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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by LC_ View Post
    LOL, SO are you encouraging me to do a lecture series on the D/V archetypes?????
    Gets coffee, note pad and pen and sits waiting for 'teacher' to begin.=)
    thanks Stef

    Thanks Wendy


      Originally posted by StargateDanielJackson
      I'm so excited. Two more fics. Going to go do some reading now.
      ^_^ Have fun SDJ, but you might want to read my first story 'In the choices we make' first so you understand what the hell is going on... ^_^

      Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
      Would you like a side order of word with your word pie? I think you've got it spot on there. I see people complain about Daniel being OOC, but in the end, he's been at this military stuff for a decade. He's going to pick up a few things as he's going to go along, and with everything he's done and seen, he's going to change. Seems to me that the people who complain the most are the one's who can't accept that people change, and that applies to TV shows as well as the real world.
      I agree. Daniel has changed thoughout the course of the 10 years and if you watch all 200+ episodes you can see the changes happening. It didn't happen over night, but slowly....

      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      Thanks so much for the episodes guys And I will get around to the whole series someday, Anjirika, don't worry. I just want to make sure that I get to the biggest (and best) episodes first so that I can actually have some sort of meaningful discussion about characters from the past 8 seasons

      Question: People seem to want a "romantic" video next, any song suggestions? I'm currently finishing up a team vid, and then I'm working on a vid for the guys of SG-1 and then one for Sam/Vala. But I like to work on a bunch at a time
      Ah, well the episodes that have been suggested are good ones. ^_^ As for a 'romantic' video, if you're going for a soundtrack can you use the beginning of 'At Wit's End' (0:00- 2:30) (3:09-4:00), 'I see dead people in boats' (0:00-1:36),'What shall we die for' (0-2:02) or 'One Day' (1:32-4:01) from the Pirates of the Caribbean 'At World's End' sountrack because it's by far like the best melody of any soundtrack I've head in the last little while and it's totally romantic! I can just see clips progressing their relationship, especially in 'One Day' because of their whole relationship and the reset from Unending- just think about it Stef... ^_^

      Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
      Got some news for ya MS talking about Unending and the movies some about D&V good and bad you've been warned spoilers Unending and movies


      DANGLING CARROTS: "Stargate SG-1" regular Michael Shanks reveals that in the June 22 finale of the long-running Sci-Fi show, things will at long last heat up between his Dr. Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran (Claudia Black). "There's been an ongoing push-pull in the relationship with Vala, and in the very final episode they dangle a carrot. The audience gets sort of a fast-forward button and they demonstrate what would happen if that relationship worked out." But don't expect that relationship to be carried over to the two upcoming "Stargate SG-1" films, "Ark of Truth" and "Continuum" the troupe is currently shooting for DVD release, says Shanks. "We're just playing with them. The relationship is the kind that we'll have the ability to go back and say 'Ah, ah, ah, we didn't mean that.'"

      here's the link to the article
      Thoughts positive or negative
      Originally posted by gioia View Post
      Ok. Seriously I don't think that I did exactly understand what he tried to say. We all know that realitionship in Unending won't last. It was pretty obvious they were going to reset all thing by the end of episodes since the first spoilers for the finale came to us. And now there is a few people who don't know what happens in the series finale by the obvious reasons. (I'm talking about online fans here.) So I guess he's saying not to expect them like a couple in the DVD films. I hope he's not saying there won't be anything about their realitionship. I can't be so sure about Ark of Truth but I believe there will be lot of shippy scenes in Continuum. Not that it will be necessary end up into a realitionship either. Like he said they're dangling a carrot to us.

      But again about 'we didn't mean it'line. I'm not so sure about that. Of course they didn't mean make them into a relationship in forever but the reason why they decided to give it a try, is still there. Their issues is still there, waiting to dealing.
      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
      Hmm...negative thoughts?.........I'M gonna strangle the lot of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Postive thoughts?...hmm...Michael's very good at saying one thing and it turns out to be true but for the complete opposite reason.

      I still keep coming back to that comment he made for AOL Vignette for MM:
      "Vala's abduction reveals a lot of things that Daniel hasn't said in terms of his growing personal involvement with her"
      (is it disturbing that I can quote that without much effort??????????)

      and the line from the article above:
      "We're just playing with them"
      who is "them"....US the audience????????
      or the characters???

      also from above article:
      " button and they demonstrate what would happen if that relationship worked out."

      yeah it fast-forwards about three on a timeline the events of the movies take place before we get to that 3 month point

      also this:
      "....don't expect that relationship to be carried over..."
      I read that to mean the relationship shown in "Unending"...and of course we don't expect to see THAT form of relationship in the movies.

      Got nothing else to say...'cept...nope nothing else...just gonna go and wallow in trepidation.
      thankx for sharing this PP
      Originally posted by gioia View Post
      Well, I can add that: Be more clear, dear Micheal or shut up for my sanity
      Well, I can only hope that MS is referencing the fact that their whole
      pulling the relationship over refers to the fact that they won't be a couple which is kinda obvious, but I would hope that they progress somewhat in their relationship with lots of angst and looks and whatnot-
      I don't expect anything huge, but if all we get is snarky Daniel and theif Vala then I'll be pissed off.

      But aside from that, a little gift for you all!

      Chapter 2 of my sequel 'In the choices we make' again, this chapter is really short, but I'm trying a new style- hope you guys enjoy!
      Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
      |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


        Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
        Gets coffee, note pad and pen and sits waiting for 'teacher' to begin.=)
        LOL...GAD, I might have overstated that a bit...not really a lecture series...not sure if I could talk that much...
        Daniel I ain't,lol.
        Perhaps more a series of explanations of them, the conflicts and the meshing.
        Maybe later this evening I'll start.

        My Fiction:


          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          LOL...GAD, I might have overstated that a bit...not really a lecture series...not sure if I could talk that much...
          Daniel I ain't,lol.
          Perhaps more a series of explanations of them, the conflicts and the meshing.
          Maybe later this evening I'll start.
          Thoroughly looking forward to it.
          Banner by Stef.

          The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

          HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


            Bored just felt like posting pics

            When the movies come out if you shippers get them before me I want detailed spoilers me and my friend were talking about how much a spoiler fiend I am (we were talking about the Star Trek Movie and what I heard) well I called myself a spoiler whore she's like "no no no you're not a spoiler whore you're a spoiler madam get it right" because how much I seek out the spoilers.
            My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
            poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              Thanks so much for the episodes guys And I will get around to the whole series someday, Anjirika, don't worry. I just want to make sure that I get to the biggest (and best) episodes first so that I can actually have some sort of meaningful discussion about characters from the past 8 seasons

              For those who don't want to read my somewhat long response, I've put it in spoilers
              I think that you are dead-on, LC. Honestly, one of the things that I appreciate the most about Daniel is the fact that he did evolve as a character. If you go through what he has been through: losing his wife, dying multiple times, failing to save friends (Abydos, Janet), and everything else he's been through over the years, how could he not change? I don't think it would be realistic for him to remain that sweet, naive, optimistic guy he was at the start of the series. Don't get me wrong, I loved that part of him....but I just don't see how could still be that way after 10 years.

              Like I said in another post (not sure if it was in this thread), I feel like the less time RDA was able to devote to the show, the more TPTB had to turn to MS/Daniel to take over the lead male role. Part of that meant upping the more military aspects to his character (as well as some of the macho-ness ). I enjoy early Daniel, but I also enjoy current Daniel. I really get the sense that some of these people just can't stand change...just like they couldn't watch these past two seasons because there were too many changes to story and cast.

              Whatever. I've given up on trying to understand some people. We all have our preferences. But I have to question why they're so active on the board when they admit to hating the show for the past two years? You'd think their postings would have diminished (I wish).
              I agree stef. when I look back at the past ten years and realise how much I have changed just by living, I find it only believable that Daniel would have outgrown his innocence and naivete. Daniel had to grow a spine and was too intelligent to not incorporate the new ideals and situations he was exposed to in his own life. Too many people are afraid of change and want their tv shows to stagnate. that simply makes bad tv.

              Originally posted by LC_ View Post
              LOL...GAD, I might have overstated that a bit...not really a lecture series...not sure if I could talk that much...
              Daniel I ain't,lol.
              Perhaps more a series of explanations of them, the conflicts and the meshing.
              Maybe later this evening I'll start.
              awwww c'mon I wanted the whole series.!


      's lateish, I'm sickish and I should be in bed, so I'll have to start this tomorrow.


                My Fiction:


                  Aw, hope you feel better, LC

                  Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                  Got some news for ya MS talking about Unending and the movies some about D&V good and bad you've been warned spoilers Unending and movies


                  DANGLING CARROTS: "Stargate SG-1" regular Michael Shanks reveals that in the June 22 finale of the long-running Sci-Fi show, things will at long last heat up between his Dr. Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran (Claudia Black). "There's been an ongoing push-pull in the relationship with Vala, and in the very final episode they dangle a carrot. The audience gets sort of a fast-forward button and they demonstrate what would happen if that relationship worked out." But don't expect that relationship to be carried over to the two upcoming "Stargate SG-1" films, "Ark of Truth" and "Continuum" the troupe is currently shooting for DVD release, says Shanks. "We're just playing with them. The relationship is the kind that we'll have the ability to go back and say 'Ah, ah, ah, we didn't mean that.'"
                  My thoughts...
                  I think this is really meant to be for those of us who haven't seen "Unending." They are implying that DV have a relationship, but the US audience won't know that it gets reset at the end. So I take the comment about it being "carried over to the films" as just a subtle, non-spoilery way of saying that the relationship we see on The Odyssey won't be the relationship we see in the movies....which we pretty much already know.

                  As for the last MS comment.....I'm not entirely sure who he's referring to. Maybe he's still referring to "Unending"? That they're just playing with the possibility of Daniel and Vala gettting together, and that the fact that the relationship they have is in this time dilation field and then reversed, allows them to go back and take back everything that was said and done between them? That's all I can think of at this point.

                  I'm actually more confident about Daniel/Vala in AoT than I am about them in Continuum. I feel like RCC will do our couple justice....that he will do the Tomin/Vala pairing justice as well (even if that means poor Tomin dies ). He hasn't let me down yet when it comes to writing Vala and DV. BW on the other hand wrote "Beachhead" which I consider the worst depiction of DV to date. He wrote Daniel as a jerk....although, he wrote Vala pretty smart and capable. He doesn't seem to have that much of an investment in them as a if their love story isn't crucial, I don't know how many little beats we will get between them Plus, I also think he's a big Jack fan.....the way he waxes poetically about him in some of his interviews.....

                  That is all.


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                    Originally posted by Valatomin
                    Thoughts on Movies
                    For the first movie I hope that they give time to the Tomin and Vala relationship so that Daniel sees how much Vala is loved by Tomin and start to see her in a more romantic way. It would be nice to see Daniel suffer over his feelings for Vala as he sees her have strong feelings for her husband and how much Tomin adores her even as he learns more about her life. I hate to say it like so many before me, but I do think that they are going to kill off Tomin but I think by the second movie that Daniel will be there for her. I hope that he is there for her romantically but he might be hesistant after her loss. Just some thoughts...
                    I really do find the Tomin/Vala relationship to be one of the most sweet and endearing relationships on the show (I mean, he chose to believe her over his own gods!!) but I don't see a way out of this for him. It would totally fit his character to die trying to save Vala

                    Having said that, I wouldn't mind if TV were the dominant ship in the movie as long as we see how Daniel responds to it. He's only "met" Tomin once (and I recall it not going well ). He's always kind of had Vala to would be interesting to see how he reacts when he realizes that he might not have as much of her as he thought. It's one thing to know that she cares about another man, it's another thing to actually see it with his own two eyes. I'm really hoping that we'll see some sort of reaction from Daniel in this.

                    My greatest hope is that if Tomin dies, Daniel will have to comfort Vala and help her deal with the loss. Because despite how close she's grown to Cam, Sam, and Teal'c, I don't think she's been able to open up to them in the same way that she's done with Daniel (all of her familial discussion have happened with him...with the exception of her dad with Landry).


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                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      My greatest hope is that if Tomin dies, Daniel will have to comfort Vala and help her deal with the loss. Because despite how close she's grown to Cam, Sam, and Teal'c, I don't think she's been able to open up to them in the same way that she's done with Daniel (all of her familial discussion have happened with him...with the exception of her dad with Landry).


                      Not to mention since he is a widdower himself, he would have more understanding of her situation than the others except Teal'c. And I got the impression that Teal'c's marriage was arranged and never really a love match. Daniel is Vala's confidant and as such I think he'd be there for her regardless of anything else
                      thanks Stef

                      Thanks Wendy


                        Richard Dean Anderson has posted some spoilers about Continuum at his Web Site.
                        Oh, I found it at Stargate Wiki/SgSolution

                        "Afterward, production resumed in Vancouver from May 22nd to June 14th, during which time Richard returned to the set in late May and again in early June to shoot several more scenes. In the movie, SG-1 gathers to witness the execution of Ba'al, the last of the Goa'uld System Lords, but suddenly history is changed, and SG-1 must journey through several alternate timelines in an attempt to set things right. On June 4th and 5th, the cast and crew were shooting the pivotal scenes in which SG-1 confronts their nemesis, Ba'al, and the events are set into motion that will send them through time."

                        Ok, now. What the hell that means? More than one alternate timeline? We're gonna see multiple timelines now??
                        Geez, I'm starting to get headaches from Continuum spiloers.
                        Banner made by Stef

                        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                          Something for TragiDay, just pre-whump.

                          VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                            Originally posted by gioia View Post
                            Richard Dean Anderson has posted some spoilers about Continuum at his Web Site.
                            Oh, I found it at Stargate Wiki/SgSolution

                            "Afterward, production resumed in Vancouver from May 22nd to June 14th, during which time Richard returned to the set in late May and again in early June to shoot several more scenes. In the movie, SG-1 gathers to witness the execution of Ba'al, the last of the Goa'uld System Lords, but suddenly history is changed, and SG-1 must journey through several alternate timelines in an attempt to set things right. On June 4th and 5th, the cast and crew were shooting the pivotal scenes in which SG-1 confronts their nemesis, Ba'al, and the events are set into motion that will send them through time."
                            ....does this mean that we may get some Vala instead of Qetesh all of the time? Maybe they stop one thing from happening but manage to create a whole new problem for themselves? It would be cool to see different incarnations of Vala....and Daniel, of course. This might explain the Daniel story that MS talked about.


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                              Originally posted by Stef View Post
                              ....does this mean that we may get some Vala instead of Qetesh all of the time? Maybe they stop one thing from happening but manage to create a whole new problem for themselves? It would be cool to see different incarnations of Vala....and Daniel, of course. This might explain the Daniel story that MS talked about.

                              that's really interesting so after the first change we may see different timelines and maybe AU!Daniels as well with the real one. Maybe he will see himself...But I still really don't understand how the time change doesn't effect Sam, Cam and Daniel as it does Teal'c and Vala at the first place.
                              Banner made by Stef

                              Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                                Originally posted by gioia View Post
                                that's really interesting so after the first change we may see different timelines and maybe AU!Daniels as well with the real one. Maybe he will see himself...But I still really don't understand how the time change doesn't effect Sam, Cam and Daniel as it does Teal'c and Vala at the first place.
                                Um....I have no idea. Maybe they do the trick that they do in the movies where...
                       of the main protagonists is immune by some sort of technicality. I'm trying to think of a time-travel example but I'm drawing a blank. But there is always that one (or in this case, a couple) character that isn't affected somehow. Maybe they'll change one aspect of the timeline or something and that will affect Daniel's fate somehow, but not the rest of the team's? No idea. I'm not a genius on alternative timeline theory


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