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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Isa???..... If your internet connection allows, check your emails

    gioia, *whimper* I know. The bunnies are throwing things at me. Read your latest btw, and it's great! I'll comment on LJ tonight in more depth.


      Originally posted by valaareyn
      I will use some slang myself. I think that JD of POTC is so HOT. HOT is slang for the gorgeous, great looking, sexy, etc.
      I like that word. I think I will be using that all around GW

      Hey all!! Was a very hectic day. Work didn't allow me to play on GW near as much as I would have liked today.

      Isa, sorry to hear about the internet troubles. I get those from time to time at work and it starts annoying me after a while!
      Sig made by me


        Some random Quest pics just because...

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          Sig made by me


            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

            Is it just me or is Daniel staring at her rear end in that first pic?
            Banner by Stef.

            The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

            HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


              Nope, uh uh, I am not bored at all. Nope, no way.

              If my friends don't call soon, I am going to start capping another episode
              Sig made by me


                Posting with the quickness!

                HI ALL!! Welcome valaareyn! We're all about the love here

                DJ I'm loving the pic runs. They are soo of the matching body language, especially in the second pic of the PP. Cute! Kales I got the emails I think 'maddeningly unhelpful' are my words du jour in regards to my internet connection today.
                To make me happier in my non-net/GW connection of the day, I've been watching s9, and I gotta say how can anyone not like Vala?!? CB so owes those first few episode
                banner by Stef


                  Thanks for all of the welcome backs, guys. Isa, I'd say the 7 pages of posts in two days was proof enough that you did a good job in my absence

                  Good to see this thread is doing so well, that the love is still going strong. I just made my last post (hopefully) ever in the I like season 9, why doesn't anyone else? thread. I just got so sick and tired of being misinterpreted and having people yell at me as to why Cam sucks and why Sam should have been leader!! Honestly, I just wanted to show people that there are two sides to every argument, and I happen to see the legitimacy in them both.

                  I'm so glad I won't have to deal with that anymore, because those kinds of threads really take away my enjoyment of the show Of course, then I come back here (and to my other ship/character threads) and the positivity and micheviousness makes me happy again. So thanks so much for that!! That's what I've really come to realize, that the character/relationship threads celebrate what people love about the show not what's wrong with it...and I guess I just like enjoying shows I watch rather than picking apart their flaws.

                  Heck, you guys have actually made me remember that there were some good parts in "Family Ties" (probably my least favorite episode of the season)! Okay, enough flattery....I think will either work on my vid or type up some of my fic


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Thanks for all of the welcome backs, guys. Isa, I'd say the 7 pages of posts in two days was proof enough that you did a good job in my absence

                    Good to see this thread is doing so well, that the love is still going strong. I just made my last post (hopefully) ever in the I like season 9, why doesn't anyone else? thread. I just got so sick and tired of being misinterpreted and having people yell at me as to why Cam sucks and why Sam should have been leader!! Honestly, I just wanted to show people that there are two sides to every argument, and I happen to see the legitimacy in them both.

                    I'm so glad I won't have to deal with that anymore, because those kinds of threads really take away my enjoyment of the show Of course, then I come back here (and to my other ship/character threads) and the positivity and micheviousness makes me happy again. So thanks so much for that!! That's what I've really come to realize, that the character/relationship threads celebrate what people love about the show not what's wrong with it...and I guess I just like enjoying shows I watch rather than picking apart their flaws.

                    Heck, you guys have actually made me remember that there were some good parts in "Family Ties" (probably my least favorite episode of the season)! Okay, enough flattery....I think will either work on my vid or type up some of my fic

                    ITA Stef, I stopped posting there too, we said our piece and defended out points of view, if they want to keep shouting at us for expressing our opinion let them. I like our happy thread better anyways

                    *puts hand to ear* Oh, did you say vid? fic? Loves you!
                    banner by Stef


                      I might have said something about a vid and fic I decided to try a different approach to the fic, just writing down whatever scene/dialogue pops into my head rather than trying to sit down and write out a whole scene at once. Of course, this means that I have half of scenes....once I figure out how to finish this Sam/Vala scene, I should be done with the first chapter.

                      Oh, and I forgot to tell you guys that I had a DV dream. Well, there was no Daniel....but he was mentioned...and I was Vala Anyway, I met this guy at a bar and although I dimissed him at first, he kept trying to get me to go out with him so I eventually did. Long story short, we got engaged. Then I found out that he still lived with his mother and had stolen the engagement ring from her to give to me (after his mom called the police on him). Needless to say that I broke up with him. After the police hauled him out, I saw Joe Montegna (don't ask me why he was there....he's an actor, google him...I'll bet you've seen him in something) and said something like "Daniel knew he wasn't good enough for me, how did he know?" Then he responded "He knows you."

                      Ah, the fun of dreams! Gotta say, the most sentimental/dramatic one I've had in a long time. Although, not as crazy as my Tomin asking for vacation time from Adria dream I really need to stop dreaming in SG-1.


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                        Posting with the quickness!

                        HI ALL!! Welcome valaareyn! We're all about the love here

                        DJ I'm loving the pic runs. They are soo of the matching body language, especially in the second pic of the PP. Cute! Kales I got the emails I think 'maddeningly unhelpful' are my words du jour in regards to my internet connection today.
                        To make me happier in my non-net/GW connection of the day, I've been watching s9, and I gotta say how can anyone not like Vala?!? CB so owes those first few episode
                        Yes they are Isa. It is funny how many pics I have of them with matching body language....can we say SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE

                        Stef and Isa, that is why I purposely stay out of those threads. It is pointless to keep trying to defend your point when they aren't open to even listen. I love our Dala thread. When I first got on GW, I looked at lots of the other shipper threads and they can be negative. We are sooooo lucky that this is such a positive thread and that we have so much fun in here!!!!

                        Can't wait to see vids and a fic Stef
                        Sig made by me


                          Yeah, my first thread was a shipper thread....I won't say for what ship. But it was equally negative as it was positive, so I just assumed that most were like that. That was until I got here Like I've said before, it still amazes me how positive this thread is. Even when a scene/episode isn't quite what we want it to be, someone always has a positive spin ready.

                          Plus, I feel like people are really accepting of other couples here. I know I've brought up C/S a lot and people haven't railed against me for it. I think it helps that many of us also enjoy other pairings like Vala/Teal'c or Vala/Cam (among many others).

                          But enough of that Looks like the vids & fic aren't going so well. I seem to have a block on both. All I want to do now is eat ice cream and watch P&P I really want to finish this Vala/Sam moment so that I can at least start-up my baby fic....but I can't seem to get their voices down. Bleh. I'm sure all of you writers out there know what I am talking about.


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                            Okay, so using my boredom to accomplish something (), I went into the Women of SG-1 game to try and correct the scores. Granted, I didn't go all the way back....but I went back enough to find some serious discrepancies and delete the banned poster's votes. So, check that out and vote for our lady, she's getting pummeled. On the bright side, she has the most amounts of votes (+ and -) total when I tallied them up.


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                              Just a drop in, spoilers cause its 'Unending'


                              Just a couple more to deliver than I really should be getting to bed, it's almost 3AM here...
                              Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                              |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                                Morning thread!!!

                                just came to drop my last part of goodies..


                                See y'all later!!
                                Banner made by Stef

                                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1

