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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by swallowcliff View Post
    I thought I would just pop into this thread that I've only lurked in before. I will pretty much ship Daniel with anybody, but I really like Daniel and Vala together. I was reading a chat of Line in the Sand though, and it made me sad in the Daniel/Vala department so I thought I'd go visit a happy-ship place! I still think they would make in interesting pair no matter what TPTB have planned for them.
    Well, I say, Spoilers for Line in the Sand

    Tomin set her free.

    But I suppose it's a matter of interpretation.


      A quick hello to all the new posters before I have to go to bed.


      IMO, a Prometheus Unbound kissing pic every day should be mandatory!



        Yea, Prometheus Unbound...the ep that made Hubs ask if Vala is part Klingon.


          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          Great job, Anjirika.

          I also come bearing gifts. No, not my usualy wallpaper.....the video I finally got around to finishing!

          I suppose I should mention that is does contain one snippet from 10x11, but it's nothing that's going to spoil the episode/plot/scene for you. It's just a small little look between the two that fit nicely into the spot I was working on. I just thought I'd make sure to mention that in case there's anyone here who would get horribly upset about it. Other than that, it's all season 9 through the first half of season 10.


          Something to Sleep to (You Tube)

          Something to Sleep to (Download)

          Thanks, I have another update too!

          Go to chapter 25....and my computer is being stupid so I'll check out your music vid later....
          Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
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            Originally posted by ValaMalduran View Post
            IMO, a Prometheus Unbound kissing pic every day should be mandatory!
            I've never seen a close-up of that shot before.

            Boy, Vala really plastered him! (In more ways than one! )


              So, I've watched "Line in the Sand" and....
              ...definitely nothing to worry about here. It showed the relationship between Tomin and Vala and how she still cares for him and he still loves her. But she seemed to just have more of an affection for him than any kind of grand love. Even when he kissed her, she didn't really reciprocate. Anyway, it was nice to see that Vala did manage to get through to him, there might be hope for the boy yet (if the prior doesn't kill him).

              Gotta say, I really wished we had gotten some Adria in this episode....but I guess she's playing around with the other half of our couple. I can't wait for the "showdown" between mother and daughter. Perhaps Vala will reach Adria like she reached Tomin (I mean that line in "Counterstrike" about how she thought she would have a crucial moment where she would be the only one to reach her daughter had to be put in the script for a reason).

              Overall, a nice episode, obviously not as great as the last one but still good. I enjoyed all of the interactions...and I'm really warming to the friendship developing between Cam and Sam (their names rhyme!). They're so cute together....kind of brother-sisterly.

              Oh...and Vala was adorable when she jumped into Teal'c's arms

              Ok, done now.


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                Yes, Jess, I swim in the Pond on occasion. (I really do love the Sam/Daniel relationship but there is a point after which I find it unplausible.)

                As for divorce, I don't see the religon of Origin as allowing for divorce. Also I really don't see a good end for Tomin. I think Vala cares for him but not like she loves Daniel. I just don't see a happy ending for everyone so I hope Daniel/Vala get the happy ending and if someone has to bite it it would be Tomin. (Daniel doesn't need to die again.)
                thanks Stef

                Thanks Wendy


                  If the Ori bite the dust first, it may be possible to spare Tomin.

                  Since Tomin is a heretic now, he may not survive much longer. And since he let Vala go, he may be considered a traitor, as well.


                    Originally posted by Margaret View Post
                    If the Ori bite the dust first, it may be possible to spare Tomin.

                    Since Tomin is a heretic now, he may not survive much longer. And since he let Vala go, he may be considered a traitor, as well.
                    Oh really? I'm in the US and have to wait till April.
                    thanks Stef

                    Thanks Wendy


                      Hmm, just curious how one gets an intergalactic divorce.

                      As for Tomin....yes, he's still a bit of a wrench in the works but I kind of liked what he does for the show, in that he shows us a different kind of Vala. She's a lot gentler and sweeter when she is with him. Of course, I prefer the feistier Vala but it's nice to see that she has different sides and isn't a one-dimensional character.

                      As for your point about Tomin, Margaret:
                      ...I think that Adria might have pity on the poor boy. Afterall, she has spared her mother so many times before. We'll see him again, no doubt. But I think "Line in the Sand" did a good job of addressing his part in all of this and his relationship with Vala...I was beginning to think that they forgot about him. I think he'll most likely die....doing something heroic like saving Vala. That just seems to be his fate at this point. Because, if the writers plan on looking at DV's relationshp 20-40 years down the line in "Unending," they can't have this loose end unresolved. Just my opinion though.


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        Hi, I thought I'd pop in here to say I ship Daniel/Vala (but only after something is done with Tomin).
                        thanks Stef

                        Thanks Wendy


                          Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                          Yes, Jess, I swim in the Pond on occasion. (I really do love the Sam/Daniel relationship but there is a point after which I find it unplausible.)
                          Yes, I guess the way things seem now it does look implausible, with Daniel hardly even batting an eyelash at her .... I hope that doesn't mean I'm crazy or delusional if I still love the pairing though...

                          *goes back to burying head in the sand*
                          Last edited by JessM; 17 January 2007, 03:48 AM.


                            Originally posted by swallowcliff View Post
                            I thought I would just pop into this thread that I've only lurked in before. I will pretty much ship Daniel with anybody, but I really like Daniel and Vala together. I was reading a chat of Line in the Sand though, and it made me sad in the Daniel/Vala department so I thought I'd go visit a happy-ship place! I still think they would make in interesting pair no matter what TPTB have planned for them.


                            Originally posted by swallowcliff View Post
                            Line in the Sand spoiler below
                            I think I'd be a lot happier if she would have at least mentioned Daniel once instead of professing her love to her husband.

                            coming right after The Quest 2, it seemed a little odd. But I'll have to wait and see what they do about the entire situation before I get my dander up!

                            I don't think it's that odd, really.
                            Remember, it did start out as a marriage of convience, and in her own way Vala does care for him. She will always be grateful for the way he cared for her. But she would, could never be truly and deeply in love with the man, even with idealiological differences aside.


                              Thanks for the welcome! And I'll try to stay positive with the help of y'all. I worry because I saw how much crap the Sam/Jack fans have had to deal with, and it's looooong overdue for them. I'm afraid that we'll have to deal with it as well, like Tomin and Vala remaining married for the rest of the series and for the DVD movies, with only AU/time travel-manipulation/fantasy sequences to satisfy ourselves with and no resolution.

                              Already though, I'm feeling happier about the latest episode than I did before, so thanks for that!


                                Good morning D/V shippers...

                                ...I'm ignoring all Line in the Sand spoilers for now, but I get the sense that after the quest it doesn't quite mesh....when I get my hands on a copy of the episode, I'll let ya'll know what I think.

                                Aside from that... ... chapter 26 of my beloved story is up, with only 4 chapters to go! So take the time to review if you can, or send me a PM with your opinion....
                                Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
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