later, quoting your observation.
              excellent work, dear.
              Banner made by Stef

              Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                Yay 2000 posts I am soo happy I have no life
                CONGRATS ON 2000 POSTS Poundpuppy!
                Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                  Congratulations of 900 posts, Anjirika and 2,000 posts, poundpuppy!!

                  Okay, so we have to gather our strength for next week. I think that that is when the final "best moments of SG-1" question comes out. Low and behold, it is the most important: BEST KISS! We have to win this one, we must! I'm just afraid that....
                  they might nominate DV from PU and DV from "Unending" and split up loyalties. I hope not! Were there any other major kisses in season 8 that might take that season 8 slot? What about season 9, who kissed there? Cam/Scientist or Tomin/Vala (but did they ever really kiss....other than him kissing her on the forehead?). Interesting. I just hope S/J get nominated twice....that way the shippers will be split up deciding between the two.

                  Wow, I really am competetive, aren't I? I just think it would be a major victory for our ship....that we could beat out S/J. Hope, hope.

                  Wonko Wednesday, right?

                  Not particularly "wonko" but funny to me.

                  EDIT: Victory! I finally managed to get my avatar to work. Excellent.

                  Last edited by Stef; 13 June 2007, 03:06 AM.

                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------



                    Hmm...what can I justify this bump with? Working on four new vids 1 for the men, 1 for the team, 1 for the ladies, and 1 for DV. Plus, I'm still trying to find a way to finish up this Sam/Vala scene so that I can get my pregnancy fic rolling. I am having a mental block! I envy all of you writers who can sit down and write chapter/stories like clockwork. It takes me forever.


                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      Geez, what's going on people?! I'm having to be a one-woman bumping machine here!!

                      Anyway, looks like we won't be getting any MS or CB commentaries for season 10 Breakdown of who's doing what episode:
                      F&B: RCC, William Waring, Jim Menard
                      Morpheus: Joe Mallozzi & Andy Mikita
                      TPP: William Waring & Jim Menard
                      Insiders: Alan McCullough & Peter Woeste
                      Uninvited: William Waring & Jim Menard
                      200: RCC, Martin Wood, Jim Menard
                      Counterstrike: Joe Mallozzi & Andy Mikita
                      MM: Joe Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
                      COT: William Waring & Alan McCullough
                      TQ1: Joe Mallozzi & Andy Mikita
                      TQ2: Paul Mullie & Andy Mikita
                      LITS: Jim Menard & Amanda Tapping
                      TRNT: Andy Mikita, Alan McCullough, & Amanda Tapping
                      The Shroud: RCC & Andy Mikita
                      Bounty: John Lenic & Jim Menard
                      Bad Guys: NONE
                      Talion: Andy Mikita & Chris Judge
                      FT: Joe Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
                      Dominion: Alan McCullough & William Waring
                      Unending: RCC, Jim Menard, & Amanda Tapping (Honestly, I like AT...but what is up with her doing most of the actor commentary...especially for this episode?! I really wish we had gotten MS or CB for this instead of her...)

                      And the award for most commentaries goes to.....a tie between Andy Mikita and Jim Menard with 7 apiece. And I can't get one commentary from CB, MS, or BB *sigh* At least JM will be doing MM. He usually does good commentaries. Oh, and there's a director's thing for RCC for "Unending" as well as deleted scenes.

                      For more info, here's where I got the information: DVD TIMES

                      Oh, and apparently this was from an entry in JM's blog while back:
                      "Anonymous #2 writes: “Have you guys considered producing a 'deleted scenes/bloopers' DVD?”

                      Answer: Ivon Bartok, our Special Features producer, and I have put together a deleted footage commentary for the upcoming DVD release. It will include deleted scenes from Morpheus, Memento Mori, and Quest I."

                      Ones from more than three episodes would have been nice, but I'm happy with MM, Morpheus, and TQ1 (would have liked to have seen some of those missing 22 minutes of BG though )

                      Night all, keep the thread alive while I'm gone Oh, and I see you lurking down there, Kales!

                      Last edited by Stef; 13 June 2007, 07:02 AM. Reason: More info dumping for all inquiring minds.

                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        Yay! You did it! Fascinating, LC. can't wait for the rest of it.

                        Congrats on the posts guys!
                        Banner by Stef.

                        The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                        HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                          *waves* I was hard at work on fic, lol. Domino Motion update for those who are following it, and it's a double one. Can you tell the bunnies are gaining power?

                          22: lavinia

                          23: world spins madly on

                          Okay, going to type up chapter 24!


                            Family Ties post-ep here:



                            Lisa Michelle


                              Hey All!!!!

                              Just checking in from sunny Santa Barbara. I am halfway through my vacation and missing you all!!

                              I don't have a lot of time to play but I just wanted to say hi

                              Hopefully in the next day or two there will be nothing planned and I can sit with my Starbucks and play catch up.
                              Sig made by me


                                MS Online had a link to this photo of the last day of filming.


                                He's her Lobster!
                                LTS: Life's too short

